<br /> . --� � M.1 �y�. + !i'T�'
<br /> . 'N�. :.I1-___..
<br /> _�,� - ____ _-_.�,�.,� g�-109946
<br /> 17.Tr�mfer of the Pmperty or�Benefklal intar*t In 8arrower.If ull or wny pwrt of thc PK�peAy nr�ny inte�cit in it
<br /> ix��IJ nr�ranxfcrrat (or ff,�hencflciat intcrc�l in fi�rrr��wcr ir MiW�►r trunsfcrrod wtxl E3�►rn�wer ir tx►t a ru�turrl ptrw►n)wftiu►ut
<br /> -- - - t�.rrdcr'G {srf�r writtrn rnn�ent. I.rssdrs' mny, e� ftw ��ti��n. r�u!ro imnwrliH�a �wynwn� in full uf�II wm� w+curod by thi�
<br /> SauNty Inwtrnnxnt. Nuwever.thh u{Mi�►n rlu�ll nW l�exorcfxai by l.crKler if cxorrl►o ir pruhibital by 1'aler�l Ww w�uf the�We
<br /> ul�Ihi��xurity in�irunxnt.
<br /> If i.cr�ter rxeni�ew ihiw�KNlon. l��nJer�Iwll�t ivc Ikrrn�wcr iwNirc�►f ucrelerution.The twNicc�huU pruviJr w per1�►c!uf�xN
<br /> - leti� Q�an ul day frnm thr dutc thr r�Nirr ix dcllvcr�vl or ��wfl«1 within which Horruwcr mu�t pny �11 �umK tiaural by thiK
<br /> - Scxutity lmtrunxnl. If f�+�n►wcr I'uilx tu�wy Ihr�c�umx priur to thc expfrutiou of'thfx perl��l, 1.���icr nwy invokc any rcnwclicr
<br /> -;-� pennUt��1 hy this S�urity In+trunxnt with�wll'unhcr n�Nice ar dcnwtxl�m&rrr��wcr.
<br /> - lA. H+�rrowcr'y Rl�hl to Rrin��ate. If 1i��rn�w�r nxtitc ccrtuln cvnkiition�. p��rrawcr �hull hwvc �hc rlKht t�► Itave _
<br /> �`"�: �, enfurccn�cnr af thix Sccuriry instrunknt di�ontinual �t any tinx pri��r t�►thc curlicr ol': (u)S duyn (or auch othcr perii�l us
<br /> ; upplicuble luw n►uy +pccil'y fi►r rcln�tutcmcnU bcfnrc xule of thc Praperty punuunt to uny �x�wcr ��f xulo cuntuina! in thfb
<br /> -_�:� Scc:u�ity Instrunknt;ur(b►entry of a judgment enforcing thix Scrurtty Ittyttument.'fhnk rcnuiitionti um that &►rrc►wcr.(a)puyh
<br /> —•= L.e�xler ull sums whirh then wnuld hc duc undcr this Securiry Instrument and the Note ur if na accelcratinn had occurrexl; (h)
<br /> ' curcs uny default af uny other r�wenuntr or agreements: (c)puy�ull expenses incurreJ in enti►rcing thin S�tiur[ty Instrument,
<br /> ••��� -�� including,but not limitcd to,reuscmable uttorncys' fec+; und Id)tukes such uctf�m uti I.cnder muy res►M►nubly requ�re tn assurc
<br /> Y•-� _— thut the l�en of'thin S�tiu�ity fnstrument, Lendcr's rights in the Propeny und &irrower's obliy;ution to pay the�um�:secured by
<br /> �—=-�'=� this Security Inztrument xhafl rnntinue unchanged. Upon refnstutement by 8orruwer, this Security instrument und the
<br /> � obltgutionF secured hereby shull remuin fully effective as if n�uccelecution hud occurred. However, thi�right to reinhtate siwll
<br />_�� � not npply in thc casc of acccicration undcr paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale ot Note; Clwn�e af Laaa Service�. The Note ar a panial intemst in the Note (togethcr with this Scxurity
<br /> �-:'': instrun�eut}�uuy i,r.uid one or tnora times withc�ut prinr m�tice t�Borrower. A sule mAy result in a change in the ernity (known
<br /> - � ' '� r us the"Lcwn Servicer")that collectx monthly payments duc under the Note and this Security In�tn�n�ent.The�e alui nuy be one
<br /> � t•' �'="'`•�� or more change���f the I.oan Scrvicer unrelated to A sale af the Note. If'�here is u change of the L.oun Serviccr,Bo�TOwer will be
<br /> �: ' `.=
<br /> :�,� ��•�,,,_, ..;..� ';.,. given written noticc of the change in accordance with pazagraph 14 ah���•�:uxi applic�Me law.The natice wiil state the name s�nd _
<br /> ' .,:.:,,,; '• .°.: �.. addre�s of the new Loan Sen•irer und the address to which p�yments sfinuld be n�de.The notice will also rontain any other _
<br /> ;,fi;•��!;;`��:,�.";': infarn?ation requlred by applicable lau�.
<br /> • 20. Nazurdoa� SubstAnees. Barrower shall not cause or permit tfie presence, use, dispc�tial, storage,or release of any
<br /> � � � • •`� .i: ...^� Hazardaus Suhstances on or in the Property. Horrower shnlf nat do, nor allow unyone else tu do, anvthing affecting the
<br /> ""''�'�`''"1"` ` Property thut is in violution of uny Envi�unnxntal Law. The preceding n�o sentcnce�shall not apply to the pr�sence, use. or
<br /> ; �`' • ��� ,, xtorage on the Property of smatl quantities of H:vurdouc Substances that are gencrally recognized to be appropri:de to normul
<br /> �'��''��� �'�� ' ' • �`�. residcntial uses and to maintenance of the Praperiy.
<br /> �'�"'�r���` � Barrower shall prompdy givc I.ender written notire of any investigation,claim. demand. !a«•tuit��r otl�er action by any
<br /> :'���*� `• � ���:"'� governmentnt or regulntc�ry agency or private party invnl�•ing the Property und uny Ha-r.urdous Substance or Environm►:ntal l.aw
<br /> ,a�f,. . ,.,:.,�,
<br /> , . •�,.:;�, of which Borruwer has actual knowledge. If&�rrower learm, or is nntified by uny govcrnmental�►r regulatory suthorit�•,that
<br /> ::,.r.�..: .... r.�'t:.
<br /> _., , . ,,ti.: any removul ar oth2r remediation of any Hazard�ws Subctance affecting the Propeny is neceswry, Borrower shull promptly take
<br /> �;�� All necesspry remedisl ucti�ns in accordance with�m•ironmental Law.
<br /> --'- _�Li..^_'••--___�::,:5.� a 1. '1 ..I..��. �h fnn r� thn._ � (P i♦ �t. P Il �'�►AnIK�i�IFf�1�MY� f1� '
<br /> . - �;;,•, As usa..�ir�h3s pa�agr��.. ..'J. "N:::s........: Sa._s.....t:r" �_ � s�bstances 4.�na! •� t �si_ r h<r ,
<br /> ' '��,{.�, F.m�iranmental LAµ• and the folluwing subuanres: ga�oline. kcm,ene, other flammable or roxic �x:troleum praiucts, taxie
<br /> � . ;a:;:j,,� pesticides and herhiciJes, volutile xc�lvent.,muterials canraining a�hc,ros or formuldehyde.und rxiioacti�e material,.A. u�cl in
<br /> - � :, this paragraph 20, "Environmentul Luw" means federal luws und law. of the juriuliction wF�r� the Properiy is laated that
<br /> �•�•'� mlatc to hcalth,tiafety or environmcntul prcnectian.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowrr anJ Lendcr furth�r cuvcrwnt und ugrcc us fi►Ilows:
<br /> j Zt. AcccierAtion;RrmeciiG�. ix��dcr+i�uii�{�e nutice to tio�row•er priar to ucceleratlon t'atloK•In�Borrati�•cr's btruch -
<br /> of any covenAnt or aRreement in this ti��curity Instrument (but not prior to ueceleratiun under para�mph l7 unl�.s
<br /> appltcable Is�w provid��+otherwlu�).The nuticc shull xpecify: (�) the defuult; tbl thc s�ction rcquired to cure the defoult;
<br /> ' (c)a date.not Ie*s thun 30 duyx from the dute the nntice is�iven to I3�rroeer.by which the deFi�uit must be cured;and
<br /> �^'• ��'" , '; 1 (d) that fuilum to cum the dcf�ult��n or Ixfore the date sExrifl�d in the notice myy result in acceler�Nan ��t the+ums
<br />~ Z �� � secured by thtti tiecurity Instrument und wk of the I'r�►perty.The nnt(ce shull further infi�rm &►rrower of the right to
<br /> b:" r reinstRte After acceleration and the ri�ht to brin� u court ucNon to us�rrt the non-�xitite�xe of�► detuult u�any other
<br /> 1 �•-�• • defense of Bnrroeer to acceler�tion und sale. IP the def�ult is not cured on or txfom the date speciQetl in the notice,
<br /> I.ender. at its option,may require immediAte payment in full of all sumc raruri�d by thix Securlty I�stcument �ithout
<br /> further demand ynd ma� invokc thc power of cxie and um �►ther�emcdie,pern�itted Ny applic�►ble IAw. Lendcr shAll be
<br /> � •�- r�titled to collect atl expenu�incurred in punuinR th�rcmedier�provitled in this purs��r�ph 21,inctuding.but not limited -
<br /> � F f: '• to�masonuble attorneys'f�tiw and costs of Ntle c�idrnce.
<br /> If the pc►wer of zale is invok��d. 7'rustee shall rc�cord u nodce af defuult in cach cnuM�• in wMch any p�rt uf the
<br /> • Property is lacuted and shalt muil copics of.r•uch notice in the mpnner prer•crilxd b�• upplicable laa•to Borrower and to
<br /> • J the other per�ns prescribed b�•applicublc lu��.After the time requlred b� appUcwble IaN.'I'rustee shs�tl gice public notice
<br /> �;,.., .. . of sale to the perwns and in the manner prescrilx•d by applicuble laa�.Tru.t��c, �vithout demand on F3orri►wrr,shs�ll sell
<br /> � `'°"" + ��i the PropeMy at publk aucdnn tn the hiRhest bidder ut the time und place und w�der the trrnts desi�nated in the notice of
<br /> .,.., . �._..
<br />'�'`. �'� ' sale in one or more parrels and in um•ordcr Trutitec determin�s.Trustee ma� {x►.t�►ne xale of all nr an}�parcel nf the
<br /> ' �.,.. ':: Pmperty by public announcement at the dme und pluce of eny previousl� ticheduled sule. Lender or Its d�iknee mAy
<br /> � purchase the Properly ut pny sa�e.
<br /> '.'1;' ,fw:.,.
<br /> ' � . . �
<br /> �i:
<br /> �,it,. :, ' , .
<br /> �.,. ..t':•y._., :.•. �• Form 3028 8l90
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