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<br /> perl�Owt Lcnd�r rcquircr. The inrurance cWrier provfdinQ the i�uuranca shall be choxcn by 8orrowcr subje�:t to i,.enapr'�
<br /> - n�rv�l whiah.hRll n�K l+e unn�a�anably w:thhcld. If Borrowcr fallr to maintain coveryYn de�cdb�:d ahavc,Ltndar muy,•ac
<br /> Lender�option,obtain coverage to�rotect Lender e ri�hts fn the Propcny in ucccxdance with pa�graptt 7.
<br /> All insurwue policles rnd renewals stwtl be urepnble to l.ender Ar�d:hdl include a�txndard nwrtgago clnuno, l.sndr.r
<br /> �hall huve the right to hold the polfciea and nnewAls. If Lender requircs.Bnrrower shall promptly�iva w l..sndar s►il recai�,yR
<br /> -------- of paid premiums und cenewal noticea. In the event of lo►s,B�xrower xh+ll Yive prompt notice tu tha inhurxn�;a rartisr�nd
<br /> � - Lender. Lender mAy make proof af loss if�wt made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lenclrr and Borrowar otherwise agree in writing,insurance praceeds shall be applied to reston►tion or rc�;�ir,►�f
<br /> ,�'�� the Property d�mAged. !f the restoratian or repui�is economiculiy feazihle and I.ender�security is �at ►eFSenad. If,thr, -
<br /> �� rcxtor•rtion or rcpair is not cconomicnlly fcasible or Lender�security would bc Icssened,thu insuranca prxeeds shi►Il��be
<br /> ___ -~"��"`"--� upplied ta the sums securcd by this Securiry Instmment, whether or na then due,with uny excoss paid ta Borrowvr. !f
<br /> _ --'°"-�"`""—`� Borrower abandons th� Propeny,or does not unswer wi►hin 30 dayx a natice from l.endor thut tha insurancs curri�er huF
<br /> offered to settle a cluim,then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use tha procerds to repair ar t+estore
<br /> —�— the PropeRy or to pay sums securcd by thls Security Instrument.whecher ar�ot then due. Tl�e 30-duy period wiil I�gin whon
<br /> --- thc notice is given.
<br /> °� - Unless Lender nnd Barrower otherwise agt�ee in writing.any application of proceeds to principal shull rwt extend or
<br /> � postpone the due date of thc monthly paymcnts referred ta in parugraphs 1 and 2 or ctiunge tbo amount of tha paymantN. if
<br /> � under puragrnph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender,Borrower's right to any insurance policies s►ad proceedti retiu#ung
<br /> from dnmage to the Property prior ta thc ncquisition sh�li pass to l.ender to the extent of the sums xecuned by ihi»SuGUrity
<br />---- �-���� Inatnrment immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br />__ �,� 6. Occupancy, Preservation. MAinteaance a�d Protection of the Pruperty; Borrower's Laan App�lcption; -
<br /> -= I.easeholds. Borrower shnll occupy.establish,nnd use the Property as BoROwcr's principul residence within sixty daye afcer
<br />. .� � ,4;,::^..,; the execution of this Security Jnstrument and shall continue to occupy the Propeny as Borrower's principril residetMa for at
<br /> '�• 7• lenst one year after the dute of occupuncy, unless Lender othenvise agrees in writing, which consent shull not be
<br /> ''+�'�n'k�l+�*..;�it�:
<br /> ,.,,, .,.,,..i;,. .„ unreusonahly withheld,or untess extenuating circumstances ozist which aze beyond Borrower's control. Barow4r shull not
<br /> ''Y"�=�'"' ''`'°x�""� destroy,dum�ge or impair the Praperty,allow the Property to deteriorate,or commit wu.ete on nc�:Rvperty. Borrawar shall
<br /> '" �"' be in default if ony farfeiture action or proceeding,whether civil ar criminal,is begun that in Lender s gc�od faith judgment
<br /> , . ..,r4 ,z . could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security IaStrument or
<br /> �;: ' I.ender's security interest. Borrower mAy cure such a default and reinstute,as provided in paragraph IR,by cuu9in�the action
<br /> +'"��'X`"'��'':'::�>�'' or proceeding to be dismissed with u ntling that,in Lender's good fuith determinution,precludes forfeiture of tha Borrower's
<br /> .,.:;'. • interest in the Property or other material impairtnent of the lien created by this Security Instrnmant or Lender�security
<br /> •s••-�• � interest. Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower. during the loan application process, gnve matariaiiy false or
<br /> , '�t�..�+�.u�► inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or fniled to provide Lender with any muterial information)in Gonnuction with
<br /> S_�'.: .
<br /> the toan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representations conceming BorrowvrR occupancy of the
<br /> =��:-�.�.: . ^'• �,� Propeny ati a principal residence. If this Securiry Instrument ix on a leasehold,Borrower shull comply with all ih�:pravisions
<br /> - - • .� � of the leaee. If Bortower acquires fe�titie to the i�'roperty,the leasehaid and the fee tit(u�huii�iui margc uuldta LciKic�ag�c��
<br /> to the merger in writing.
<br /> � •• � • ?. Protection oY I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower f�ils to perform thu covenanta und ngrcements
<br /> contained in this Securit�� Instrument, or thene is a legul proceeding that muy significundy affect I.�nder's r+ghts in the
<br /> � Praperty(such us u praceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture ur to enforca lawy or regulations),then
<br /> „ Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender y rights in the Property. _
<br /> • Lender's�ctions may include paying:u►y tiums srcured by a lien which ha�priority over this Security Instrumunt,appearing -
<br /> in court,paying reasonable uttorneys'feeti and entcring on the I'ropcny to make mpuirs. Although 4ender mny take actioo
<br /> � � under this paragraph 7,Lender dces not have to do tio. _
<br /> �1 . , . Any umounts di,buned by Lender under thiti p:vagruph 7 shall lxcome additionai debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> . Sccurity Instrument. Unies,Borrower and Lcnder•rgrer to uther temn uf puyment.the�c umnunts.huU tx:ur intumst from the —
<br /> � dute of disbursement at the IVote rate and shall bc payable,with interes4 upon notice from[.ender to Borrawor reyuesting �
<br /> puymcnt.
<br />• 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender reyuired mortgage insunmce ati a condition of muking th�s laun xecured by this F
<br /> . Security Instrument.Baaower xhall pay the premiume reyuired to maintain the murtgugc insurance in effect. If,for uny `
<br /> ' reason, thr mortgage insurance coverage reyuired by Lender lup�es or crases to be in effect. BpROWC� SI1:lII PAy fI1C
<br /> i - premiumx reyuiird to obtain coverage wbstanti•rlly eyuivalent to the mortgage insurancc ptLViouxly in effect, at a cotit --
<br /> tiubstantially eyuivalent to the eost to Bo►TC�wer ol'the mortgage insuruncr prrviou.fy in effect,from an altemate mort�age �
<br /> � • insurer approved by Lender. If subst;u�tially equivalrnt mortgage insurance coveruge i�not avuilublc,�onower shull pay to
<br /> Lender cuch month a sum cyual to onc-twclfth of the ycurly mortgagc inxuriinrc prcmium bcinR patid by Borrower when the
<br /> � cd��°• insuranee coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effert. Lender will accept.use and retain tha.e paymcntw a.�a loss reserve in lieu °
<br /> � ."�j0`"�� `' of mortgagc inxurancc. Los�rc�crvc paymcnts may no longcr bc nyuired, at the optiun of L�nder,if mortgage insurance �
<br /> ' �r�, � coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender reyuire+)pro�•ided by an in+uter apprc�ved by L,ender u�±ain becomes -
<br />_�;,. '� � � . available and is obtuined.Borrower shall pay thc prcmiums rcyuircd ta maint.iin mortgc+ge inaurance in effect,or to provide u �=:
<br /> ;:� ,�� lars reservc,until the myuirement for mortgage insurancc rnds in accurdunce with�my writtwn+�grremont between Borrower
<br /> +,.,�, �;;;:�� ( and Lender or applicable law. _
<br /> • 9. [nspection. Lendcr or its agent muy makc reaxanable entries u�n and in�pectiun,;of thr Propeny. Lender shull
<br /> �"•-•�_ �" ' . • �. I give Hurre>wer notire at the time of or prior to an inspection�pecifying reasonable r�uk for tha inhprctian. -
<br /> �''�� 10. Condemnytion. The proceeds of any awurd or rlaim for damagex,Jirect ur ron�eyuontial,in connection with any f-
<br /> ,'� . . ; I
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