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<br /> 17.Trna�fer ot tl�e Property ur a Beneticial Interest tn&irrower. If all ar any paR of the Pmperty or Any intorest in it
<br /> is sold or trAnsfercod(ar if a beneficial interest in Bormwer i�sold ar trar►sfeReJ ancl Borrowcr is n�t n nrtural percon)without
<br /> I.er�der's prior written rnnsent. Leixler may. wt ita optiun. requirc immodiate pnymcnt in full nf�II sutnu securod by thic
<br /> -- Se�:wlty i�ut►w►x:ut. Hawever,thic i►ptian ztwti iiut t,�exc�cf.cxl by i.CUJcr!f excrcisc is prohibita!by t'e�lsral!ew es of the dete —
<br /> of►his Securicy Instrument.
<br /> If Lender exercises this option.l.ender xhall give Borrawer notice of i►ccelerutian.The notice shull pmvide a pr�iod af not
<br /> le+s than 30 days fmm the date the notice is deliverad or rtwiled within which Borruwer must pay ull sunu socurod by this
<br /> Security Instrument. If Borruwcr faiis to pay thcse sums prlor to the cxpiration of this period, Lcnder rtu�y invoke�ny rcmodies
<br /> permitted by this Securlty lnstrument withaut further notice or demand an Borrower.
<br /> - !S. Borrower's Right to Relarwte. If Bonowcr mcets certain wnditians, Bormwcr shall have the right ta have
<br /> - - __-= enforcement of this Secur[ty Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 duy.r (ur sucl� od�er peri«1 as _..
<br /> __ applicable law may specify fur reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to uny power of sale ccmtained in this
<br /> --- Security lnstrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enfarcing this Security Instrument.Those ronditions ure thut Bormwer:(a)pays
<br /> - L,ender all sums which then would be duc under lhis Security Instrument and the Nate as if na ncceteration had occurreci; (b)
<br /> ___� cures any default of any other cavenants or ugreements; (c) pays all expenses lncurred i�cnforcing this Security Instrument.
<br /> -- — including.but not limited to,reusonable utt�rneys' fces; and(d>takes such action as Lender may rcasonably reqmre to ascure
<br /> �� that the lien of this Security instrument, Ixnder's rights in the Property and Borrower's oblisation to puy the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument shalt continue unchanged. Upon reinstutement by Borrower, this Security Instrument und the
<br /> '- obligatiuns secured hereby shall remain fully effective as�f no ucceler�tion had occurred.Hawever, this right to rcinstate shall
<br /> �,;. not apply in the case of acceleration under paragmph 17.
<br /> ---���?;�� 19. Sale of Note; Clwnge of Loan Servicer. The Note or a panial intc�est in thc Note (together with tbis Securily
<br /> Instrument)rnzy be sold�me or morc times without priur notice to Borrower. A salc may result in a change in ihe entity(known
<br />_.�.t��"�—" --" -- �.�thr"Loan Servicer")�hat coiiects monthiy payments due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument.1'hcre�Itio may be os� =
<br /> or mc�re changes of the i.oun Scrvicer unreluted to a sale of the Note. If there Is a change of the l.oan Servicer,Borrower will t►e
<br /> `;;ti`�',.� given written notice of the change in accardance with paragraph 14 above and applicable luw.The notice will statc the nume and �
<br /> ,ri�'��'� address of the new l.aan Servicer and the address ta which payments should be made. The ncxice wiil also contuin uny other
<br /> �r�:t-
<br /> .�;,,,;,,.., infarmation required by applical►Ie law.
<br /> �r�•��`.�:���=.- 20. HYZilIYIOIIS SUI)StpI1C�S. Borrower shall not cuu.r•e or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage,or release of s�ny
<br /> �. � �� ...,;,�:;�' Hazardous Substances on nr in the Property. Borrower shail not du, nor allow anyone else to do, anything uffecting the —
<br /> • ��.� 4,.:,�z••r• Prope��ty that is in violation of any Enviranmentul I.aw. Thc preceding two sentences shall not upply to thc presence, usc, or
<br /> �. , .
<br /> •,�;;r��,:; �f; � stc�rase on the Pmperty of smuil quantities of Hazurdous Substunces that are general!y recogniud to be upprupriate ta normul
<br /> ' �.:��..•.r` residential uses und to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> �"`,'�.
<br /> � �7��it�,,:.- �.:.. ' Borrawer shall promptly give Lendc�written notice of any investigation.claim, demund, lawtiuit ar other uction by any
<br /> :�,G';';`�" '� governmental ar regulntary agency or private purty involving the Propeny and any HnzurJous Subtitanrc or Environmentul[aw
<br /> •:�i,ca;a,:ti .� :_..:p� 01'which Bonower has uctuol knowledge. If Bonower learns,or iz natified by any governmentul or regutatory authority. that
<br /> i�;,�;�C`�` uny removal or other remediution of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shull pmmptly take _
<br /> ,..�;..
<br /> •i�;�r . � '� u11 neceswry remedial acti�ns in acwrdance with Envimnmentul Law.
<br /> _ :�i.�a,:,.�,�.r-��r As uscd in this�atafiraph 2Q. 'Ha•r.ardous Substances" are those substuncer deftned ati t��xic or huzurdous substances by
<br /> ` �'' Environmental Law und the following substunces: gusoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petrolcum pralucis. toxic
<br /> pesticidcs and hcrUicides,volatilc solvent.r•,materiulti contuining atibestos or formaldehyde,and r•rdioactivc ntaterial.. As u+ed in
<br /> , this par�graph 20, "Snvironmentu! Law" mcuns federul laws and luws of th�juriuiiction whcrc thc Property is located that
<br /> . t relAte t��heulth,wfety or envimmnental protection.
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bc�rrower und Lender funher covenant and agrce a�follows:
<br /> 21. Accelers�tion;Remedies. I.ender shall�ive notice to Borrower prior to ecceleration follo�•infi Borrower's breach
<br /> � of any covenAnt or aRreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to arceieratiui� under par�KrapL 17 ui�t�s =
<br /> • . applicable law provid�atlterw•izc).The notice shall specify: (s►) the default: (b) the action required to rure the default;
<br /> - (c)A date,ncK less thm 30 days frnm the date the noticr is�iven tn Rarrowrr. by w•hich the defuult must be cured;und _
<br /> . (d) thAt fs�ilure to cure the defuult on or txfore the date specified in the notire may result in accc(eration of the sua�s
<br />- � ' � secured by this Security Instrument and sale of thr Proper�y. The notice shall further infi►rm BorroH•er aP the ri�ht to
<br /> '' � . relastate after acreleration and the ri�ht to brinA u a�urt action to assert the non-existenre of a default or an}• other —
<br /> �' ' de[ense of Borrow•er to accelerntion and sale. If the defuult is not cured un or before the d�te specitted in the notice.
<br /> I.ender. at it�s option,may requirc immedtate puyment in full of all sums serured by this Security Instrument w•ithout
<br /> � •;. turther demvnd And ms�y imoke the p�wcr of wle and any other rem��di�w permittcd by applics�blc lue. Lender shall be —
<br /> entitied to collect all expenxw incurred in punuinfi the remedi��provided in this{wra�;ryph 21,including.but nnt limit�vl �
<br /> to,rea:;onable uttorneyx'fitis and custs of title evidence.
<br /> ' lf thc p�wcr oP xale is invnked, 'frustee shall rccord A nutice of dcfuult in cuch countv in which any part of the
<br /> • 1'roperty is IocAted und shall mail copie�nt cuch nc�tice in the manner preticrilx�d by upplicable I�w•to Borruwer end tn
<br /> . the other per.wns prescrifx�d by upplicuble law•.After the time required by applicable luw•.Trust�r shall fit�•e public notice
<br /> �' ��• of ss�le to the per�►ns and tn the munrmr prexcrilxd by upplicable law.'Crustcr. with�rot demand on Borrower.shall sell
<br />�l�.` t: the Property at public suction tu thc highcst biddcr at thc time and plurn und undcr thc tcrms dcr-i�nated in the�otice of
<br /> � , � sale in une or morr parcetti and in any order Trustcti determincw. Trust�ti muy portpunc wle of ull�ir anv parcel of the
<br />�� ,,,,. .,_, .. Property by pubUc announcement�t the time and pluce of any pmvtousl� scheduled sule. I.ender or its des(gnee may
<br /> u
<br /> _'�• �, : purchASe the Property At s►ny wle.
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