�-� ��4•� �. If:M�,-j_<�..����o
<br /> � .. �•�� v '
<br /> y -
<br /> __ • --..
<br /> _ _,_ � _ -� �--- - 93: i0�9ii ,
<br /> 7'OOETHEit WITH d11he improvanenu naw tx Iw�rwRK rteci�d on the proparty�and di a�ar�ents�appuKeiunca,ud
<br /> fixtura now or heradter • p�rt of the propeny. A!I � �nd addfdau slwll �Iso bo aovorod br thia Seaidty
<br /> Iamw'�+-�. AII of t!x lar.Qaitt��s rtlrreed to !n thls�+�i1y I�w�uqw�t a.the`Pmpea�ty."
<br /> BORROWER COVBNAN'1'�tlwt Ba�rnwer i� I�wll�lly tMi�od nf tho atste heteby conveyed nnd hat the rlQht to.g�nt md
<br /> oonvey the Property�nd Ih�t the Prupeeiy I� unar�mtwrid. �xcepl for a�cumbc�nca of raard. Bormwsr wuranta.�nd�wlll
<br /> defend geneally the tide to tho Property���iiut dl cl�imr�ud denuttxlx, �ubjoct w�ny encumbntnoes of ncond.
<br /> THIS SSCURITY INSTRUMENT oambinir unll�xm ouveprql�for n�tjoml urc;ui3 �W,ru�►iform oovwsuitp with.limited
<br /> vul�tiona by Jurlcdiction w rcautitute�unifarm�ati�lly (n�rumont a�ve�in�rc�l proporty.
<br /> `�'�""� LINIHURM OUVLNAN'i'S.Hc�mawcr�twi l.rndcr�Yivotu�ni wu1�proe�uc followc:
<br /> l. P�ymeM of Aieciptl wd INbnrti Mi�!'�M MtM L� CM�e�w. Borrower sh�ll A�P��Y W►Y wttor►�due tho
<br /> principal of and intem�t on the deM evfdenoed by Ihe N�Ke rtK1 any propwyrt�ent uid lat�charges duo undar the Nato.
<br /> Z. �nd� tor T�xa and lawriu�ce.Subjay tn�liw�hlu luw ur u�r written waiver by I.ender. Bamawac shall�pay to
<br /> [.ender on ttK dxy monthly p+ryments am due uixicr the Nutn,untU tha Nc�te ir+prW in full,x sum('1�nds")for:(�)yQarly taxcs
<br /> =`� �nd nsssesarn�nts which truy au4in pricxity uvcr thiw Saurlty Ittwrun�onl�r r licn on the Property:(b)YeaTly Icasct+ald paYmcnt�
<br /> ��� or ground rents on the Property. if xny;(c)ye�rly hsv�rcl ar pn�rny In�unix:u premlums;(d)ycarly tlood insurence pnemiums.
<br /> --— if any; (e)yearly martgage inwrnnce prcmlutm+,il'�nyt +uxt(f)�ny wtnr�y�ble hy Harmwer to I.ender,in accotdance with
<br />�e�;�'�,� the provisiono of parxgrnph 8,in lieu of the p+�ynxnt,oC ntort�u�e inw�an�prcmiurn�. 7'hcee itams aro callai "Esorow Items."
<br /> Lender may,at any timc,collxt and hold Fur�1r in�n wix►unt n�H to �xwed ttw nwximum anx►unt a lendar fnr a fedcraQy
<br /> ;;— related rncmgage lcwn rnAy requin for Bortawer�y CK'fOW(ILYX1U111 UIMII:f(I1C �dlCrill IZCJ) EfIYIC SCIIICQ1CIll PfOCCIIUTCS AC�Of
<br /> 1974 ws Ar�xnded frnm tlme ro Nmc. 12 U.S.C. 5oction IGOt e�sry. ("RNSPA'). unleK�wwthcr law ttwt applies.to the Funds
<br /> ---�":'�� sets A lecser runount. If so, Lender rnyy. �t eny Nmu,ue,ltoct aixf Fudd Kuixir in �n Knxiunt�x�t to oxooed the Icsaer amaunt.
<br />_-- _J�:-�±� Lender may estimate thc�unount of Fundy duo on thn hw�i�uf curnent dw��uxl�e�uNUd►Io oatimues of'expenditut�ca nf fl�tum
<br /> a Eurow[tems or otherwise in eccocdance with tpptiw►blu law.
<br /> ;,�'��: The Funds shall be hcid in nn insdtutinn whoic Je�xi►ilr ure insural hy � f�xicrul wgency, instrumcntality, ar entity
<br /> - `°"' (including Lender.if l.ender is such an inu�tutian)or in uny Nalerul Honto l.cwn Hw�k. l.ender sh�ll apply thc Funds to pvy tho
<br />:;,f Escrow Itcros. Lender may not charge Burmwer for h��lding�+�xi wpplyin��hc Nunde�,wntwully un�lyzing tha escrow account.or
<br /> - - -- __— vedfying tho Escrow Items. untess I.ender�xyz Bnrrowcr interewt an the PuiWe�n�l rppifc�bie I�w permits Lersder to maka such
<br />' ; II a charge. However. Lendcr may rcquiro E3arrnwcr to p�y u mic-timc churyc fi+r w� iixlrpeixknt reAl estato tax rcpontin$sorvioc
<br /> - usai by Lender in connection with thix In�n. unlos� uppflcublc IAw providcK �Nherwisc. Unlexs xn agre8mcnt is mad@ or
<br /> applicable law requires interest to be paid,l.andt+r ch�ll nat be royuired to puy�C►rruwcr uny in�erest or earning�on the Funds.
<br /> Borrower and I.ender may agrcc in writing,hawevcr,th�t intcrc.� stwll be puiJ�sn thr F�uixir. Lcndcr shall givc ta Harrower.
<br /> -- :����•�,� without charge. an annu�l accounting of�tho Puncic. showing rrectitK and Jebita tu�hr Fu�xl►w�x1 ttw putposo for which eACh
<br /> _ _, --
<br /> — - --
<br /> �'�'�a debit to the Funds was mode.The Fund:�ro pfalgal w uddition�l x�curity fi�r ull�uiiw�aura!by this Security Instrument.
<br /> �,...,
<br />,�:�. r;�;•;; If the Funds held by L.ender excrecl tha umaunts permtttal tt�bc he1J hy W�licuhlr I�►�v,l��xler�h�ll accaunt to Bonower
<br /> � Y "�� for the excess Funds in acmrdanco with tho ruyuirement�e�f upplicublc luw. If thr unKw�u��f'tt�IJwxis hold by I.ondor at any
<br /> k �.` �";'S':
<br /> time is not sufticient to pay the Escrow ltems when duo. Lcr�cr muy so ruNifq liorruwer iu w�riting,u�xl, in such casc Bonower
<br /> , `�� `.� shaU pay to Lender the wnount rxccxsnry m nw�;c up thu deticicnry. H�ttr��wer xFwll �iwkc up Itk doficionvy in na maro thAn
<br /> , -;�;,�Yj_,�::;,,�ro,�, twelvc monthly paymcnis,as l.endei s x,l�di�rcdi,n.
<br /> •�'';k'u"��',t,''. U n a ment in fuU of all sumY u�urcd h thir. Scxuri� ln,truukut, Ix�kkr tilwll ��u�� 1 rufutxi to Rorrawcr an
<br />- �. tt :.,r�'.�..741►t P� p Y !' Y I �M 5' Y
<br />- %;w , . :.,.; Funds held by l.erxler. Tf,undcr parugn►pii 21, I.cixlcr�hall wyuire ur KIl ihc 1'rn�xrty.Iwiklcr. prl��r tu tho sicyui�ition or salo
<br /> _ '��,•'•�TM�''`���• of the Property,shall apply uny Furxts heJd by I.c►wler ut the timc of uryul�ition��r wlr ur u rr►xlit ugrinst tlw rums securod by
<br /> ��_� � � s6 � th;s Security Instrunxnt.
<br /> - - +�:;:� :'..: s� ;,AppUeation of P�ymentx.Unit�s ap�licablc IWa•pruvi�cr utherwiu, ull puynk•nn r.�ei�.rl by la�ufer under paragraphs
<br /> •���;:-,. ,�,� PP ) P P�> K 1'Y p' B P
<br /> a' �r.;,�,: ,..• ., ,, 1 and 2 shall bc a licd:first,tu on• r� • •r�xnt rhur c.Juc u�xlcr thr N„t�; Kcui�l. in ank►urn� �► :�hlo undet ara ra h 2:
<br />: ;.0 ��iw,�,.�.�ir.,,,�.:�,::..; thicd.to interest due:fourth.to princi�l due: u�xl lurt,tu;�ny lute churg��Ju�utklcr tl�r N��Ic.
<br /> :t.�-�. i., n1rd.•.�.,.-
<br /> �. ; ,. . • .�s}�; 4.Ctwr(�es; Liens.&irmwcr shyll px�� all�a�c�,u..c�rnuntti. rhurEc�, t'i�k�;uwl uu�ti.ili��n.utirihutohle t�tha Property
<br /> _ which may att3in priuriry uver this Security Imtrumcnt, u►ul IeakholJ puynknt� ur�ruuixl rrn1+, if any. i3��rrnwei �I�ull pay
<br /> �°`� these obligations in the munncr provided in panibrnph 2,ur if nut puiJ in thut m•rntxr, li��rrnwrr,hall pay tlKm an time directly _
<br /> �:�_t:'.. ••
<br /> .;.�;xH i'� to the person owed puynxnt. &irrowcr nlull rromptly furni�h tu Lrrxlrr all�H,tire.uf unr�u�u.t„tk�+�id w►ckr thic paregraph.
<br /> '•" - •�.;i,,:, If 8orrower makes these paynxnts directly.Hc,rcnµ•cr.hall prumpily furni,h to I.�iul�r rc:ci�K.r�idrik•ing ttk� �Ynxntx.
<br />��,• �'"� Bonower shall promptly dischargc any licn w•hirh ha+priurity u�-rr thir �cw•uy Q►+tru��knt unl:..Fkan�utr: Iu1 agrc�es in --
<br /> ��� �-` wdting ro the payment of the obligation securccl hy the licn in u munnrr urreptahle t��I.ci�lcr.�1�►�����tc.t�►u�;���f fuith the llen -
<br /> :.^.�;.':.,�n',r
<br /> - °:,�r�..�,r,w by. or defends against enforcement uf the lien in. legul pror�titling� whirh iu th� I.r��f�r'. ��piu���u uEknae tu prevcnt the
<br /> =, . '*•h�t��. enforcement of thc lien;or(cl xcures fmm the Ixddrr�it'thc lirn un agrcrnkut�i�u.�.irt��n t�� LrnJ.r.utk�rdiiuting tlk Ifen ta -
<br /> '`�"' �`�' "�`''��� this Securit Instrument. If Lendcr determines that an ,�n��f thc Pru rt ir�ul��«t w,� li�•n wl,�.h uu} uuuin �riurit uver -
<br /> �;1>. •.• ' .�F':'_i.;;:r; Y 5' F�' {'� Y I' 1 S' ■`'
<br /> °" � � e�x;��._,,._.�' }';�`' this Security lnstrument.Lender ma��gi��o Bnrrowcr:►�wticr idcntilying thc luu liur���wer.Iwll wu.1'y ilk I tcu ur tuku otw or -
<br /> .." rY•�
<br /> ���, ,��:;�,�'.�;��t' more of the actions set fonh above within IU cJay:�ot'thc giving ot'natic�. —
<br /> ,;�. ,�.,'.
<br /> 1'an��02� �1l0 -
<br /> -:�, ...�� v.w�o�s
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