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Asalpnor he�eby covenants ond warraMs to the Aselpnee thet (a) Asafpnor hef not executed any prlor __ <br /> aseipnment o1�e Lea�e or oi Ifs�Ipht,Nde and InMrs�t therein or tl►e rentals to accrue thereunder,(b)Aeaignar has not - <br /> � peAotmed eny ecl or executed eny InaUument whlch mfpht prevent the ABSiqnee from oparednp unuer any of the terms and -- <br /> condidons heraof,or which would Ilmit Ihe Assi�nee In auch operatlon;(c)Aesigno�hea not accepted rent under the Lease tor ' F <br /> ' eny pe�tod eubaequen!to the current pe�fod for which►ent has already become due and payable;(d)there is no default now <br /> exislinO�Ildor n w►idne,axc�et es eet lohh in 8chedule B,andrehat henLeaso�is in ifull lorcme end e11 cihateveroithe Lease <br /> � ; efther o►i y O 8P �' <br /> B. IT 13 MUTUALLY A(3REED WITH RE8PECT TO EACH LEASE THAT: <br /> � 1. Assig�ee hereby grantspermiesion to Assipnorto collecl upoi►.but not prior to accrual,all renta,lasuea,deposita <br /> � and protits hom the safd Premiaea and to�etein,and use any enjoy thesame��1 resenrestha►ipht to revoke auch pe�mission <br /> atany time,withorwfihoutcause.ayno�ceinwritirt�tOAssk,J��bycefil'iedmaiiseatMlhe�ddreashereinaiterRresCnbedfor <br /> � sendin��ac�y even�such�penniss�orr 10 Ass�gnw sfwtt pe a�tto�rtiaticcattr revo�ced upon defauK by�ss��o+.�� <br /> v�r�eaa�y o�m�aac�eonssec�rea ne�a�►o.���rrormanoe aa�x oa�atwn.corenant�eeR�e^t I�ere�e.m sa�d <br /> !, mort or deed @t bust,in the l.ease a in anY of the Oblfpadons secured hereby.or in any secun�eg documenl given in . <br /> ; con��cUOn therewiM,(all of which will be reter�ed to he►efn as"DefaulY').In the event that the Assipnee should revoke such <br /> i. perr�ission or atter the occurrence o1 a Default,theAssignee,rr�ayat iteopdon,efter nodfication to Assigrta,by cer6�ied mail,to <br /> � the addresa hereinaRer presarlbed to►sending notices,direct eny or all ol the tenanfs ot the Premises to pay ta Assignee,its <br /> ayenb ar its attorneys, such rents, iesues,proNls,revenues,deposits,rights and bene8ts es mey now be due or shall ,. <br /> � herelnatterbecomedue,andAssignRemaycallectthesame.Theaftldavltorwrltlenstatementofanotlicer,egeM,oreftorney <br /> � � otAssiflnee staNng thet there has been a Oefault ehall constituteconcluslve evldence thereol,and eny tenant to other persons <br /> ' is authorfzed and directed to rely thereon.The Aaslgnor turther agrees,that in the event 1hepermfsaion to use and reteln the , <br /> rents,income,Isaues,deposits and proflts,ahould be terminatedor upon Ihe occurance of a Defeult,to immedlately turn over <br /> � i toAaslgnee,atthetfineandinthemannerrequestedbyAsslgnee,allsecu�itydepositaorothermonieadeposltedbylesaees ,� . <br /> ot tha Premiaes in accordanca wlth the provisions oi the Leases. <br /> � i 2. Notwithstandtng the provlafane of peragraph 1 hereinabove, upon o�at any dme aRer e Detault,as defined <br /> hereinabove.theAagignee,atltsoptfon,may declareellObllgatfonssecuredherebyfmmediatelydueandpayable,andmay,at <br /> its option,without noUce,and if any such Obligations be secured by deed of trust ir�espective of whether a decleratlon of <br /> default undar seid deed of truat has been dellvered to 7ruatee thereunder,exercise all�Ights and remedles contelned In seid `�� <br /> mongape or deed of hust and without regard for the adequacy of secu►iry for the Obligatlona hereby secured,efiher In parson ' <br /> or by agent wNh or without bringing any aatlon or proceedi�g,a by a receiver to be appalnted by a couri,enter upon,take <br /> ion�f,manage snd aperete eef�Premiaea or any pert thereof,meke,eniw�e,modl(y,end accept the au�rende►ot <br /> '•f eases,obtain and evlct tenants,fix or modlly�ents,and do any acta which the Aeafgnee deams proper to protectthe security <br /> . �, hereof,end elther wlth or wfthout teki�g possession of the Premises,In its own neme,sue for or otheruvlae collectand receive ; <br /> i allrents,issuesandprofits,lncluding lhoaepastdueandunpaid,enyapplythesame,lesscostandexpenaesofope�atlonand <br /> � collection,Includln�,but not Ilmited to,payments ior wages and payroll taxes,compensatlon o1 manegin�agent and other <br /> : menagement costs and expensea,real eatate taxes and asseasments,wate�,sewer,and similar cherges,inaurance and <br /> ; worker'acompensatlonpremlums,groundrents,customaryrealeatetecommleslon,andreasonableattorney'sfeesendcourt ^ <br /> ��,;. ! costs,upwi t�nr�bliyhlfu��a 6eGU�Ad ttorcby,and!r:,uch ordcr aE tt1CA$SIgRCC�IlBY�@1A/I1'IIf19 ThA pf1IA►If1g urnn wnd taking <br /> I possesslon of the Premises,the collectfon of such rents,issues end proflfs and the appllcatfon thereol as aforesaid,shall not <br /> j cure or welve any deteult or v�aive,modiy,or aHect notice ot defeult under sald mortgageor deed of trust or invalldate any ect <br /> � donepursuanttosucNnotice.AssignorherebyreleasesanyandallclaimswhlchfthesormlghtheveagelnslAsslgneearising <br /> ' out of such collection,management operatfon and maintenance,exceptl�g the lieblllly of Assipnee to account ior amouMs <br /> � Collected and expended by It <br /> � 3. The Assignee shell not be obHgated to per}orm or dlscharge, nvr does it hereby underteke to perform or <br /> � discharge,any obligetion,dury or Nabfllry under the Lease,or under or by�eason of thls Assignmenl.Assignor shell and does <br /> ti hereby agree to Indemnlly the Asaign2e against and hold it harmlessfrom any and all liab ility,loss ar damage whlah it may or <br /> • , might incur under the Lease or under or by reason of this Asslgnment and of and 1rorn any and aif clalms and demand <br /> � whatsoever whlch may be asserted ageinsl�t by Teason of eny alle�ed obligatio�or undertaking on 11s pah to peAorm or In the <br /> �'� dfscharge of any o1 the terma,covenants,or a�teements contalned In the Lease;should the Assignee incu►any such Ilebillry. <br /> • loss or damage und�r the Lease or under or by reason of thfs AselgnmenL or In the datense agamst eny such clafms or <br /> demands,the amouM thereol,including costs,expenses and reasoneble ariorney's fees,together wNh interest thereon at the <br /> hlghest rate set forth fn any of the Obligatfons secured hereby,shall be secured hereby and by the seld mortgege or deed of <br /> trust.a�d Asslgno�shall relmbursethe Asslgnee therefor immedietely upon demand,and upon the fallure of Asslgnor so to do <br /> the Assignee may declare all Obllgatlons aecu�ed hereby immedletely due and payable• <br /> C. IT IS FURTHER MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: <br /> 1. Until the Obligations s�cured hereby shall have been paid in tu11,Assignor covenants and agrees to keep leased <br /> • at a good and suHicient rental the Psemises and upon demand to transter and assign to the Assignee any and ell subsequent <br /> <<� � Leases upon all o�any part ot such Premise3 uCon the seme or substant�ally the same terms and conditlons as are herein <br /> �;+� contained,and to maKe,execute,and deliver t;.I�e Assignee,upon demanU.aTy and all instruments that may be necessary or <br /> •`�;�; desirable theretor,but the terms and provls�ors ot this Ass�gnment shall apply to any such subsequent Leese or Leases <br /> �� whether or not so assigned and transterred. <br /> '�� 2. Assi nor shall,u on re uest o��+�ss ee,furrnsn d a compiete I�st as ot�t�e�ate ot the request of all Leases and <br /> ;SL other tenencies of9he PrRmises in such reasc�aDre deteil as may be requested by Ass�qnee.Fu�ther,�1 requested,Assignor <br /> ,:� shall dellve�to Ass�gnee executed or cerat,� �apies of all Leases and otfier wr�tten agroements,correspondence. and <br /> memoranda between Assignor and Lessees antl other tenants setting foAh the contraclua�arrangements between them.Such <br /> � reQuests may be made at any reasonable tlme <br /> � <br /> + 3. Yhe tadure to nst any specii�c�aases unJa�Sci iaJuiir G��e+cr�G.oi.n:��v':.:�a���ate or attcc:�^�T.�lfl�^^Ci,l!'.^ - <br /> ; generel assignment of rents and leases provided tor herem <br /> , 4. Upon the payment m full of all ObligaUons secur�d hereby. as ev�denced by the recordm�J or f�lmg of an <br /> instrument ot SaUsfactwn or tull release ot sa�tl mongage or neea ot trust,urness tnere snau nava uaen rncwucsd aiwiiini <br /> � mongage or deed of trust in favor of the Assignee covenng the wholeor any part ot the leased Prem�ses,this Assignment shall <br /> become null and void and o1 no eBect. <br /> ' <<�.��� ..„� .. <br />