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<br /> � � FIRE,CASUAI.TY,A D OTHER INSURANCE:To keep such properly�nsured a�Qinal loes or demage by lire and dther `'�i`�.�'.:�°;,.-T
<br /> ', �+a•-�.�-� �-�•w . risk or rlska y�hfo�, In the sole opinfon of Benellciary should be ineured aga�nat, unde�policiea ol�neurance wfth loas
<br /> ;a,�;.,�-
<br /> ' payeble to Beneficiary in form,emount and companfes acceptable to Benafic�ary.Said polfciea ahall ba delivered ta and •,+'�+�+`—
<br /> {��'�'„ remaln in possesaion of Beneffclary as lurthe�seourlty for the faithlul perlormen ce ot these obliqetfons,whfch dellvery ehall , .�.'=—=--° •-
<br /> , �;,.,:.-----_
<br /> � conatitute an assignment by Truator to Benelicfary of all rights thereunder,including all retum premfums; lo delwer lo ;:.;�_,.'°`�K
<br /> Wy ' Beneticfary a poliCy or pollcies renewfng or extendfng any expiring InsurAnce wfth e recelpt showin premiums pald et •
<br /> • • least thirty(30)days before expiratlon.If Trustor lalls to so deliver any renewal pollcies,BeneHcfary may procure such � . � .. �-�'
<br /> insurance as it may elect and may make payment of premiums thereon,which paymenf Is repayable on demand.Nelther
<br /> , Trustee nor 8eneficiary shall be responsible for obtninlnq or mnintafning such Insurance.Beneliciary,lrom time to Ilme,
<br /> � may 1urr�fsh toany insurance egency or company,or any other parson,any fnlormation contained fn or extracted trom any ,
<br /> ; Inaurance policy theretofo�e delivered to Beneliclary pursuont hereto,and any inlormatfon concerning the loan secured �,
<br /> � � hereby. In no event and whether or not delault hereunder has occurred shell BeneNciary, by the fact of approving.
<br /> eccepting or oblafning such insurance,incur any liabiliry for the amounf af auch insurance,the farm or legal suHlc�ency of
<br /> � inaurance cont�acts,solvency of Ineurers,or payment ol losses by Insurera,and Trustor he�eby expressly assumes lull
<br /> � respanalblllty therefore and Itebility,ff any,thereunder.In the event of loss,Trusto�shall give immediate wrltten notice to
<br /> f' � Baneticlary,and Beneticiary may,bul is not obllgated to,make prool of losa Ilnot mede promptly by Trustor.ln case of any �
<br /> � losa tha amount collected under any polfcy of i�surance on such property may.atthe option ot the 8eneticfary,be applied •
<br /> , . by Beneticiary upon any indebtedness and/or obUgatlon secured hereby andin such order and 8mount as Beneliciary may
<br /> � �� , determine;or said amount or any partion thereof may,at the option ot the Beneficiary,edher be used m reptacing or
<br /> � �estoring the Improvements pertially or totally destroyed to a cond�tion satistACtory ta said Beneticiary,or said amount or 1
<br /> �' � • any po�tlon thereot may be reteased to the Trustor.ln any such event neilher the Trustee nor the Benelfciary ahall be ,
<br /> ' "" ', obligated to see to the proper applicet�on thereot.�or shall the amount so released or used be deemed a peyment on any ,
<br /> indebtedness secured hereby.Such ap�lecat�on.use a+�d�o►�elease shall nd cure or waive any default or notice of detault . .
<br /> hereunder o�invalidate any act done pu�suant to such not�ce.Any unexpired fnsurance and all returnable insurance
<br /> premiums ahall insure lo the beneiit of,and paas to t`:e purc haser o4�i'�e property covered the�eby at any Trustect's sale held
<br /> hereunder.11 satd property is sold pursuant to the pow�r of sare con tained herein or pursua�ito any decree of toreclosure, � .
<br /> all right,title and interest�l Trustor in and to the proceeds ot fi�e an21 olher insurance pal�cies ior damage prior to tho snle,
<br /> ; ,,,�� � which prnCeeds a�e not received prior to the date o1 sa�d sa1e,aha11 belongto Beneliciary.Trustor will comply with such .
<br /> f: ' 'i , otherrequirementsendprov�desuchothertypeofinsurenceas8ev�et+ciarym�y�a¢Oui�elromibmetotimefortheprotectfon ,.�..
<br /> ' �- i by insurance of the interest ol the respective parties hereto. R�
<br /> ' � �'���• TAXES AND OTHER SUMS DUE:To pay,satisfy and dlscharge,at least toten(10)days before delinquency all general � �-
<br /> �� 4� and special taxes end assessments and other public charges,and in no event leter then the dato such amounts become �
<br /> • due and to f urther pay when due or requested:(1)all encumbrances,charges and liens,wlth interesl,on suct�property,or
<br /> eny pert ihereof,which are,or appcar!�ber.ettcisr�,!n i!s sole d+scretfnn,to be prior to or superior hereto,(2)all costs,tees
<br /> and expenaes ollhia trust,whether or not described herein,(3)fees or charges for any statement reqarding the obligation ,
<br /> �1 . secured hereby In any amount demanded by Beneticiary,not to exceed the maximum amount allowed by law therelore al
<br /> { the tlme when such request is made.(4�such other cherges as the 8eneficiary may deem reasonable lor services rendered
<br /> �, • by Beneticiery and furnlshed at the request ot Trustor or any successor in interestto Trustor,(5�it such propertyr includea a
<br /> , � tca�chatd c�ts!c,s!��+AymAntR a�d obll�pflnna raquired ol the Trustor or hls Succeasor in Interest under the terms ot ihe
<br /> � , instrument o�inst�uments creating such leasehold,(8)all paymenls and monetary obligations requ�red ot tne owner of
<br /> • � such prope�ty under eny declaratinn oi covenants, conditions and restnctions pertelning to such prope�ty or �ny
<br /> ; moditication thereof;(7)all mortgage msurance or guaranty fees,premiurns, or charges ot any nature perteining to such
<br /> t propeny.Trustoreg�ees to not�ty 6eneticiary immedi�tely upon receipt by Trustor ot notice ot any increase in the assessed
<br /> value of such property and agrees that Beneliciary,in the name of Trustor,may contest by appropriate p►oceed�ngs such
<br /> ; increase�n assessment.
<br /> " � ' In the event o1 the passage of any law deductmg from the value of real property for the purposes ot taxation any lien
<br /> � . j thereon or changing in any way the Iaws for the taxation ot deeds of trust or debts secured by deeds ot trust tor state or local
<br /> •� ' � purposes.or the manner of the collection of eny such taxes,so as to aNect t��s Deed of Trust,the holder of this Deed ot Trust
<br /> ! . s�nd of the obligations which ft secures shall have the right to dPCfa�e a I�s ums secured hereby due as af a date tu be
<br /> � specffied by not less than 30 days' written notice to be given to 7rustor by 8eneficiary;provided,h�owever,that such
<br /> : electlon shall be ineHective il Trustor is permrtted by law to pay t�e wholeof such tax��addltion to�II other payments
<br /> required hereunder and ii,prior to such specifiod date.does pay such tax and agrees to pay any such tax when hereaNQr
<br /> levied or assessed against such property,and such agreement ahaN consUtute a mod�bcaiion ot this Deed of Trust.
<br /> fUND5 FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE It Beneficiary shall s�,r�quFSt, Trustor agrees that ineie s�a11 De added to the
<br /> � periodical payment required to be made hereunder an amou�t e£limated by Trusted to be suHicienl to enable Trustor to
<br /> pay,at le�st thirty (30)days betore delinquency, all general an��&peci:�l t�xes, assessments,or other public ch�rges
<br /> � again3t such property,the Promissory Note,or upon or un account o1 the debt or the lien ot this Aeed of Trust,together with
<br /> , I premiums far insuranc�required to be provided t�n�er th�s D�����i ot Trust and all mortgage insurance or guaranty tees.
<br /> premiums or simla�cha��aes and no interest shati be payabiP to Trustar��� respect thereof Upon demand by 7rustee.
<br /> � 7rustor shTli deliver t�'frustee such a^-;�ti-,��!5ums ol mone�y;�s:}r<<,ecFSSarr to make up any deficiency in the amounts
<br /> � necessa•y tc.e�+able Trustee to p•ly ;1'�V U�Ifip Ipro_gOinr�itrms
<br /> � i
<br /> SUMS AAJANCED TO BEAFI INT[REST 7o p��y��nmed�ately upon demand a�y sums aU�a�ces o�pa�d by 6enel:c�ary
<br /> �r Tr.�st�e under any clause or prov���nn ol tt•,s fl�?�'t Trust.Any such s�.�ms ::rtJ so repa�d,shall be sec�red hereby and
<br /> L'eer ir�!eres'lrom the date advanced or pr��d a��h�?same rate as set forth�n s�c!�Promis5ory Note and shalt be secured by
<br /> � this Deed F�f Frust.
<br /> ASSIGNMENT 6F�EPOSITS Thnt as add'�onnl sec�ir�ty�!Ih�s b�•� r��5►�uct�on �oan, Trustor he�eby transte�s and
<br /> ��..
<br /> assigns to 6enetic4ary�urmy wr.i�nu,�����•�'�'�„� 7��st�.a�� c;y`i,i�t�e :."=;^•�.��::=a"f ar.d •a��rr•�•..r�u'c�.^:3'`-.,t.7
<br /> Trustor ordepositodon behall of 7rustor witi�arry c�+.y.c.ounty,pubhc body r,r age'cy.sa'��larydistntt,gas and/cr r.lecu��
<br /> company,telephonecompanyand:inyotherbudyc�rayency lorthemstrtllotionortOSeC.;J�e:1`�emstallat�onot�nyu��t�tyby
<br /> Trustor,peNnimng to this property.
<br /> �� FAILURE OF 7RUSTOH TO CUh1PLY WITN DEED UF (f31 JS1 In Iheevc�nt Trustor should fad to makeany payment,u�tu
<br /> do any 8ct as provided in tl��s Oaed ol Trust,ur la�l to pertorm any obl�y:�t�an srcured by this Oeed of Trust,or du�ny;�ct
<br /> f Trustor agreed not to do,Benetic�a�y,but without obligabon sc�tv do and w�thout notiCe to or demHnd upon Trustor�n�i
<br /> without releas�ng Trustor trom any obl�gat�on hereul�nd w�thout contest�ny ii,e vAl�d�ty or amount ol ihe snme,may(a)p:+v.
<br /> � make or do lhe same in such mr�nner and to such extenf as �t m�y deern necessary to prolect the security hereol.
<br /> � Beneficiury being authonzed to �ntor upon such property lor such purposes, nnd (b) pay. purchase. contE�st or
<br /> . � compromise any encumbrnnce.char�e or hen,wh�ch�n its�udgemenl�5 vr;�ppet�rs to be prior or superior hereto.:�nd 1�1
<br /> , in exeras�ng any such power,pay necessary cosls.Iees..tnd expenses,empioy counsel and pay counsel's reason�bit•
<br /> � lees Trustor ugrees t0 repay any ainount So e�pendt�d on demand nl Ei�nt�lic�ary
<br /> i -
<br />