. � _
<br /> ti�
<br /> ri�.
<br /> • �.�.._.;ti�v t� „ .i'', ,:,�..,.4_ _
<br /> � .. , .. ....... ...
<br /> ,.` _______
<br /> ;, ------
<br /> . �__...,.,:•� '
<br /> —.�,�,�;��� 17. Tnnd�r o! th� P�opNly or a�sAolM InE�rMt In �orrowrr. tl aM a a+y p.rt ot nN Prap�rty ar
<br /> ,_��,•°.••�.,"'�"••�•`� � �ny iM�nst h k N sold a h'�n�Nr�d(or M� b�t�NoW InMnst h 8anaw�►M soW or O+�nat�nd ond 8o�roww is nol�nMu�rl
<br /> � . P«�I wilhout L�nda'�p11or wrNNn oonNnt, l�nd�t m�y.M It�oplion�tpuk�MwrMdW�P�Ymw��N lul a1�1 wnN�o�x�d b!I
<br /> _ — _ ua.s�l�r M�•1�+�n«ri. Now.�,...ua.opao� .n.r noc b..M.roM.d b�►t,«+dr r wKOM.M ad��Y��w a.a ai. �p .
<br /> - -- �aal.�ndK w�oM�s thN op�on��«idK.h.r pi+►•earoww noNo.a.00�t.rwa�. Th. nato..h.r pov{d.a pMbd a na `� -
<br /> �-- �«. uMn �0 a.y� 1►on, a,. dp�thR nawo. h a.Mv«.d «m.r.a wMhN whbM eonow�r m�w p.y .r wnK ..awa q►aA. M
<br /> --� --- Sraulry Inslmnwd. N 8ort�ow�r i� W p�y th� sun+� pia W th��pM�Non d tl�ls p«bd L�nda nMy imoln�ny nn�in --
<br /> : p�lll�d l'►Y thi�PwourMY N►WwrNint t�out iwthw'�aYc�a drnmd oe Sortowa.
<br /> . `� '` te. Borrow�r's Rlpht b RNn�tab. n 8omowa mMts arWn oondMloro, Bortuw�r�hN h�w th� tipM to hw•
<br /> • �n1MONnmt d titk 8rairNy M�tnxnw!t d�oontlM�d�t �ny fNN qior W th�wYr oi: (�) S cMYr lor woh WtN►p�rlod as .°��°
<br /> . � ~. . , ap�.a.hw m.�►.a�Ar�►ninaM.m«�y bMoo.w.a a�.Rop�ny wxw.n�w anr vovw►a w.oonain.a b ar.s.ar+hr
<br /> � �:x°��''' InWn�nt: or lbI�!►of�ludf�t�nlotdn0 d�s 8�a+�ItY In�lrwrw�L Thow 000dllons w�that 8ortoww: (aI P�Y���^d�t�M
<br /> ��?'—:��°.:�.. , �r
<br /> .:�;�.��
<br /> , . ' „�M wmt whioh thm wa�id b�dw und�r thM S�a�ky N�nt�nd 1�Not�u M no�cal�ratlon h�d , a�ns a�Y
<br /> �'' �.� dMwll of any othK cowrw�t or apr�nmts; (a)WY+��Pans�s inawnd h �n1o►ciny t1�is S�axkY insfnMrMnt, fndudrW,but
<br /> _�"�;':."',,.;- ° not�nM�d to�nuotwbN�ttomaya'1aN��nd (d)Wua woh adbn u Undr mRy nason�blY nquM�W aswn th�t the Mn of
<br /> .,—.''°.�"�-: �,us�:- en�. s.ari�y a,swm«+�. �«,aer'a ri�hts in ih� PropMty and Bortow.►�s oaiy.eon to a•r u�. .ums aa,na ny a�a s.arh► �__
<br /> -�-���.,_���,_;�e�?a�„� InsWnw�t shM oonttw� uncluinp�d. Upon nlnstatmNnt by BaROw�►, tt�k S�auUy InsUwn�nt �nd th� oblp�tions s�oeind
<br /> ����..�....��:-• .
<br /> �:v_�..,:;,'ri� hweY�het rnrwM►IuMy�M�c1M���M oo �ccd�flbn had occurt�d. Howwr.thM ripht to ninstate sIW nol�pply th�cw
<br /> �u�� ' ot�cai�rarion und�r p�rwraph 17.
<br /> _ �< ••;:;;;.a, ` 79. 8s1� of Not�� CIWIQ� of LA�n $�rvlc�r. llw Not�or. a prttY fnt�rwt h th�NoN ;w�th�r w+h thk
<br /> . #�:-}..�. �_rin�t,:
<br /> 4 '• 3acuAty Inshummt)may ba:oW ona ar mon tM�s without prior notlw to Bortowr. A sak may nsu11 h a 4wg�r Y►1M�► �
<br /> � ,. :� . ',:� (la�own u th�'L.wn 3MVior')th�t co�Cts monlhtY WY�ta dw und�th�Not��nd thia 3�axity k�n� TMn abo nwy
<br /> '."-•" b� oM or mon chM� ot tna Lwn S�rviar unr�t�d to +� wit of th�Noq. H ther� b � eiwg� W th� Lwn SavlcK.
<br /> r� . � Barow�r wi b�ylwn wdltan natia of th�eh�np�h�000rd�nrw wkh p�nqnph 14 abov��nd appNc�bM Mw. Th�nWic�wiA �-
<br /> � sfat�th�n�mt�nd�ddnss of the naw Lwn SMVic�and th��ddnss to whkh paymmts shouW b�nNd�. Th�noUce vri aho
<br /> 1 , conWn any othK iniorm�tbn nqulnd by ap�llcaWe Mw.
<br /> � 20. H��rdous Subst�w�C�s. Borroww sh�N not cws� a p«mit th� pns�», ua�, di�pos�l, storaye. a reie�s�of
<br /> � any Fiarardous Subst�nas on or in the ProNaAy. BoROwr shW not do. nor �bw anyone�ls�to do.�nythlnp aM�inO th�
<br /> � Propaiy ttud is h vlol�tbn of any Envkonm�nW Law. Th� pnc�dk�y hvo a�ntances shaN not apply to!he pr�sanee, us�.or
<br /> � stom�uu on th� Proprty af smMl qwntitb� ot Hazardous Substanca th�t w�a�1y r�co0nind to b�appra{xl�t�to nortn�l
<br /> .. � f���1111�U6�i Nd l0 III�htE11�IW O}dl��0�1M1�/.
<br /> 8orrow�r shvl P��PbY Ow� L�ndK wrNUn oWiu of any inwsUp�tion. ci�Im. dan�nd� kwsuk or oth� adion by u►y
<br /> ' qov�nurMnW or rep��Ytory�p�nay or prNaU p�Ay InvoNinp th�P�o�ty and any H�z�rdous Subatanc�a EnvkonmmW I.aw of
<br /> whkh Botrow�t M�s adwl knowMdy�. R 8ortower Iwm��or is notM�d by any qovwnm�ntal a npuktory authorky. tMA�t►y
<br /> ---•_._ ---_-_ �!�e►vM ex dh« nm.dhtbn of any I�azardoua Sub�tanc� aM�ctln0 Hro�b b n�wsary, Bortow�r �haN prompW take all
<br /> lnecea�ry r«mdw!adions h acead�nu with Envkanm�nt�l Law.
<br /> jAs us�d in this p�rayraph 20,'FMwdaus Subst�nees'at�thost wbstanc�s deUn�d as to�a or h�Lrdous subttutcas by
<br /> Envkonmantal law and ths toYowlnp subsUnces: y�adhe, keros�. dhcr #amnMWe w toxla patroleurn productr, toxio
<br /> • pesticidss and habidda.vol�tY�eolwnts. rtNtuiNs conWnhy asbestw o►formald�hyde,and ndloactiv�malaWs. As us�d in �'
<br /> p�rtpnph 20, 'Envkonm�nt+it L.�w' mema fad�rd {�ws and t+�ws ot th�jutiadiction whKe the Properly b located that rorte to �
<br /> ... hNlth,saf�ly a�nvkonm�nW prot�tion. —-
<br />_ �:,-_
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANT$.BortowK�nd LendK further cov�nant and ayre�as foMows: �*-
<br /> k 21. Acc�l�ration; R�m�di�s. L�nd�r shaQ ytv� noNc� to Borrow�r prtor to accdKation �'�
<br /> �:�' followin� Borrowor's b��ch of aey cownant or agrNm�nt in this S�curHy Inatnim�nt (but not �''�
<br /> -� prior to acc�f�rttion und�r para�raph 1T unl�� applicablo law provid�s oth�rwlso). TFw notic� ����.
<br /> '' ` shall sp�cify: (a) the d�fault; (b) th� �ctlon r�quind to cu�e tha dafautt; (c) a d�to, not i�ss thsn � . .
<br /> � 30 d�ys from th� dat�th� eotic� is plv�n to Borrowor, by which thQ dof�uk must ba curod; and # "�
<br /> ' , �• - (d) that fsilur� to cuw tha d�fault on or b�foro th� dat� spocifiod ln th� aotic� may r�sult in , .
<br />' ' �cco1�►allon of th� suma �cur�d by thts S�curtty I�strum�nt and sats cf th� Prop�rty. Th� eotic� �
<br /> sh�il fu�ttw� inform Barow�r of th� right to �otnstato akor sccotoration snd ttw ri�M to brinp a
<br /> court action to ass�rt tha non-�xistonc� of a d�fautt or any othor d�fanse of Borrow�r to
<br /> accel�ration and ssl�. It'th� d�f�ult is not curad on or bofora th� dato spocfflod in th� notica,
<br /> � ,�' , � l.ond�r st ib option may raqutro tmmodiato paymont in tull of ail wms �curod by this S�curity
<br /> ��,:; Instrum�nt without iurthor d�mand and may i�vok� th� powor of sale and �ny othar nm�di�s
<br /> �,'. �;;-•;. �:�, p�rmittoci by applicaW� tuw. l.�nd�r sh�ll b��ntftiod to colloct all vxp�nsos incurr�d tn punuin�
<br /> "'��`!'• th� nm�dios providad in this parapraph 21, includin�� but not limit�d to. r�asonablo attom�ys'
<br />� � '�r''�� ' fNS snd costs of titlo �videnc�.
<br />� � � H th� powor of sal�r is invok�d, Trust�� shall record a notico of dofault in oach county in
<br />� i' whlch any pa�t of the Propfriy is locat�d snd shall malt copi�� of �uch nottco tn tho mann�r
<br /> i � � prosorlbod by appllo�bl� law to Borrowar and to tho othor p�raona pra�cribad by �pplicablo law.
<br /> t �' Aitar th�timo r�quir�d by applicabla law� Trustso shall �Iva public notice of s�le to th� p�rsons
<br /> Y," � and in tFw manner proaaribad by applicablo law.T�ustaQ, without domand on Borrowor. shali seli
<br /> y�� th� Proporty at puWic auction to th� htyhod bidder at th� timo and plac� and und�r th� torms �
<br /> j� d�sl�nat�d in the notica of sal� in on• or moro parcols snd in any ord�r Trust�� d�t�rtnin�s.
<br /> C. : , TrustN msy postpone s�lo of �11 or any parcol of tha Prop�rty by public announc�m�nt �t tlw
<br /> -_-��• •� - tim� a�d placo of any pr�vlousty seh�dul�d sato. L.�ado� or its d�st�n�� may purehas� th�
<br /> =�;�,�;;'�' 't� ;,;�,� P�op�rly at any aain.
<br /> =��":�� ''��;�v�;.;:''K�,Y�. Upon r�cdpt of paymnnt of th� prico bid, Trust�� shail doiiwr to th� purchas�r Trustao's
<br /> �x�`� �I'�'�� ` dNd conwl�lnp f.ho Pr�rty.Th� ncitds in tho Trustoo's d��d ahalt ba prima faci� �vidvaco of
<br /> �-
<br /> -
<br /> - . T f.�.-. :�...:-- - tM truth of th� st�t�monb mad� th�nin. Tru4t�o shall apply th� procN s t • n
<br /> '":.I', .;;..�aa=... ::
<br /> -- ,-� �"�;;,�.;.;... � foilawinq oM�r. (a) to all cosb and oxpans�s of �xwrcistnp th� pow�r of salo, and th� �al�.
<br /> ��:' `�:•:". Includinp th� paym�rk of tha TrustN's t��s actually incurr�d, not to oxco�d thno
<br /> ,..,� :°"�''��; % of tho priaclpsl amouM of th�
<br /> •<4 not�at th�tim� of tiw drelarallon of d�huk, s�nd r�asonabl� �ttom�y's fws u p�rmitbd by law;
<br /> (b) to sll swns a�cur�d by this S�curHy Inatrum�nt; and (c) any �xc�ss to th� p�rsa� or p�r�a�s
<br /> Ip�lly �ntit�d to i� "
<br /> Ft�Ii.LA10 IqNJ) Pnq�4 ot S :y���
<br /> 4'r
<br />--: -�kR*J-.:1�YiJ+.'.��r ��W.� �
<br />"-_"��� . . _ _
<br />.--_u. __.__-'_ _-_ _- ___ -
<br />