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<br /> 17.Tnwder ot th�PrnpNty a'a IlabAcf�lleterwt�n Borrowsr.Tf�II or�ny prrt of the Property or�ny fntere�t in it
<br /> i�wid or tr�uu�ferra!(nr if r bcneficl�l intorc�t in&,rrower ir z�,id or awru+ferrai�nd Bc,rrower i»not w nwtur�l perwn)without
<br /> __- _ LenclePr prior writkn rnnunt. l.ender ►rwy. �t iur aptinn, royuire iitutadi�te pryment in fuil ut rtl rumr �acurod by thi�
<br /> Sacurity Inrtrument.Hawever. thiw aptlon�11 not be ezercl�af by E.ender if exercira i�pn�hibited by f'ader�i i�w u nf ti�o ct�t� -
<br /> of thlr Security Inrtrun�ent.
<br /> IP l.ender excni►c�thir uptfon,L.en�ler�tutt ivc R�n+awcr nott��e��f k^celer�ti�m.The notfce�Iwll prnvide w pericxl oF na1
<br /> lesb th�n 3Q d�ys from 1hc clute the n�xic�c i�dcl�vered��r tnxilai wllhin whlch Aurrowcr nwYt pxy all Yums cecura! by thi�
<br /> Security Inrtrument. If Borrower f�ll�ta pwy tho�sunu prl�r ta the explrrtiun nf thi�pericd.Lcixfer tnay invoke any remedier
<br /> permitted by this Socurlty Instrument withaut furher nolice or dertw�xi on&�rn►wer.
<br /> _ ��'�-^'�'�' 18. Burrower'r RIRht tu Rdnrtatr. if Ourruwcr nkcli ��iufn co�ulitians, Bortawcr shall havc thc dght to havc --
<br /> enfarccmcnt of thi� Secu�ity Instrument discontinuod at uny tirtx prfor to tlu earlier af: (a)S days (ar such other periad ns
<br /> _- applicable law may specify for rcinstatemenq before �ale of the Property purcu�nt to any pc�wer of sale contained !n thiz
<br />-_°— Socurity Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcinq this Socurity Instniment.Those cortditions are that Borrower:(a)pnys
<br /> Lender all sums which then would be duc under thiR Sxurity Inurument and the Note�if na ncceleration had occurrcd; (b)
<br /> cures any default af any ather covenanta or agreements: (c)pays all expenses incurred in enfarcing thfs Secudty Instrument,
<br /> = including,but not limitod ta, rcasonablo attornays' fces: and(d)takes such actian as(xndcr rnay rcasonably require to assurc
<br /> - that the lien of this Secu�ity instcument, Lendor's rlghts in tho Property and Borrower's abligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> this Secur�ty Instrument shall continuo unchanged. Upan reinstatement by Borrower, this Secur�ty Instrument and the
<br /> obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if na aocelerntion had occurred.However,this r�ght to reinstate shall
<br /> — not apply in the cA.ce of acceleration under parugraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale ai Note; Chan�e ot I.oan Servicer. The Nota or a partial lnterest in thc Nota (together with this Security
<br /> ---- Instrument)may be sold one or more timec withM�t prior notfce ta Honower. A sale may result in u change in the enttty(known
<br />_=�,�, as thc"Loan Scrvtccr")that collects manthly payments due undar thc Note and tMs Security Instrument.There also may be one -
<br />,,�_„ — or morc changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.]f therc is a change of the l.oan Servicer.Botrower will be
<br /> +�a given wr�tten notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable ixw. The nc�tice wili atate the name and -
<br /> �'�`>� address of the new I.oan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The natice will also contain any other
<br /> =`'�' information rsquired by applicable law.
<br /> ;� x' . . 20. Hazardous Substances. Bonawer shall not cause or permit the presence, use,dispasal, storage, ar relcase of any _
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Pmperty. Bonower shall not do, nar allaw anyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br /> � °• , Propetty that is in violation of any Environmental l.aw. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use, ar
<br /> ..;, storage on the Prapeny of small quantities of Harardous Substuncex that ar�generally recognized to be approprlate to normal
<br /> '.r.-'t residential uses and ta maintenance af the Propeny.
<br /> '�•,��,:,,�:
<br /> �,y,� � Borrower shall promptly give l.ender wrltten notice of any investlgation, claim,demand, luwsuit or othcr action by any
<br /> . •hY�?s�` Favemmental ar regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hawrdous Substance or Environmental I.aw
<br /> . t f af which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authar�ty. that
<br />-�r_ any remaval or other remediatian af any Hazardous Substance uffecting tho Property is necessary,Borrower shatl promptly take
<br /> all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Bnvironmental Law.
<br /> . - ��aas��.,. ° As used in this patagrapt�2t�, "Hezardous Subxtai�ces" are those subs[ances defined as taxic or hac�ntuu,.ubataucr� i�y °
<br /> k ':��:�'�°.: Environmentnt Law and the following substances: gasolind, kero,ene. other flammable or toxic petraleum products, toxic
<br /> r"" �' sticides arrcl herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containin a�he�tos or formaldeh de,and radioactive materials.As used in
<br /> •, ...;;,..� ' ' ' Pc s Y
<br /> �4'"�;;�� � , this paragraph 20. "Environmental I.aw" means fedaral lawc and laws af the jurisdiction where the Property is lacated that
<br /> 'ti.' .YJiCn l Y1�.si
<br /> �»"!`��:x,,;;,�. ,: relate to heulth,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> °�ti��r�~•��- NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Burrower and Lender funher covenunt und ugrce ac foUows:
<br /> ':�,,,;;,;�,};:r"..: . �. 21. Acceleratton;Remedles. I.ender shul!�tve nottce to&►rrnw�er prio�to t�cceleration tollowing Borrnwer's brexch _
<br /> _ ,�,;�.�,�,�..,' ot �ny c�wenant or pgreement in thts Security 6istrument (but nat prior to acceleratton under para�r�ph 17 unless
<br />_ ����`� p p pl i c Able Is►w provides otherwise). The notice rholl s p ceif y: (s�)the dcfault;(b)the actton r e quired to cure the def�ult;
<br /> "�"�'''y`�� � � R � (c)�►ds�te�not Iexv ths��i0 day:s frnm the date the notice i.r•given to lior�►wer� by which the defAUlt must be cured;and
<br /> - (d) that fpllure tu cure the defuuU on or fxFore the dwte xpecifi��d in the nndce ms�y r�.wult in s�ccelerANon af the sums
<br />_ ' � �;:,�;.x •. secured by this�urity Inxtniment And tiule of the Property. The notice xh�ll further inform Borrower of the ri�ht to .-
<br /> -- os b:,'�.` • reinstoh�Rer acceleryHon and the ri�ht to brinu s� court wedun to��.tiert the non-existence of�default or any other
<br /> r'�""'""""'A'°�' defen�e of BormK�er to occeleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date speciCed in the nottce,
<br /> ���"`s��` � � I.cnder. at its oqion. m�y rcquirc imm��diate pvyment in full ot�11 sums securcd by thts Security Instrument withuut
<br /> �••�.,::; ,.�
<br /> further dc�ns►nd s►nd mAy invoke thc pow�cr of wlc s►nd any other remedt��s permitted by applicable law.I.endcr shall be
<br /> ���� � � entitled to collect all expen+es incurred in punuinR the rem��di�w pmvided in this paragraph 21,including�hut not limited
<br />. •�`�''�?�" = '<-�''" to.re�.sonnble Ytwrneys'fees and costs of title evldence.
<br /> .�t T`;«��_ ,- _'..-. ' If the power of wle is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice ot defuult in e�.tch count5� in which any part of the
<br /> �, _ . _. Property is lucated Ynd shall meil copies uf tiuch m►tice in the manner pr�criix�d by applicablc law to Borrow•er and to
<br /> °�`�•�• . the other per.wns prkscribed by applicable law•.After the time required by upplicable IAw•,T�uste�shall Rive public notice
<br /> "��• :-•�s�::4 of wle to the perwn�and in the manner prcycribed by applicablc law�.Trustee. xithout dems�nd an Borrow�er, shull sell
<br /> - .,5;�:"M--:-. the Property at public aaction tn the highest btdder at the time and place and under the terms d�ri�n�ted in the notice ot'
<br /> , �;:�i>.,. '; . sale in one or mom parccls s�nd in any ordcr Trustee determincw.Trustec muy pustpnne wle of all or nny parcet of the
<br /> � • ��•._°,:;:�., Property by publtc amx►uncement at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. I.ender or its desig�ee moy
<br /> -_� '°`r put+chA.�e the Ptoperty at any sule.
<br /> _ �
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