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<br /> ���� ?.
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<br /> 1 �
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<br /> T0C3ETHLR WiTH all the improvementa now or here�flter erocted on the property,�nd all auements,eppurtenar�ce��md
<br /> fixtura now or htreafter 4 part of the property. All repla�xments w�d acWitions shall wl� be coverad by this Secudty
<br /> - — _—° Inurument.Alt ui 11►�fore�o{ng Is eefert:d ta in this Sccudty Irutroment ac the•Property "
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Barrower ie lawfully�eisod of the estwtc hercby convoyed and twa the right to grant ond
<br /> convey[he Property and that the Properey is unencumbered. exapt for encumbrwices of rccc�rd. Rorrower wwrr�nts and wUl
<br /> defend generally the title to the Property against nll claim4 and demands.subject to Any cncumbrances of rccord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines nnifarm covenents fo�natianal use and nnn•uniform covenants with limited
<br /> �-.� variations hy jur�sdiction to constitute a unifarm security instrument cavering real propeny.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.l3artowcr ttnd Lendtr covenant and agrec as fotlows;
<br /> l. Paymmt ot Principnl and Interesh Prep�yment And I.ate Chargea. Bo�rawcr sball promptly pay when due the
<br /> _ principal of:ind interest on the debt evidenced by thc Note and any prepaymcnt uud late chttrgo�dae undcr thc Note.
<br /> � 2. Fund�for Taxes and Insurance. Subjec[to applicable law or to a wrltten waiver by Lender, Borcower shall pay to
<br /> :� I.ender on tho day monthly payments uro duc under the Note,until the Nate is paid in full,a�um("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> --�� and assessments which may attain priority over this Sec:urity Instrument�.s a lien an tha Pruporty:(b)yeurly Ieasehold payments
<br /> �`�_ �° — or Sround rents an the Property,if any;(c)yearly haznrd or propeny insurance premiumY;(d)yearly tlaod insurance premiums.
<br /> — if any;(e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any;and (�any sums payable by &�rrower to L.ender,in accordance wjth
<br /> '?� `'� the provisions of paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage iosurunce premiums.Ttwse items are called "Escrow Items."
<br /> v:� �"�� Lender may. at any time, coltect and hold Funda in an amount not to exceed the maximum amount a Iender for a federally
<br />:�;` �"""u� - reluted mortsuge loan may require for Borrawer's escmw sccount w�der the federal Real fietate SetNement Procednres Act of _
<br /> 1474 es sunended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RBSPA"),unle�.s anothcr law that applies to the Funds
<br /> sets a lesser amount. If so, l.ender may. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an Am�unt not ta exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> '�''; �
<br /> ' ,:,, ; Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonuble estimates of expenditures of future
<br /> `�{� Escrow Items or otherwise in accardance with applicuble law.
<br />,� ��t Thc Funds shall be held in an instimtion whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or endty _
<br /> J"'�`:rl,'.`��';•,:,... :y.� -
<br /> ��` c �` (including l.ender,if L.ender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bonk.Lender shall upply the Funds to pay the
<br /> '^�;fY,����• ' Escrow Items.Lender may nat charge Borrower for holding and applytng the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account,or
<br /> . ;,�; �,'.
<br /> iy,. vetlfyins the Escrow Items,unlcas Lender payti Borrower interest on lhe Funds and applicablc law permits Lender to make sucN
<br /> �.,Ja,�._,;.
<br /> ;.,�;�:�. a charge. However.L.endcr may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an indcpendent real estatc tax reparting service
<br />' �� � � ._`�'' "�� usod by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicuble law provides othorwise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> ,,, r: .
<br /> a �?'r�'��'�'F,�� � applicable law rcquires interest to be paid.I.endcr shall not be required to pay Borrower uny interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br />- i.D ,'�'��'�:��'�7s"%S'•" Borrower and Lender may agrec in writing,howevcr, that interest sBalt be paid on thu Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower,
<br /> �.. �
<br /> ,; +;�'�;���''�, without charge, an annuul accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to tho Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> f ;s;;�1E4�"'`•'`'-�-:" � debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged us additianal security for uU sums secured by this Secunty Instrument.
<br /> ;.�.,,,,, _
<br /> If thc Funds held by Lcnder excced the amounts permittoci ta be held by applirable law. L.ender shall account to Borrower
<br /> ''�.'�� for the excess Funds in accordunce with the requirements of applicable luw. If tha umount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> ��;�:,. .. time is not sufftcient to pay thc Escrow Itcros when duc,Lendcr may so notify Burrower in writing,and,M such casc Bonower ,
<br /> �h.-} .. . shnll pay to Ltndcr the amount ncce5wr��to nuke up the deficiency. BoROwer sball make up the deficiency in no more than�
<br /> _.:,:.•. . .
<br /> . . . twelve monthty paymeut,,at I.cndcr's�ule discrctiut�.
<br /> .�.;,�_•, _•. • Upnn payment in full of ull sumti tiecure� by this Security In,trun�ent. lxncier shall promptly refund to Bnrrower any
<br /> �:��• • Funds held by Ixnder.If, w�der parrgrapN 21. I.endcr�hall urquirc or sell the Pr�iperty.I.cncler,prior to the ucquisition or sale
<br /> �'ir� of the Propeny, shall upply uny Fundx hcld by I.endcr at thc time of uryuixitiun or wle as a credit uguinst the sums se�ured by -
<br /> • ,,.��.. -� this Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> � � ; . 3. AppUralion of Payments. Unless upplicuhle law providcs athe�wise.odl payments recrived by I.ender under para�raphs
<br /> • . '•� • . I and 2 vhall be s�pplied: fir.t, to any prepaymcnt chargcti due unde�the Note; uer�md,t��amounts payobte under paragraph�;
<br /> • • � third,to interest due; fcwrth.to principal due: und lart,lo any late chatgc�dua undcr the Ni�te.
<br /> µ�~, ;•.,;�,",.•:� q, Charpe�;I.iens. Borr�wcr shall pay all taxc�, osticstiments, rharges, finrs und impositions attributable tc�the Property
<br /> �•�N" '_. .' ' whlch may attain priority over this Sccurity Intitrum�:nt, .md Iea.ehold payment. or�round rents, if any. Borrowcr shall pay
<br /> �;'�;''^•:"''�"� these obligations in thc munncr pro�•idcd in pa�agrupb 2,or if not paid in thut manner. &�rr��wer shall pay them on time direcdy
<br /> �.J1.ryY,;,.�i - ,.
<br /> ;;;�i6.�,,,:�,__ ,t to the penon owed paymcnt. Borrowcr shail promptly furnish to Lrndcr ail nutires uf:�mount�to he paid undcr thi�paragraph.
<br /> �-'� ' v� If Borrower makes these paym�nt+dirertly. Borrower shall prc�mpdy furni+h t��l.cnd�r rerriptti evidencing the paymentc.
<br /> � '�;�;�'. Bonowcr shall promptl��dischargc uny licn whirl�has prinriry o�•cr thiti Sccurit}• ln.trumrnt unlcss&irrowcr:(u)agrec�in _:
<br /> ���T`""'" writin to the a ment of thc obli ution xxtiurecl b thc lien in a maaner acce table tn l.ender, �b1 cantests in *axi faith the lien
<br /> c� t•;,rir.;. S P Y R Y P b _
<br /> "-'°''"i Y' b or defends A�ainst enforccn�ent of thc lien in, le�ul rocrcdin r which in thc Lcndcr'� o mion o r.►tc to revent the
<br /> _ .:,;,.+r:,,�. Y• b b p F• P P� ' P
<br /> '��� enforcemcnt af the lien;or(c) xrures from thc h��ldcr of thc lirn an ugrern�ent�:►tisfactnry�t�� Lci�der�utx�rdinating thc lien a�
<br /> -;�h�«.�_..
<br /> ':� �' this Security Instrument. If LcnJer determinr.that uny part of thc Pro�xrty i,tiuhiert to a licn whirh may attain priuriry�wer
<br /> ��"' this Serurity Intitnuncat. Lender muy give&�rrou•rr u nutice idcntifying thr lirn. &�rrnwrr shall .ati.fy thc licn or take one or
<br /> +iwi,�.:i.xia:..
<br /> --�"""� i� more of the actions set forth�buve within lU duy.r aI the�:ivin�uf nuticc.
<br /> :��.'�;��<t
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