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y _' y.. _' _.-,.� . _ °1 <br /> � .. .... . . : ...+. �r u . • _ �� _ <br /> � ��'.��a j�. I �f a•.. .. _. .���'��- ---. <br /> �. ���_..�.�.�.� �•��usT 93-' ��e <br /> _ �_ �__ T►MS oiEO aF TAUOT,n�thM ��_ d�Y a Novomber - -tY93- <br /> — �,��p Ct�arlas R. Dickson <br /> ,-� — ,� ���yy���� 1115 $th St W.. Grand Is�and NF 68801 <br /> ,� �� . Oannlc _T_ �BBII� Attorney <br /> (INntn"Tn,wr•1;�nd <br /> ;'+ <br /> _... ---- -- -wno�.mHww addrw Is � <br /> � 11605 bor St.. ^– '� "1A 68144 <br /> �, - <br /> �����.n-lifil' <br /> —{t;3- ��,�T�WM�„��Nd .�___�.....,, n�.. ..a e1 ee...�t..00 Cn nF NR Tnc_ <br /> unc,.r�,. - ^^ — - <br /> ������ �'� 2k60 3 124 <br /> -- •.r,.;• �y .,". wlqM mdWp bdrns b th Street <br />—- - _ ��Sia:L��:::t.a�r.0�: _. <br /> --'°'r'�' .._ .:'r`::�T PO Box 24706 -- d__ <br /> _ ��:c:,;�.:saf..' Omaha,_ NE i812�C (h�rNn�•gMMpcyy�� _.. <br /> �'�� . ... FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION.Tru�ta I�wocaWy yraM�,transt�n,Conwys w�d�s�ipr►�to Tn�ta.IN TRUST,WITH POWER OF SAIE,fo� <br /> ,',�''�'-;.��•:� , 1M b�+Mt and NcurMy of BaN&Iary.urWer ar�d subJ�ct to th�t�nns u�d conditlons ot thb L�d ot Truat,lM lolbwinp dMCrik»d rwt prop�rty.{ocatad <br /> _ F�.._-v.5m' �- <br /> -- _- ,�., in � 1 Cou��ty.NiibraGco: <br /> ���. . - ,�A �� _ , <br /> ,� •.a,. <br /> �,• ': . . ., ��'� Lot 3 Block 8, Wallich's Addition to the City df Grand Island, Hall County, NE <br /> . . �L�t. <br /> _. . .. .- tflal'�. <br /> s <br /> ... � <br /> Y �, <br /> , � - <br /> ^ TOOETHER WITH,ali rentt,profits,royakla,Incomt and olh�r b�neflts dsriv�d irom ths n�l proparty;ali I�sas a+a►bNaua c�wrinD th�rMt <br /> prop�ty pr any pprt{pn ths�eof,noW or h�r�nRar sxiqirg a�nterW into,and all�iplft,tlpo�nd intarat ot Truatur th�rsw�der;�II IM�nsl�,Mtat�or otMr <br /> cWmt.both In I�w and in�quity�whiCh Trustw now haa or may heroaRor acquin in tha reat propeAy:ail eASemenb�rlphtsot�waY.ta�ents.h�rsdMamsnts <br /> and yipurt�s thaeot and th�reto;all oll and ya�riphts and proflb,w�ta riphts and water stock;ail riqht,tlll�and intKwt of Trwtur,now owned <br />. or►NrNR�r�cqutnd.►n and to any tand Iyinp within ths ripht�ot•w�y oi any streat a hiphway adjoining tha rart prope+ty;any and all bulWinp�,flxlures, <br /> tmprownMrMS,ru�d appurtenanus now a h�ra�ft�r erect�d th�non or be�onpiny thereto,(herein reteRed to as"Imp►ovemsnY'or"Improvementa"); <br /> � • snd:.ny arA eu��ward�mede ta ths tektny by�min�nt dom�m,u by any proceed�nQ or purche!e in Ileu tlr.rcof,of the whok er�ny�nA o!ths►eai �_ <br />. propMy,/UI ot tt�Ierpolnq qt�,propeAy snd Int�rea conwy�d to Tru�t»Mrain collaetivNy reterred to+u th�"Propsrty". <br /> FOR THE PUHPUSE OF SECURINO: ----_ <br /> � (a)The p�ym�nt of tndsbtednese wddsncad by Truqor's noto of av�n date twrewith in the principei sum of ThiTty thous8nd four <br /> .,t hundr.ed aeventv six dollars and eightv four cents--------------------- Dol�ors(�*30L476.84** �, ���_ <br /> „ topNMr wHh inb►est�t the rate or rates provided th�rein,a the prinCipat and interect on any fulure advancve ovidencsd by promistory not�s a�ting <br /> tMy an s�cund her�by,(herein"Nde"or"Nobs")and any and ail renowele,modiNcatlona and sMenslone of such Not�,both principd and int�rast � ' <br /> p�th�Npf�bqnp payabN in acco►dancv with ttw ixms at lorth tharoin,ref�renca to wh�h is hsr�by mads. ►�,u, <br /> °l• <br />' , (b)Th�p�r(otmmc�of Mch�qr�am�nt and covanant of Trustw h�slrt confc�r.r..':and ' "'. <br /> , � (c)1 h�paymsM of eny aum w wms of money with Intenn thenon wh�h m�y be hereeRer pald a advanced under ths tormt ot this Dwd of Trust. <br /> , -,�'-. <br /> A.TO PROTECT 7HE 3ECURITY OF THIS DEED OF TRUST.TRUSTOR HEHEBY COVENANTS AND AGREES AS FOLLOWS: � <br /> �lt�� <br /> 1.Pay�►tent ol PiU►cipal andlntaroat.Truetor sh�il promptly pay when due the ptincipai of and Intereri on tM indebtadn�se evidsnced by ths Noh, !�;:_ <br />' and ail atMr chw�ss and laas as provlded In tha NWo,and ihe principa!ot and Interest on any Futurs Adv�ntsa securad by this O�od ot T�uK. ��,',�-_, <br /> �� 2.Wirr�ny d TAle.Trusta is Iawfuily telzsd md poatossed of yood und Ir�deteaaible tltle end estete to tha PropNty h�nbY�wy�d and has <br /> th�rtpht to qnnt and convay th�Prop�rty:th�Proparry Is Iros and clear ot ati Ibns and mcumbranc�s�xc�pt ikru now of ncord;md Trusior wtll w�►rant �_�_ <br /> •', ' :� and dN�nd iM Ntl�to the Prop�rty ap�lrut vl clatmt and demands. �' �:-� <br />� ,;�'_. <br /> �'.: ��'�w"_�'•: 3,I�/�htrntnc�and Compflant,y With Uw+.Truaor ahall kaep the Ptoparty in 9nod repair and canditlon arb ahall rwt commlt wasb or p�rmit impair <br />= � ' •: m�nt or d�nrioration of tM Prop�rty and shall comply with the provisions ot any lease it this Deed of Truat ia on a Isasehoid.No improwm�nt now or ���' <br />- ,;y ° . h�rwft�r eroctb upon 1he propKty ehau ba aitered,removad or demouahed without the prlor wririen conaent of Benaficlary.Trustor�ali aomply witA � <br /> vl iRws,ordinanc�s,rspuietbne,covenants,conditbns and reatricNons aftecting the PropeAy and not commit,suHar a p�m�it any at to bs dons in or ! _ <br />�''� � upon tM Pro�rty in vblation of any law,ordinance,rputatbn.covenant.condition or restNCtlon.Trustar ehaA camplet�w rosta�promptly md in p0od i <br /> workm�nlik�rtwxwr any improvKn�nt on the Property which may W damapecf a dwtroyed and pay.wMn dw.ul Ndms ta 4ibor p�rbrm�d and mat�M ; •- <br /> .. lurni�twd t1�Non and ta any aawatlons th�wof. . <br /> _'- 4.Msurana.Trustor,at ite expmae.will mafntaln with insuras approved by Benoficfary.lnwranee with ra�pect W tM ImpravsrtNnts and pM�on�l : � <br /> .i,. P►oPwtY.oonMUutirp tM PropNb.+W�nst Ioss by flr�.{iqhtninp,tomado,and olhK p�riis and hazard�eov�r�d bY st�ndud�xt�nd�d eov�raD��ndoa♦ �- . <br /> . . . rt�nt.ln an�mount equu to at Nut on�hundrW pweint o►tM(utt ropiaewn�nt wiu�iMrsot and inwrana aqdnet wCh oth�r hw►d�and In wch :,.: <br /> 0 <br />`-" � --�;,,.;:..:.a. .. ; �b at Is a�stomuily curNd bY owrvjrs�nd opaators of elmil�r pro�rtl�s or a�B�nNieiary mRy n9uin lor its P��ctlon.Truttcx wIA comply wilh <br /> "�°'; :.; . wch od�rpulr�nts a�8�rnffCiary may irom tim�to lime roqwst for ths probction by inuxanc�of tM int�rab of tM n�p�cliw putl�s.All insurance <br /> . ppl{c{M�nrnWn�d punwnt to this Dwd ot Ttwt sh�il nam�Truuor�nd B�rN(ktary as tMir r�sp«.�tivs Inarwts m�y�pps�r,and provWs ,.. <br /> - ,�:+ th�t tA�rr�h�N b�tq anaN�tfon a modiNcatbn without no iw�th�n 16 daya prior wrifl�n natifkatfon oo TrustM and B�nMiciary.ln tM wKM�ny puiicy <br /> �-'�� . =�w,�;,;; Mr«rfdsr b not nrN�wd on or b�fa�tb days 0�to fb�xpinllon dat�.TrustM u BMNkiary rtNY Procun wch insuranc�In accord�wMh tM . <br /> ;;�> +" �. provi�of pwyraph A.6 Mnof.Tnator shall dN�vQ►ro B�Iiciary th�oripirnt pol�Ns of inwnr�u+d nn�wal�tAKwf a m�rta co�Ns oi wch <br /> -- pplicbsand faNMnlslMr�of.Fnturo to fumlth wch kiwtanc�by Truaa.or r�wats as n4Wnd h�nundK�hW,at tM oplfa�af B�ffcqry.cont�tw _ . <br /> i_'�: <br /> ,...�� �,,,., adM�1IR. . <br /> ti�f! ; � r;,. 6.Ti�AsMarn�rNS and CIN►Dw.Tru�tor shW pay�!I taxn.aa�ssm�nb�nd dMr ctw��inctudMO,wkhout IlnYtatbn,6na ana impo�iWrn <br /> �� � •-r°'• rtribl�e�bi�q tlM Prop�rtY�rld l�wi101d WY��a���M�4,if�ny.bd0h UM eartw b�0on»dWn9wr�t.TnN10I Null prOmplly 1ut�M b BMnflClny <br /> `�'' �M notN�s W amowMS dw undK tM�p�raqr�ph.�nd b lh��wnt Trwtor shW m�ia D�Y���N�TruMOr sh�N P�D�h►furnMh to B�ciwY ncWPts <br /> �Wd�r�clrp�ud►Rayn�ntR Trwlor shaY p�y all taxN and aiN�m�ntt wlNch may b�IwNd upon B�Hc►rY't It�Nt h�Nn a upon this DMd W Trult <br /> viWqut rp�rd fo rny I�M�ih�t maY tit�t�d ImpainC P�Y�of tM whoN or any prt 1Mr+of upon tM 8�Y• <br /> i�.. <br /> �O1i71 IMhWa •`�: <br /> -v. <br /> �q �w <br /> w1�OCi1M�F�fMf�IyCiy11��If1�bMCa �,�: <br /> �/����1Q/Y�� n�r <br /> - ---- <br />