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f. , <br /> f.. •- <br /> - - 9�'s�� . <br /> T�� H�vt��NU T�� Hui u thc wmc unta thc MortYaBcc,s�ti hcrchi pro��W��J. Murt�x�{or rcprcccnts to,pnd <br /> ra��en�nts with. the M�rt�a�tee. that tht Mort��Yor h�►s yood ri�ht ta eell and canvey wid premisec; that thcy — <br /> ��r f'rer fram cn�wnbranre,exccpt��hcr�in�ithcrwisr rrcitcd; that the Mort�a�or will warr�nt and dcfc�d the <br /> +�wme����nat thc iawiut ctaiiiis of att{�ersan�K hor:ssac�'rr.Mart�a�or hrrrby rc!lnquishes All�iaht�of home�►te�d. <br /> all mari�al ri�ht+, cithcr in law or in cquity. wnd Ali wher con�in�ent int�rests ol'thc Mon�a�or in and to the <br /> ahuve•dck�ibcd premiscs. <br /> NKOViutu At.v►��vs, And tiuse prcunts arc cxecuted �nd delivcred upon the f'ollowin� condition�, to <br /> J wlc: � <br /> Morty�tgor a�recs tu pay ro the Mort�aQcc, ar urJr�'. tl�c afurewW p��biciqal sum with intcrest from d�; <br /> at thc ratc of BEVEN AND 0NE HA�F PERCENT, tx'r centum l ��5pp <br /> per annum on thc unpaid balance untll paid. Thc said princ�pal and intcrest sl�nll bc�uya6fc at thr officc oi <br /> Tb Equit�N� Witlteo�ad lo�e Aiuci�tia oi 4►��d is1��0, p'ACCSas' t�c�ho�ldc��o�[�ieiiotc may dcsi��Atc in <br /> in pr� Island. N�bresk�t , or at such ot cr <br /> writing delivcred or mailcd to the Mortsagor. in monthly inctallmcnts of <br /> 1Yp H�D F�OR'1Y SIX N�O 52/100 <br /> pollarx (S 24a•52 1. commencing on the �rst day of JANUARY . 19 84, <br /> and continuing on the first duy oP each month thercafter unt�l said notQ is fully paid, except that. if not sooncr <br /> puid,the final pa,ymcnt of principal and interest shall be due and payable an thc �rst day of _ <br /> DECEIu1BER� 2013 ; all uccording to the terms of a cert�in promissory note of even <br /> date herewith executed by the said Mort�a�or. __ <br /> Thc Mort�agor furthcr agrccs: <br /> I. Hc/she wiU pay thc hercinbeforc provided.PrivileBe is rescrvcd to prepay at any tfine. <br /> without premium or fee�the entire indebtedncss or any part thcreof not less than the amount of one installmcnt, <br /> or onc hundred dollars t51(10•00)+ whichover is less. Prepayment in full shall be credited on tho datc received. <br /> Partial prcpayment.other than on an instaltment due datr.nced not bc credited untit thc next following install- <br /> ment due datc or thirty days after such prepaymcnt, whichever is carlier. <br /> 2.Together with.and fn addition to,the monthly payments of principal and interest payablc under the terms <br /> of the notc secured hereby,Mortgagor will pay to trustee,(under the terms of this trust as hercinafter <br /> statcd) on the first day of each month until said note is fully paid: <br /> (Q) A sum epual to the ground rents. if any,ncxt due. plus the premiums that will ncxt become due and <br /> payable on policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering ci►e mortg�gc�i p��perty.ptus ta�:zs <br /> and assessments next due on the mortgaged property(all as estimated by the Mortgagee,and of which <br /> the Mortgago�is noti�ed)less all sums already paid therefor dtvided by thc numbe�of months to <br /> elapse before one month priar to the date when such ground rents,premiums.taxcs and assessments <br /> will beeome delinqucnt.such sums to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents.premiums, <br /> taxes and speciai assessme��ts. <br /> (b) The aggregatc of the amounts payablc pursuant to subpuragraph (a) and thosc payable on the note - <br /> secured hereby, shall be paid in a single payment each be applied to the following items <br /> in thc ordcr statcd: <br /> tt� ground rents,taxes, asscssmcnts, fire and other huzard insurancc premiums; <br /> tti► intcrest on thc notc sccurcd hcrcby; and <br /> Utit amortization of thc principal of said notc. <br /> Any deficiency in the amount of any such aggregate monthly payment shall� unless made good by <br /> the Mortgagor prior to the due date of the next such payment,constitute an event of default under <br /> this mortgage.At Mortgagee's optian,Mortgagor will pay a "late charge"not exceeding four per <br /> centum (4%) of any installment when paid more than fiftecn (15)days after the due date thereof <br /> to covcr thc cxtra expensc in�olved 'en handling delinqucnt paymcnts. but surh"latc chargc"shall <br /> not bc payable out of the proceeds of any sale made to satisfy thc indcbtrdncss secured hcreby.unless <br /> such proceeds are sufficient to discharge the entire i�debtednrss and al! proper costs and expenses <br /> secured thereby. <br /> 3. If the total of the payments madr by the Mortgagor under(o/of paragraph 2 prereding shall exceed the <br /> amount of payments actually made by the Mortgagre, as trustcc, for ground rents, taxes and assessments or <br /> insurance premiums,as the case may be,such exress shall be credited by thc Mortgagee on subsequent payments <br /> to be made by thc Mortgagor for such items or,at Mortgagee's option. as trustee,sball bc refunded to Mort- <br /> gagor.If.however,such monthly payments shall not be sufficient to pay�such items whcn the same shall become <br /> due and payable.thcn the Mortgagor shalt pay to the Mortgagcc,as trustee.any amount necessary to make up <br /> thedefi�iency within thirty(30)days after written notice from thc Mortgagce stating the amount of the de�cien- <br /> cy,which noti��e may be given by mail.If at any timc thc Mortgagor shall tendcr to the Mortgagec,in accordance <br /> with the provisions of thc note sccured hercby, full payment of the entirc indebtedness rcpresented thereby,the <br /> Mongagce,as computing the amount nf such indebtedn.�ss,crcdii co the account of the Mortgagor <br /> any credit balance accumulsted under the provisions uf(a) of puragraph 2 hereof. [f there shall be a default <br /> undcr�ny of the provisions of tl�is mortgagc resulting in a public sale of thc premises covcrcd hcreby.or if thc <br /> Matt�a�ee acquires the property othcrw�isc after default, thc trustce. shall thc time of <br /> 'l '�'_ .L�.. <br /> the mmmencement of such procceciings or at thc t ime[ne propeny is anerwix d�yo���+.����n�������<<�.�....:..:�:.:.8 <br /> to credit the Mortgagor under(a/of paragraph 2 preceding, as a crcdit on the interest acrrurd and unpaid and <br /> the balanre to the principal thcn rcmaining unpaid on said note. <br /> 4.The lien of this instrument shaU rem�in in full force and effect during any postponement or extension <br /> of the time of payment of the indebtcdness or any part thercof secured herebrr. <br /> 5.He/she will pay all ground rents,taxes, assessmrnts. water ratcs.and other governmental or municipal <br /> charQa�Gnes or impositions,kvicd upon said premises and that he/she will pay all taxcs Ievicd upon this mortgage, <br /> or the debt secured thcreby,togethcr with any other taxcs or assessmcnts whirh may be Icvkd tt�ider the laws <br /> of Nebruka agAinst the Mortgagec.or the Ic�al holdcr of said prinripal notc,on account of this indcbtedncss, <br /> except when payment for all such items has thcrctofore bccn madc under(aJ of paragraph:hcrcof.and hc/shc <br /> will promptly delivor the official ra�eipts thcret'or to the Mort�a�cc. In default thcr�•of the A1ortYaYcc muy pay – <br /> thc snme. .. . . <br /> . . <br />