,�--'- _ ,� ,� .
<br /> '.� ,�.''.'' - ��y,,; ,;.:
<br /> - --,�� __---_ ___ _:.�- ._ ._—. . __ .__
<br /> .� _�. _-..,......`.�.� � • . -_.
<br /> N /• � �
<br /> � 93• �o�eso
<br /> -- -- ras e�r�tosor� d�vis�d by �ob�rt c. ailctsrise to eis ridav, Harri�t
<br /> Gilah�ci�t, !or A�r litstii�s and on h�r d�ath. t�s lil� us� to h3s
<br /> dsuqht�r, ISiliaa G. Mtiybt, tor tur lit�tis�, ard upon h�r dsatD,
<br /> ttM r�sindsr to th� laatu� iw�us a! th� said Liiliaa ci. �hciqht,
<br /> . ��---� bsr surviving.
<br /> � s. That thr lirwS lits tonar►t, Harri�t Gi].ahrist, di�d on
<br /> Nascb 31, 1939, and tha� th� said sucas�dinq lils tanent, Liilial�t
<br /> G. itriqht, disd on F�bruary 19, 1984, and 1�tt aurvivinq as btr
<br /> �� lavtul issu�, h�r dauqbter, Lillian 8. 1�[urphy, d���ndant, and Jaa
<br /> A. i�lriqht and Christins Holladay, h�r grandcLildr�n, b�inq t.lu ottly
<br /> � issu� o! Christian 11. �iright, a d�asasM son ot Lillian G. i�Tz�ight,
<br /> �- -- trbo prsc�d�d hor in dQa�h on January 17, 19�3.
<br /> 6. That tho raal. proparty d�sarib�d in Paragraph � abovs is
<br />_ �;�; nov ovnad and vast�d in th� larrtul issus o! Lillian G. wr3qht and
<br />-. �:,.t,.
<br /> � �" `��'� in tt�e anaras aa hereaftor s4t Porth: I,illian S. 1�[urphy, an
<br /> � ; undividod one-haltl Jon 11. 1lrigbt, an undivided ana-lourthf end
<br />" C�cistins Holladay, an undivided on4-tourth. and that ths titl� to
<br /> ,.,�;��:;,.
<br /> ��:.: ., the prop4rty dasarib4d as:
<br /> - Ths Northeast Quartier (NS1/4) o! Seatfon Thirty-Six (36),
<br />�'...
<br /> in Township Elavsn (il) North, Ranqa 8laveri (11) West o!
<br /> ,,,,, t�u 6#� r.x., nai3� c:nut��j�, ��'acks,
<br /> t`, J:.,. ,
<br /> , 1,�, ?4.9e�_,..-�� �
<br /> . � �{;�,t,.;'' i� horeby quisted and confirmed in tha followinq per�on�, who ara
<br /> ��'�`� � t herirhy decr�ed to ba tha lawful issus of Lillian G. Wright, her
<br /> .fi;y�� ,x:.,�•xs•
<br /> �'=�:�`: ���� �•• aurvivinq, aa providsd by ths tor�s o� tha Lnst wf li and Testa�nt
<br /> .. ;. . ;v,�:�,. .
<br /> '"•��^'���`��"j`''�� p� RObQTt C. Gilchrist, and in the lollowinq sharBS:
<br /> %�� . . , .
<br />__= �'��.�`�-a`��`'.':""'" Lilliaa S. Murphy, an undivided one-halt (1/2j interostf
<br /> � � �` Jon l�. Wriqht, ar� undivided ane-fourth (1/4) interest;
<br /> �� �,�,;,�•�'~ .
<br /> .,f..:..;_ Chriatine Iiolladay, an undivided one-fourth (1/4) intara�t. -
<br />_ .�u:a._.:,•
<br /> -� ""'����"''� ' `" 7. That the� cos�et ot this aatioa, including the aost o! a
<br /> .�, • :. x* �
<br /> �;.r..: . :,�:.
<br /> , �F�;;��_�:,�. . aonplete rec�ord, have beeri, paid.
<br /> .ir,', �
<br />. �*�J`.'' �
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