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<br /> �c�ow��r oF a�o oF Tnurr 9� #�
<br /> _ �� ,w�+wi w�c n�e.ao�s� ,
<br /> Tn�ler w�►NMNN 11Mt 1M doo�MnMN MMt TtuMor M d�oulb�aouM N�OMd of Th�t Mid Ml s�na�pn�nd MrNh�prwM
<br /> 01�M P����In th�ONd of Trwt pro�ItiM�ub�MnM�My dl�'�nt rfOhd and abMOWoM b Yrwlor M�n�ma�M II�iw�nt
<br /> ef a dM�uR a bn�ah of obNp�tlon un4�r M'M, M Trup�fnatudlnp,but not IkMl�d b�1M L«wia'�rlpM b hrw ih��roOkyl wld
<br /> by MN 71��MIN wiY�o�H any Judlel�l prop�'I't�M1�Rl�.��w�M�n�IIW 1111s aoknprM�d�Mk wM��Mai1M a!►
<br /> f�+wlor bMa�th�w�aiYon d�r OMd d�t,.. - ,
<br /> Go in Con�tru lo .
<br /> �
<br /> �r��or
<br /> t►�s o�o oF�usT,a mua...a+n� l lth �y m NoV. ,�a_g��►.nd,�naro
<br /> �TM�. GoadMin Gan�truation �n�,.- _ ,
<br /> --_�-------�° �!Z Johnaen F! Grand lsls�nd Ne 6B9d3-9131
<br /> whoN m�Wnp addrMt la (hMMn'"fru�or:'whMl�►aN or man�, __
<br /> _� - �T�� Five Foinka Benk, e He4rat�ka Corparation
<br /> .
<br />:1•" ������+M P.t,. 0c.x 1507 Gr:�r►d lcland, HE 6e802 ���„YN�,��u�d
<br /> ���� Five Pui.ata Bank, �
<br /> ,Y�:t: whw�m�Nlnp.�ddrNS is Z015 H.� �roadrell (aranct Island. Hk:. 68fsb2-170% (��"���.
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CAN8IDERATION,Includinp Lsnd�r's�xtMSbn ot credit id�ntlB�d h�ntn W�'oadran C'onstructior, Inc
<br />- • (hsrNn"Borrower",whetl�r ons or mae)and th�trust honln crat�d,
<br /> u�'-,±� the rscdpt ot which Is Mnby acknowledy�d,Tro�tor hsreby irrovow�bly qronb,t►an�i�re,Conveys and assl�nt to TrustM,IN
<br />:z::�- TRUST.WITF!POWER OF SALE,fo►th�b«wfit and acurlry of I.snd�r,undar and wbjsat to th�tnms and aondit(ons hKNn�fO�r Nt
<br /> — � !oslh.!he►s�J pr�tly.dex!itied n�!4llatre: ,
<br /> .•.����s,��:; • HAI.L QO[NPXr NERRASKI#
<br /> '.�gN 1^�y, ,j.
<br /> :� .�.r'C.� ,`.
<br />- r ;,.. :; ��.
<br /> , ?� _.a�..�':�+.•
<br /> ����^4'�" '"'` To�tl��►with all buiWlny�,improvvmente,fixturea,ttreeU,alieya,paaaepeways,eaasmenb,riphb,privileyes and�ppurM-
<br />._ �'I�?•�C'��Iafybfpl�jp�
<br />- .� ���- }�+- ��•.. , nat�C�s(ocabd Gw�oqi 4r In 4hyw{Se p6rtAininp thOrpW,and the ron�.iasuca end profita,revsrsions snd�em�indere tMr�of,�nd
<br /> �.�.;i�':.;i;i='s:�i=:,.. wch p��qnt propKty th�t is at4ch�d to th�improv�nt��o at to constiWtt�fixtun.includinq,but not NmiNd to.hMNnp and
<br /> •.:fi,,......
<br /> „�..�.=y..�.- ,;.,: cooilnp�qufpmonk and tog�ther with the homeatead or marltai irttereate,If any,which interests are hereby releaaed and w�iv�d;aIi
<br /> , �: .�;�,~�,,� oi which,inctudlny nptacements and additlona thereto,la hereby declared to be a part ot the real e�tate�ecured by the Ilen of thls
<br /> r.� `"„�i�''�,aSt+i_.� ,.:.��.
<br /> D«d of Trust and ait of 1M forpolnp bsinq r�f�rred to haroin as th�"Propeny".
<br /> =_ ;�;;;,�G,�_;�;,,,„_,; ;,� Thfs ONd of Trutt shali s�aurs(a)tht paymsnt ot th�princtpsl wm and fnbrpt�v(dmcsd by a p►omissory not�w andlt
<br /> . ,.,:,v.� �,..
<br /> _:5,�: apr»rrNnt daEed Novanb�.�r llth l•i�f.i ,►���np a maturiry date ot N3y lZth lyy4 .
<br /> ;..�,., ,�
<br /> ;v�;;l; .; . 5t., �w,tCtdd.dd
<br /> �'=�-•• • � i n t M o r i y i n a l p r i n c i p e l a m o u n t o f S.� ,a n d a n y a n d�I I m o d i f i c a t l o n e,e x t e n s i o n s a n d r e nswals
<br />= 5"`<'�'"'' '°}:;•'� thorqf or thoreto�nd any and ali fuWre advances and readvances to Borrower(or any of them if more than one)hereunder
<br /> •� ;... � punuant to on�or more pramitwry nobs or cndit ayresmente(herein callad"Note'7;(b)the payment ot othsr sums advenc:ad by
<br /> .,:�;'' � ' Lend�r to prot�ot tha eecurlty of ih�Note;(c)the pertormance of ell aovenanta and apreemenb of Trustor aet torth herNn;�nd(d)ai!
<br /> ,; . preNnt and tutur�Indabtedneaa and oblipatlona of Borrower(or any of them It more than one)to Lender whether direct,indlrect,
<br /> ��:��, �bwluts or condnpent and whether ariafnp by note,puarenty,overdraR or otherwise.The Note,Mls Qeed of Truat and any and all
<br /> •�`` � �. oth�r docwnb that s�cure the Note or otherwise executad in connoction therewith,includinq without IlmNation puaranteM,�sou�ity
<br /> .�::�a:.. apre�m�nfs and assipnments of Isases and ronta,shati be rof�rrad to heroin as the°Lo�n instrumenb".
<br /> -°- ,��v.�; .� T�u�Mr cownanb and eprses with lender as to�tows:
<br /> � •," 1, p�y�nt M In�NbMdnMS.All Indebtedness secursd hereby shall be pald when due.
<br />�.� '_�lti� 2. TW�.Truttor fa the owner cf the Property,haa the riqht and authoriry to Convey the Property,and warnnts that ths Ifen =
<br /> . cratsd h�r�by is a firat end prior Iien on the Prope►ry,except ior Ilens and encumbrancea set torth by Trustor In writinp and
<br />_ � `;�! •• . �. ' '• d�livend to Lendvr before exscut(on ot thla Deed ot Trust,and thv ez�cution and deilvery of this Daed of T�ust does not vbtal�any
<br /> '� _-� contr�ct or other ob�i edon to which Truator is sub ec�
<br /> �,+�"vlui`.��� 3. TazN�AM�n�nq.To pay befor�de0nquency all taxes,special assessmenta and etl other charyea apalnst tha PropMry �
<br />_� � �.y:_,,,�:.,�.�.<:p.a now or heredter levled.
<br />-� 4. Inwranc�.To keep the Property Ineured against demage by tfre,hazards inctudod withln the term"extend�d coverage",end
<br /> � `����°�--'.�-' '` wch other haserds as Lender may raquire,In amounta and with companfes acceptab�e to Lender,naminp Lenc,N►as an eddiHonal
<br /> �• �;.,°,;;.';_ namsd Inwnd,with losa payeble to ths l.ender.In caae ot loaa under such pollcles,the Lender ta authaized b adJust,collect and
<br /> - �''. comprqnle�,ell claima thereunder and aha�l have the optlon of epply►ng eit or pert of the Insur�nce p�oceeds(i)to any Indebtednea
<br /> . M��. sscured hMeby and In auch ordsr ae Lender may determine,(II)to tho Trustor to be used tor the rep�ir or restoradon of tM Prop�rty -.
<br /> ^,:;'� or(Ilf)forsny othsr purpoes or objsat aadsfectory to Lender without attvcdnp th�ifen of thls O�eci o1T►usttor th�full amount s�cured -
<br /> - h�nby bdon wch p�ym�nt w�r took ptace.Any application of procesds to Indebt�dn�ss shait not oxt�nd or postporn th�dw
<br /> '� �d�ny paymenb undK th�Note,or cun any detault thereunder or hersunder.
<br /> 5. Ercrow.Upon wdtMn demand by Lendsr,T�ustor shall pay to Lender,In such m�nn�r ss Lsndar may dNipnate,wf8cient
<br /> ° sum�to�nab4 Lender to pay u they bscome dua one or more oT the toifowinp:(f)an taxes,a�tsment�ana omer cnar9es ap�in� _
<br /> z� t?w PropNty,(Iq the pnmiumt on tM prop�rty fnsurancs nqufnd h�nund�r,and(Iii)th�promiums on any rtwApey�Insuance -
<br /> r�qiYnd b!►LMKls�. -
<br /> 6. Iliini�ne�,R�Its and CampN�nc�wMh Law�.Trustor shdl keep Me Property in pood conditbn and np�ir,shall
<br /> prampqy�p�ir.or npl�c� amr improvertwnt which rt►�y b�damep�d or dostroysd;�hail not commit or pwmlt any wafM or
<br />-- d�MrioraYon d 1M Prop�rty;�halt nat remov�,d�motieh or wbst�ndaily alNr any ol the{mprov«n�nb on tM Pro{�rty;shall�ot
<br /> ow►�,�,wmr or�,my.��o a do+,.in ar upan th�Propety in vioietion ol sny kw,adin�ncs,o�rputatbn:and shdi pay�nd
<br /> prp��r di�charp�at Tnu�or't cosf and�xp�ns�all H�nR�ncumbnncq and chu�s iwNd.impow�l a as�Md�i�n th� �
<br /> �b a�!I P�rt tt�►wf.
<br /> 7. E�YNM Da�ti 1.��Is h�nby�s�ipn�d all compens�don.aw�rd�,d�ma�w�nd otMr p�ym�nb ar nlNf(Mnlndt�
<br /> "Proc�ls'�in conn�alion wMh cond�mn�tlon or Wher Wcinp of 1fN Pro�b a Mrt thKwl.ar tor conwy�nc�In iNu M cond�mrw-
<br /> tion,t,w�d�►MwH b��nfitl�d at its optbn to cortNr+MC�.�ppMr in�nd prowcuM In its own namt any�ctlon or procs�dlnp�,and
<br /> MMM aMo b�iMNitMd b nyk�anY aomprortMs�or Nl�n�nt fn conn�cfbn wNh wch taklnp or d�rnp�.in tM�v�nt any pa�tfon a1
<br /> �e�+s:w�.rur�.NO..�rw..�ar ' 3, �T�M�`
<br /> �11NN�Y�IMdNC�w�Ttir W trw�MArr�rrwtYiwN IMMM�
<br />