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• <br /> , : . . <br /> - i'�� � ..�G.• _ --_ <br /> .-'.u. '.1lw_ _ .J -__ --. .._ . _ .�... <br /> •���_•�1[i=.r!� .. ' . ..�.. _._.��-�_._... .. ._, <br /> �� �� <br /> T. DI6XR�AfMl1�.�li Mft ni�efl�d to ifl PII 2.ot CM111p ole�I�IOwK of wCh payQlellfs. A4Y e��P�'��!O'wt�11 <br /> MMIIAIK11,Qn���0��S IIIM�Ir I�IQ NCIO Yld�i S�CIIf�I 11�11RI�t����11 If11M w� <br /> �.�..�0lldEf lIIRy CO�OCt�R�Ild C��NIi�lOf�tl��(�0�Cl�y <br /> l.�.(i�W�(br AonNrado�of Debt. <br /> (�1 Ae�w1A Lender nrY•excep¢�a limited by rcgul�tiaa iaued by tho Sacretruy in tlw��e of psyment defwps. <br /> roqu�+,y,immedl�epaymau ia fiip o��ll wms�ecured by dd�Sxuriry Irowment it: <br /> 'lt��8oti�ower defeulh hy tailing to p�y�in full�ny rnaNh1V p�y��Kd bY t6G�Sacu�itY lp�iYq�t P�Of <br /> -- tqt�r oe the due due of the next maothlY P�Y��a <br /> (f j1$otrowa defwlta by f�ilia�.for a periad of thuty duyi.W perfartn�uty atf�u oblig+�tia�cantainad in thl� <br /> ty Cnatrumrn� <br /> (ba ,WMYout Credit Ap{teav�. Lender�11,If pertntped by spplic�blc liw and with t1Ki prlor approv�l of die <br /> So��y�requi.�e lmmodiue pxyment In full of dl the sums securcd by t6is Secur�qr Inr�tument ff: <br /> (i�,HII or put of the PropeRg.a a bcaeficiW interest in a trust owning�11 or Wut of tho ProQatY.ia w!d or <br /> ot�srwlse truu�ferred(othar than by deviae or descent)by the Barower.�nd <br /> (ii)The Froperty i�not occupitd by the pu[�haau or�ranta as his or her prir�ipal residence,or tha purch�ser <br /> o� grantoe does so occupy the Property but hi� or her credit hss not beet� ap(xbvod in aocordance <br /> with the roquirements of thc Secrctary. <br /> (c}Na:Wsiver. If cu+cumstanccc oc�ur that would pemoit L.ender to roqu�rc imrn itto paymcnt in fuU,but l.ender <br /> dqqc flot requi�e suchp�yments,l.ender does not waive hs dghtg with respect to�u uant events. <br /> - - (.���Rt�ul�ti�as o�HUp Secretary. In mAny cIrcumstances negulations issued by tha Secretsry wiB limFt Leiederk <br /> righfs. ln the case of payment defwits. torequire immediate pAyrnGnt in full utd foneclose if nocp�ud. 71iir <br /> ___ __—_______._ Socwiry Instrument does not authoriu accelentlon or foreclosure if not permiaed by regulstianc of the Secnet�ry. <br /> - (e)Ma'tgaYe Not Insared. Bomower agrees that shoold this Securiry Inswmont and tha note securod thercby not <br /> bq,eligibk for inaurance under the Nation�l Hcwsing Act within }�,,� �� <br /> - datx hereof,Lencler its option and notwithstanding anything in P�ra�If�:roquirc immediate payment in <br /> - - fu1i.qf all sums securtd by this Security InstrumenG A written statement of my autharized agent of the Secretary <br /> — d�tKd suhcequent to 8 ths from the dete hcrcof,declining to insurc this Security <br /> inc,trument and the note secuc�thereby.shali be dcemed conclusive prvc�f af wuch inaligibllity. Natwith.vtanding <br /> ;y thq faegoing,this option may not be exercised by Lender when the unwvailnbiliry of inr�ww�ce is rolely due to <br /> L,endcr�s failure to remit a mortgage insurance premium to the Secretary. <br /> - 1Q��Relnrtptemen� Borrower has a right to be reinstated if Lender has requirod tmmediate payment in full becausc <br /> - at Bor►.awpr's fa3lure to pay an amount due under the Note or this Security Instrument. 'Ihis right ap�lies even after <br />_-' fa�e�IqFUn: proceedings ar�e instituted. To reinstate the Security Instrument, Borrawer shall tender in a lump sum all <br /> x`' . <br /> - ���g.�y�s{��Q��g Rormwert account current the extent they are obligationc of Borrower under this <br /> , ,� � , Security dmsuumen�for+eclosure cost�s and reasonable and customary anorneys'fees and cxpenses properly associated wlth <br /> �� ,�;:j.,�,.,: d�e fati�l��sure proceeding. Upon reinstatement by Borrower,this SecuritX Insuument and the obligations that it securcs <br /> ¢�N,l�, ,, „ shall�troain in effcct as if Lender had not rec�uired immediate payment in tull. Haw�ver,L6ndcr is not required to peimit <br />_ �'�°�.T .H;,.,,';�,. nint�Wtsm�nt if: (i) Lender has accepted re�natatement afeer the commencement af foreclasure proceedings withm two <br /> -�s,;.�.., ��.� <br /> � t ,�:t,�,; yenrti immediately preceding the commencement of n current foreclosure procceding, (ii> reinstatement will preclude <br />' � '��'-'� far�ecluFnt�on different grounds in the future,ar(iii)reinstutement will adversely offect the priority of the lien created by <br />: ,,, .._.,-- -- -- thix S��curity[nstrument. <br /> t;��•.: -�. - I1. llorrower iVot Released; Forbearance by Lender Nut u WAiver. Extension of the time of payment or <br /> ;-��,: .;. mnclif�utian of amortization of the sums sccured by th�s Securiry Instrument granted by Lendet to any successor m interest <br /> �.,,,..�.. ... .., of RorraWOr shall not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Boerower's succeczor in interest. Lender <br /> -_ =.;;::::• shnll n4G ba:required to commence praceedings aguintit un�succeswr in interest or refuse ro extend timc for payment or <br /> rK . othqiwiee modify amortizution of the sums+ecured by this Securiry Instrum�nt by reason of any demund mude by the <br /> .T, ;;�, originnl8orrower or Borrower�succesran in intere�t. Any forlxar:u�ce by Lender in sxercising any right or remedy shall <br /> . ncN•bs a waiver of or precludc thc cxercise of ar►y right or rcmedy. <br /> ' . IZ. Successors and Assigns 8uund:Joint und Several Li�bility: Co-SiRne�c. The covenants and agreements of <br /> thin S�,�cunty Instrument shall bind and benefit the�uccesson and a.ti�iens ot Lendcr and Borrawer,subjtrt to the pruvisions <br /> �� of Pata�raph 9.b. Bonower� c�venantx and agreements shul! be joint and .everal. Any 8orruwer who co-stgns this <br /> fr��;�''..� S�.�cunty tnstrument but doer not execute the Note: (a)is co-.igning this Sccuriry lnstrumen[only eo monguge,grant snd <br /> ' •• convvy that Borrower's intcrc+t in the Property undcr the tetm.of this Security Instrumenr,�b)iti nnt penanally obl�gated to - <br /> . , pap thu Fums secumd by this Serurity Instrument:anJ(r)agrec�that Lender and uny other Bnrtower may ugrce to extend, <br /> •� ��.,, ; mndifj,forbear or make uny uccommud�tions with rcgard to the tertnti of this Security Instntrnent or the Note without that <br /> - � Borro���cr's cun.ent. <br /> !3, Notiees. Any notice to Borrow�r provid�d for in thi.Securiry Imtrum�nt shall b��iven by delivering it or by <br /> �•r,. a;,�P mnilinII it by Gnt clu�� ma�l unles� upplicuble law reyuire. ux of unothcr mcth�xi. Thc nonce shall be dimcted to the <br /> ' Ptu�„itty Address or uny othrr addn�ss Borrawcr dc�ignates by nutice ti>Lrnder. Anv notire to Lender shall bc given 6y <br />_ .- �' � . <br /> �••" Pirrt clutis muil to Lenderi :�Jdres> >tutcd hcmin or any •rJdre�, Lcndcr dc.ignatc•b}• notice to Borrower. An}� notice ., <br /> ' Qm�ided for in thi.Security Itmtrument chall he dcemed to huve ixen given to Borrowrr or Lendcr when given as provided <br /> . • m�th�s puragraph. <br />- 14. Governin�Law: SererAbility. Thi, Serurity In.trum�nt �hall fx guvrmed By Federul lu��•und the law of the <br />� jua�diction in which thc Pmperty is ��x•rted. In the�v�nt that any provi�ii,n ur cl.�uu: of this Srrurity Inurument or the <br /> Note conflic�i with appiicable lua,tiuch conflict+hall mit aftcct o�hcr pr��vi>ion� uf thi�Scruriry In�trument or the Note <br /> , which can be given effect without thc contli�ting pmvi+�on. Tii thi,cnd thr pruvi�ion>of thiti S�rurity[n�trument and the • <br /> � NotQ ure declttred tu be�everable. <br /> y� IS. Borrower's Cupy. $urrowcr shatl hr.Eivra one confomicd copy uf this Sccurity In�uum�nt. <br /> �� , � 16. Assignment oP Rents. Borrow•cr unronditiunall�•a+�ign,:uid tran+fcr�tu Lender:QI thc mntti:uid revenue�uf th� <br /> . Rvperty. Borrower authorir.eti Lendcr or Lrndcr'.agcnt�ro ce�llect the rcnt,and rc��cnur.�nd hrrcby din:ca rarh tcnum uf <br /> "�;.;:� the Prt>perty to pay the renh to Lcndcr ur Lcndcr: :►��ent.. Huwc�•rr,prior tu Lcnder�notice tu Burrowet of Borrower: <br />- '. ��;r"'. bmach of any covenunt o�agreement in the Security In+trument.B��rrower shall collect and m�:civc all n�nt�:u�d revenue.of <br /> • the Property us trustce for thc bencfit of Lcndrr and liorroK•er. Thiti a„ignmrnt of rcntx�on.titutes an ubsolutc atitiignment <br /> ` :��.;;; • and not:m assigt�ment for additiunul+e�urity�ml�. <br /> '`"` �J�---r:_ _ If I rnder aives notice of breach tu Borrower: tal al l rentti ncrived by Botrawer�hall be held by Botrower•r+tru+tee <br /> •�`� fa b�nefit of Lender only,to be applied to the tium.xtiured by thr Serurity Imtrumrnt;(b)L�nd�r.hall be rntitlyd to <br /> collect and receive ull oF the rcnts uf the Property:and tr)each trnant uf the Prap�rty�hall p3y�ll rcnt�due:md unpa�J to <br /> � "� I.endcr or Lender;agent on Lender's written demand to thc trnant. <br /> _ � Borrower has not executed any prior a�signment ut'the mnts und hW+n��t und will nut perfortn ;u►y act that wc�uld <br /> , p�vent Lender from exemisin&it�rights under thi�Prr�gr.�ph 16. <br /> —�-----. . - <br /> � Lender sh•rll not be reywred tu enter upon,a►kc control of or maintain the I'roprny hrlaR ur afccr giving not�re uf <br /> �'"'' brexh to Bortower. However, Lender or a judici311y up�inted rccriver ma�•do u�;�t any timr therc i.a(m•rch. An� <br /> .,, �'" applicution of rcnts sh•rll na cure or waive any default or mvalidate any other right��r nmaiy uf Lender. Thi.a..ignmrnt <br /> - <br />