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<br /> �- .t'..,.. ,,1� . • �-_
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<br /> . �
<br /> ,� ,.� • � 91� �oas�s =-
<br /> ,,, � , `��` ,;;�,�: ssaured by this Mortqaga to be imnadiately due and pnyabin and may � �
<br /> ,�a�.,,.� aom�once Poracloauro o! tit►ia Mortgaqe by judiaial proaeedinqst and, _
<br /> � � � ;"'�` � ' � providod lurther, th�t upon auch dolault the Mortqagea, or a '"
<br /> " reaeivor appointed by a Court, may, r�t their option arid �vithout _ ____
<br /> . . ;, , --.._
<br /> "" - ° regard to the adequaay of the seaurity, enter upon and �ake � _ " `�s _ �
<br /> �� , � ' . possassion ot the proporty, colloot the rents, isauas and profits —
<br /> • therelrom and apply them firet �o the aost oE aolloation and
<br />� - � � operation o! the property ar�d then upon the indebtedness esaured by .� '° ---��
<br /> thia Mortgaget eaid rents, issues and profits being assigned to the �" -
<br /> � . Mortg�gee a�a further saaurity for the payment of tha indobtedness �_-=�
<br /> ' : aQCUrQd hereby. _ - _�,
<br /> . ..,,�
<br /> , '. ° 'tu�_
<br /> � r 8. Transfer of Pronertv. If all or any part of the property -_
<br /> f l� ) T�i1�=--- 1w:r:,
<br /> � ia sold or transferred by the Mortgagor, Moa�tgagee raay, at their �•�.;;,"� '�"`�"
<br /> sole option, dealare all �ums secured b�► this Mortgaqe �o be ``` . �' -
<br /> ,.:�
<br /> ,� . � i�►aadiately due anti payable. ���;����';!'�;
<br /> � � . . � 9, M�scellaneous Provfsions. .":"�=� •�,�h:- ' ._-
<br /> . ' ' ?a-
<br />