<br /> , ��4�w atir spici(y lbr nia+ue�n�nq before�ab af tbe Peop�ty punwnt to�ny po�wrr d NM oort.�iard M d1ii,
<br /> ��ac(b1 s�e�r d�Jud�Mlt�o�elllt lMU1�4aprilY�!!�u�a�. T1�o»co�ditioM w.�Yt W�o�wu: (�) .;-
<br /> ' �a�a [a�d�r aY �ww whioh dMn wauW ba due uader thi� S�a�rit� I�unw�wnt �d ths Hnw �a ii ao �ooeiaWioa iMd
<br /> oocwnetl;N)c�ew�ny dKwlt d�ny ad�er oovan�uq a ape��(a)P�ri all expw�lnaund ia antoe�cin�tbi�S�arity
<br /> . le�ea��.inclndl��but not llmited w.�ea�o�uMe�paneys'tea: awl(d) t�kas ruch actlon a Ladar may ro�wnabtY
<br /> nqrin b�w�ee dMt tlie Ii�m d dds 9ec�rity In�nnne�t.i.�ider9 r1�bq ia the Froper�y�nd Honaw�r9 oWi�tioh to pay tAe
<br /> wum �ecarod by t!� Secu�ity In�trumau �hall coatinue unciun�ad. Upon �t bY Bo�rowar. tbb Securlh►
<br /> in�tnanent aid ths obii�Miw��ecured l�ereby rt�li mrewin fuNy at[ecdvt ac if no sctelerattor►h�d xcu�red. Ho�revst.tM�
<br /> risht�o nb+WKle�11 aot�pply i�the ca�e o[�ccelenlion uader p�rynph 17.
<br /> 1!. 8ab w Natti C��e o�I.o�a 51�rvkw 7t�e Noee a a pedal interat in the Nole(to�etha wlth thi� Security
<br /> Inprument)m+��be�oW a�e or moeo tirna wItMwt pcior no[kx w Bamwor. A We may c�ewlt in s chanae la the a�tiry
<br /> (lutt�wn a�qa"L�o�n Suvicxr')that cdlaG►nxxublY WY�ts due ur►der the Note and this Socwity Insttument. 1�me nla
<br /> rruy be aoe a maoe ch�n�e�of the i.,o�n Servictr urmel�tod w a ale of the Note. It thne i�a chanee of the I.om Savioer.
<br /> Bamwa wiU be�Iva�wrltten ratko of the changa in�ocordancb with p�rnph 14 above u�d appltcable law. The naice
<br /> wiU aptte the nune u�d�dd�+ea of d�e new L.oan Se:vicer and the�ddc�eas w wtdch paymenta thould be m�de. 'ltia aotice wIll
<br /> alw ooqtAin�ny other info�mtdat roquired by�pplic�blo law.
<br /> 2�, Ha��,dq�s SMbd�uca�. Barmwer shall not cause a pennit thc presence.use,dispos�l.atonge.or rele�se of any
<br /> Hu.��Subeqnces on a ia che Propaty. Boimwa ah�ll na do.nor allow u►yone else to do,anything affxting the
<br /> Aropai�thpt ls ut vid�tia►of any EnvImnmenW I.aw. The proceding two sentences siuill not apply to the prosarce,uae.or
<br /> •oorye on the A�operty of:m�ll qwmdtks of Hazudous 5ubstances that ue�enerally recogniud to be y►propri�tte to nornul
<br /> ieaid�e�tiai nses and to maintarwnce of tt�I'caperty.
<br /> Barrawer shAli promptly glve Lend�written r►o�tice ot+�ny inveadgatlon,cl�im,demand,lawsult or other acdon by any
<br /> govammental or re�ul�tory agency a private ps�ty involving the Property and any HAZardous Substence or�nvlronmental
<br /> Iaw af whiah Barowu hw actual Imowledge. If Botrower leuns, or ja noti�ied by any governmenta) or regulatory
<br /> wtl�o�iry,thAt any removal a other nmediatlon of any HAZardous Subsiance affecting the Property is necarsuy.8orrowor
<br /> d�ll promptly take dl nocessary remedis�l acdons in accordunce with EnvironmenWl Law.
<br /> As uaed in thi:puagraph 20,"H�zardous SubstAnces"are tt►ose substuicea defined as wr.ic or hazardouc substances by
<br /> F�vironmental I.aw and the fotlowing subst�nces: g�soNne.kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum pmducts,toxic
<br /> pesdctdes and herbicides.volatlle solvents, maurials containing asbestoa or fornuldehyde,and rad[otutive materials. Aa
<br /> used in thls puagrAPh 20."Environmental Law"rtKans federal lawc and laws of the juricdiction whece the Property is loeatcd
<br /> ttnt relate to health,safety a environment�l protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21. Accekrattoa; Reaxdks. I.�uder s6a11 gtve notice to Borrower prlor to acaknuoa tdbwlag Borrower's
<br /> bre�c6 ot aay coven�nt ar agreement tn this Securtty Ioatrumeat(but not prlor to accekratlon under para�nph 17
<br /> �ot�applEas�:e la:�pr�xidts ot6ens��:?. T�r noti�e!hal!sgss�!'y: {e?!h•d_t���It;(b)ehe action requlred w cure the ,
<br /> defoult;(c)a date.aot less tiwn 30 dAys t'rom the date the notice is give�to Borrower,by whkh the detault must be
<br /> curod;�nd(d)th�t fAllure to cure t6e default on or betore the date specitied ia the notke may resuft in n�celeration of
<br /> the sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument and sale ot the Property. The notice shap further intorm Borrower of
<br /> the Mght w reinstate Atiter accelerntlon And the�ight to bring a court actbn to Assert the non-existence ot a default or
<br /> any other detense ot Borwwer to acceleratbn and sale. lt the default is not cured on or betore the date specifled in
<br /> the aotke�Lender At its option rnay require immediate payment in full ot yll sums secured by thts Securtty Instrument
<br /> wlthout�i�rthe�demand and may invoke the power ot s�le and any other remedies permitted by appUcable law _
<br /> Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred In pursutng the remedies provided in this prra�r�ph 21.
<br /> including,but not limited to�reasonAble Attorneys'fees And costs ot titk evidence.
<br /> It the power ot sAle is invoked,7lrustee shall record a nottce of defeult in each county in whkh Any pnrt of the
<br /> Property is IocAted pnd shull mail rnpies ot such notke in the manner prescribed by applicable luw to Borrower and to
<br /> the othYr persoas prescribed by ppplicable law After the time reyuired by Applicable law,7lruatee shall�ive publM
<br /> noNce of snle to the persons and in the mAnner prescribed by applicable law. Trua�tee,without detn�nd on Borrower.
<br /> shpU sell the PropeMy at public auction to the highest bidder at the time nnd place and under the terms designated in
<br /> the ootice of sale in one or more parcels and in any order 7Yustee determines. 'I�ustee may postpone sate oP all or any
<br /> parcel of the Property by public announcement s�t the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or Its
<br /> designee may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid.11rustee shall deliver to the purchaser 1Yustee's deed conveying the
<br /> Property. The recitals in the 7Fustee's deed shall be prlma facie evidence of the truth of the statemen�s made theretn. _
<br /> 'llrustee ahaU Apply the proceeds ot the snle in the following order: (a)to all cosks and expenses ot exercising the power
<br /> H�Km J027i 9/91� 1/wxe S.,j n ry/rqeil
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