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<br /> �t tiMoption of I.enc9er� it mo�t�p� in�noe covecs�e (in the unount �nd tor the period shat Lrec►c1�er r�quitr�)
<br /> pmvtdsd by�rt lrie�nbr appwved by l�a�de��atn Moamee�vailabl�u�d i�obtained.Baet�nNee��i►dl p�y thu pcwntum� �
<br /> nv�nd to malnaln nnortp�e irwranoe in eKeot�or eo providr a Iwe ro�ve� until the roqu�roment far maesMe
<br /> _ — -- iu�unna�nd�in�000rd�na�th uy�wdtta►�pwm�nt btwMn HotroM��nd I�K1er or�ppiiw6io i�w.
<br /> 9.Iup�ci�oo.Ler��c ar tq a�nt may make ra�on�ble entcies upon snd in�peation�of the Pro�rty.(,andx�ull
<br /> dve AoeroMer notioe at the dme ot or prioe w�n inpeation�peaityinj re��ble cawe to�the In�peadon.
<br /> t0.Coodemnstion.The�kp�oceeds o!u�y ax�rd or ctaim for dam��a,dlroct or wn�equential,In oonnection Nith
<br /> �ny oondemnatfon or ot1�x in�ot any prt ot the Property�o�for awiv�eyu�oe i�liw ot ca�dwnn�qan��n ha+sbp.
<br /> �i�ned u�d ahall be paid to I.endet.
<br /> = In the event ot a toW taksn�of the Proparcy�the proceecis eh�ll bo�pplied to the wme�ecuned by thta Sacudty•
<br /> Ir�atrument.Mhether or not then due,Mlth any e:oeis pdd w HorroNa.In the eva►t at a puti�l takin j ot.tha Property in��
<br /> which the��ir m�rket v�luo ot the Propecty immediately beloro the UkinQ is eqwl to or�raater t}u�rt.tha�maunt ot tt�a
<br /> eum�sxwbd by this Securlty In�trument immedi�tely betaro the takln�,unlas Botro+rer and I.ender athac�rine s�roe
<br /> in M�tinQ,the sums eecurod bv this Security Ir�strument ehaU be reduved by the amount ot.tha p�rx.eodo muitipli�ad by,
<br /> the follo�viny fnctton:(a)the toul�mount of the sums eecurod Imnnedi�tely betoro the talcia$,divided by�(b)tha f�in
<br /> - - --- enuket value of the Property immc+dtstely beforo the ukin�.Any Mlrnce sh�11 be p�;d ta&�rrower. In�tha evont•af�+�
<br /> partid takin�oi the Property in Mhich the f�ir market value oi the Ptaperty immodi�►tely betnro the aikin$in le�s thm
<br /> the amaunt ot the sums eecured immedi�uty betoro the takin�,unle�es Borroxer and Lenda�oths�rieo�eroe in�WritinY
<br /> or unleea applicable laM othenvieo providae, the pcooee�ds ahtll be apptied sa ihe suma socun�d by shia Securicy
<br /> , instrurnant Mhetha or not tha sums ue then due.
<br /> = If tt►a Pr��ity Is abandoaed by Borroaer,or i!�aiter notice by Lender w Borc+nwer th�t the oonden�r�nr otters to
<br /> m�lce an aMard or settle a claim for damaQee, BorroMer fails to reepond to L.a�der wlthin 30 dape dter the data the
<br /> _ _ notive is�iven,I.asdec is author�zed to oollect and�pply the prac�eed�,at ita optlon,dther to n�stoation or t�epair ot the
<br /> - Pmperty or to the aume aecured by thts Sacurtty Iristrument,Mhether or not then due.
<br /> - — Unlas I.ender and Borro�rer othenrieo�roe in�vritin�.any application ot pcoceede to prinapal alull not e:tend or
<br /> : postpone the due date of the monthly psyments rofened to in pua�phs 1 md 2 or chan�o tho amount of auch
<br /> `:�- paYmenta.
<br /> I1. BorroRer Not Relwsed; Forbeaaaoe By Lender Not• Waiver. EYtension of the ttme tor payment or
<br /> � moditication of amortiution of the sums sxurod by thia Security Instrument�ranted by l.ender to any aucceseor in
<br /> a � fnterest of Borrower ehall not opente to role.�ase the liability of the ori�tn�l Bocrower or Borrower's suocee�ors in
<br /> intereat.Lender ahall not be c+equired to oommence proceod�n�s sg�inst�ny succeseor in interost or nfuse to extend _
<br /> `___,� time for payment or othet�ise modify amortization ot the sums exured by this Security Instrument by reaoon ut any
<br /> _ ;,� demand made by the ori�inal Borrower or Borrowcr s siiccessora in intcrest.My torbeaanee by Lender in exereisin�
<br /> any rlQht or remedy ehall not be a waiver of or proclude the exercise of any sight or romedy.
<br /> -- !2.���e�ore�nd ��,e;=ns Raund;Joint aad Several L�bil�ty;('o-sisnera.7'he awenanu and a�+eementn
<br /> , �.h. � ,'.� of this Securlty Inatrument shsll bind and benetit the succeseors ind assigns of I.ender and Borrawer,subject to the
<br /> •.�:�.:-,�"��:.,::•_
<br /> ,,,,;..,_ . � provisions of paragraph 17.Borrower's covenanta md agroements shall be joint and several.My Borrowor who co-signs
<br /> ��;�5���,'.'"' '.:�,,: this Security Instrument but does not exccute the Note: (s) is co'signing this Security Instroment only to mort�ge,
<br /> '�:S x. ..:.-,. : . .
<br /> �;� . ,�,4,• °• . .F Qrant and convey that Botrowers interest in the Property under the urms of this Sacurity Inatrument; (b) is �ot
<br /> � •���ti��� -�' •� � pereonally obligaud to psy the sums sxured by this Security Instrument;and (c) agroes thst I.ender and any other =_
<br /> ""' . .�`'"' ' Bortoaer may aErx ta extrnd,modify,lasbear or make any accommodations with re�ard to the terme of this Security '
<br /> - •,.;;... ..., �.
<br />- ' � � . . Inauument or the Note without that Borrower s consent.
<br /> � �'..;!. ,:..� I3. Loan C6�r�es. H the loan secured by thia Security Instrument is subjact to a law which sats maYimum loan
<br /> .�:,.: .. .-.•:. •. char�cs, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan char�es collected or to be collected in
<br /> �,• w;�=Y�;. �' vonnection with the loan excead the permitted limits,then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br />'��� �'-�"•"-� ' . i. necessary to roduce the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Borcower which
<br /> �»��°t-`�•'•'�'��� exceeded permitted limits will be retunded to Borrower. Lender may choase to make this retund by reducinE the M
<br /> . � principal owod under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces prinoipal,the reduction �
<br /> � � '� h.� will be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note. ��_
<br /> 14.Notices.Any notice to Bocrower prov'sded fur in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> �n;�,,.'� ' mailiag it by iirst clas�mail untess applicable law requires use oi anothsr method.The notice shall be directed to the ==
<br /> Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to I,ender,Any notice to Lender shall be given by
<br /> tirst class mail to Lender's address steted herein or any other address I.ender designates b�• notice to Borcower. Any �
<br /> ,. notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall be decmed to have been given to Borrowcr or Lendor when�iven �
<br /> '�� �s providod in this paragraph. ==
<br /> ;,.. �� ' 15.Governin�Y.�w;Soverability.This Security Inatrument shall be govCrned by federal law and the law oi the °-�
<br /> �, jurisdiction in which the Property is located.In the event that any pruvision or clause of this Svcurity Instrument or the �,
<br /> �� ' Note wnflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> � � ti , . which can be given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Sacurity Instrument and �
<br /> . r '
<br /> the Not$are declared to be severable. +•
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