---- -
<br /> ---,�MS •,ic. - . .. ../�,. � �v .. . ' .r r. . ... .6 -,. -
<br /> .� =_�r��7 . � ' i ,. h . . ,".
<br /> � . . - . .. ' . �'
<br /> � 1�1Y MIy I�O�N1f i�lIMMII�MM�b/FNI�O 6v0 0�IfIC P!'A�..t�y:p4lT�uMt fO�AQ�:j�.'4Vq�Q�NIO����
<br /> _. ,�__ �In�ln�w.>ar(b)�r d�Iwdt�Mlt I�Jar�ciot.tYi�Seavi�Y�nzbvmtnt.� ... cqn��ci�tiao�aro dMt Bonn� (�)
<br /> pqti L�nda all w�eM whloh dbn wo+dA b� d�e uedee tfd� 3ecurity instnime�it �;1Vate u if uo�niraii�vn L�d -
<br /> aoaute�tb1 cure��ay bofwlt of n�y atlMr oaven�nn or�peanena:(c:)Pa�a14 expe;taer i�jciared in anfacin�dds SecurilY
<br /> Inwwmnt.includirtR, but not IbnlMd to��w�awble attomey�'fea; aod(d)'takea 6t�ch action ai i�erda mty ra�wn�blp
<br /> nqwiro 10 a�q�e Ib�t th�IiNt t�f ihM S�curity lmbrument,Lenclerl�rightc fn�thaPY�operty and�wmwerti obU�atlon co pny d�e
<br /> wnu �ecundby thl� Srcutlty InMrue4au �II centinue unciun�od. Upon.reivatat�mem by Horrowcr. this �ecuritY
<br /> In�quma�t w1 tbc obli�tion�Mcuted herobY tbtU nm�in fully effxave as if no�cxolrx�don bad occumed. Howevar.lbis
<br /> ri,{M b r�iew�e�Mll rrot�ppiy in the ca�a of�ccelerstion unckr p�r�r�ph 17. . . , .
<br /> 1!. B�b at Na1R;C'W�e o�I.aM ti�rvker. The Note or a�Rial interest in thG Note(togaha'with thls Sxu�icy
<br /> Lut�ument)may be a1d one a mao tima wldiout prlor notice to Horrower. �sale may result ia a ctw�ga ia the aqity
<br /> (iuqwa n the"I.osn Suvlat")th�t collect�mo�Uh1Y WYments due undcr the Nuta and thia Secwity Ir�wmnu. 11�a�e�lso
<br /> nu�y be one or more ch�n�a af the l.oan Serviar unroi�tod to a�le of the Nate. If thero is a change of the Lo�Suvka.
<br /> Barrowu will be�iven written notice of the ch�n�e in�ccadu�ce with paragmph 14 abave and applicable law. The notia
<br /> will uate tha nan�e and�ddrou of the new Lo�n Servicer�nd tt►e sddre�to which paymenro ii►aufd be m�de. The notlx wUt
<br /> alw contsin u�y aher intannulan required by�pplicable law. �
<br /> 2A, Hwr�p��$rbMa�op. Bamwe�sh�ll not c�u�e or permit the presence.uae,disposal,stornge,or�elease of my
<br /> Hwnbus Sub�W�cea an or in the Propeny. Barower ah�ll not do,nor allow anyone else to da,�u►ything at�'ecdng the
<br /> FRuperty tlut i�in vidvlon of iu►y BnvlronmrnW I.aw. 'il�e preceding cwo senunce�ahall not Ap�ply to the pnsence,use,a
<br /> �ta�s�e on thc Prape�ty of unvl qu�ntitia�af H�zudou:Sub��s th�t ue genarally recognized to be appropriate to normd
<br /> raiifentiwl uiea and w maintenu�ca o[tho I'�roperry.
<br /> Bomower siuill ptomptlY�ive Lender wdtten notice of�ny invesdgaUon.claim.demand.IAwauit a odier actton by u►y
<br /> govenunental or regulatory a�ency ar private patty involving the Property and any Ha�aMous SubstAnce or Emironmental
<br /> Law of whkh Bormwer h�w r�ctud Icnowk�i�e. ff Borrower learns. or is notified by any governmenW or regul�tqry
<br /> authorlty. tlut any rcmoval or�r nmedfuion of any Hazudous Substencx.affecting tha Property 3s neces�ary.Bornnwa
<br /> �h�ll promptly take All nere�szary remedial ectiona In AccoMance wlth Environmental Law.
<br /> As used in thi�pxr��sph 20."Hwrdou�Subatancea"w�e those substances de6ned as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> Environment�l 4w u�d the followin�subrtances: �asoline,kerosene.other!]ammable or toxic petroleum products. toxic
<br /> pecticidea md ixibicides.volatile wlvents,materfalr cont�ining asbestos or fonnaldshyck.and radioactive materids. As
<br /> uced ln thi�pongnph 20."Environment�l Law"maans feder�l taws u�d laws of the jurisdiction where the Yraperty ie locatcd
<br /> thu celue co health.�tety or environmentpt protection.
<br /> NON-i1NIFORM COVENAIVTS. 8orrow��and l.cnder funher covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21. Accekratbnt R��dies. IRnder slull�ive notke to Borrower prior to accelerAtion fdlowing Borrower's
<br /> — bresch o��ny coveq�at or��r+eement in thls Security Iiutrumen!(but not prlor to acceleration under ps�ra�pb 17
<br /> unle�sppitcabk law pravWa otherwke). The notke shsll specify: (e)the defaulN,(b)the sktion required to cure Ihe
<br /> �..w.-�—�� detautt;(c)�d�te,11ot ieW tbap 301i�1ya fi'om tile date tite nutice iai�iven fu 8urru�et;by ��k�.tt�dPSa:�lt�st!x
<br /> ,�,„;;�;� cured;and(d)tbst bilure to cure the de�ault on or beforc the d�te specitled in the noNce mAy resuit ie s�ccekratlon ot'
<br /> �..=,..�;��", the sums secured by this Securtty Instrume+►t pnd xsle ut the 1'ruperty. The nottce shali further ioform Horrower ot
<br />—,j��.,��¢, the rl�ht to reinetate�Rer Accekrattan and the riRht tu brinR�awrt actbn to assert the non•existence oP a default or
<br /> .�.x�..�.
<br />,:�,y�;�;�i,;, ,�;;`;; any Mher defense of Borrower to acceleratbn and r�wle. It the de�AUlt ts not cured on or before ttie date speci n
<br /> - -��•'� s� the notice,I.ender at Itx optbn m�y rrqulre immedi�te p�ymrat in tull of AII sums secured by this Seeurity Instrument
<br /> _ without funher dem�nd wnd ms�y invoke the puwer ot�Ie�nd �ny othsr remedies permitted by applkable Inw _
<br />— l.ender stull be entitled to collect �it expensew incurrrd In purxuing the remedies provided In this paragraph 21,
<br /> _ " includiag,but not limited to,res�son�ble�ttarneyv'fi�ex�nd ca.►tK uf tltle evidence.
<br /> � ,,.,.
<br /> .a•� ' It the power oF sale is invoked.'I�uxtee sh�ll recurd�nutice ot defnult in each county in which any{wrt ot the
<br /> — . �. .�,� Property is locoted And shall m�il cupies otwch nutirr fn thr mwnner pre.r•cribed by applicable law to Borrower and to
<br /> a� -�t�:,��,� •r the other persoas prescribed by�►pplic�blt I�e: Anrr thr Nmr reyuired by�pplicable law,Trustee shall give pubtic
<br /> ��•'', notice oP sak to the rsons ynd in the mrnncr �e�ribed b u lic�blr I�w. 7Yustee,without demand on Borrower,
<br /> . •,rs;F pe P 3' pP
<br /> �, shall sell the Pruperty at public�+uction tu the htkhe!►d biddrr�t ihe timr�+nd place and under the terms designated ia
<br /> �n�•; . �•4 � the notice oisate in one or more parcels�nd in Any�urder"IYuytrr determloew 1lrustee may postpone sak ot all or any
<br /> % x�j�;;�r � � p�rcel of the Property by public anncwncement ut the timr�nd pt�cr uf�ny previously scheduled sale. Lender ot�its
<br /> �,. � ,, ,.,q,.. desi�nee mny purchasc the Pruperty ut�ny s�le.
<br /> `�'; '�t,�';;;R;•, ,,� �.,��„'. Upon receipt of payment of the price bid.'IYuzt��.h�ll deliver to the purchaser'11�ustee's deed wnveving the
<br /> , �''�''',':;.''��,�,'•.. ,...: _ Property. The recitals in the'lrustee's deed xhull Ix prim�fi�cir c��idencr of the truth of the statements made therein.
<br /> ���^��,,,_,, � , ,
<br /> �;��-�..•�.��-••. 7lrustee shall Apply the praceeds u[the wle in the totluwlnK ord�r. 1�1 tu�II ruxty�nd expenses of exercising the power
<br />°,��fi;�,;;4,.�,��,�x.�;,;
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