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<br /> .__ �prov�l�rI�Y�p aat be u�wo�ubiY widdNld, lf Ilae�owar idk w awdat�in daaibed�bnve,l,wd�r�ry.�t __.�.
<br /> e �p
<br /> L.�n�ettt opuon,obt�in covaye to pwect Lender i ri�ia 6MFroye�jr in u000rdf��wNh p�yr�pM 7.
<br /> A!1 inur�noe policies�nd nnew�l��U ba�oc�pt�ls k►L�ader iad�b�ll loclud�a wndrd cl�uie. i�edr
<br /> dw�►�h�ve tbe�i�t to how the pdicia aoe ronew�lt. It 1.entMr eequtra.Ha�ower ah�IJ prony�tty dve�dl�
<br /> of p�id premium�and roaawal notka. In tbc event of lo�+.Bonrowa t1u�U�lve prompt notice!o the ine�x�rioe c�rrkr�ed
<br /> iwr�. l.oixler may mal�e pcooE ot low If not m�ia prcat�3�by Eanaever.
<br /> u►i3aa Lender ma eortowe�«necwi�a.p�ec in wr�Hn=.iruur�na proceecf�ana��be.ppiiea cv iata.cion or rep.ir or
<br /> � tbo propaty d�,if the reeto�ation or mp�ir i� eooeomicaUY fwiblo atKl l.axlcr�wecurity i�not leccerted. If tho
<br /> rataatian a L na ec000mically fes�ibk or LaKir�'s i�xwity would be 1e�ec1,tha iruurmce proceed��htll be
<br /> �pplied w the eums secun�d by thia Sa.vdty Insuunxat,wbetha or not then due. wlth�ny excxss paid w Horrower. If
<br /> Bamwu ab�ndons the Propesty.or das not uuwer within 30 d�y�t�notice from Lender th�t the insuranoe c�rtier h�u
<br /> ' offered to xub�claim.then I.nxler m�y colloct the insunaa proceedi. l.ender may ute the proceeds w t�ep�tr or rataro
<br /> the P��operty or to pay wms socurod by thia Socurity Tnstr►une+u,whelher or not tLa�due. Tha 30-day perir�d wiU be�ia wtw�
<br /> the notice is gfven.
<br /> Unkss Lender uxi Bormwer ottieiwiso AYroe in writinY.�nY aPPHcadon of procada to princlp�l afu�U noc exte�W a
<br /> pos•tpor►e the due date of the monthly piyments rofenrd,w in puagraphs 1 �nd 2 or ch�nge the arnount of the psyments. U
<br /> under puagcaph 21 the Prnperty is Acquirod by Lender,Borrower�e dght to any insur�nce policies u�d proceeds resuldn�
<br /> from damage to the Prope�ty pdor to the acqulsition shxll p�r+to 1.ender to the extent of the wmt cecured by thi�Sectuity
<br /> In�uumeat immedlately prior to theacquisit�on.
<br /> 6. (kc��cn Preeerv�tkin, MAint�e �nd Protectbn ot tbe Property; Borrower'� Lan Appllattlon;
<br /> l,easebolds. &xrower shAll occupy,esteblish,and wc the!'roperty as Borrower�s ptlncip4l raidenae within sixty days afler
<br /> the execuaon of this Security Insuument end eh�ll��m�nue to o.^upy the Prunerty ati Bomowerl�prlacip�l reskknce for at
<br /> least one ycar after the date of occupancy, unlcss Lender otheiwisc agrees in w�ittng. whlch consent ahall not be
<br /> unreasonably witt�h�ld,or unless exunuating circumstanccc exist which ere bnyond Borrowerb control. Borrower shtll not
<br /> des�vy.dam�ge or impair the Property,uqow thc Praperty to deterioratc,or commit waste on the Prop�rty. Borrower slwil
<br /> be in default if any forfeituie action or procaeding,wt�ther civil or criminal,fs begun that in Lender�good faith judgment
<br /> could result in fafeiture of the I'roperty or alxrwise matorlally impair the lien created by this Security Insputnent or
<br /> Lender�s security interest. Borrower may cure such a dofault end relnstata,as provided in paragraph 18,by cauaing the action
<br /> or pmceeding to be dismissed with a nilina thu,in Lendcr's good faith determinetlon,precludes forfeiture of the Barower's
<br /> intercst ia the Properry or other materisl impaIrmeni of the lien c�neated by this Securiry Inswment or Lenderk secudry
<br /> interest. Borrower shall also be in default if Bornower, during the loan applicatlon process, gave materially false or
<br /> inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or failad to provide Lender with any material infoanation)in connection with
<br /> - the loan evider�ced by the Note. including, but not limited to, r�npresentadons concerning Bomower's occupancy of the
<br /> Property as a principal residonce. If this Secur�ty Instn�me�t is on a leasehald,Borrower shall comply with all the provisions
<br /> -_ -= ui ti�lcu�. If 8uuvwcr�►cquices f�utie ta ri�Fta�..ty,st:a lcaschald�d thc fce title shal!aos mtzge usslsss[.essder agrees
<br /> to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7. Protectton ot[,ender's Ri�hts in the Property. if Borrower fails to perfarm the covenants and agreements
<br />-= conusined in thts Securiry Inatrument, or there Is a legal proceeding that may significuntly affect Lender's dghts in the
<br /> : y Property(such as a proceedins in bunkruptcy,pratate,far candemnation or forfeiture or to enforce(aws or reguls6ons),then
<br /> - Lender may do u►d pay for whatever is necesaary ta protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property.
<br /> Lender's nctions muy include paying any sums secured by u lien which has priority over this Security Instrument,appearing
<br /> in court,paying reasonablc attomeys'rees and entering on the Property to make c+epairs.Although Lender may take action
<br /> under this paragrnph 7,Lender dces not have to do so.
<br />" Any umounts disbursed by Lender under this paragrnph 7 shull Uecomc additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br />_ ;;,+y Security Instrument. Uoless BoROwer and Lender agrce to other teans af puymcnt,these amounts shall bear i�tercst from the
<br />_- "�t���:C date of disbursemant at the Note rate and shall be payablc.with interest.upon notice from L.endcr to Borrower requesting
<br /> � `^ :�h��;:•r:..�.' payment.
<br /> •.��;, " 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this
<br /> . .:�;.'';;;,.;,�;.. Security Instrument,Borrower shull pay the premiums reyuired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any
<br /> _ '. ,�;•�._.�x.. reown. the mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Burrower shull pay the
<br /> ' :r.:::.�:ac:i` premiums required to obtuin coverage substantiall�� equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, ut a cost
<br /> �'=*j ��w�-� sub.twni•rlly equivulent to r!ie cust to Borruwer of the niangage insur.u�ce prcvious(y in effcct,from an alternate mortgage
<br /> M ��I
<br /> .�--^ insurer upproved by Lender. If substantially equivnlent mortgnge insurnnce covernge is nut uvailable,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> '�.�1��., Lender each month n sum eyuul to one-tweifth of th�yearly martgage insurunce premium being paid by Bonower when the
<br /> ' insurance coverage lapsed or ceu�ed to tx;in effect. Lender wiU nccept,use and retain these payments as u loss reserve in lieu
<br /> _ .�a -•:..._• - -` ""' of mortgage insurnncc. Loss rcserve paymentw may no langcr bc requimd,at the opcion of[.ender,if mortguge insurance
<br /> �'.• coverage(in the umount and for the period thut Lender reyuires)provlded by un insurer approved by Lender aguin becomes
<br /> : ' , uvuilable and is obtuined.Borruwer shull pay thc premiums required to maintain mortguge insurnnce in effcct,or to provide a
<br /> � , ._«,,:�,«. . `�, loss rcserve,until the requirement for mortgng�in»urunce ends in accordunce with any written agreement between Borrower
<br /> � �..:_. • �-• ' and Lcndcr or applicablc law.
<br /> ��' - 9. Inspection. Lendcr or itti agcnt may m;►ke n�asonable entrics upon:uiJ in.pections of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> ;�, .'_ . , . give Borrower noticc at thc timc of ar prior to an inspertion spccifying rc•�sonuhlc cuu.e for the inspection.
<br /> ' '�� • 10. Condemnation. 'Che prcxecds of any rwurd or claim fiir dumuges,dinct or conseyuentiul,in connection with any
<br /> �; " Singk Fumily-•F�nnie Mae/h'rcddk Moc UNINURM INtiTRUMENT••Unifortn Covenan4� 9/90 f�xe 3��jn rwR�s)
<br /> c�rri t.alr.nuwk.e Fa+r,tnc-■
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