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<br /> �r+ooerNBR wrl'H��l d�e improvanau.now or haie.n.r eroc�ea on the pcaparty.rna�l�ewe,neal..�.
<br /> _ _ �ed tiuuna uow ar baaRtter�Artt oi'We propatY. AU�+wd�1dL3aar dwil dso be cowral by thia Security
<br /> In�bwnent. All af the foro�1�ii refarad b in tbi�Six�urity I�uqwl�eM�r Ihe"P1'cpeKY•,.
<br /> 80�tROWSR COV�NANTS 0W 8o�rowe�Is lawtully seisal nf'�he esrxis heroby conveyad ond h�the ri�h�w�r�nt
<br /> atd canvey the ProNerty and dut the Ptepeny iR w�encumberod.exapt for encumbn�nce�of►awd. Banr►we�wur�u�td
<br /> will defatd�a�ally 1he dtk W tlte ProNertY a�ainrl dl cWnu and damwwli.aubject to�ny mcumbrance�of rrctxd.
<br /> THIS SECURfTY INSTRUII�M' cambinea �rorn, �o�m.nc. r« nu�aw ��o .�a �•uniform oove�nti wf�h
<br /> - liuilta!v�ri�tiorw bp jw�i�lktia�to cauuitutr r wdPum�ra:urity i�utru���nt cuvr.rin�rrY{pr�party.
<br /> UNIPQRM COVENANTS, iionower and Lenctee cova�nt�nd�roe as fdbw�:
<br /> l. 1'�y�at af Pri�clp�l a�d INterat;Prep�7�t wd l.ate GI�'�e�. Barower xtwll promP�Y P+►Y what due Ihe
<br /> princ of�nd intsirst an tt�e debt evidenced by�he Nae and anY pcepayment and late chugea due under the Note.
<br /> �FY�rdt tor'11�x�p a�d I�wru�cs. Subject to applicAbk liw or to�wrltun waiver by Lender.Bortower shall pay to
<br /> ��+�*���Y��Y WY���due wder the�Vote.until the Note is paid in fu�.a sum t"Punds")for:(�)yeuly
<br /> wces and usesunent�which may atuln priarity over this Security Instrumrnt as a tien on the Propeny:(b)yearly le�sehold
<br /> — � � piymerys a g�ound�+enu a� the Aropaty. if any: (c) Ycauly huyrd or propeny insurAnce promiumst (d) Yeuly ilood
<br /> insur�utce premfums,if any; (e)yculy mo�tgage insuru�cc prcmiums, if any; and l�anY sums pry�bk by Barrower to
<br /> L.eodec.in ucardance with the puvisicn»of ptuagny�h 6. in lieu of the payment of martgagc insurancc prcmiums. 71xse
<br /> items aro calkd"Escrow Itemr" I..ender may,at�ny time.cotlect and hofd Funds in an amount not ta exceed tAe maximum
<br /> amount a Icnd�er far a fCderally related mo�tgage Iwn may requirc for Bomower�c.r•crow account under the federal Real
<br /> - - - - Estete Settlement Procedurcs Act of 1974�s emended fran lime to time, 12 U.S.C.�260!et seq.("RESPA"),unless uwther
<br /> law tFut applies to the Plmds sets a laser Rttww�G If so.l.ender m�y.nt any tlmc,collcet and hold Funds in an amount not to
<br /> _ _ — exceod the lesser amount. Lender may cstImate the amcwnt of Funds duc an the Msis of currcot daw w�d reswnabk
<br /> _- estimates of expendlturas of futune Escrow ltem.s or ntherwix in accordu�ce wlth applicable law.
<br /> 71x Eiuids sitall bc held in an instituNon whose dep�aits are ir�surcd by a federal agency.instrument�lity,or eruity
<br /> - � (including Lender.if l.ender is such u�institution)or in any Fcdcr�l Home Loan Bank. I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay
<br /> the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Bomnwer fa i�olding and apptying the Funds,annu�lly analyzing the esccow
<br />�.�` �ccoun�or verifying the Escrow Items, unkss Lender pays Barower interest on the Rmds and app�icable Iaw permits
<br /> L.endcr to make such a ch�rge. Howevcr,l.ender may require Borrower to p�y a one-time charge for an indcpendent rcal
<br /> -r� estate tax reporting service used by Lender in coru�ection with this loan,untess applicabk law provides wherwise. Unless�n
<br /> �groetnent is m�de or applicablc law roquircs interest to be paid.l.cndcr shall not be requfred to pay Borrower any intercst or
<br /> - � eamiogs on the FLnds. Bomower and Lenckr may Agree in writing,however.lhat interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> �"-`?, shall ivc to Barrower.without c
<br /> g' harge,an annual accounting of the Fimds,slwwing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> __ purpose for which each debit ro the Funds w�s m�de, The Funds u,e pledged as addFtioo�l security for all sums secured by
<br />_- this Security Inswment.
<br /> -':� , If tlfe i�adc t�fd by I.e�r excmi ti�r wuuuuia }x�wittrd tu i�e i�i3 by sp�ik�,�'�e iaw, LCii�.'7 SSi3II 8CC8iifii i8
<br /> � Borrower for the excess Funds in xcordance with the requirementx of applicable Iaw. if the amount of tF�r Funds held by
<br /> �Y :,�• , ��� Lender at rny time is not sufficient to pay the Eurow Items when duc.Lendcr may so notify Borrowcr in writing.and,in
<br /> ,.,�,.•..�;',�• _:.�
<br /> . � .�� such case 8oaower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiaacy. Bomower shall m�ice up the
<br /> ...,,,�.Y . , . :,.
<br /> - �.. ,;.': • deficiency in no morc than tweive monthly payments,at Lender's aole discmtion.
<br /> �� 1 � Upon payment in full of ull sums sec:urcd by this Security Inswment.Lender shaU promptly rcfund to Barrower:u�y
<br /> w l,,: �•
<br />_ ,�x�.::�,.;�i .. _ y P�+S Ph 9 P�m'• P 9
<br /> • �„°���. :���'° Funds hefd b Lender. If,under ra 2l,Lender shall ac uirc or scll the Pro Lender. riar to the ac uitiiticxi or
<br /> -;r � ��;y,,.� � sale of the Propeny,shal!oppty any Funds hcld by Lender at tbe time of ucyuisit:a�or saie as a credit �gainst the sums
<br /> - secured by this Security In�trument.
<br /> A�'��`�• � a. Applketioa ot Psyments. Unlc+s applicablc law provides othcrwi+c, all payments rereiveJ by Lender under
<br /> �"'`'"'�' `' • ra s I and 2 shull be� l�ed:first,to an re r ment char eti duc undcr the Nae;secand.to amounts a ubte under
<br /> - P�$ Ph PP� Y P P'Y B • p Y
<br /> -;�'. .i��•�.•�•�.��'' paragraph 2;third,to intercst due;faurth,to priocipal due;and last,to any latc churges due uncier the Note.
<br />� " `"" '`.: ' ' 4. Cbarges; i.iens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, a+sessments, charges, fines uncl impositions attributable to the
<br /> '. ' '" Propecty which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,and lea.�hold paymentx or ground rents.if any. Boaower
<br /> • � shall pay these obligations in the manncr providcd in puragraph 2,or if not paid in that manncr.Borrower shall p•ry them on
<br /> . . time directly ro thc person owed paymcnt. Borrowcr rhall promptly furnish to Lender�Il ncxicrs of amounts to be paid under
<br /> _ �' � this puragraph. If Borrower mukes these payments direcdy,Borrower shati promptl�•fumi.h to Lender receipts evidencing
<br /> " the paymenGti.
<br /> � '" Borrower shall prompdy diseharge•rny ticn which has priority over this Security Instrument unletis Borrowec:(a)agrces
<br /> in writing to the payment of the obligation�ccured by the lien in a manner acceptuble to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> • �•.� lien by,or defcnds against enforccment of the ticn in,tegal prceeeding,�vhich in thr Lendcr's upinion opr.ratc to prcvent the
<br /> : �"'.Y_;�.1. . enforcement of the lien;or(e)secures from the holder of the lien an agrecment�atisfacrory to Lender subordinating the lien `
<br /> �'' to this Securit lnstn►ment. If Lender dctertnineti that un an af thr Pra n i��uh' �t to u licn which mu attain riorit
<br /> i.:r•':• i;.'��. Y Y P Fk Y 1�' Y' P Y =
<br /> _, over this Security Instrument.Lcndrr muy give Borcower a natice identifying thr licn. Bottowrr shull sutisfy ihe licn or take
<br /> ?' � '� one or more of thc uctions sct forth ubovr within IU days of thc givin�of noticc.
<br /> , 5. Ho�rd or Property Insurance. Bonowcr shatl kecp the improvement.now cxisting on c�naRrr crccted on thc —
<br /> ' • Property insured against loss by Cre,huzards irtcluded within the tertn"rxiended cover:�g�"and:►ny other hazards,inr.luding
<br /> �:� [ flaods ar flaoding, for which Lender rcyuires insurance. Thi� insurancc shull bc maintained in thc amounts and tor the
<br />- s�
<br /> - tiKm 31121i 9.�90 t/wRe:r'1^1'aRPS�
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