';xr�"`. :�w� `r..Y... _.u,- .- �.��..
<br /> �
<br /> "�� � _-__. __ _.._. _ _
<br /> ..�.= I
<br /> ''—.___._.. ..����� •
<br /> • . . 17, Trand�r d tlw Prop��ly or a OsnMblal Inbr+at In sorrowu. M an a.ny p.rt d�h. P�op��y a
<br /> • �n�►Inhnq h N M wb a Mnslrnd(a N'a b�r��oW MMtMt N 8ortow�r N rold or qrn�irnd and 6onowK M not��wM
<br /> P�rson)wNiwKR L�ndw�prb►w�Nl�n ocnwnt. Lmd�r n�►.iM ks apllon�nquk�Imn�WM�P�Ynw►t In iW d d wms wa�.nd by
<br /> thk MaxNy kwln�N.Flowwr�thM ap�ion �b�M not br�raind bY��M�o�eaM�M prohblMd by Md�r�i iwy w d th� —
<br /> -- �M Lertdx ex� !!�� c?!lo�. lertder ehe!¢�re�am�wer naMo�M aooelrnMM��. 11M�o1M»�ha1 pra�MM a p+rMid at not �,�a1 _-
<br /> iw thm �0 dry� tom th�d�th� rwMa� M dM��nd a n�d wMhN+wMoh BannwK mwt p�y d wm� Narrd by Ws �
<br /> �owNy ImtwrwM. H Barow�r ldls W pay thw wm�prfor W 1M �pMMion ol thi�p«1oti, LwNMr�►kwok��ny t�tMs �
<br /> --� P��h���Y Ntstrummt wMhouf IW1hYr notlo�a d�nwid an Barawr. �
<br /> �:�- - 1d. �rorwr's Rlpht bo R�IMtaib. N Barowr mMts o�rtaN aondltlon�. 8on�ow�►�hM hw•tlM elpht oo IMw
<br /> w t t a r c�n w n t o f t h t s 3 k u d t y i n a tr u m�t d a c o n t h u�d a t�r ry tl m e p r i o r t o t h�t M r N�r o t: (�) 6 d�y s (a w o A W h K p w i o d�s ;� , ,,, -
<br /> �PD�M� ��P�10f f�It�1NINf1U b�lOf�NM 0}th/PfO�lMlyl P{IfN1�111 t0 Yly POWr O}MI�OOfIS�NI�MI 111{{$�OtMMy �t
<br /> - � Imhswn�nt or (b)�ntrY M�J�xipnMnt�ntordnq tha 8�auitY InstninNnt. Thos�t�ndNlon�w ih�t Botrow�: (�)p�y�Lw�dR�M �s - -
<br /> --_ . wms whioh th�n wouW b�du�undK 1Ms S�curity Instrum�nt and th�Nott u N no aeaN�ratlon lu�d ocwrt�d: (b) aint r►y
<br /> _-�i =-- -- dM�At of any othN•oovww�t or��wnwnb� (o) WYs aN�►ensa Nwumd M�nMrdtq 1Fil�S�ourky IntUunMnt, Yidudfnp.a+t
<br /> _-----�+��+� not iNbd to, na�onabM attom�ys'iNSt �nd (t� Was wah aatton as L+nde►nxy r�on�blY nquk�to usun Uwt th�t1n ot
<br /> --------- thk 3�auky In�hw�wnt L�ndK's rlpht� k►th�Prop�rty and Borrowu's abN�tbn to p�y th� wms s�ur�d by thk S�a�ity
<br /> � ,'�:,.��=:�e.T�' Inttrwn��t shaN tw�tlnw unchan�d. Upon nhst�trmnt by BotrowK. this SuaxdY insuvma�t and th� oblpNions s�cw�d _
<br /> � II h�nby shaM rMrrin tuNy dhdN��s R no �cairatlon h�d oxumd. FMwrv�t�tllb 11pht W ninlf�M sh�N Iwt apply b tIN ow v -
<br /> ..�.r;,.: y, �., af.oedwation undK p.r+ip�ph 17.
<br /> "' ' �"'�" 19. S�I� of Nd�; Cha1t�o Of Lo�lt 8�rY1C�f. Th� Notr or a � p�rt�al Int�art N 1he Not� (to�eAhe►wkh this _
<br /> -_9.`=:ILk;':..,
<br /> ---���'�'-; S�cu�ity latdum�t)rt►�y bs aoid one or mae iNnes wRhout pior notic�to Bcrtow�.A s�la rtMy rault in a chan�k►ths�ntlty �
<br /> { ,.Y''�.�.�_;��f 11:. .
<br /> . •t•;�,1,,��t (la�ovm�s the Lwn 9ervicer') th�t co�lecta monthly p+rymanta dw undK th�Not��nd thls Seawky MtUwrnnL Th�e atso may �
<br />. ;•,� �j1;4't�.'.;;�'�;�R'y�.;'f" be an� or more ohanyea oi th� Lwn SKVic�r unnWttW to a ale of th� Not�. If than b a ch�nyt of th� Loan 3wvtor.
<br /> ����!1'.11��,L,i. ��4• S;-+�.
<br /> :� Barow�r wW b�piwn w�itten nolla�of th�ch�np�in accordrna�wMh panpr�ph 14 �bovo and appNcabl�4w. Th�notta wtll �
<br /> ��'-�. .'� •" , .�,: . sttt�th�nm��nd�ddr�ss ot th�ow�v La�n Swviar and th��ddnss to whlah paymanta should M m�d�. Tht oc�iw wIM Wo
<br /> j,•. , .. ;�. conWn any otbr intornrtfon rsqWnd bY MpMc�bl�Mw. `—
<br /> • 20. Hasardous Substancas. Botrowr► sfuiM not cauat a pem�it ths pnsma�, ue�, dltpoal, atorap�, or rN�aa of
<br /> ! t a. .. ,��..:�.• '� 1 any H�r�rdous 9ubtt�nc�s on a In th� Prop«ty. Bortow�r sh�ll not do,nor aMow �nyarn Ma to do. anythinp�p th�
<br /> • � Prop«ty thtl is k► viol�tbn of any Environm�nW law. Th�(lf�C�dkIQ tW0 t/IIfMRM ih�N IIOt�I�l 10 tFl���tMIG, uN, a
<br /> - � • - ,. staaq� on ih� Prop«iy of un�N qu�ntllMs of li�rardout 8ubst�nc�s th�t w Y�mnMY ncop^i��d to b��pproprhb to nomtil
<br /> r�id�ntld u��s md to muntmancr of th�PropKty.
<br /> 8orrow�r sh�M P►omiPtlY piv� L�ndK wrkhn notk� of �ny bvNtiy�tlon, daim, d�rrwid. i�wwk a oth�r �otlon by my
<br />--. ' pov�nm�nW a rrpuMtal►ap�naY a pthr�t�pMty Invdvh�!h� Prop«ty �nd any H�z�►dous 8ubstanc�a EnvkonmmLl Law ot
<br /> . whbh Borroww h�t aalwt knowNdp�. H Bortowu IMma, or is notlMd by �ny yov�mm�nW or►puwtory wthoeky.th�t�ny �__..
<br /> nmov�l a othw nrt�flon ot any H�tardow Subst�no� aft�ctlnp ProPMY Is n�c�ss�ry, BorroNrK sbW P�%►aY t�k� �N
<br /> - - --^ ---= n�wry nm�tlNt�cuons fn�ccardma wKh Environmantwi Law.
<br /> M ua�d In this puap�aph 20, 'Hatardous Subetanaea`�ro thae�sub�tanoes deRned a�toxia or huudoua substanas by
<br /> � Envkonm�ntat Uw and th� totowin substanoas:
<br /> y yeaolNa, k�roeme, other f{�mm�bM a to pN�r m pr , to
<br /> p�sUcld�s�nd h�bicid�a, vol�Wt solvents,m�twi4�contakiing rabestae cr tamMidehyde,and radwctivt nytwWs. As uud h -"�
<br /> pvapraph 20. 'Envkonm�nW Law' mnns t.dral I�w�md IrwA of thn judadladon whx�th�Propwty is loc�t�d that►N�u to �I'�
<br /> hwlth,wiMy or snvkonnHnW prot�ction.
<br /> ; NAN•UNIFORM c:pVENANT3. 8onow�r�nd L�nder luKher aov4n�nt�nd�gne�s foMows: -
<br /> . .' 21. Accd�ratlon; Romodfo�. L.�nd�r shall qlva notic� to Rorrowor prior to accotrr�tlon ���.
<br /> �.' • fallowinp Borrow�r'o brosch of �ny cov�nant or a�r��m�nt tn this Socurity Instrum�nt (but nat ��_-�
<br /> ."� � prior to acceloratton und�r p�r��raph 17 unl�ss applicablo law provld�� oth�rwia�). Th� nottc� -__
<br /> ehalt spacify: (s) the d�fauk; (b) th� action raquirad to cur�th� d�fauR; (c) a d�to, not loss than "T*,-
<br /> 30 days from th� dato ttw nottc� is�iv�n to 8orrow�r. by whleh th� drhult must b� cur�d; and
<br /> (dj that faUuro to curo tho dofault on or botore tho dato spacifl�d in tho notica may rosuit tn '��•�
<br /> sccd�ration of th� sums socured by thi� Socurity Instrum�nt and wle of tha Proparty.Th� notic� ��`'`:
<br /> shall fu�th�r inform Borrowor of tha ripht to rNnatat� �tt�r �cc�l�ratlon aad tho ►ipht to b�inq a
<br /> " court action to aasort th� non-existonco of a d�ipult or any othor detenao W 8orrow�r to
<br /> �':,�
<br /> • . • �cc�l�ration �nd salo. If tho dohult is �ot curod on or boforo the dato spociflod in th� notic�, �;;;'
<br /> ' � L.ond�r at its option may rpqutro Immodiata paymont in fuli of ali aum� socured by this Socurky �.���'
<br /> �. Instrunn�nt without iurth�r domand and m�y tnvoka th� power of aalo and �ny oth�r nm�dt�a ' _
<br /> p�rmittod by applicabla law. Landor sh�tt ba antiti�d to colloct all oxpanses incurrad tn pursutnp ' :
<br /> � th� r�m�di�s providod in thts psrapraph 21. includinp, but not Umit�d to� r��sonabl� Ntorn�ys' '
<br /> � b�s snd cods of titlo ovidonc�.
<br /> '. i If th� pow�r of saln is invokad, Trustao �h�ll rocord a �otico of datault tn oaoh county in
<br /> . which any p��t of tha Proporty is loc�ted and shall mail copl�� of �uch notico In th� msnn�r .
<br /> ' : { prosariMd by �ppticabt�taw to 8orrow�r and to tho othar p�rsons pra�cribad by appticablo taw.
<br /> � Att�r th�tim� r�quirad by applicabl� I�w, Trusto� �lull glvo pubtic notica of sai� to th� porsons
<br /> � �nd in th� m�nn�r prsscrfb�d by epplicabl� faw. T�usto�, without domand on Borrovwr, shsli sdt
<br /> : ' • I th� Prop�rty► at pubHc auction to th� hiph�st bidd�r at th� tlmo and placv and und�r th� tarms �
<br /> • i d�si�nat�d In tha notico of aai� In ono or moro puco{s and in any ord�r Trustoo d�t�rmin�s.
<br /> � Tru:N� mRy postpon� salo of ill or any psrc�l of th� Proparty by pubitc announc�mant at th�
<br /> + tim• and plac� of any pnviou�ly sah�dut�d saio. L�nd�r or tts d�sipn�� may purchas� th�
<br /> ' Prop�rty�t �ny sal�.
<br /> _ � Upon ��cNpt of p�ym�nt of th� prico bid, Trust�� shali d�livor to th� purchas�� Trust��'s
<br /> �, d��d conv�ylnp tho Prop�rty.Th� ncthis In tho Trutt��'� daod shatl bo prfm�facl� ovld�nc� of
<br /> �.-.. .. . .• � .• �_�_ ��___�_ �_..�__ _L_�1 ___�'" �L� _�_���J� � �L� ���� ■� �L_
<br /> -- '_' ---'—�� --�- LII� LrULO af T� siaiiminis tn�tar tnrnrtu. �rYSNr� r���u �p�sry an� Fnw�r�aa� v� u�v w�� o� u�
<br /> �T followinp ord�r: (a) to s�ll costa and oxpan�os of �x�rcising tha powor of salo, �nd tho s�lo. '
<br /> ., includinp th� payment of tho Trustw's fo�s actually incurrad, not to oxc��d threa
<br /> s ': � X of th� principat amour�t of tho
<br /> : � � not� at th� tim� of th� daclaration of dofautt, and roasonablo attornoy's fnos as pormittad by law;
<br /> � �. (b) to ali sums �ocurad by this Socurity Instrumont; and (c) any oxcoss to tho porson or poraons
<br /> `
<br /> I�pally vntitbd to It.
<br /> , .
<br /> , F1318.1M0(9I93) P�qe 4 ot 8 �I�r� � �
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<br /> � �C
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<br /> • . 93079.LM �
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