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_ j;..�--� = -�J�._ <br /> .�'�±'/ • ' � � �faM �1 0117�0007L . - <br /> � - -:.i:� �, . . <br /> . M • ' A�TUST'ABLE �tATE �ER <br /> ��Y..��r w�-�.�.r..rr � 10q�q <br /> n�at�aurr�.a�u►rt�r�.ar ir s�r�+o►d �ar��. �s ��� � � � �••d <br /> �.�_ idl b�d�w+d b��d wd w�pplNwt tM liiwy�/�,u�i oF lnrt ar i�riq►GMd ii�"S«�wity iu.�t�Y'f d sb.:.r.�� -- <br /> f�����(��'����.,/� �f")b��LL.?]�� u+ ',��L�1L'�I iy �1b°"�Wy1�TD�X y,,�,,.�,,� <br /> ��MLA�Of I{1���rM����fi��W�R��Y�i����{IYN����{: <br /> - �---- --°---- �3 Z' �i+ilf P��' �1� Q�MD Y�,i111D� 1� 6l�Ol , � <br /> �n�e�►IN+w�) <br /> THE NOTE CONTAIN�PROVI810N8 A�.tQWIN10 FOR CHANOES IN THE INT�REST RA,TE AND THE <br /> MONTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOT'E UMRS TH�AMOUNT THE BORROWER'S IM'EREST RATE CAN <br /> CHANOE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXIMUM RATE THE BORROWER MUST PAY. <br /> ADDI110NAL OOVFNAN'!'S.In addidoa to tha coveo�ats aod asreemeat�nude in We Socuelty ine�m�ay Bawvrer aad Lea�les <br /> fu�liret covea�at wd a�tee a�folbws: <br /> A. INTFREST RATE AND MONINI.Y PAYN�NT CHAN(iES <br /> The note provlda for an IoiWl laterat t�te of 6.700 �.1be Note providea fa ch�a�ea in tha intrarst <br /> __ — nte aad the moathlY P�Y�+►�►.as foilows: <br /> - 4. IIV'[FRFSf RA1E AfJQ MON'IHLY PAYM�.'[�Tf CHANf3FS --- . <br /> (A) C:htnEe Datea <br /> '-�i 'ibe intarst tate I will pay may chaaac on thn tirst dry of ��t .�L 1998�and on tlut day every 12th monih <br /> thereafter.Fich data on which my latenst rata could chrn�e is caUed a"C6�a�e Dato." �_ <br /> -•`,+M (B) The Index �"'_ <br /> F:�"_ �". <br /> =�;.;.: �,, geglnning wltli the titst ehange Dau,my intarest rata wil]be based on an Indox.The"Iadea"ls the weekly sverage yield ar Udud <br /> Stat�'l�asury Sec�uidea sdjutted to a constant mapuity af 1 year,as made avdl�blo by the Federal Rescrve Bo�nl.'lhe most t+ocxat <br /> ��'�� Iadex figun available aa of the date 4S days bafac each Change Date is csUed tbe"Cuaent Indeu." <br /> ]r": • <br /> `•!:: � ff the index is no loa�u availsble�the Nota Hddor wW choose a n�w index whicb is baeed upon eomp�rable lnfottmd�.'Ihe Note =. <br /> +': ``� Hoider will�ive me aodce of this cboico. =`'°: <br />-_�'+� � (G� Glculadon of Chauges '1�]1I�D '�� <br /> _• •�•, <br /> ';::':;.: Safore sach Gtsnagt L�'�te.the N��Hot�kr wUl aaleulau my new interest rau by addinR P�ntage points( Z.750 9b) <br /> . «�',...,�,.�;. 'Y,���� to�he Cutnut Index.Tt►e Not�Holder wlll thcn tound thu resolt of t6is addltlon to We noat�e.0 one-cighth of one Fierceatsge point �. <br /> • ,r.-..,fit''�.:..�,S�ss,. <br /> � ; .. p. (0.12S9b).Subject to the limita stated in Seodon 4(D)bolow.tbis munded�mouat will be my aew Intereat rate untll tIu uezt Cdange Date. __ <br /> �,;t���;,�;',�i.E�,r�;,,,��;,.'.;. <br /> -' •F`'�:�` ' ��.`'.'.��'•^,. .:�� 'llie Note Holder will Wca detemnlne the amount nf thu monWly paymeat that would be sufficient to repay the�mpaid principsl that I <br /> -:'+ ''�'�"'"'' .° '''-; am expecud co owe at the Chaage Aate in full on the mnwc3ty daa at my ncw interest rate!n subscat�dWY equal payments.The rosult of <br /> _ ..�._,.. .. <br /> '}- ' th�s calculadon wIU be the new amount of my monthly paymen� <br /> °1i�•`'`', :. . (p) L9mits on Intetest Itate Chaa�es <br />— ry. , � — <br /> ,�._ ;1: ''.,. �:=:,- <br /> � -• . � 'Ibe idterest rau I am rcquircd w pay at the fitst Chruige Date wtll not be greacer ttw� 8.700 '%or les,s than �.700 yG.There- <br /> after,my interest rate will never be increased oc decreuscd on any single Ch�nge Date by more tlw► Rf� percentage points( 2.00Q ��-.' <br /> '� ?i)from the rata of lnterost I have been payiug for tha preceding twclve months.My interest rata will aever be�reater thau lZ.70�r. -; <br /> '' ' (E) Effeedve Dato of C6anges <br />;� , My new intercst rate will become effectivc on euch Chnngc Datc.I will pay th�azrwunt ot my new monthly payment beginning on the �n' <br /> �_. <br /> tirst monthly payment date after the CdAnga Date undl tho amount of my ma�thly payment changes again. <br /> (�Natice of Changes �'�, <br /> �'�`�'•,. � • 'Il�e Note Holder will dcliver or mail to me a nutica of any changes in my intctc,�t rate and We amouttt of my monthly payment before � <br />.--. ' � ihc effectivc date of any change.Thc notice will include iuformation required by law to be given me and�Iso the title arid tclephone �: ._ <br /> .:.;_,• ::. <br /> ,:�;:s,,;.•: nwnberof a person who will answcr any question 1 tuuy]wve tegarding the notice. °"'� <br /> ��_' <br /> � ' B. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY OR A BENEFlCIAL INTEREST IN BORROWER F=�• <br /> �?�>}e' Udifotm Covenant 17 of t6e Security Instnunont is�tnonded to ccad as follows: t' " <br />_ �- ;;:�''� 'I't�u�sfer of the properey or a bcneticial intarest in boerower.If all or any part of the property or any interest in it is sold or a�wfemd h. , <br /> � • (or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transfernd and Bocrower is not a natutal petaon)without Lcnder's pdor writtcn conscnt, <br />`.�;. Lender may,at its op[ion,nquirc immediatc paymonc in full ot�li sums securcd by this Security lnstnunent.Lender also shall not exercisc t <br /> t;�. this option if:(a)Borrower causes to bc subm{tted to I.ender information rcquired by Lender to evaluate the intcndcd traiuferce as if a new <br />_ �a;., � •� � lou►wcre being made to thc transfet+ce;and(b)La:nder reasott�bly detecmines that Lender's sccutity will not 6e impaired by the loatt <br />_ • assumption and that the dsk of a breach of nny covenant or agmement in this Security Instrument is acceptablc to Lender. <br /> i r� ` To the extent permitted by applicablo law,L,ende�may ch�rge a reasonable fee ac a condition to Lender's consent to thc loan . <br />��� asswqption.Lender may also rcquire tha transfetee to sign an assumption agreement that is acceptable to L.ender and that obligates the <br />�� n�ferec to keep all the promises and agt+eements mnde in thc Notc und in this Security lnvwmrnt.Bottower wiU continue to be <br /> � obligatcd under the Note and this Sccwity Guwment unlcss Lendcr relca�Borrowcr in writing. <br /> '�P% � If Lender exerciscs the optioa to require immediatc payment in full,Lender shall gtve Borrower nodre of accelentton.T6e not{cc <br /> C <br /> . . , ehall providc a period of not Icss than 30 days from thc date thc nwicc is delivcred or mailed within which Borrower mu�t pay all swn� <br /> ,._, secuer.d by this Security lastrument.If Botrower fails to pay thwe sums prior to the expiration of tbis period,Lcndcr may invoke any <br /> __a:-�_'�.s..�.t r...�1.2�C�.....i�..iw..�...mnw�� f�.�6..►n..ti�v.�.�r4m�n�1 nn Rnrrn�v�r . <br /> T:-" .- --'- iww�s�w��uu..w o�u.w wv ..�.....................«......��..........�_.....�..�__...-._..-•-"• • <br /> �," �� BY SIGMNG BFlAW. w rrower accopts and ngrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Ad jusmble Rate Rider. • <br /> � � . 7 <br /> j_`�,. 1� . . _ :� GN-t i/ Oi •--�– (Seai) L -�'�y�c� L � �� �_ '"� i� lSeal) . <br /> x� -r,.,�.»� 1�;-' -a«�ow., <br /> -_� <br /> � (S�ol) (Seal) <br />_ „{ . -�� eoR�.� <br /> , /Sign OrigisalO�rlyJ <br /> - .�� <br /> . . • _r, . <br /> .-. , <br /> . , MULTiSTATE AOJUSTABLE RATE RIDER–ARM 5•2–Sinpl�Family– <br /> ��::y�.. ' • -� Fanni�M��/F��ddi�Mao Unifomn Instrum�nt Form 3111/3/85 EC•3002(REV 03/93� <br />= • � <br /> •� <br /> 4. _ - -- - _ _ �- <br />