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<br /> �����W��i�!�0�110rY Of b0['a�K lqClld OII 1�M p�OQlfty���I�MMO101l1�����M�Md�:
<br /> Ilxtww w�v or IiwMlMr i p�t of dr �ape�ty. All npi��wit� �ad ddkbos �WI da be oovayd bY �,�4 �Y
<br /> �11�. �Or1�1Q�!f'�O�I��{r�l��0�Il(�f.10Lyf�ly�N 1�If�PfO�ItY.r
<br /> �OR�orv��ovBNM�I{'���'s d�t rarow�is awkuy.�M.a af W..�o b.nay oonwr.a..a a.�t�e d{��p��a�
<br /> _- ' �a�w�r tM Prope�ty�ad e1W 1�� P�opaty i�una�n�b�d� aapt t�M�....o!sxor+d, �rras�x�r��d w�lf�l
<br /> d.r�a pa�r.��y tu.tw.w tM PropeRy.�.itic v�cWms.ud da�.�b�x eo Mr«iambr+�at noad.
<br /> THlS SBCURJ7Y�NS71tUMENT oonnbina uniform covenen�a fa rntioml we ad noe•unifonn oovenrM�wW�Il�t�iiad.�
<br /> wW�by J�u�didbn b aon�tkute a unito�wa�lty inuummt oc�variu�roW propertY•
<br /> - UN1PWtM COVBNAW'1'S.Barnwer aad L,e►�der oova�nt ard aV�ee a�fdbws:
<br /> _. l. lyrrMat �f M�eirl aid Lt�wli llrepy�wt wi Lale CI�. Bnrrowa dWl prom�tlY p�Y wf�ee duo tttie.
<br /> �- priaciwl of�nd i�Mernt oa the dobt evideocad by t'+e Nate�nd mY iw'�P�Y�=�lste clszrres dne undM the Note.
<br /> --- ----- 2. 1�IMd�(be Taxa Nad la�u��oe. Subject to�pplicable law or to a writtert waiva by I.eeder.8orrower siwll p�y ta
<br /> l�ader on the day monthly p�ymaits are due under the Note,unil�he Note i�p�id in full,t wm("FutK1�')for:(+1 Y�Y�
<br /> �nd�rtionti which mry attain priutity orer tfiis 5ecu�ity Imtrutnent�t�Ikn on the ProQerty:(b)yariy k�ehokl pnYmartp
<br /> or�round ronts on the Prop�.Tty.if any:(c)Y�Y���W'�P��Y lnwrance premiums:!d)Yeuly flood lnunwoe promiwns,
<br /> if any: (e?Y�wty mortQage inurru►oe pneaniu�rn,if any:�nd(�aigr�WYable by Bomuwu w l,rnder. in�ovurd�nve writh:
<br /> the provi800s of�raph 8,in lieu of the p�ymau of mort�e inwranoe p�a��iums.These items arc called'Eacrnw Itans.'
<br /> Lendef may. u any time, oollea and hald Funds In an amount not lo exoeed the maximum amaunt s krder for a fad�mlly
<br /> Mated mext�ge lou�may requirc for Borrowu's eacrow account under tha faderal Rat Fst�to Sat{ema�t Pro�codwes Aa ot
<br /> 1974�s amended from t[me W tlnk. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ('RESPA"1.unlac�r law th�t appliu to tl�e Funde
<br /> - �ets�lasu�ma�unt. If so. La�der m�y, st any time.oollOCt�tld hoW Fu�l+i in m amnuM not to txc00d thC(ttisCr i�fK1yRl.
<br /> L.etder may estimue t!x amount of Fw�ds due on the bads of current dMa�nd raaon�ble estim�of wcpeMitu�s of futum
<br /> F.scrow Items or otherwise in�000�moe with applicable law.
<br /> The Funds chail be held in an iastitution whose deposits arc inwrod by a faderal agency. inst�tality.or auitp
<br /> � :.'� (including Lender,if Lcnder is such An insiitution)or in any Foderal Home I.oan Bank.Lenfcr shall apply tt�e Funds tn pty tha
<br /> � Eccrow ltans.Lendu may nd charge Borrower for holding w�d applyln�the Funds.ar►nually arWyxing the escrow aa�own�ar
<br /> : ve�fyfng the Escrow Items.unless[.ender pays Borrowcr interest on the Funds nnd ap�licable law permits Ixnder to mako sucb
<br /> a ch�rge.However. Lender rt�y roquirc Barrower to pay a one-time chuge for pn indcpendent real atate tax reporting 6en+iao
<br /> used by l�a�der in connoction with this luan. unkss applicable law provides otherwlse. Unless nn �gr�eement is mxto oc
<br /> __ applicable law roquins intercu to bc paid,Lender stwll not be roquic+al to pay Borrower any int�rest or tarnings on the Fundp.
<br /> Borrower aod l.e�der may s�groe in writing,however, that interest slwll be p�id on the Funds. Lendor shall give to Bnrmw�er,
<br /> .,:�`�� without chsrge, an snnaal aarx�nting of the Funds, showing crodits and debits to the Funds and the purpose far which e�
<br /> deb4t to thr F��s was s!�k.Thr F+�nds ere p!!tiJg!Y!�s�i1i�+na1 cecu�ity for ail sumx sxurod by this Sixurity I�tiumtnt.
<br /> �`�M If the Funds held by l.ender excoed thc amounts permittod to be hcld by�pplicable law. I.ender shall accour►t to&+rt»ar�ir
<br /> • - for the excess Funds in xcordanc�e with the requircmc�ts of applic�bk law. If the amount of the Funds hrld by l.ender u any
<br /> time is not sufficitnt to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,vxl,in wkh rase Bormw�r
<br /> shall pay to L.ender the 3cnount necess;uy to make up the deficieacy. Borrower siisit maice up tha cbficien�y in na m�rv tturat
<br /> � ' i twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> � Upon payment in full of•rll sums secured b}�this Security Instrument. l.ender shall promptly refu�l to Borrower:u�y
<br /> •- F ; a. Funds held by Ixnder.If,under parasraph 21, Lender shall acquim o�,eS t�K?ivperty,Lender,prinr to the:ocyuisitinn or sula
<br /> :�'�"-�''�.`•`� of the Property,slwll upply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit�g�inst the sums secunx!by
<br /> �'�L�"`�'°"�' this Security Instrument.
<br /> �y� ..�i:i�J�irm�o�.. •,��.".:°�'. �
<br /> �E: y� 3.Applieation ot Poyments.Uniess applic•rble law provide�otherwise,�11 payment,received by(.ender urxler pYrubtty�hs
<br /> �,.....,_..., ...,..,
<br /> � '"'"'"' 1 and 2 shall be appliod: first,to any prepaytnent cha�ges due under�he Note: u�ond,ro am��unth payuhic under purugny►h 2:
<br /> �� ;x'� v... , .,.
<br /> • . '- � third,to interest due:fourth,to principal due:and last,to any late churgec due under the N�xe.
<br /> I� `�► � A.Clwrges; Liens. Borrower xhall p•ry all taxeti,assessments,charge�, ftneti atxi impositiims attributable tu tix Praperty
<br /> `�� - which may attain priority over this Security Instrument. anci leaschold p:iyment�or gruund renh. if s�ny. Borroa•cr s1w11 pay
<br /> these obl�gations in the munner providod i�pursigraph 2,or if nut paid in that munncr, &►rn�w•cr,hall pay thrm on tinx dinxtly
<br /> . to the person owed payment. Borrower shall pmmpdy fumish to Lender uif ncxirc�ot'umount�to lx p:tid urder thi+�rugruph.
<br /> , � _ lf Borrower makes thesc paynxnts directly.&�rrower shall promptly furnish to Leader recriptti evidencing thc puyments..
<br /> • '" Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which ha.priority o�•cr thi.Seruriry In+trument unlcs.BnrroN•er: (ti)a�:n.�e.in
<br /> �� _..'�' ' wcitins to the payment of the obligation secun:d by the lien in a manncr areeptuMr tu [.rnder; (b)cuntr.t�in gaxl f:�ith tl�e lien
<br /> • a�„`�` . ;':;, by, or defcruls aguinst enforcement of thc licn in. Icgal prcxc•cJingx which in thc Lrndcr's opinion ��peratc tu pm�•tnt the
<br /> -y''"�� f�"`'" �����'`��;' enforcement of the lien:or(c)s��curec from thc h��lder<if thc lien an •rgrcenknt,ati�tiutury t��l.ender�ulairdinatin�;thc lien to
<br /> _ , , tliis Sccurity instrument. If I.endcr dctcmiincs that any part uf thc PruExny is auhjert 1��u li�n w�liich mu� :+ttsin pric�riq�i�ver
<br /> �. �• � this Security Intitrument, L.cndcr may givr &►rrower a notirr iJentifyin�!thc lien. &�rrow•cr�hall wti�fv ihr licn or tul:c or►e or
<br /> r � • ' • more of the actions set forth alwve within 10 day.of thc�iving of M�tirr.
<br />_ : �- .. Fwrt+30Z+Y 9190 -
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