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<br /> , ' �3.•Hssard or Pro¢�rtY i�avn�o+. Aotrr���all iu�p t!M I�nprowirirat�aaa�� or� i��inoad ae.
<br /> ' t1w propMty lo��r�d y�int 1as by fir�h��Indudd�rlthln eM t�r,m'a�nd�d aowr�p��nd a�r Mbar Aoatd�,
<br /> iACludins tlood�ur Aoodiaj,for whtah Law'ler nqulrM inursnoe.Thi�inunaa ahdt b mdnt�ined 1n t!M�n►ount�
<br /> �nd foc tl►r pactod�tiut L«rdw requira.'11►e itruranw aarri�r providin�th�inraranos dNlt bs ohw�n by Bon�oNw�
<br /> _ __— �!b,�t!o Ls.�-'��ivi�i�+i�ivn�iyii twi t�uniw.r,�w6ty wSitii'�-ol0.Ii Br�t:s�!�l:.�se:�t�t�n r�►Yese��!!!�!iUd. ..
<br /> �bove,iwndir mpr.�t l.�ndK'�opelon�obain oowe�p oo pe+oi�at L«�d�r"�rt jhti ln tln!'ropwty In a000rd��a�iW
<br /> P�'a�taPh 7•
<br /> All i�wirance pollcia��nd rab��ls dull b ra�ep�hWe to Irend�r u�d sh�ll inolude�st�nd�rd mortp�s clau�e.
<br /> Lader �ll have tbe d�ht to laid the policja and r+enew�b. It LardKr+equire�. HaroNer,�Mit Pr'penPUy tiw to
<br /> _ Lender sil reoeipte ot d pnrntums u�d raawd noticx�.In the evenc at lwr.BorroNOr�iwil�ive p�ompt notloe to tl�e
<br /> ins�nw�oe cmier�nd� Leider msy mdce pe+oot oilor�if not m�de pmmptly by BormMer.
<br /> Unlas I.a�dcr snd Borro�ver athnrwtee a�ree in Mtidns,inau�t�oe proceeQs�hall be spplied to rasccxat�un orrepu r
<br /> a ree
<br /> ot the PropertY d�ms�d,it the restor�don or ropair i�eoorw�mically faaiWe anii I.ender'�seciuity is not le�enod.It the
<br /> nsWratlon oc repair is not ecawmically faeible oc La�det'�securlty would be Iare�Md.the i�t�oe pr+ooeeds shall be
<br /> �ppiied w the sume secured by this SecurIty Instrument,Nhethe�or not tha►due,Mtth u►y esc�ees pud w BorroNee.It
<br /> BorroMer ab�ndaa the Prapersy.or does not�nnvar Nithin 30 dsys�notioe from I,ender that tUe Qn�euranoe wrrter Ms
<br /> olferod to eettle a cium.then La�der may coliect the ir�sucance pracoede.I.endet may use the praceede to rep�ir or
<br /> roetoro the Pcoperty or w qy eutn�secured by this Sec�rIty Ynteumen�Nhether or nct tf►en due.T'f�s 30'dRy perIod Mill
<br /> be�tn when the nottce is�ven.
<br /> Unless Lender and BorroMer ott�erMiee a�rree in MrItinQ,any application at prooeeds to principal shall not oxtot►d or
<br /> poetpone tha due dato of the manthly payr+nente referrad to inp�aYraphs 1 and 2 or char►�c+the amount of thepaymenta.
<br /> If under para�raph xi thc Property ie acquired by l.ender. HorroMa's riYht to any insunnce pc�licties and proc+eeds
<br /> -- � rosuldn�from dsma�e to the i'ropertY pr[or to tha aoquidtion�hall p�ss to LRnder to the e=te�►t of the aums seaurod by
<br /> - thia Security Inattoment immedi�tdypr�or to the soquisition,
<br /> - 6.Occupancy.Proxrvation,Maintensuve and Protection o!the Property;Horrower'�Losn Appliatioa;
<br /> Lesseholds.Borro�ver sltall occu�y.c+stablish,and uee the Property�s Borroaa's pdncipt ratid�ence writhin drty daya
<br /> �fter the exxution of this Secunty Instrument at►d sh�ll oontinoc to oocupy the Propaty u Aorrower's princIp�l
<br /> ,:.�� rcsidenoe for at last one yar�tter tt�e d�te o[accupncy�unless L�ectider othenvise aQroes in wcitirt�,Mhich oonsent shall
<br /> . not be unreasonably NQYhheld,or unleee erter�uatin�cIrcumstanc:es eriat Mhich aro beyond BorroMer's control.Borroxer
<br /> � shall not destroy,dama�e or imp�ir the Property�alloa the Property to deudorate.or oommit waste on the Property.
<br /> _ Borrower ehtll be in de��u7t ii any fodetturo action or proceodin�,whethet civil or criminal,is be�un that in I.ender's
<br /> �,..� .good faith judYment could t+esult in forteituro of the Property or othecwise m�terially impair the lien cratod by this
<br /> '� Socunty Instcument or Lender's aecurity intercst. Borrower msy cua+e auch a detault and retnstate. as provided in
<br /> ��= panQcaph 18, by pusing the actioa or proceedinQ to be dismis�od with a rulin,� that. in Lendec's �ood idth
<br /> determination,precludrs fort�iture ot the Borro�ver's interest in the Pruperty or otl�er material imp�irment of the lien
<br />• ��; - creatt�by Lhie�c!��!�Ity In�trvmc�nt�r I�n�i'r'�!���rity interont,�n�nwer shall also be in dafault if Bornover,during
<br /> . ',, :,,.,,,;w»�,.,: , the Iwn application proceae, gave mitcri�lly f�lse or inaccurate iniormation or st�tements to Lender (or iailed to
<br /> ''`��'���:'�'�•�• ' provide Lender with any material informatian?in connection aith the!wn evidenced by the Note,ineludin�,but nat _
<br /> � .�•s limited to, npresentations concerning Borrower's occupancy ot the Propocty as a princ.tipal rrsidence. Ii this Security
<br />:;� ' " � Instrument is an A leasehold,Borrower shall comply with ell the provisions of the leise.If Bontt�wer acquircs ta title to
<br /> " the Property,the leaeehold and the fee title shall not mergo unlese I,ender agroes to the merQer in writing.
<br /> �7 T. Protection of I.ender's Rishts in the Property. If Borrower faile to perform the covenants and agroements
<br /> ..�,�, _ contained in this Security Inatrument,or thare is a legal pr�x:e�iiug tt,at��Say siBnificantly�ffect Lender's rights in the
<br /> . Property (such as a proceed{ng in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forteiture or to entorce laws or
<br /> � reEulations),then Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vaiue of the Property and Lender s
<br /> -�: ' rights in the Property. I.ender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this
<br /> !- � � � Sacurity Instrument,appearing in court,paying reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Propecty to make repairs.
<br /> Although I.ender may take action under this paragraph 7,I.ender dces not have to do so. --
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragnph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower socured by this �� �`
<br /> • - � Security Instrument.Unless Borrower and I.ender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts ahall bear interest �
<br /> from the datc of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon notic�lrom Lender to Borrower � �
<br /> roquesting payment.
<br /> 8. Mort�a�e Insurance. If I.ender required mort�age insurance as a condition o!making the loan securod by this �_
<br /> Security Instrument,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain tho mortEage insursnce in eftect.If,ior�ny r�
<br /> reason. the mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in Cftect, Bottowet shall pay the -�
<br /> , prcmiums required to obtein coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost ��
<br /> . substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortPage insurance previously in eftect, from an alternate '�-��..-�`
<br /> � � ' mortgage insurer appro�ed by I.ender. If substentiaQy equivalent martgage insurance covecage is not available, � _
<br /> • • Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equel to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being �- �
<br /> � paid by$orrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or crased to br in effec;t.I.ender N ill accept,usc and retain thesr
<br /> 'I paymenu as a loss reserve in lieu oi morteage insurance. I.os�s reserve payments may no longer be required,
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