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<br /> _ __ - a.wMorarab.�nr�.o..aa�►,u�aewi..waW.�w�►a�w���.�ao�,�:N»�r�:�� . �ms�
<br /> aa�t.u�e«awonaoe�qwon w,d.►w.o«e an�M+ok�dw+a aue na wn�.d�o,w.�ne.rs�+e�r�ao•ry�ow
<br /> by th�TtuMr�wwwi�t Mq►k�W P��TwMor np�M�M�d �!Mlb ioltnowlad��n!wM�oNOtMd d'1►
<br /> tp�aN�w.«MaAion a�.�i�f trwc
<br /> ' h� ��� t�uMo► YwM�d
<br /> �3,.�,.. � L�.� ��s.it�
<br /> ►���iQ�Q iw� Ir� ?�i� Mit�
<br /> Tws o�c o��usT.is rt�eM as of Ilw_i�d�y M ��- .�o.�,�►+�•�w
<br /> �TN�� Qa�on Zubi� i ��■a Lr� Zub+• hu�b�ad �nd rii� —,
<br /> wtwM m�Iwp addr�s Ia d19 B 8t6 St ac'�nd Isl�++�«Trw�or�'�i i o�a maN.
<br /> _ . e� tr�Tn�, ,_ Pi�re Pointa aank. a M�Dra�lw Carwration ,
<br /> wlwr mWN�p addn�s is P.0. 8ox 13i7 Grand I�land• IlQ 6b8�Z �rfn"T��w'�,and
<br /> Y ��yry� Pi�f Poinb A�nk �
<br /> whoM msiNnp add►NS fs ?,15 Y Sr dr�li [3rand I�laad. IIQ_ 6g�?-iy7 (�,�•��,�ndK'�.
<br /> FOR VALUABL�CONSIDERATION.Includ(np Lmda's�zMnWon of cndlt id�UtNd h�rNn to�*oA ZuDia
<br /> =:'� — t� B�s Ir�n� Zubi� (herei�"Borrow�'.whNhK on�or rtwr�)and th�trwt 1MrNn crNMd.
<br /> tM r�,Npt ot whbh Is h�nby acknowl�dp�d,T�ustor hs►eby irrMrocably y►�nt�.tnnsf�ra,conwya and asdpns b YnutN.IN
<br /> .�- TRUST�NIITH POWER OF SALE,fa fh�ban�flt md wcudty of l.�nd�r,und�r�nd uibJ�ct to th�Mrms arM condltlons MrNmM�r Mt
<br /> - - forth,lM nd propKly,dacrlbsd as folbws:
<br /> . - - LOT SIX t�i. �1.uCII YBit ii�), VOi?L8S iDDIi'IiNi 3'� 'i",iS CITY iffr' tiiiAqC I�.A2lD. °
<br /> f;,.; liAl.L CtKlN1'Y, 116BB4SIV
<br /> .�,,
<br /> �:i•:
<br /> --� ':��',
<br /> :A°` ��.' .,` Tcpsthsr wilh wIi buildinps.improvsments,flxtures.streeb.al{syt.p�ssapeways.easoments,riphts.privile�es and appurts.
<br />-:�.. � -f ,•,,.,. ��''��:, nana�s located thereon a In snywlse pertaininp thareto.and the rent�.issues and proi(U.reveraions�nd remalndera Mereot,and
<br /> - .��:%'�'� '� " such pe►wnal property that ia attach�d to the imp�ovements�o as to constitute a fixture,inctudiny,but not Umited to,he�dnp�nd
<br /> - '��^'�'%�`•�""`�� cootin�puipmen�and topether with the homestead or marii:l InteresM,it any,which interosts�re hereby reloat�d and waiv�d;aii -
<br /> " ��k="� �•''"'+ ot which,inciudinp replacements and additlon�t hereto,is here by dec lar e d to b e a pa rt of th�rpl�t�s�curod b y th�Ii�n of thi�
<br /> - ...:.>,";w;•-,�ti�'•'• Ds�d of T�ust and o0 of th�(o►spoinp bsinp rel�►red to herain as tho"Pr
<br /> -+� .x.�lnsa?'. _ ..,... OpBHy'•
<br /> � �: �.� This Doed of T�uat sh�li sscure(a)ths payment o}the princtpat aum and Int�ra�t ovldenced by a promi=sory nob or cndit
<br />' • aprewrwnt dated Uo�••�••r K•� 1993 .havinp a rrwturity dau ot rlti.i��-'�th 3999 �
<br /> . L'•`,�,r�,.?;.+�.
<br /> � ��.� t.;! in the orlqinal principal amount of S 7-486.61 -- ,and any and all moditicaUons,extensions and renowais
<br /> � "%�•��`� � thereof or thereto and any and all future advances and readvances to Borrower(or any oi them it more than one)hxeunder
<br /> ... ��i.. ,.
<br /> ' ;�';+�: punuant to one or mors promissory notes or cradit ep�eements(hereln cailed"Note");(b)the payment of olhbr tums advanCed by
<br /> ````• �� Lsndef to protect the seCUrity of the Note;(c)the pe�form�nce of all covenants and ayreements of Trustor set torth herein;and(d)ali
<br /> • '� �{ ". present and future indebtedneaa and oblipations of Borrower(or any of them lf more than one)to lender whether direct,indirect,
<br /> _ f�;';•.'��?i�i` '� absoiute or continpent and whether aritinp by note,yuaranty,overdratt or othervvfse.The Note,this Deed of Trust and any and all -
<br /> . .. otherdxuenbthat securethe Note or otherwiseexecuted i�connectlon therewith,Inciudinp without Rmitatlon yuarantees,securiry
<br />, � r;,�« apr�ements and assiynments of teasec and rents,ahall be►eterted to hereln as the°Loan I��truments".
<br /> �7r ,,.• ;�^.„ � Trustor covenants and aflrees with Lender as lollowa:
<br /> �' ?!�:"`" 1, paynwnt d ir�Nbt�dnu�,All indebtedness secured hereby shall be pald when due.
<br /> ' , . ...,.�;:; t. 2. TIIN.Tru�tor Is the owner ot the Property, hes the rlght and authority to convey the Property,snd warrants that the lien
<br /> �` . � created hereby is a tirst and prior Iien on the Property,axcept for liens and encumbrances aet forth by Truator in wrltiny and
<br /> f ;��., deliversd to Lender betore execution of this Deed of Trust,end the executlon and delivery of this Deed of Trust daes not violate eny
<br /> II � �,.' contrect or other obtipation to wMch Truator is sub�ect -
<br /> ;� ;:.�• 3. TazN,Ats�am�nb.To pay betore deiinquency all texes.apeciat ossessments and aU other charges apainst the Property _
<br /> - ,.: now a hereafter{svled. _
<br /> � "� 4. Irnunho�.To keep the Property insured ayalnst damape by tire,hazerds inciuded within the term"extended coveraye",and
<br /> � suCh othsr huards as Lender may�equlre.In amounts and with compan+es acceptabte to Lender,namfnp Lender as an additional
<br />� ��� ,��t;.:�:•,: nam�d intured,with iots payabte to the Lender.ln case ot Ioss under such policies.the Lender is authorized to adJust,collect and
<br />- ' � compromiae,ail claims thereunder and she�l have the option of applyfng aU or part of the insurance proceeda(q to any Indebtednesa
<br /> - ascured hereby and In auch o►der as Lender rr�y determine.(ii)to the Trustor to be used tor the repair or reeioratlon of the Properly
<br /> - or(fii)tor any other purpose or objsct saUataotory to Lender without aHectinp the Ilen of thfs Daed of Trust for tAe tull amount securod
<br /> •' Mnby bNore such payment evar took place.Any applicetion at proceeds to indebtedness shali not oxtend or postpone Mv duo
<br />_ '�'• dN�d any paymsnb under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 6. Eicrow.Upon written demand by lender.Trustor shaii pay to Le�der.In such mannsr as Lender may desiqn�lB.suHicient
<br /> - �"- � r..�.�-•�-�' '`— �......�......�wi��--�--w...�....u.�.,wd.......�.1��...n.nr,nnr�n}Ih�(n1lnWinn•!i1 w��tnYaa:�dv►nwm�nt�nnd other ch��06s aO�iI1St ''.
<br /> -- - - - -__ o............�.....r............�...i.........�..�........._'__..__....-•--•-•-.-••-..
<br /> •;,� tM Property,(H)tfie premiums on the property Inaura�ce roquf�od h�reunder,and pif)the premiums on any mortpapa insuranc�
<br /> •� �.il� requind by l.ender.
<br />= � 6. Ya1nMn�nc�,R�paks and Con�pNann with Laws.Truator�he�l k�ep the Property in yood condition and repair,shali
<br /> = �a prompdy rsp�ir,or repiace any improvement which may be damaped or d�atroyed:shall not commit or permit any wast� or
<br /> � dobrtoration oi the Property;shail not remove.demolish or substanUally aiter any ot the improvements on the Property;shall not
<br /> . •r" ' ' � commit,wffet a psrmit a�y act to b�dons in or upon the Property In vblaUOn of any law,ordinance,or repuietion;nnd ahai�pay and
<br /> , , _,;,�,�, promptly dfacharqe�t Truotw's cwt and oxpen�e�II ilm�,encumbr�nc�s and ch�ryes levled,imposed w assossod apainst th�
<br /> •.�� Prop�ty or any part tt►Keof.
<br /> • 7. E�MMnt DonwYi.Und�r Is hereby assipned alt compenu�UOn,awirds,damapes and other p�yments a relbf(hereinaker
<br /> • , "Procesds")in conrnctlon with condemnation or oth�r takiny of the Property or paet thersof,or for convsyance in Ifeu ot condemru-
<br /> ;� tlon.Lender sha�l bs enGd�d at its option to commence,appeer In and prosecute m fts own name any actbn or proceedinps.A�d
<br />� ° � shail a�so bo�ntlWd to mak�any compromise or seltlement In connection with such takinp or damape.In the event any portion ot
<br /> _ INC�iL)MMn�reYMVN OMA M 10�M ,
<br /> � O 1tM Nwrw�rvi d twrw�«Tww Mr sw.ti.Aw.cr�.a t+�e.h�+w�w.
<br /> -�
<br /> ;
<br /> e .._...... _. ... ,...._.._.. .,'- , .,_" . -_--°-.. .---' --'�`.— ---- - --- --
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