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<br /> 17.Te�r et tMe �!or�DMelki�l Id�eat i�D�rrowvr.If�II or au pat of the P�r+pm�ty cx k�oMwt i�k
<br /> uy
<br /> h�old ar aanl�rred(or itn�i�Ib�i�ffcW in�r�t in aamwar h wW or trmrtert�ed+�ad eorrow�a b rot t n�turnl )wldwiM
<br /> L,�d�'� prfor wrltten ooa�eet� L�ender n�'. W ia option, ro iarmdi�te prymeat in tull of�II win ��cwed by tw
<br /> �eaui In�tiume+k.HwMever.thla option�h�li not be e�cerci�ed�y Lader if exenci�e is prchlblted by tedernt law�af'IY�d�1
<br /> of tllf��a�ity Ia�tew�nt. _ .. .
<br /> �� __— - If 1.Mder exa�ci�thi�aptbn,l.ender�II�iv�dorrower rotice ot aooelaration.'fhe aatioo if�llpro vide s pKlod ot not
<br /> laa th�a 30 d�ys from the date tha notia 4 def�vaod or mailad within which Bocrower mu�t p�y d! wm��ea�rod by thl�
<br /> Security Imtruma�t. Ii LTomnwer failr to poy tbae sunu prior w tha expiration ot thit perlud,i.a�der may invoice any romedia
<br /> hy 1hi: IMatr�whhout fwtther notia or dem�nd on S�xmwar.
<br /> �S �lorndwer•� ro �M�. If 8cxrnwer med: cectain conditIau. Hcxmwer �fwll have the ri�ht to have
<br /> a�fotrett�x of this�v,trity�r�wiW�t �wo+uuwcd�t �ny timc priur tu ttu;wrlicr uf: (�13 d+yc(ur wct�athcr periai �c
<br /> �pplkabk law po�y.tproify tbr t�eirw�tement) befone �ale of the P�opaty purwuu to my powe.�of �ie oo�ined fn this
<br /> Sewdty Inuivirrent:ar(b)entry of a jud�ment enforcing this Secudty Intitruma�t.77aee conditlon�ace th�t Bortower:(a)paY�
<br /> lende��!I�ums whkh tt�en would be due uncler this Sxurity InunrmaU and�he Note�if no aceekratba hd ocp�rrod; (b)
<br /> cura Any defiult of u►y dha covau�nts or�reema�t�: la)p�Ys dt expeaes Incurrod In enforcinQ thi:Socurity In�tcument,
<br /> includiog,but not timitad ta. crasomble xtarneys'foes: ud(d)takes�uch�ctio��s Lendor m�y ne�wn�bly nequire tn sswre
<br /> thrt the lien of thia Security it�swnknt. l�etide�'a ri his in the Property and Aormwer's abligrUion to pay thz sums securod by
<br /> this Socurity Inswmer►t ibalt continue �nciwn��. Upon rcir►statement by Borrowcr, this Sxuriry lnstrument and the
<br /> obliguionc socurod luneby shall rcmxin iWly etfoctive�t if no aooelerstlon tyd axurrod. Howevu. this d�ht to rdnct�Ne sfall
<br /> notapply in the c�e of acceleration under pu�graph 17.
<br /> 19. Sak ot Note; Clutn�e of I.o�p Servker. The Note or a partiyl intcrcst in the Nate (together with this Secudty
<br /> Instn�mcnt)may be sold one or mare times without pr�or notioe to Bornower.A salc may rcsult in a ctwnge In thc e�Kity(luwwn
<br /> �s the"L,oan Serviar')thAt eollocts monthly payments due under the Note arKi this Security Inctrument. Therc xlso may be one
<br /> or more changes of ttie Lo�n Srniar unretued ta a sale of the Naa If thcre is a change of the Lo�n Serviar.Homaww wiU be
<br /> given written notice of the clwrige in s►aordance with{uragraph 14 above uxt applicable IAw.The notice wfll state the name and
<br /> �- �idrcss of the new [.c�ar►Servicer and the Addrcss to which paym�nts should be made. Thc�mtioa witl alw aontrin any aher
<br /> infom�atlon�quirod by applirable law.
<br /> Ip, Harardous Sup�tapca. Borrower st�ll not c�ause or permit the prcsence. use.disposal. storage. or r+eleasc of any
<br /> - Hacardous Substances on or in the Properry. Borrower shall not do. nor aUow anyune else to do, anything affxting the
<br /> Property that js in vlolation of tu►y Environmental Law. The praxding two sentences shall not apply to the presence. use. or
<br /> ___ storage an the Property of small quantities of Hazrudous Substances that an generally rocognizod to be appropriate to rorn�l
<br /> - recidential uses and to maintet�atioe nf the Prqxrty.
<br /> _ Borrower shall promptly give Lender written nwice of any investigation,claim,demand, lawsuit or ather action by any
<br /> - gover�unental or regulatory agency or privnta pacty involving the Property and any Hazacdous Subswnoe or B�vironmental l.aw
<br /> - of which 8oaawer has actual knowlodge. If Borrawec learns. or is notifiod by any governmentaf or rrgulatory nuthority.tlwt
<br /> any rcmoval or other remodiation of any Huzarduus Substance affecting the Property is nocassnry,Borrower sMalt promptly take
<br /> = alt nocessary rcmodial actions in accordance with Envjronmental I.aw.
<br /> �-" -- As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazudous Subst�nces are those wbstances deGned as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> Environmental Law and the foliowing substanres: gasoiine, kerosene, ather fiammabie or toxic petrofeum �raducts, toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing usbestos or fornialdehyde.and radionctive tnatenals.As used ln
<br /> this paragraph 20, 'Environmental Law" means federal laws and Iaws of thc jurisdiction where the Property is located th�t
<br /> � "'� rclate to health.safety or environmental protection.
<br /> - NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8orrower und Lender furtfier rnvenant c+nd ugrce as follows:
<br />- �,,,,�.���,. 21.Aeceleratton;Remedies. I.ender shall give notice to BomoK�er prior to naelers►tion tallorviag Bomow•er's breach
<br /> ;t, ,��,ar,�,;;, o[ Any rnven�nt or�Rrcement in this Security Instrument (but swt prior to Acceleration under pnragraph 17 unless
<br /> r i v_. � • �. � J
<br /> • _,�,,,�:,.�;�,,,, applkable IAw provides otherwise).The noticc shuq sp�rffy: ta1 tlee detsalh. tb)the actton required to cure the defoult;
<br /> ,�r-?�•:>�'�� (c)A date,not less tiwn 30 dnys fn�m the dAtc the noticc is Riven to Borroe�er.by which the def�ult must be cured;and
<br />�-� - (d) ttwt failure to cure the defuult on or beforr thc datc speciflecl in thc nuticc mAy result in Accelcration of the sums
<br /> ,� �},p.,.;:.4 ,,,;,;L:� SeculYd by this Security Iastrument and sale of the Property. The not3ce siwll tu�ther ini'orm Borrower of the ri�bt to
<br /> �''• _ ••• retnstAte atter accelernt(on and the ri�ht tn bring a court action to ass•eK the nan-existence of a default or any other
<br /> �'�+-�.t ' detense ot Borrower to acceleratlon �nd swle. If the det'�ult is nut cund on or before the dste specified in the notice,
<br />- r�''J�''�Y"����� �� l.ender, At its o ion. m� uire imm�rii�tc mcnt In full of All sums surured b this Secudt Instrument without
<br /> ,:�-�.,.�• � M Y re9 p�Y 9 Y
<br /> - - -• • �� furthcr demAnd And mpy invoke the poa•er of wle And am•othcr remcdics permitted by applicuble law.Lender shall be -
<br /> • ti::,,i;:;.' ,�t,, entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuin�the�medies provided in this pars�gr�ph Z1�including,but not Ifmited
<br /> , � ' to�reaG�nablc stttorocys'ft�t..�+vnd costy of title er tdence.
<br /> � . If thep�►wer of xale is invoked. Truxtee shall record e notice of defs�ult in wch county in which�ny part of the
<br /> • Property is located end shall mAil copi�of such notice in the manner presrribed bv upptic�ble law to Borrower�nd to
<br /> �'.��;:; • the ot6er perv►ns prescribed by applicable law.Afte�the timc r�r�uir�d br•applic�blc l�e�.1'rustec tihall�ive public nMice
<br /> _ �� af sale tn the prr�ns ynd in thc m�nner pre.scribcd M•applicublc luµ. '1'rust�r. Nithout dems�nd on I3ormwrr,shall sell
<br /> �• the Prnperty at public auction to the highest bidder ut thr time�nd pls�ce and undcr the terms d�siKnated in the noNce of
<br /> ' ic�r•`: ,
<br /> s�le in�me or more pa�rels �nd in�ny ordcr Trustec dctcrmin�+. Trust�r muy postpme wle of all or s�ny purcel ot the
<br /> �'' ' " Property bv publie s►m�ouncement at tix time and place of an� pre�•i�iush rchedulecl �ule. Lrnder or its designee may
<br /> ` ,r�, purchASe the I'roperty at any w�e.
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