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`, , ' . ;:;ti�;;;'-j:,:', '-^ <br /> • � - - . ;')�� �ti�"" . �'���f.'�'�I� �. <br /> . . 9. <br /> I � r+ <br /> � <br /> .� �..�.�r , �. ..�c <br /> , ' � . :5r':�.::_. <br /> 4 ' i.- <br /> :�!•�r-�`T—.: <br /> . 9 } .. A���..- <br /> � 1---i ��8501 9p . � ����'��- <br /> 4 lt .')_.' T <br /> 1 I ,���r. <br /> �. Cond�n�tlo�.The proceeds ol any award or claim lor darnaqes,duect or consequantlal,in connection wllh any �• ; ,t; <br /> condemnatlon or olher taklny ot tha Property,or paAthoreof,or lor conveyance�n Ileu olcondomndion.a�e hereby Aal�ned _ <br /> and ehell be peid to Lender. — <br /> I�the event of a total fakinp ot the PropaAy.Ihe proceeda ehall be applied to the sums secured by thls Dead ol Trua�wlth ± <br /> the exceas,fl any,pefd to Borrower.In the event ol p paA�al Wkmg ol the Property.unless Borrower end Lender otherwl8e . T <br /> apree�n wrlting,there ehell De appNed to the aums aecured by this Oeed o1 Trust euch propohio�otthe proceeds as is equal to ..-. <br /> ' � •��:rroportfon which ths amount ol the eum�secured by this Oeed of Trust immediately prior to the dete o1 takln�beara to the <br /> lair markst value of the p►ope�ty immpdietefy prfo�to Ihe date of takinp,w�lh the balance ol the proceeds peld to Borrower. <br /> Il lhe Properly h abendoned by 8orrower,or II,�fler notice by Lender to Borrower that 1he condemnar o8e►s to meke an , <br /> awtsrd or ssttle a cielm lor demeye�.8arrower lails lo�espond to Lender wlthfn 30 days aHer the date such no�ice�s meiled, • <br /> lender Is eutho�iied to eollect and apply the ptoceod�,al4ander's option,efther to restoratlon or repafr ol lhe PropeAy or to <br />- , � the sums secu�ed by thle Deed o1 Trust. � <br /> � � Unlese Lender end Borrowe�olherwise agree in wrNing,any such application ol praceeda to princlpal shall not exlend or <br /> ; � poatpone the du�dote of the monthly inatallments relerred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hareot or chanqe lhe amaunt ol such � <br /> I inttallments. <br /> I 10. 9onow�NotA�ad.Extenslonotlhetimefor paymenlo�modNlcatlonolamoAlxatfonolthesumsaecuredbythis <br /> � Deed ol Truat qrented by Lender ta any auccesaar In inta�eat ot Borrower ahall not operate to releese,in eny menner,the <br /> liabflliy of the oripfnel Borrowe�and Borrower'a auccesaora interest.Lender shell nol be requlred to commenee proceedlngs <br /> agelnst such succeasor or reluse to extend tlme for peyment or otherwfse modlly amoAlzatlon of the eums secured by this <br /> Deed ol Trust by reason of any demand made by the orlgfnal porrower and Borrower's succeaea�s fn intereat. . <br /> 11. Forb��r�nc�by L�n�ti�e�ew wha I�n t be'a walver ol oryprec ude the e erclae ot a y s crh 8 ghto h emedy.The � ` . <br /> otherwlse aBorded by app '• <br /> procurement of insurance ot the payment of taxes or other Uens or chergeaby lender shell not be a waiver ot lendea'e�ightlo � � : <br /> • acceierate Ihe meturity of the indebtedneas aecured by thfs Deed ol Truat. �. ,� <br /> ' 12, p�dN�Cumul�qw All remedies provlded in this Deed ol T�uat are dfstinct and cumulat�ve Ya any 31nar rigM or ';.�. <br /> remedy u�de► th�s Ueed ot 7rust or aHurded by law or equlty, and may be exerc�spd concurtently, ind0pendanlfy or <br /> � auc�easrvely <br /> � 13. 8acc�ss�s aad As�l���Bound;JoMI and Sworel I.I�biMg;CaP'Uons• The covenants and ayreemen'ts Aerein :���:t,; <br /> eontamed shal l binq,�nti 1he nyhts hereunder shall fnure to,the respee".,w•�auccessors end esslpns o1 Lender and Barrvwer, • <br /> subject to the provi��ons o'I paragraph 17 hereol.All covenents and egreaments ol Borrower shall be�a�nt and aeveral.The � �.'�'�; <br /> ca�uons and headings o11he pa�aqraphs of thie Oeed of Trust ere for convenience only and ere not to be used to interpret or �,�. <br /> define the provfalons hereo'� <br /> 1�. Notic�.Except far any notice required under appllcable law to be given in another menner,(a)eny notice to Horrower <br /> provided lor In this Deed ol Trust shall be glven by mallin�such notice by ceAified meil eddressed to Horrower at lha P�operty <br /> � Address or at such other address ea Bo►rower may des gnate by notice to Lender es provided herefn,end(b)any nolice to ;,,; <br /> �� , lender shell be gfven by certllled mell,retwn receipt�equested,to Lender'saddresa staled hereln or to such other addresa as I ,, <br /> 1 Lender may deafpnete by notiCe to Borrower as provlded herein.Any natice provided for In thls Ooed of Truat ahall ba deemed <br /> �, ta have been given to 8orrower or Lender when glven in tfie manner dea�pnated hereln. <br /> 1i , 18. UnNorm ONd of T�uai;Oov�minp I.�w;Sw�r�bJlli�.The lorm of deed of truat combines umlorm covenanis for <br /> national use end non-unllorr�covenants wilh Ilmlted variallnns by�uriadlctfon to conedtute a uniform security inalrument <br /> i� covermg reaf properiy.This Gen�i oi Trusi sha11 ba flovamsC by the law o!Ihe lurisdir_.pnn in wh�ch the Property ls located.ln <br /> ; the event that any provlaion�r clause ol lhia Deed of Trusl or the Note conlUcts wlth appllceble lew,such conllict ahall not <br /> � , aNect other provis�onaollhis Deed o17 rusl or Ihe Note which cen be givan eHect wlthoulthe conlllctinq provfafons,and to this <br /> , �d 1 the Deed ol Trust and the Note are declared to be sev�rable. <br /> foWdr shell be lurnished a conformed copy ot the Note end ol thls Deed ul Trust at ihe time ol <br /> � , �xA O�0�}� � �9��hP�Mnf <br /> � ��1 � p�1iy;Auunlppon.II all or any pert ol the property or an inlerest there�n�s sold u�i�d��slnrred by <br /> � Aenw�w"�`(Aw r�prlorw�itlenconsenLoxcluding(e►thecreatfonofalfenorencumbrancesubordlnetetothis0eed <br /> ol Trust,(b)the creation of a purchese money securly f nterest lor household applfances,(c)a transfer by devlse descent or by <br /> , operetion ol law upon the death o}e�omt tenant or(d�the grant o(any leasehold interest of three yea�s or less not conteining an <br /> � 1 option to purchase.Lender mey,at Lender's option,declare ail the sums secured by thie Deed ot Trust to be immedfately due <br /> � � and payable.Lender ahall have weived auch option to eccelerate fl,pnw to the sale or transter,Lendar end the person to <br /> � � whom the Property is to be aold or translerred reach agreement�n wntmg thet the credit of such person�s satfstactory to <br /> Lender and thatthelnteresf payable on the sums secu�ed by this Deed of Trust shall beat euch rate as Lender shall requeat.II <br /> Lender f�as waived the option to accelerate provided in th�s paragraph 17,and i1 8orrower's successor in Interest hes <br /> � executed a wriften assumption ayreement accepted in wnt�ng by Lender,Lender shall release Borrower trom all oblpaUOns <br /> under this Deed ol Trust and the Note. <br /> , � It Lender exercises such option to accelerete,Lender shall man Borrower not�ce of acceleration in accordance wdh <br /> , paragraph 14 hereof.Such notice ahall provlde a period ol not less than 30days lrom thedate the notice is maded wilh�n wh�ch <br /> Borrower may pay the sums declared due.II Borrower leils to pey such sums pnor to Ihe expiretlon of such penod,Lender <br /> � mey,wilhout 1urlher notfce or demend on Borrower,invoke any remedies permifted by peragraph 19 hereof. <br /> • NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.8orrow�r and L�nd��IuAM�r cor�nant and aprN a�lolbws: <br /> 16. Aee�ler�llon;R�m�dl��.Except as provided�n paragraph 17 hereol,upon Borrower's breach ol eny covenanl or <br /> agreement ol Borrower in thls Deed ot Trust,including the covenants to pay when due eny sums secured by this Deedof Trust. <br /> I Lender pnor to acceleration shall mall notice lo Borrower as prov�ded�n paragraph 1 A hereof spec�fying:(y)the breach;(2►the <br /> � actlon required to cure such breach;(3)a date,not Iess than 30 dayslrom the dete the notice is mailed to Borrower,by which <br /> ! such breach must be cured;and(4)that feilure to cure auch breach on or belore the date specdied in the notice m8y resull in <br /> � acceleralion o1 the eums aecured by this Deed of Trust and sale ol the Properly The notice shall lurther inlorm Borrower otthe <br /> right to reinstate aNer acCelerat�on end fhe right to brmg a court act�on to asserl the non-existence o1 a deleull or any other <br /> � delense of Borrower to accelerabon and sele.11 Ihe breach�s notcured on or before thedate spec�lied in the notice,Lender at <br /> t Lender's option may declare all ot the sums secured by this Deetl ot Trust to be�mmediately due end payable without lurther <br /> � demand and may fnvoke the power of sele end any other remed�es permitled by apphcable law Lender shall be entitled to <br /> collect all reasoneble costs and expenses incurred m purswng Ihe remedies provided in the parByraph 18.mClud�ng.but not <br /> limited to,reasonable attorney s feRS. <br /> If the powar ot sate fa invoked,trustee shflli recortl a nolice o�de�au�1�n each county�n which the Prope�ty Or gome part <br /> Ihereol is located end shell ma�l copies o�sucn not�ce�n Ihe manner p�escnbed by appl�cable law to 9orrower and to the other <br /> � peraons preacribed by applicable Iew ANer Ine lapse ol such t�me as may be requ�red by applicable law.7rustee shall gwe <br /> ' public notice o1 sale to the persons end in the manner prescribed by nppi�cable law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower, <br /> shall sell the Prope►tyet publlc auction tothe h�ghest b�dde�at the t�me and p�aceand under theterms des�gnated in the notice <br /> ' ' 01 sale in one or more parcels and m such order as Trustee may determine T rustee may postpone sale of al1 Gr any parcel ol <br /> �� the Ptoperty by public announcement at the hme and p�ace ot any prev�ou4i;schetlu�ecf sale Lender dr Lender's des�gnee <br /> , � may purchase the Property at any sele. <br /> Upon teceipt o1 paymentof the pnce bid,Trustee shall delwer tc,tne purthaser Trustee's deed co�veying the praperty sold <br /> The recitals in the Trustee'sdeed shall be p��ma laue evidence o11he Irulh�f the statemenls matle thete�n T►ustee shall apply <br /> �r,...,�,��.«wds of tl��e sate in thc follow�np o•ha� �q;�^?' �eagnnahiP�osfs and expensesof the sale.includmg,but not limitad to. <br /> � Ttug�@@'SIB@SOInOfIn0�0lhBn .. 9�.OflhpgtOSSSalepnce.reasonaoieaau�r�ey'aiveiani�ui.i�5i5vi0i9iv'r.�wc�te. <br /> Ib�to all sums secured by this Oeed of Tr��i.8�d(c)1he excess.if any,tu the person or persons legally enl�tled thereto <br /> 19. 8otrowN'�Rlpht to RNo�1aN• Notw�'h3landing Lender's acceler�uon of the sums secured by th�s Deed ol 7rus�. <br /> Borrower sholl have the right to heve any proceedmgs begun Dy L�nder to enforce Ihe Deed o1 Trust discontmued at any time <br /> pnor to tne eariitli 1�u�,w��i(�y 11�c i�����Cay tc'crc:~C 58I@^��ho PrnF o.+q���re��nni t�thP oower ot qele contamed m Ihe Oeed <br /> of Trust 1�0 entry of e�udgment enlorcing this Deed ot trust►8orruwer pays Lender all sums which would be then due <br /> under th�s Deed of Trust,the Note and notes secunng Future AdvAnces.if any,had no ecceleret�on occured(b)Borrower <br /> ' cures all breaches ot any olher covenants or apreements of Borrower conta�npd�n Ihis Deed of Trust IclBorrower pays all <br /> reasonable expensea incurred by Lender and Trustee enforcing Ihe covenants and agreemenls ot Borrower contamed m th�s <br /> Deed of Trust and in enforcing lender's�nd Trustee'3 remedies as prowded m paragraph 18 hereol.mcludmg,but not I�mited <br /> to,reesonable attorney'a fees;and(d)Borrower takes such nction as Lender may rea9onably require to assure thal Ihe I�en ol <br /> this Deed o�Trust.Lender'a mterest in the Property and Borrower's obl�gation to pay Ihe sums secured by th�s Deed of Trust <br /> ' shell conli�.ue unlmpeired-Upon such payment and cure by[iorrower.Ih�s Oeed ot'Crust and Ihe obllgations secured hereby <br /> shell remain m lull lorce and eHect as ft no eCCeleretion hAd occurred <br />