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_ i wr.l:��:).:: _ <br /> i ��_ <br /> • � � <br /> 1� <br /> �t .. .. �� •� ' � <br /> I ' - 91- 1 U8496 � - <br /> ► � - <br /> , � <br /> �, Cond�mnNlon,The proceede ol any oward or clplm far dAmape�,d�rect or consequenliAl.m connect�on wd any <br /> condemnetlon or olh�r t�kinp ot ths Property,or paA thereoL or lor convayanca in hau ol cond�mnrhon,aro hereby aa�qn�d - <br /> y and ehall be pald to Lender. � <br /> In Iho event o1 a total taklnp ol the Prope►ty,lhs proaeedl�shall be appllpd to the�um�s�cuted by th�s D�d ot T�ue4 wfih <br /> the eKCees,If any,pald to Borrower.In the event ol a pe►tial takinp ol the Propaet�r,unless Borrower�nd Lende�otherwlse s` <br /> ' , agree�n writing,there ahall be applled lo Ihe eum�eecured by thla Deed ol T�ust such propoAio�of the proceeds as i�equ�l to <br /> thatpropoAlonwhfnhtheamountolthesume�ecuredbylhleDeedolT�ust�mmed�atel�pnorlothedataoltukinpbeaalolfie <br /> � lalr merket value of the propeAfr immedletely prlqr to the dete ol lnklnp,w11h ths belence ol the proaeod�peld lo Bo�rower. .- <br /> � If the Prope►iy In abandoned by 9nrrower,or fl,dtar nollce by Lender to dorrower that Ihe condamnar oMere to make an <br /> award or eettle a cleim for demape�,Borrower fell�to reepond to Lender wlthin 30 daya after the dale euah nolice�s mo�led, <br /> Lender is authorlied t�collect and apply the praceed�,at Lender's optian,elthe�to roftorallon or repelr al the Property or to <br /> the auma secured by thle Deed of Trust. <br /> Unlese Lender pnd 6or�ower otherwlee a�ree In wrltinp,any auch epplicatlon ol proceeds to prfnnlpal ahall not exlend or <br /> postpone the due dals o1 the monthly inatallmenta relerred to In peragraphe t and 2 hereol or ehanpe the amaunt ot such <br /> instaUments. <br /> - �p, Bpnpy�Not p�t�d.Extension ol the time for�ayment or moditicatlon of emortitatlon of the suma eecured by Ihls <br /> Oeed ol Trust 9�ented by lender to any auccesaor in ioterest ol8orrower shell not operate to�elea�e,m any ma�ner,the <br /> ; Ifabllilyo�theoripinal8orrawerendBorrower'ssuccessersiret�est Lenderahallnotberoqulredtoeommenaeproceadlngs <br /> apainst auch succeasor or reluse lo extend time for pa�ment or otherw+ae modiy nmortlzatlon of the euma secured by thla , <br /> �. peed ot Trust by reason ol any demend made by the onpmal8orrower and Borrower'e successors In interest. <br /> 11. Fab�a�anc�by L�nd��Not�W�Ir�r.Any forbeare�ce by 4ender�n exercieing any ripht or remedy hereunder,or <br /> otherwlae aHo►ded by oppUCeble lew,ahell not be e wa�rer o1 or preclude the exerclee ot eny auch right or remedy.The <br /> I procurement of insurance ol the peymenl of texes or other liens or cha�ges by Lender shall not be a waiver ol Lander'a rlght to <br /> ' accelerate the meturity ot the Indebtedneas+eaured by this Deed ot Trust. <br /> � 1R, p�m�dMs CumulaQv�All remedies provlded in this Daed o1 T�ust are diatinct end cumulative to eny olher right or <br /> rernedy under this Deed of Trust or aflorded by law a equily, and may be exercised Concurrently,independently or <br /> successlvely <br /> 13. Succ�asas �nd AssH�ns Bouod;Jolnt�nd S�veial WWUty;Captlon�.The covknents and agreemente hereln <br /> contamedsnallbind,andthpr�ghlshe�eundershellinureto.lherespectivesuacessorsandeasipnsolLenderandBorrower, , , <br /> sub�ect to the provisions ol paragreph 17 hereol.All covenanta end agreements of Borrower ahall be oint and severel.The <br /> captions and heedln9s ot the paraqrapha ot this Deed of Truat are tor convenience only and are not to�e used to interpret ar <br /> detine the prowaions hereof. <br /> � 1�. NoNa�.Exceptforanynoticerequireaunderapplicablelawtobegiveni�anothermenner,(a)anynoticetoBorrower <br /> ' provlded for i�thia Deed ol Truat shall be given by mallin�auch notice bycenitied mefl addressed to 8orrowe�atthe Prope►ty <br /> i Address or at such other address ae Borrower may designate by�otice to Lender as provitled herein,and(b)any notice to <br /> i lender shall be glven by cenilied mail,return recefpt requeated,to Lender's addresa staled herein or to such othar nddress as <br /> Lender mey deslgn6�te by notice to Bor�ower ea provided he�ein.Any nvtice provided lor i�thls Oeed o1 Trus1 ahali be deemed <br /> � to have been glven to Borrower or Lender when yfven in the menner deaignated herefn. <br /> � 16. Unllarm ONd ot T►u�l;Gov�minq Law;Swusblllly.The farm ol deed of Irust combines unilorm covanants for <br /> netional use and non•unliotm covenants wlth Ilmlted varlatfona by�urladiction to conatfluto a uniform aecuri1y InatrumeM <br /> �� covering real propeAy.Thls Deed of Truat ahell be governed by ihe law oi ii,ajuriad{cilon In which the Proporly!N Iecated.In <br /> � Iha event that any provlslon or clause ol thfe Deed ot Trust ar the Note conflicts wlth eppliceble law,such conll�ct shall�ot <br /> � aHect olher provlalons of this Deed ot Truat or the Note whlch can be given eHect withoul the conlNctinp provlsions,And tothis <br /> end the prowsiona of the Deed of Trust and the Note Are declared to be severable. <br /> 1 18. Bo�TOw�r's Copy.Borrower shall be lurnlohed e conlormed copy of�he Note and of thfa Deed ol Trust et the time ol , <br /> � execution or aHer recordeUOn hereoi. . • <br /> � 17. TranNK of th�Prop�rt►r:ANUmRtlon.H eY or�any part ol the property or an mterest thereln Is sold or trenalerred by <br /> � Borrower without Lender'e prior wrltten coneen�oxcluding(a)the creatlon ot a lien or encumbrance 8ubordinate to thla Oeed <br /> of Truat,(b)the creation of a purchase monayaeeurly intereat 1or household eppllancee,(c)a transfer by devise descent or by <br /> ' operation of law upon the death ol a Jofnt tenant or(d)the grant at eny leasehold interesl ol three years or less not contalning on <br /> option to purchese,Lender mey,at Lender's option,declare all the sums secured by thia Deed ol Truat to be immediately due <br /> § � and payable.Lender ahell have walved such option to accelerate d,pnor fo the sale or tranaler,Lender a�d the person to <br /> whom the Property is to be sold or transferred reach agreement in wnling thet the credit o1 euch person�s setislectory to <br /> Lender and lhat the intereat payable on the sums secured Gy this Deed of Trust shall beat such rete as Lender shell request.N <br /> • ' Lender has walved the option to accelerete prov�ded in Ihis paragraph 1%, and il Borrower's successor in interest has <br /> • executed e written assumption agreement accepted�n wrdmg by Lender,Lender shall release Borrower lrom all obligatlons <br /> under thfs Deed ol Trust and lhe Note. <br /> If Lender exercisea euCh option to acCeleret9.Lender shall mail 6orrower notice o1 acceleration in 8ccordanCe wilh <br /> ' pa�agraph 14 hereof.Such notice shell provide e penod o1 not less than 30 deys f rom the date the notice ia mailed wllhm which <br /> I Borrower may pay the sums declared due.II Borrower talls lo pay such sums pr►or to the expiretlon o1 auch period.Lender <br /> 1 may,wflhout fuAher notfce or demand on Barrower,�nvake any rymed�es permltted by peragraph!8 hereol. <br /> � NON•UNIFOiiM COVENANTB.Bo�rowsr and L�ader lurlh�r cov�n�n1 and�prN��lollowc <br /> l 18. Acc�l�ratlon;R�m�dl�s.Except as provlded in paragraph 17 he�eof,upon Borrower's breach of eny covenant or <br /> agreement ol Borrower In this Oeed o1 Trust.Includf np the covenants to pey whon due any suma aecured by this Deed o1 Trust. <br /> Lender prlor to ecceleratfon shall mail notice to Borroweras prov�ded in peragraph 14 he►eol specf1yInp:(1)the breach;(2)the <br /> I action required lo cure such breach;(3)a date.nof loss than 30 days f rom the date the notice is mailed to Borrower,by whlch <br /> � such breach muat be cured;and(4)that leilure to cure such breach on or before the date specilled in the notiCe may reault in <br /> , � ecceleratbn oi the sums aecured by this Deed o1 Truat and sale ot the Property The notice shell lurther inform Borrower of the <br /> , rlghf to relnatate eRer acceleration end the right to bnng a court acUon to asse�t the non•existence of a detault or any other <br /> � defense of Borrower to eccelerat�on end sele.If the breach is not cured on or belore thedate spec�tied in the�otice.Lender at <br /> << � Lender's option may declare elt ot the sums secured by fhis Deed ol T rust to be Immed�ately due and payable without further <br /> � demand and may Invoke the power of sele end any other remedies perm�tted by apD��cable lew Lender ahall be enfltled to <br /> • colleCt ell reasoneble Co91s end expenses mcurred m pursufng Ihe rPmed�es prov�ded m the paregraph 18.�ncluding,but not <br /> � Grnited to,reasonable attorney's lees. <br /> � 11 the power ot sele is invoked,Trustee shall record a not,ce of detault m each county m which the Properiy or some part <br /> Ihereof is loCated and Shali ma�1 cop�es of such not�ce�n Ihe mannor proscnbed by apphcable law to Borrower and tp the other <br /> persons preacnbed by appl�cable law ARer the lapse ol such tima ns mny be requ�red by apphcable lew.Trustee shall grve <br /> ' publfc notice ol sele to the persons and in the manner prescnbed by appl�cable iaw.Trustee,wilhout demand an Borrower, <br /> ahall sell the Property at publlc auction to Ihe►��ghest bidder at the time end place and under Iheterms deaignated�n the notfce <br /> � � 01 sale In one or more parcels and m such order as Trustee may determ�ne Trustee may po9lpone sale ol all or any parcel of <br /> 'r i Ihe Property by publ�c announcement at the time and p�ace ol any prev�ouQiy schedu�ed sale Lender or Le�der's designee <br /> may purchase the Propeny at any sele. <br /> � Uponrecefptolpaymenlofthepncebid,Truslee5halldelrvertothepurchaserTrustee'sdeedconveying 1hePropertysold <br /> T he reCltals In the Truelee's deed ahali be pnme facie ewdence of the truth ot Ine sletements made therein.7 rustee shell apply <br /> .�__.__..........��...,....�.....u...r..u.:..,.�...�.��t..� t�.t,•.a,-�aa.;or.ablcco�t�andCx�ense=M�hasale includ�ng.butnolhmdedto. <br /> � P�tM��.......�._.._.. . n. _. . . <br /> Trustee's lees ot not more than __�ot Ine g�oss sale pr�te.�easonable adorney's leos and costs ol utte ev�oence <br /> ID)lo al�gums secured by this�eed ol T rusl,and Icl��e excess,il any,to the person or persons leg�lly ent�tled therelo <br /> 19. 8orrow�r's Rlpht lo RNmlafe.Notwitnstantl�ng Lender's accelerat�on nl the sums secured by this Oeed ol Trust. <br /> a.,...,,��.4han havw thP.�n►,�to have anv aroceed�nps beS�un by Lendei to enfoice the Deed ol Trustd�scontmued et any t�me <br /> pnor tothe earlferto occur ot p)the hkh day belore tne sale ol InR Nroperty pursuam w�ue puwv�u�ew�n�.,nid���aiu��1.�u.^.CC� — <br /> ot Trust(�i)entry of a judgment enforcing this Deed of Trust�f.(o)Borrower pays Lender al1 sums wh�ch would be then due <br /> under this Deed of Trust,the Note and notes secunng Future Advances,d any,had no 3cceleration occured(b)Borrower <br /> cures all breachea of any othdr eovenanls or egreementg ot Borrower contained in Ih�s Deed of Trust �cl Borrower pays:�II <br /> reasoneble expenses fncurred by Le�der and Trustee entorcmg the covenants and agreements ot Borrower conla�ned in th�s <br /> Deed ol Trust end in enlorc�ng Lender's and Trustee's remedies as provided m paragraph 76 hereof,includmg,but not limited <br /> to,reasonable atlorney's lees:�nd(d)Borrower takes such act�on as Lender may reasonably requ�re to assure that the��en ol <br /> this Deed ot Trust,Lender's fntereat in the Property and Borrower's obl�get�or�to pey the sums secured by thia Deed o1 T rust <br /> shall conlinue unfmpelred.Upon such payment and cure by Borrower.this Oeed ot Trust and the obligations secured hereby <br /> shall remaln m lull force and eHect as ff no acceleral�on nad occurred <br />