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<br /> � 91� i U8494 �k- �}�::.�w.
<br /> _ ,,� ---�:�.�_:_
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<br /> � d. The abave amuunt is bec red even though ell or part of it may not yet bo advenc�d. ° _:���`�._
<br /> i : — . ; _�=-�=
<br /> , Future advancos under tha egreenient ers conten�plAted and will be aocured to th� s� oxt�nt r, ___^ ��
<br /> aa if aaade on the dat� this deed of trusL 1s exeautad. ���s -" -°-
<br /> , ��t:��s'-
<br /> .... �.�rrrr���
<br /> � �. 4::—
<br /> 1, ro o�r r��n au�, c��9rinc�o�t or, �el lh� iet�nst a, tM t�lud��si�ridaud Or tM�ot�, cAu��f, f��s ul�II otMr �a��s OrorfNl b ��• �:::�.
<br /> ; U tM lou t�siruMnts. ' ��" ."';:��'�:':-
<br /> � !. i�ustors It� lM orAlrs of ihe Dro0lrty ud�p�th1 t19At ud luthorit�to I�ItoU tA1s 611d of Tro1l U rltiNtt to IM Oroplrt�. ' :
<br />- �. l0 0�1� rMn du�, �11 bus, tpul�l a�tssMAti ud ill otMr tAu���D�1��t tM Oroo�rt�, blforl tM sW atoN dNt��u�t. Tr�ttort �
<br /> � s��ll Oq�II tu�s��d�ss�ts�e�ts�hlcA u� b�l�ri�a uPo� Iulticiu�'s t�tu�ft Mnl�or noo�tAl�W�0 of f�u�t or lt�1�1t WcurN Mnh, �
<br /> ritlat nyud to uy I�� th�t ut 0�a�cUd 1�p�s1�9 p��ant of tM�hol�ar uy put t��nof�po� tM le��flclu�, �
<br /> " ' 1. To M�eO the i�Dror��e�ts eor or hmattlr lot�t�4 on tl� proput� insmd�0�1�t1 dWo�Er f1���n01utA oth�r h�tudt �t th1 llutlCtuy ;
<br /> ; n� nQ��n, in uountllnE tolpui�s utlpteDSe Ca tsl 11Nf1t1ir�,SucA 1�sunu��ollc� ���II cat�f� � stu0u0�orty�y�cl��s�i�f�ror ot �
<br /> � � ia�ffciut, Trustor sh�ll pra0��t r�pe�r��a�ctiain ud nplK�tM OroPtrty or u�put tMraaf, �o thit, ��not for ordfurr mr ad tar, tM
<br /> � oro��rtr s��ll �ot d�t�rfont�.
<br /> ' 6. In tAe 1r1nt lel proput�, or any O��t tMreof, �htll E� t�t��OY olMn!da�atn, tM Wn�Pretery 1s ul�tl�d to colTUt HO rinfvl�II
<br /> r tc1011uUo�rAitA Il�61 plf0 (or ley p�oplrtr taAOa Or for 1W�11 to propY�tp oat t��1a, Io0 tM Ne�t�e�er� sa,n �o�r �+ca caro�a�ae�oo. 1t �t9 ��
<br /> aDtio�, �ItMr ta�nduction of th� 1�de0t�dno�s su�nd I�nby, or to �Ipeu io0 tlstorl tM 0����1 s�t911a. �
<br /> {. iM 8en�fit�Iry�r�, OJZ S�11Z� Aaii IIO 0p�1�IL100�0,do�ny ut rh1c�iruston�are ag�se0 Out teil�d to lo, ��d t�w N��he��ry��q�1�do ' '''
<br /> a�y�et 1t d�us�utssuy to Q��:�Q::tM li�n Mnot, irustors �on�to no��� u0� da��0,wy su�s so��piade0 OM «���Nf�cUrr tor t�l 1Eor1
<br /> A��po��s, ud uy so�u e�oenddc i,�a!1 0��dd�d to tM f�d�GtMn�ss saund hu�1��ad acou socund Ey ta�It�o Mnof, TM 9aa�litlu�sh�ll �o ,
<br /> ' iat�r�a� 1t�Etlitt bu�uso of �n�taing it uy do or o�it to d�h�nuad�r. � , ���"
<br /> i' 1. tM Be�eficiur sh�ll h�r�th� riy�t, oorer�ed ��tAority dori�y th�contieo�na of t�is Oud ot trwt to c�llut tM nats, i�sws ud �`:Y�.�
<br /> � protfts of t��praD�nl�nd ot�n� personil DroDirly Ioc�bO tMno�rfth or rit�out t�tiny pots�ssla of the orop�rty �fhtt�d hen0�,�nd Truston •�:-
<br /> ' t�r�0y �holut�l��ed�econdltton�ll� �sslyn �ll ou��nnts, 1»w��ad profits to tM autict�r�. TM b1n11it11rr, horlr1r, hu1br co�9uts to 'a i�
<br /> i ' '
<br /> � lru9tors' tollutioe ad ntention of such nals, ii�a�s �n0 profits, so laag�s iructors en aot, at suth tln, in dlFl�lt �itA r�sp�ct to O�IMnt oF _
<br /> ! nr teMlt�de�ss suured herebr, or f� tM pe�9or�a�t�of�ny�yna�at Mnrnd�r. If ��r er�at of dit�nit d�stri0�d hm�(br t�res0�ct to t�t� � �
<br /> aed of frust sfi�ll har�octurnd ud E� contl�uin3,t�e �n�ficttr�, u�utt�r of riyGt �nd rithout notlu to irustors or�e�oa�cld�t�9 u���r ���
<br /> � Trwton, �nd rit�out nguE to th�r�lw oi t"�tru�t esl�te or tM tntueel of tM Tnftors t��n1a, sA�l) airs l�� rtght to�ppl� to�a�to�rt ;,'���
<br /> t�riay i�r�sdi�tiva ta i�patnt a rsce;:ar af:�t prc�ertY. .
<br /> �'� 1. ihe Btceficfuy, or tts��e�ts, uo�ut�orii�d to enbr �t��y n��on�bla ti�e upon or ie uy put o1 th�proWrt� for th�purpos�09
<br /> �'� iesputiag t�� su� �a0 for th�purpos� of per!onie'�ny of tM uti th�r u� wt�orii�d tc pirion u�d�r tM t�ns of �ar lo�n u�trwab uuat�d
<br /> ` ..
<br /> � Er irustors.
<br /> !, II �11 or iny o��t of iha DropertY ot�ny nt�r�st o(irustors Is soly, ir�,sfur�d or furthor �acu�teroo�it�out tM rrltl�e coas��: ol
<br /> � t��B�n�fiti�ry, tE� paeflti�rr�I►dulul all �r�s s�tand 1� Ihfs Irust D��d to 0� tulEi1t11y d���a� 0�1�p��+�0 ptoc�e0 to tM nMdus . . .
<br /> � ���11�E1e to tt uader the d�f�olt D�ovfstons co�t�in�d henin, ' ' �
<br /> 10. Any of tMs folloring ev�ntt sAall he d�eeed�e erent�f Oef�ult ��reunder: ,
<br /> �. irustors sM�11 n�ve fafled to uk�Da1��nt of �ny 1nst�1lMnt of principal or ��tir�st or a�y ot��r so�s secured n�r�Dy �Me aue;
<br /> 1. lAere h�s otturrad 1 ErNth of or Eei�ult undlr Iey ter1, tortne�t, �grleMat, toa41l1o�, pro�ls�on, re�i�s�at�tlan or r�rr�nty to�t�i�N r
<br /> in this Oied of Trust, the note or iny other lae tnstruuet suured �mD�;
<br /> � e, Ih�n h�s Ean �de(wlt 01 tM Trostors ia lh� p��Wat of �e�prior or suEuQUae: li�n or �ntu�lnnt� fa n�Dett to QI or�ar Out of
<br /> i tM OroOe�ty;
<br /> � ; d, iruators shall tile a rolunUry petitioe in b�nknptt�or sh�ll b� �J�udiuted 6�akraDt or �nsolr�nl, or tA�ll Nk� ����styeNnt fot 11�
<br /> beaafit o( cnditors ie rapecl to t�e D►o�rtr;or u uttaa to eeforca �er 1i�n or encu�bruce or �ud9e�ents�y�inst th�orop�rty ia
<br /> q � COWACId�
<br /> � � 11, Ia tM�rent oI�ny def�ult, t�� B�eofui�r�u� d�clu� �11 ind�bt�doess �tcured hereEr to be due �nd Dir�ple�ad th�saM�h�ll tMr�apon
<br /> b��oM Ou� �ad p�r+El��it�out �ny onsantnant,d�nied, protest or eotiu ef u� ktnd. fhen�ft�r, th� Beeif�cti�ry�iy:
<br /> t, �fth�r fn arson or by agent, r�lh or rithout Drinyfn9�n��ctlon or proneding, or b� rece��er a9Doinled py� court ib rtt�out ngud to tA�
<br /> �aeo�acy or �ar securitr, e�tu upoe aed te1�poss�ssiM of tD� D�op�rty, or an�part thoroof, ia its orn n�n or ie t�� nw ot tM ir�sta, �nd
<br /> do �ny acts rhicA it d�e�s eecessery aAd desir�bl�to lnsure t�e ralue, �ukel�Eility or reet�b�l�y of t�a O�operty, or p�rt thmot, or
<br /> � � intuest therel�, tecrea�e the tecok t�ereiroa or protect the securitr ��nof eed, r+thoat tUiey Dossas�on o�ihe proptrty, sue for or
<br /> ,� � otherrise collect t�e r�ets, fssues�nd proflts t��r�ol, �acluding thoa� D�st du� a�d unp��d, aad �DD�y the f�u, i�ss coscs �e�av��s�:or
<br /> .�' operat�on�nd collect�on, 1nc1u0tng attoro�y fas, uDOa 1ny 1ndlbtldnOSS �ltured her�Dr, �11 in yuch order�s tAe Bee�iicurr ur det�nla�. The
<br /> � i entoring uDon�ed t��ia9 Dossess�on of tAe trust�st�t�, t��collect�oe o1 such rents, �ssues Ind proiit3 1�0 IDp��c111on th�nof �s�fot�s�id
<br /> sh�11 not cun or rure�ny def�ult or Aotla of defeult hen��der or tn�il�date enr ut end ia resooase to suth def�rlt or puriu�at to fuc�
<br /> r} I aotiu of def�ult �ed nolritDstanding th� toetinu�nce In Dossesston oi t�e OroDerty o� t�� tollection, rea�Dt �ed �DVliuttioe of nnts, issr�s or
<br /> �; ,
<br /> proitts, truste�or t�e ieneffciu�nq be eotitl�o t�e�ercise erery right pro�id�a to► �n �er o( t�� lo�� ��stru�eats or Et I�r u�on occurnnu
<br /> i, of �a7 �rant of defiult, fnclud�eg the rlght lo e�erctie t�a Ocrer oi sale;
<br /> ;�. , 0. caa��ece �n ution to (areciose th�s O�ea o'irust i� ��ortg��a, aooai+t e r�ce��er, or s0ecifit��li lnforc� �n� of tM corea�nts �ueaf;
<br /> ; t. deliyu to lrostu�rritten declar�:ica ot defaull �nE d����d �o� sale, a�d e rri:ta not;te of defiu�t �nd 81ect.ion to uuse irostors'
<br /> 1� int�r�st tn t�l D►oOBrt�to b! sold, rhltA nOttct irultet shf11 t��io :0 0�dul� f�led to� retora tA t�e 0�1ic»1 r�tords oi t�e tount� in �htth
<br /> tM pro0ert� is lot�taS.
<br /> jIt. Sho�ld t�e seno!u�a��111tt to foretlosl b�ealrcts�o' i�e oo�a� of sile here�n co�:��ud, tr.e Beaefitiu� sAa') eo:�'�ir�stee �na sA�11
<br /> . . ..-"'. ... .. .... .... n_.. .a �..... ....r...�. ..� ....1.....i.�. .•A..u�n��ni �.e��6�l��r�� uA� anb u•n�A brMr u Lutf1���� ��nu1N
<br /> R � Ot`�il.���"1 IIii1L� \Illi YiOY VI �IYa� �nY \I�i nv�i 4�Y rY�����r�•�.. .... .......••.. ..�.......... .... .... ._�.... ..�..�� �
<br /> ; �ad u0aa riq�ast of tM I�neFu��r�, t�i irustu sh111 clnse to be retorded, Dubl�sheo ��0 dolivered to irusior SutA Notlte of Onflult 1�0 Nottce o(
<br /> ' Sal��s tAen reputred b� lar tn9 br tAis�eed of Trust, irustee sAlil r�t�out deea�d on 1ruStor, eftu such tl�e es���tn�n pe rl0uir�d D� I�� �na
<br /> �ft/r ntord�tioa ot s�ch Notice of Oefa�lt and�fter Motue of S�le h�riny boln 91•��n �; n0uired b� 1��, aell th�prooe�ll�t t�� t�M �nd plue of
<br /> ' s�le ft�ea er �t i� such hotue or s�ie, e�tner es ���a�e, Of tA Slp�t3:! �0:3 0► pd�:tii t► �te�s �s irustee sna�i aee�ea�ediral, ami �n w�n u�ua�
<br /> � u �t u� deteniee, et Dublrc ��ctfon ta the �►9Aest btd44r for cesh �ns ;�a'� 0al��ar ta s,c1 Durc��s�f c'puft��58�i t�ereof �O�ed to t�� orop�ttr
<br /> , sold, coas�stint r�th t�e la� t�en In effect. aecltals �e tM irustee'S Ql32 snal) be 0'��1 fIC1! e��:sr� �' !�e trutn of tAe stueuats�eCe
<br /> t�lrlin, Trustel s���l) �pplt the D�oclflEs of ��o 5111 tn the(ollo�fng ordlr; (1)to ��� re�:nnaEle :o::s i^S e+;en;e:c` i�� slle, tocluding Eut �ct
<br /> ' lf�tted to trustee's teas u1 not �are tMa ts ot tM gross s�ie Drtce, reasoe�Dle attorn�� tees �+C co;t; �f :�c!:e+•:��:a. (1) to �il su�s sec�r�a
<br /> � 1� this Oeed of irust; �rG (c) tAe I�cess, tF �e�, to tAe�erson or D4rsoes le9sll�enlitled t4enta Ar•� :t�:an, ;,u;��in3 tne Benofu�eri, ���
<br /> purcAls� se�d D��Der�� u si�a seie. Tr�slee u� �n t�e Itnel� D�orided br �er, O�stpoe! sa4 ot �il or a�► pertio� of the DroDert�.
<br />