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._... .. <br /> � . ``� '�"�. �. E � _ .. _ _ ,.r<< _ < � `t.�; -- <br /> � �i� � . - �.�_ _ ._._. ._ - ` - <br /> e ". �- � ,�.� . . _. . .. . _ _ _ --� ; - ... .. . .. - � <br /> ,- � ., ,� . . . � , _1 Q84$4. .. _ <br /> _��..�. _ . �. . � �. . <br /> `` : . Za. � - c � � � � . � , , . .: ` . . . ` ����. ` . � � . � . . - <br /> �iC�k'4�tp���Y fCf�QM111).�lk�[C Si�C di tT1C ROpE�I pOtbl�iilt 14�Ifjl�ORtCt Of 6'�G C�Ed ID tbti <br /> T $EC11�.�7i1�C0lj Cf(�1�!'O�iY Of s j�DCl1�E�0[Clil�t613.�OL7Q1[�I�OSa7MpC11�. Z�lOSC C17�fd011S,�C t�BOfIOMC'C �l) <br /> �S�.l�Cf��7YblC1!1�R Wdl�bC�IQ!{tl�lF fblS$CCUflly�UI���t� rIOfG at �DD aCOElE[�[lOO�. <br /> oa:u�te�t�)��definit of sng otLa mvenants a sg�eements:(c)WYs all espms�s iucuRed in eaforci»g ttis SecuraY <br /> l�unmt,including,i�t dot limited to.rpso+n�ble utameys•fees:#nd(d1�s suc6 acdat�c i.ender inay�sanbtY <br /> requiie to s.�.wie that the tie�i of this Security Insmuneot,I�ender's rights in tbe P�operty xdd Soaower�obli�tHoe w pay the <br /> sua[s secuned by.this Seai�ity Iastn�t.slWl cantinue uncI�aged: Upo� :einstatement`hy B�xrower. this Stcurity <br /> Insaumeat aod t6�oDlig�tians sa�ued hereby s6�11 iemain fuily effectiire u if no aaxleratiun lrad occimsd. Howeve�this <br /> ' -ri6ht to nitutsWc shslt aat�SpiS►in tt�case of��mderp�aptt t7. . ` . <br /> -I9. Ssk d Nal�Ciia�e o[t.wn Sav� 'Ibe Nate or y paftiat mtasst in tbe Note'(wgetha with this Securiry. <br /> � - Iesnmdent)oaay be soId a�e oc more tunes without pcicir notice to�Borrowe� A sale�qay result ite a chan8�.in tt�attiry <br /> (bnwrt as the"Loan.�za�rixt'q that colloc�s monthig PaYmeats due w�der the Note and this Security L�runteru. Thece atso <br /> msy be ooe or a�:¢�e.s,of tbe Loan Servica�mr+el�ted w a sale of the Note. If ihere is a ciiange of the loan Savicer, <br /> Bamsva w�7i bt��a��,'�potice of the c6ange in aecaclance with p�ragraph 14�UUove and applicabk iaw.:Tde natice <br /> w�l��ua the nam�aa�#�of the new Lo�Servicer and the addcrss to which pz.�-�snis shouid 6e rnad� T#��w� -• <br /> aiso contain aay ui�ttr affdr�titiun zaia�d 6y aPPlicahlc law. ;:'::` s. i='.:� ` <br /> - b:;,$a�slr�es SM6�car. &xrower shalt t�ot cause a�emtit the p[tseac�+rr��as��?ra$�;�,¢+��Y, , <br /> �� , �iaxaidCUS�Sr�6�ees oct ar•in t1�:Ropes�t. Borrower shal!nat do,aoc allow,��'�'�di;r*anYthing.affrc�-��,.�."�.'z', ', <br /> . � _ . : <br /> _ � .:�apeny tIwt is irt v:otatia���p3t Fnvima�tat Law. Tha p�ecefiing t�o seiu�s�11 nni apF�r to the pnese�a��se,,oc <br /> F� �.�-��a�}t�hePmpertyaEs�fiS�}uu�.�s�Har.+�dousSubsxancestha�'aceg�ra�G�:�ized[obeappropriareco,a.a�*at , <br /> ::"i�z+i�e��:i�s a�d to tn������:�' :p...�<.= . .. . . .:. .:t � - � <br /> :..;'.Bu�e�c�sHail pia��c���s�xitten nc�TM e�anx,mres��auon.cta�rs;�demand.lawsuit or ot6er actioa by any <br /> �(�,� , � '�;> " or. �r �e �rotlriII'tl�e and any Hazlydous Substanae or Fnvimementa� — <br /> . ,�� ����' Prt P�Y�'. � S �Y <br /> lt�w"of wAich Boaower[�'aetual tcnowkdge. If Brarcawer learas. or is aotified by any governmentat oc regutatory, <br /> _�'?7. , aialxxiry,that any removal oi ottxr remediatian of any Hazardous Substanee affecuag the Ptoprrty is necessaFy;Bormwer r <br /> �P�PUSi taice aU rKressary rea�dial attions in accurdance with Frvironrrxntal Law. <br /> ���r. As used in thls pacagraph 20."Hazacdous Substances"ue those substances defuxd as toxic or hazudais substances by <br /> . . Fnvtrarunentat Law and thc following substancss: gasotinc.kemsene.aher flammabte or toxic pctrolepm products.toxic <br /> pesticides and berbicides.votatile solvents.roaterials containiag asbestos or fom�atdehyde.and radioactive materials. As — <br /> __ - used in this paragraph 20."Envimrtmental"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction whcne the Pbnperty is IacateA ��:.�. <br /> �' - that relue to heatth,safety or rnvironmental praection. �""�° <br /> ��� Y NON-UNIFORM C4YBNANTS. Bcxrowr.r and l.ender further eovenant uKf agree ac follows: �'� <br /> � 21. Acceientios;Remedles. Leeder s6a11=ive'notke to Barra�rer prior to acaekrattaa idbrring Bonows�'s �""_ — <br /> ��. bresc�o�say covenant or a�reement in tht�Securit'in�tra�it(�ut not prior to accekratbo uede�pa�sgrsph 17. ��•��_ <br /> � � ,,.,, usle�applica6k Isw pruvides d�ecwtsel. '['hee nalice stwll specify: (a)the defauU;lb!tbe acNon required to cure the � . <br /> default;(c)s dst��ot kss tlu�n 30 dsys iran t5e date tl�e notke is givea to Rarrower,by wbkb tke default mast 6e ��� <br /> • cured;and(d3 tbst taitYn to care the defsult oo ar before the d�te specitled in the aotice mAy result in accekntian ot ' <br /> • �;;; tlie sNata securM by tLt�Security Ingtru�nent snd sale o�the Pcoperty. The notke stwll furt6er iafarm Sorrower ot ��_-. <br /> ' the r1jMt to rsi�tate Atter aceekntion wid the rtg6t to bring a couet actbn to sssert t6e aoa�existence aE a defanit or -_ —_- <br /> � - • aey athec Qefense o[BaroWer w accekeAtbn aad s�Ia Nthe defaatt is na«cured on ar beforc 16e date specltkd in ��_�:�:;_-� <br /> - - - the notice,Lender at�ts option may rtqaire immediate ps►}rment in tuU ot all si�ms secue�ed by th�Security Ipstrument .�:���� ---�— <br /> wlthout turthee demaad and may invdce the power of sale and a�ny other remedks permiKed by applicabk law ''��'`�?'"- _ <br /> � �'�' ' Lcnder shal! be eatitled ta cWlert�II expenses iacorred in pQesuing the remedies provided in this puagrAph 21, �,'<1i=�;,:,- '�"� <br /> �, `.`�`:-• incladin8,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys•tees aad costs of titk evldenc� :�:.� .. <br />. , �.;.:�,�;,. . :�kf:}.;.,',; �; <br /> � `.=�v�°'. I/the power oP sak is invotced,7�rustee shaU�d a aottce ot defaalt in eacb count}r in whicb any paet ot tke <br /> . -��" 6 • Froperty i�bcaied aad shall mail copie4 ot sucf�natiee in the maaoer prescri6ed by�pptkable faw to Borrowee and ta � ' `''`"- <br /> ._u e .:. ,::� - .:`:'-'-._<,. <br /> • •_ t6e athec persoas presctibed by appliqDk faw AUer the time required by�pplica6te law,Tra�stee shatl give pnWk• • � `• :--- <br /> . , �,Y � �rattce of sak to the 9ed In tbe manaer ��,.��� �� ,•:'``-__` <br /> _ persons prescn'bed by applicaAle taw Trastee,witlioat dem9nd aa�Borrowee, �:,>,,. • ,. <br /> . _ ': siaU aeU the Property a�pmDlic ancNoo to t6e h��idder At the time and ptxe and uddev tbe.tern�deslgnated In :i�::;iE;..:, ����- <br /> � �%� gfe aotke ot sak tn oee a��ore rcels and in an�arder Trustee determines. Trnstee m� `"'Y�j����� '�� <br /> pa 9 9�D�e.s�ak o�all or any �.f;���; .. , ..;.,��� <br /> I�;�,�.� ', � � parcel o�the Property tsy�sublk annoo�esment�t the ttme and ptace ot any previousty��sade. Lender or i�s ''�E""���; "�• �-�---�-� <br /> .>. , �' ,=.,��- <br /> _�,'., designee ma9 purch�se tbe Property�t any sak. :; „� .�..�`_ <br /> . . � . e :�;.,�'��_ <br /> � • Upoo receipt of pay�eat of the price bid.Trustfe shall deliver ta the{wsc�ser Trastee's deed conveying t6e �•.•``�'� ' - <br />