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�cy__- ,-�`.�. ' . '. `� . .... . .r c..�� <br /> �F� � - - ' . � ' , - . . � '41. C . . L..:�.-. <br /> T� .. t _��_ _ _ _ :�r._; _ _ _' . . � _ ' ,��+?lsr.v��. <br /> :.�,; . . :t.zi" ` �. - - "- - - ~ - _ �-". ...`.:. �.a ."'e,�=--- <br /> <� <br /> .;',` � E- < . —n }k <br /> `` .- .c'�° , . - . _ .. _ _.__ , - • . • � . <br /> r 3� '.<� . , - . . ' . � . - ` ` c � . <br /> - � . , . g�_.. �148482�� � �� � <br /> - � . � ,p�e��a,ao,o�a 6e nq��o�aroo of I�der;���.�'►�cm t6e�ou�c,,a�a�a the�ioa:�.• <br /> ` �.�+dt t.euaa ieq�ra)r�ovided by►an io�r app�ared by f,�mde��in beocmes avait�ble.,.nd a obtainea�.Hoeru�er li�U P�i► � _.. <br /> tbe p�+nio�s ieqoired w mdnt�ia mocrp�e nr�maooe in efta�x.or w pcovida a iass z�save.unW the zpqai�e�enc far nw�t�e � , <br /> �iow�ooe eads iu a000Rd�aoe�h any�rciqa@i.qeamat 6el�am Borrowes aod iuoder or appiia�le ta�r:� . - <br /> � !I�eeti�.Leode�r a its ag�eat ms�r mvx e�e�soa�ie csries upon�od i�of the Fmpacy.Le�der`sh�i!`fiv�. . <br /> Bano�er no�ia at tLe time of orpriar to au.��fl8�O�O�far tbe inspectioa. , <br /> 1�.Ca■�to�•Tbe p+coaods of any swscd or cLim far d�msges.diccct or ootisequWial,m oomncxion�vith�y . <br /> 000dmmtion or aher t�tiag of any put of t6r Pmpecty.or for aoavrymot in,iieu of�are heceby issigoed md < . <br /> s�U be pyd to I�der. _ .. _ : . . . . ` _ . <br /> in the evmE of a mt�t tating of tbe P�nperty.tb�pvoeeds sbakt 6�iipp�iea to.We sams sea�nd 6y.this Security Ia�tntmeaf. <br /> �v�etLer or mt tbea due,+Mrith any exas4 pud to tixi;evecQ,of,u,p�tial talnng of tbt Fmgec�y in wf�icA t6e fiir..' . <br /> ' m�rket vdoe of the Pmpetty imimdiatety befare t6e•taking is a�tu�or:gte�t ti�a t6e amnunt of tLe snms sxurod by t6is <br /> . • 5aarity L�tmeat i�ediatelY befo�e tLe�taidog,�ml�ss Bo�mnwet.aoad•Ireiidea.�sS�+ee in writing.the sa�secaYed bY <br /> � this Seauity�Strameis sh�li be t+�uoed-Ly�•tl�e�mou�of ttx•pKooSCda��mulppliod by ti�c faIIowiag fr�ctiori: (a)t6c.ta�a1. <br /> - amoitnt of t6e wa�s secatod iaunediatety before the t9lting,divided�i�;�b}the fair market vatue of tbe PrnP�Y�Y <br /> - . befae the talnng.Aay baianoe shail Ee paid to Borrowtr. ln tbp'tx�+e�nf a putiat uilcing ofdie.PropatX in which tha fair <br /> — .:�. ,: .muket vatuc of the Property immediataly befanc dw�a�ag is less�m�tho�x of tbe s�se�vred unmediatety befoie the <br /> -= tating.unless Bo�mcva aod Lender odxcwise agnoe�i ivtiting or�tmkss�fe law othawise pmvides,tfie pioca�d.c s1aU <br /> � .... <br /> --' ��'%., apptied to the auns sewrod by this Securiry I�utcumec�;a�or aut:ttia sa�are tben due. , • <br />'-�� _: %� If the Pcuperty is ab�donod by Ba�+ower.or if;`�f�a aofiae�_t�der to Borrower that the oondeunsor offers to m�Icc an <br /> _ �' .�c�.ei s�tle s claim for dan�ages.Bamower"oad Ixi�1:�1ide�witLin 30 days after ihe�ate die nolia is givea. _ <br />