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-bf ; ',,�s✓� ,�` . . . c._ . c_v_ - _. <br /> `, _�.. ..� ' _ _ `4 — ' __ �-.�— �=� �!S1F = .. .._ <br /> G�� . ',r,�_ . ' . ". . _" " ' , ' � _ . ' `t:- <br /> G' ' ' - ' <br /> � y�_ . . c .. . . _ .. . .. . . .. . . . -. _ _ ___ ' ` � ' "_' ^_• ..�' . .'__... n - .. <br /> -`- - ` `� . ` . : , ` .:.. 1Q8�78 - ` . ���` ` <br /> < < . � 91 . . <br /> - . . s:=R.�ri:r M[�eref-Ii�..oG�BcR��.it �eep tie�'�alxin��cr haeaAor aeaea co the <br /> _ . P�opaty inarea�bss�6y fine.6�fs inciuded widiia tik tmn•e�eaded aova�'add ady od�a hu�.ipd� � <br /> , . �opd�or�,fbr�fiir�►I�aider m�u!e�es ia�uanoe.'ibls insa�ooe sh�ll be m�inained in the aimuots aod for the p��eiod� <br /> . Hrt Leader requIra-'iUe insunaee canier Pttri'ididE the iacurmoe s�i16e cAosea 6y Bortiower wbjec�to isader'a apptvrat . <br /> �fiic�datl mt b�.�o�bly�ritLheld.If Boriuwer!�s to m�in oovec�e described abova. I.eader may,at.Lade�'s <br /> cption.o[xaip aavera�e to Prutect l�eader's rig�ts in the Raperty in acaond�ooe aith par�g�ph T. ' ' ` <br /> - � A!1�aooe poticia and teae�inla s6alI be aoceptabk to.ttuder aa�t shiU inclu0e a staodard mnrtgage ci�se, ttndet <br /> s�l!4�ve tbe rig6t to boW tl�e policies aad�eaewsls.It irnder ncquir�8orrowa shall pcomptt3;.give w Irendec aU reoeipts of <br /> ` pid P�snd noewai t�tica.Ia tfie eveut a�f toss,Harnaa�er sMlt givc pmmpt nutice ta tt�t�sstanee canfessad�SOC1e� <br /> Lender mry�m�Ye ptoof of�s if aot msde P�P�Y bY�ormwer. - <br /> - Un1�is�eoder aod Bo�wer ott�wise agtee in wridng;inwraao�P�����PPi�Ra iruor.tion ar tepir of the <br />- Pnnpaty dara�o�.if tl�t nstoiation or R.pair is eoono�micatty fe�sible�nd L�ender's not���esseaed:If tbe�stohtiva or <br /> tepir ia not aonoaucalty fas�'bk or Leader's savrity wauW 6e ksseaed.ttx iitwr�nce pooc;eed��stnU be apptied m�tLe sums <br /> secated 6y this Saaaity Instruma�e. wGetGu or not tlKn du�with.�p exsxss paid.w Bua+av�er,If Burmwec�baodoa4 the <br />�_ Fe�opetty.or does twt aasaer arithin 30 days a aotia fiam I.enda�th�t tUe ins�tranoG c�Rier 6�s�offeced w sdtle a claim.d�dt <br /> -- Leader.mry oollact tha ins�uaaoe pi000eds. ?ezder may tue We p�ooeods tQ npaic or�ttie Pi�opeRy or to psy sama.. <br /> - � ae�ared bq.tlds Soa¢rit�r Inmamaot,vvtktl�u�r mt then dae.11re 30�dty periad w�716egin wl�r►Ine notice is girea. • . <br /> �__ . Unless I�eadeF and�Ormwer ot6e�ise agiee in writing, wY �PPiicatioa of pnocxedq[a pJ�sball aat e�tead oc <br /> � postpnne tbe d�o2 d�te of the.nwnthiY Payments nefercad W itt paca�r�hs 1 and 2 or change tl�.amouat of tbe p�yme�s:if <br />=;� ' u�kr paragr�ph.Zl the Pcoperty is aeqaire�6y.i,ender,Bamower's right to any insucanoe polieita•aod p�uceeds msulting f�+wn <br />,-_ _ _ d�aaage to thc Fivperty prior to the acqnisition shall pass¢a Lendor to tho exLeot of the stuns sa�rt�.�y tLic�Seau�y Iasuument <br /> -_-_- — in�modiatel�Pric�cc`:to tik acquisitian. : , , <br />_===- i.O�c±F,Pe�naratio�.Mai�e 9ad Ptotedjoa af tie Prupe�ty:Borrowds L'a�n Appiiwtio�;:Laseiold�. <br /> �����Y Homower sinll onx�py.est�blish.aod use the Prnperty as�omoWer's pcincippi tes�deace withiu siatp drys after the exacation of <br />_--''--� -t6is Sxuriry Tmn'umeac�d s6a11 oontiaae w uccapg ibe Pt�apeccX as$orrower's princip�c�esideace for at Ir�.st�one yr,tr after <br />= the dsKe of oocaaputc.y;laal�s Lender athe�wise agrees iz��iting,:vv�ich coaseat shall not be nacrasot�bly w�hbeld,or unless - - <br /> :,�. . .eicteaoatinQ��'eicist whtch a� 6eyond �fioarower's ronsrol. Borrnwer shalt�aot�de"stmy. dama8e or impair tbe --- <br />:��t;;::`�:; ,. Pn+opectY,a1T���tbe Property to�deteriora� orconanirwaste on t�c.PropMy. Borroaersha�93t�in defaulE if any forfeitu� ` �--_: � <br />.��.`�;. • • �--- <br /> � acuon or p�'mg,wbether civil ar cfimi�l,is begun that ia i�#er s good faith judgmer.e:�3 rewlt in forfeiture of the _ <br /> • �=�•; � Pmperty or at�icvise mate�ially impair the lien cre�e3�ac sbis Sa,�c:�y tnsu�mxnt or I.ender:s stcnrity iuterest.Bormwer may ---- — <br /> '�Y � cun socb a default and temstate,as vided in �8, c�susin the action or to be dismisssd with a iolin <br /> �� . r P� P�.. �. S P��& 8 <br /> ,r;,;_ �; } � that, ia lea��good faitb determinatian, preciubes�c:'�ti�a����Yfie Barrower's interest•im,ttre:Fmperty er.ather material = -�- <br />.`:`t:'J•.;. <br /> _ !. . �paimrntc,Gi�tirn created by this�-•aty�Tnsrii�eat ar.iEVB��'s s�uriry interest. Bonors�er,shall also be in default if <br /> "'�'.'�', � Borroarer,��g t6e loan applicatioa pi�ao�ss,gave nrs:�ly falsearanaccurate informatiosco��statemems to Lender(or fajle¢ <br /> .i'; to pmvide�with an�:�terial inform�tion)in ca�neccion wifh fhe laan evider�ed by tM�Nate,inctuding:but�ot limitod <br /> 'ta,represe�ttoag cancer` Borrower's aocapancy of Qre�roperty as a prir�cipat cesidence:Ii ti�is Stxurity I�trument is art a -_- _ <br /> _ . _ _ ':.'j ' Teasehotd, Bartawer shaU comply with alf the provFS��ns of the tease. If Barrcaa�acquis:s:fee title to the.Pcope�ty. the �--_-__: <br /> ,�'�', feasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless l.ender agrees to the merger in writing: �.� - - - <br />. • 7.Prota�ion ot Lende�'s Rights in tbe Propaty.lf Bonow�r 3ai}s to perform thc cav�anrs and agreements contained la -~+��"�^ <br /> � •s}us Security irutrument,or there is a legal proceedin��has may s"r�nificantly affect Lender's rigiirs in the Praperty(sucb as a � <br />_ .,,::: ���roceeding ia bankruptcy,probate, for condemnation mr Forfeitura or to enforce laws or reguPat�bns),then L�cd.r may do and '.. � <br /> � ` :nay for whatever is necessary to protect the vatue aF.r.�e Property and Lendet's rights in the Property. Letr�'s actions may - <br /> .•.=�-- <br /> ''"" iirctude pa}?� any sums secured by a lien which tia�+ priority un�:r,this Secnrity Instcunrcati appearing in court, paying .- <br /> .� �`�` ieasanabt..��rneys'fees and eatering an the Propertyr to make repa:cs.Atthough Lendcr may.takc action bndcr this pa�ag:apb ,::;=��° <br /> tP. <br /> .�' ?,Let�der�aes nat have to do so. , � ' : - <br /> •:;�-.'��-,�"'� �Anx a�nounts disba►^s�.fi by Lender nnder thi�•��spb 7.�st�aa;i bcsome additionaf debt of Borrowe.�euned by.this ' . <br /> -=;�r•'•'; �urlty Instrument. llnles5 Borrowcr and LenQer a?�r�¢�otbes r�rrns of paym��t,these artcaants shall beari.,,�est from d�e ;;' . <br />� ' �ase of disibatselnent at the Note rate aicr:t shall bc payable. wiih�interest, upon notice fronv Ltader to Boirdrover�eqn�� ��'"" �: � , <br /> .,,Tti,J PaYmenc• �. ' ,} <br /> :yt-ti " <br /> .:, S.MoNgage lnsuranoe.lf Lender requircd as A conditian af mnkin�:t�.�L�an secure3 ir�!this Security _ '�`' <br /> �'' Instrument. Horrower shall a the remiums r uGCS�,t to maintain the mort a e insurance in effect. If, i'er z�y reason, the - <br /> �.'� P Y P �9 g g �� . . <br /> ' -4:'ti : mortgage insuraace coverage requirod by Lender iags..3or ceases to be in effect.Borrawer sh�ll pay the pre�i�:.^�s reqnired to `' • <br /> �.,� � �-�• obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mor�c�e ir�sumnce praviausly in�a ca+t substantiaU}e.r�:ivalent to the � � <br /> . .'�.._• _ <br /> Y= :if • c�st to Borrawer of tfie mortgage insurancc prev'sous�� in cffose. irom un aUemate mvrsgAgc�insuret appr'oved by Leed�e:�If �`� � <br /> �� � �' �� substantially equivalent moAgage insurancc caver�,e�s�not availubto.Norrower shal!pay�o L�:nder each month a sum a{:;::��u �•.-. • <br /> x�'' ' � one-twelftb of the yprly mortgage insurance prcm3ucr�.I�e�ng paid by Bnrrowcr whcn thc insucance covcrage lapsed or c��3 to . <br /> "�� ' � � be in effece.Lendet wi11 accept,use aad retain theu:p�rments as a losy rescrve in lieu af�mortgage insaramc�. Lass r�erve• �I. <br /> ",•_ <br /> ,i r j p�'q,.:;L;,� ' Faren 302t 918Q- � . <br />, .�T�_ ' vap�3 ot 9 j <br /> . .., _ - l <br />. � • 'k�''�,�� `^':i� ,' i .. <br /> � -�, . . <br /> ' - . �4��_ . ... ,... . - . __— . ... . - - .. - . , . . . .. ' ' � . <br />. • ' 1 �4 � : . . . . . � . <br /> ' � ' ' . . . ' ' . /. • <br /> - . ••- � �♦ _ . . . . _ . . . ' • � � - . _ , " . . ' . . . <br /> ,� ' ' . � ± • . . " ' . . _.._. . . . . .--. � � .. . _. . .' � .. ... ' (, 3 ' . <br /> . . . . - . . . . , � - . <br /> � ',. .� � .� ' _ . . . ' . _ . ' . . � _ . _ . � ..1_. .. 7' <br /> . _ . �, . .�� . . . , . . . <br /> � <br />