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`•��. �:,„ ;�_ .�._. '' ,� <br /> • � �-w_I ..M^ y _''_..1.�.FOF <br /> 1 ��Y._l _ <br /> _� I <br /> �1� „ _�__ .� � n <br /> �83•109�'� <br /> (k9)� Fifty (SO) � Fifty�On� (S1) � Sixty-Four (64) � <br /> Eig��y-Two (82) . Ninaty-Fi.v� f9S) •nd On• Hundr�d I�aur — <br /> -- (ld4) � all in the Industxixl Addition�l ta th� Cit,y oi� <br /> � Grand I�land, Nebr��ka 4nd Lying in the SbUCI1MNMt <br /> �� Quartex (SW�) of Section FourC��n t14) � TownNhip L�l�ven <br /> -_�—" -� -- (11) North ltange Nina (9) We�t uf l•hM bt�h i'.M. � 11,�11 - - <br /> - County� Ne�raska and mor� particul�rly d��crib�d •• <br /> -- -- follows: <br /> -- Beginning at a point Seventy (70.0) feet Bouth ■nd ° <br /> - - Thixty-Three (33) feet East of th• Narthws�C aornpr of <br /> - - eaid Southwe�t Quarter (SW�)t Chenco runninA Qart�rly <br /> - ----— and parallel to the Narth lin� of •iid SouChws�t <br /> Quarter (SW�C) a distance of Qne Thousand Nin� Hundx�d <br /> - _ Thirty-Seven and Five Tenthe (1�937.5) f�et� th�nce <br /> _ - running southerly and parallel to the We�t linM uf ■sid <br />(��� Southwest Quarter (SW�) a diatanGe of One Thou�and Six <br /> Hundred Thirty and Thirty-Z�va Hundredtho (1�630.32 ) _ <br />- - feet to a point on the northerly right-of-way Lino of <br /> ,.. the C.B. � Q. Railroad Ccxnpanyt thence running north• <br /> „;, l weRterly along said right-of-way a dietance of Seven <br />� ��•• L"� Hundred T:�irty-Four and Ninety-Eight Hundredths (734 .98) <br /> ����� feet to a point on the East line of the Southwest <br /> ,.�,:� <br /> ' °�yu��,,, ''����� Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW�SW�)t thQncQ <br /> . � `�k���" running northerly along the East line of the Southwe�t <br /> � '�� Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW�SWk) a diatance of <br /> � •� <br /> : Thirty-Nine and Sixty-Eight Hundredthe (39.68) feet to <br />-=�•��`� the Northeast coxnex of the Southweat QuarCer of the <br /> .��,, Southwest Quarter (SW�SW�) ; thence running wester].y <br /> - � �,,v+�:;;. ?��'� � along the North line of the Southwest �uarter of the <br /> . ',��+�� „ �r};:�-��. Southwest Quarter (SW�SW�) a distance o£ Seventy-Six <br /> � •....:ti � <br /> , � ;�+'.«t-.� -�� ..' and Thirty-3even Hundredths (76.37) feet to a point on <br /> � '�' �� ,�=i° the northerly right-of-way line of the C.B. 6 Q. Rail- <br /> :St�r,�',r, • �,sr ,► <br /> � �?,;;�:�p �r.�;�•''s`�3 road Company� thence running northwesterly along said <br /> �:. ',���� ' ,+�.:;i�l, <br /> ,��,:�,.,.,, right-of-way a distance of Onc Thou�3:�d Three Hundxed <br /> �����:•:,•-.�:r�„'�.��� Seventy and Fiftiy-Six Hundredths (1,370.56) feet to a <br /> , f;�q"rs,�t;,�-�� ' .�,;;, point Thirty-Three (33.0) feet East of the West linQ of . <br /> �'' said Southwest Quarter (SW�)i thence running North and '� � <br />�{i-�; "" .4,�!`��.'�`,',,,�;�. parallel to the West line of said Southwest Quarter e �' <br />�:���i .�;�;r:�;;�,�';•° distance of Six Hundred Nineteen and Three-Tenths <br />:�.r.,.� ',':�+t:�"�'«..`.7�_'.. <br /> -,�� (619.3) £pet to the point of beginning and containing <br /> -- ' ,;_. ,: .�t'�.:' S0.0 acres. m�re nr less, and described in a survey _, <br /> �:;;�,> ��� r�� . ;•:; dated October 6� 1963 prepared by Thomas L. Jordan. <br /> ���� `:=:': `a Regiatered Land Surveyor. Grand Island. Nebraska. <br /> :�• : � :�...,� ,.. ... <br /> �., <br />".:,'.�.�. '`. �'��: ` � 5. The date that the last labor or servicea were laet <br />, �� �:;:�'�.°.;� <br />_: ' ;��"'{ �" furniahed to said property wae on or about January 30� 1993, and <br /> .,, �.;. <br /> � '' ` ' ' the contract price fQr theae services was Fifteen Thousand Two �::-. <br /> ,.,:;��, ,�; Hundred and No/100 Dollars (515,200 .00) upon which contract price = <br />° °":a���_ WasCe Management end Deai�n, Inc. has not received any payment. <br />,��t±�': i ��: <br /> �f �a ' �y"•,�+--- . <br /> `'�;; �, .rx�!,_,. ..� 6. Waste Management and Design. Inc. claims a lien on the =� <br /> =��� "���'i.�: abo�re-described real estate for the full amount of. the account -a� <br /> '��z' ;T°A due of Fifteen Thoueand Two Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($15.20d.00) � •�� <br /> •.1 <br />-- - —x,. <br />'�.,� -2- - <br /> ._,' i'J g <br /> :�� <br /> __ --- - -- . �: _ .-. ... <br /> ------��a`"' . . . . .., . .' �,�, "'.:.�r.r.y.�..... ..� _.�_._ . <br /> -- s.._�+r�.�ai..a%ei.' :�.._-..,.�1••' ..�a.:.� . . - L...w�w.r:il:uJwlt�'rv� l��'-_ �� -: -.. _ , . . <br /> �_�Y16�i�4Y1�LJldi.�Ir�o.�.- a«M ra�.�:� _ _. <br /> _ • �i�Tx::'s'°i��uZG.JiS:__'" <br /> ._ '_____ ._... . . .... ....... .. .. . ... . . . . .. ... . __ .. . .. . . <br /> �� ...^� ... . . ._ " _ .. '_.. _ • -` ---.-..-.-�.,.o ---•-• � . _ ___.._.... ___ _.. ............ <br /> - '^:1'lTj�-' .7 : � > . A.:r ✓ T t. �� .. <br /> �1�N�Y/w�P/ MJYr' -r �. � :U! !'��y ��' �M�.wS ^ .. <br /> •�„jb�rVM Y'J�' P. •r.. • ,y�.J: �_.w..W••,J..� ' . .. <br /> . . � �+ .., t_, 'l"C 1 ��' _. <br />