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<br /> � �~� AIlENDL�D
<br /> �_��.�__�-� � R��RECORDE�
<br /> BY ►9��,os�xa �p �
<br />_:� - --___�_._.� ,93-'1oss�.a �
<br /> _�` BERNHARD ALJGUSTTN, Personal Representative of the Esta�e of
<br /> Howard Miller� Deceased, puxsuant to appointment by the Coun�y �
<br />�. Court of Hall County, Nebraska, GRANTOR, conveys and releases to
<br /> '� •�''�'� �H�� � NORMA JACOBS and JANET REASOR, each as �o an undivided one-fourth
<br /> . �r L_[
<br /> , (1/4) interest, and TRUDY JACOBS, MICHAEL JACOB3, HRADRICK REASOR
<br /> s�,. ;�,.,_::;:;''� ry�,� and SFiAWN REASOR, each as to an undivided one-eighth (1/81
<br /> �. r- interest, herein called the GRANTEES, the fo].lowing describod
<br /> �p:����,
<br /> _ �� =4 real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. 76-201) loca�ed in
<br /> ��'��. .;';;�"�";',�' Hall County, N�braska, to-wit:
<br /> The Southweat QuartQr (SW�)� the Northwest QuartQr (NW�) and
<br />��;�- !'��"r°���1 The South Half of the Southeast Quarter
<br /> °�, � �.,` ,.
<br /> �f,`� ��� • . (S}SE}) of Section Thirty-Five (351 , Townahip
<br /> ° .� -- _, _. , ,
<br /> *a,.;r,, -.;_;:..�;:c. �� � Nine i�1 North, Range Twelve iI2) Wes;. �� tha
<br /> ;�.;�, . . 6th P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska, excepting
<br /> • � � � therefrom a tract of land commencinq at a
<br /> '�� '" � � . point on thP east boundary line of said
<br /> �''"`"����'`������ " Section 35 One Thousand Three Hundred Twenty
<br /> •rt � (I,320) feet North of the Southeast corner of
<br /> � �� � said 3ection 35t thence running Wtla�eil�
<br /> ' : along the Northerly boundary line of the
<br />- •�¢��•�� � r�• - Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
<br /> "r;: `' ,��+�. M1. .�b,. (SE}SE}) of said Sectiox� 35 a distance of
<br /> . Five Hundred Seventy-Four (574) Eeetf theace
<br /> �•� ; �' running Southerly parallel to the East
<br /> ,����, :. � � .;� boundary line of said Section 35 a di�tance
<br /> ,.. �: of Three Hundred Eighty-Six and Nine-Tenths
<br /> `"���': �'` � (386.9) feeti thence running Easterly parallel -
<br /> F �,,:_ '.�� ` to the Northern boundary line of the Southeast
<br /> :';�;;•::.: � Quarter of the Sautheast 4uarter (SE�SE}) of
<br /> •� said Section 35 a distance of Five Iiundred
<br />�..�. �.. .� � Seventy-Four (574) feet f thence running
<br /> - Northerly along the East boundary line of
<br />��- .::; said Section 35 a distance of Three Hundred
<br /> . �.. . .. Eighty-Six and Nine-Tenths (386.9I feet to
<br /> _'-�' "�'���� - the point of beginniny and consistinq of five
<br /> �;.; �*.r,,.: � ' � (5) acres more or less.=
<br /> -;,� '�:a�r�ya�
<br /> - ,��`;� �:�:,•I'�•.�;': Lots Three (3) and �'our (41 Main land in the
<br />-�; �'' ��?tt�lEU'+'r'�r,`Kf1u
<br /> � ,.. {� �.! : Southwest Quarter (SW}y of Section Twenty-Six
<br /> -�'� •. "`" � (261 , Township Nine (9) North, Range Twe lve
<br /> _::.t..;;..,�:.:
<br /> ��° (12) , West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County,
<br /> - :, Nebraska=
<br /> - t.
<br /> �-� I.ot One (1) and the East Twenty-Nine (29)
<br /> = acres of Lot Two (2) and the South Half of
<br /> the Northeast Quarter (S�NE}) of Section
<br /> w�Li..�..._n.....� 17A1 11�..�..«e1�i.w 17�w.. !G1 1J�r�lf
<br />. . __ ___. ._= Liiii v=__i VMi \Y�/ � �vw��r���r ��r��v ♦r� .��r r.��
<br /> — Range Twelve (12) , West of the 6th P.M. , Hall _
<br /> County, Nebraska; and
<br /> I.o� One (1) Mai.nland in Section Twenty-Seven
<br /> (27) , Townahip Nine (9) North, Raage Twelve
<br /> (iZ) , West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County,
<br /> N�brnaka
<br /> -1-
<br />