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<br /> applkable law mry specify for rcinsatement)tsefa+e ule of the Property punwnt to u►y pnwe�of.tic conulned in this
<br /> S±�.Klt;l�ts!�tt!!n!:^►(h)wrtry�f a�udament enfaclnt thia Security Inattument. 7'howr c.�aditlans ain th� &x�ewwr: (a1
<br /> p�yt I.ender dl sut►u whktt then w�ould be due under th,is Sec�uity Ir�ctrument and the Nate �a it no�ccekration had
<br /> occurted;(b)cura u►y defwlt of any other coven�nts or Agreements�;(c)pwyc�II expense�incumed in a�forcin�this Security
<br /> Insuument. includinY,but not timtted to,rcaswiablo�ttomeys'fac: and (d)take� such acdon ac Lender may rc�wnxbty
<br /> roqulrc to uwrc that the lien of thia Secudty Insuument,l..ert�derb ri�ht�in the Propcny iu�d Banvwrr`s obllR�tiw�tu p�y the
<br /> sums seeurod by this Secucity Insuument shatl continue unchanged. Upon rcinu�tement by Bort�ower. thir Saurlty
<br /> �—�` —° ' Instcurnent and the oblig:uions sccurcd hcrcby ahall n maln fully ctfect�vc as if no�cceleration h�d occwred. However,thi� _
<br /> d�ht to reinuue,sh�lt no[�pply in the case of accelaailon under pu�gr�ph l7. -
<br /> �,�� 19. Sak of Nate; C6sa�e ot I.oaa ServicN: The Natc or�putial intraat in thc Note ttogether wlth this Serurity
<br /> - Inst�ument)rtury ba sold a►e a morc t�mes wlthout prior notice to Barower. A sale may rcsutt In a change in the entity
<br /> (knowrt as tlm"I.oan Service�")that colletts monthly payments due under the Note and this Socurity Insnvment. The�ntso
<br /> may be one a morc changes of the Loan Servlcer unrclated to i sale of the Nota If thete is a changa of the l.oan Servicer,
<br /> ��� Barower will be given written notice of the chsnge in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicuble law. The notice
<br /> ��`—""'°-"""'—�'p"'"'=' wiU state the name and wddress of the new Lou►Servicer and the acidrcss to which payments should be made. The twtice will
<br /> also contain nny ather infarmAtion roquired by appUcable I�w.
<br /> ' Z0. Hwrdous Substances. Borrower shall nat causc or permis thc prcsence,use,disposal.storagc,or alcnse of any
<br /> Hazardous Substu�ces on or in the PropeRy. Bomower shall na do,nor allow anyone elu to do,anything aPfecting the
<br /> _ Property that is in violatlon of any Envimnmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> -- storage on the Propecty of small qu�ntitles of Ha�ardous Subswnces ihat u�e gener�Uy�ecognizcd to be appropriate to normal
<br /> _-����� residential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> �..�.�� . Barower stwll promptly give I.ender written notice of any jnvestigation,claim,dem:tnd,lawsuit or other xtion by any
<br />- govemmenW or rcgulatory agency or private party invotving the Propeny and any Hazardous Substance or Envirvnmcntll
<br /> Law of wfiich Bormwer has �ctual knowledge. If Bomower leams,or is notified by any governmental or regulatory
<br />, authority,that any rernoval or other t�mediation of uny Hazardous Substance affecting tha Ptoperty is neassary. Barnower
<br /> ' �' ' shall promptly wke all nc�essary remedtal actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> = As used in this paragraph 20."Hazudous Substances"are those substances de6ned as toxic or hazAt+dous substances by
<br /> � ���Y
<br /> Environmental Iaw and the foilowing substances: gaso[ine. kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroksum pmducts.tox(c
<br /> pesticides s�nd herbicides,voladle solvents.mnterials conudning asbestos or fotmuldehyde,�nd radioactive matedals. As
<br /> ;.'>: usod in this puagraph 20."Environmental L.aw"means Federa!Iaws and lows of the jurisdiction wherc the Property is lacated
<br />;,.;� that relate to health,safety or env3mnmental protextion.
<br /> ��;�� NON-UNIFORM COVENAIV'f5. 9orrower and Lendcr further covenant nnd ugra as follows:
<br /> -- '��.„y Zl. Accelentbn; Remedies. l.eader�ii gtve notke to Borrowcr pr(or to acceleration fdlo�viag Borrower•s
<br /> --��`.��� bre�ch ot any covenant or pgreement in t6is Security Instrument(but oot prlor to Accekration under puagraph 17
<br /> �+�-�?!---_-------- �n��p�.�}�l.�t,�w s.rovi�t�x otberwke). The notioe shatl specify: la)tik default:(b)the actbn rcquired to cure the
<br /> :: . _ _.; _
<br /> , .�,:; .5 . defaulh(e)A date.not less than 30 days from the date the noNce is given to Borcower,by w6kh the detault mwst be
<br /> cured;and(d)tiwt iailure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice ms�y result in Acceleration ot
<br /> } � ri' Y the sumv secured by this Security Instrument aad sale of tFie Properly. The notke shall further intarm Borrower ot
<br /> .�%�w��• � "''�'�'�`• the right to reinstate atter acceleration and the right to bring a court action to�ssert the noa-existence ot a default or
<br /> �..., r...�,,. ..;�_.
<br /> � ��-: �r,��'P'""` {� any other defense of Borrower to pcceleratbn and sale. Uthe defpult is aat cured on or before the date speci�ed in
<br /> "�:�'«:���r.' the notice,Lender at i�s aption may require irnmediate payment in futl of all sums secured by thi�Security Instrument
<br />-- .F. '. ,,;. • wlthout turtber dertw�d and ma�� iavake the pnwer of sale and eny other remedi�rs permitted by nppikebk law.
<br /> 'h .,,: .��: - Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pur.suin� the remedies provided in thb parAgrAph 21.
<br /> .s�,, ; ineluding,but not limited to�reasonable Attorneys'fees and costs of titk evldence.
<br /> It the power ot ss�k is invoked,7tustee shAll record p notice ot default in each count�in whkh Any part of the
<br /> �� .t .. , Property is located and shali maii copies utsuch notice in the manner prescribed by epptkabie Is�w to Borrower�nd to
<br /> =— the other persons prescribed by ApplicAble Is�w ARer the time required by applicabk law,'ll�ustee shall give publk
<br /> :��. notice af s�le to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicwble law. 1Yustee.without demAnd on Borrower,
<br /> ` "��" shall sell the Property at pubUc s�uctton to the htRhest bidder at th�lime And plare und under the terms designated in
<br /> •- 0.'"'r`� �'�` the notice of sate in one or more parcels and in any order'Il�ustee determines. 'Iirustee may pc►�tpone rale oP a0 or any
<br />-"" "'��`�' �arcel of the Property by public unnouncement at the time wnd plare oF Any previausly schedukd sale. Ixttder or ita
<br /> .,�.
<br /> • s+��,., designee may purchase the Property�t�+ny sAle.
<br /> Upon nceipt uf p�yment oi the price bid,7lrustee shall deli�•er to the purchASer'Irustec's decd com•eying the
<br /> F��'�'a Pr rt The recitals in the 71�ustee's deed sh�ll be rima facie ecidence of the truth of the st�tements made therein.
<br /> ..,.?,..;.;, � � y P
<br />-,,�:.
<br /> •-,•;�x��• 'Ilrustee shall apply the pruceeds uP the s�le in the followinA order. (a1 to all costs And expenses of exercising the power
<br /> _ �� �J.
<br /> llh���
<br /> — - .-�S;�
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