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<br /> _ _ TOGEfHER WITH�II the imp�nvema���now or heroafla erocted an the prapaty.�nd�11 wemena.appurlemnce�, -
<br /> - �nd flxtura naw a hereatler a p�s!at me p�qxrty. wii Rpi�cema�rs an�i�iCii�iw�s.bali dw i,e u,.c�.d br uus�uriir
<br /> IaWtwrknt. All ot the forcQoina is nfemod w in thi�Security Luwment as the"Ropecty."
<br /> gpRROWFR CpVEIVANTS th+tt BoROww i�I�wfully kised of the estate hercby conveyed uk!h�s the rfght to Qnu�t
<br /> md convey the Property and thu ttx Property is unencumbered,exapt fur er�cumbru�ces of rocor+d. Bortower wuraiw and
<br /> will defa�d�enenlly the title to the Property a��inu�II cWnu u�d denw�l�C�wbjoct to�ny auumbr�nc�es of record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifam roven�nt� foc natlon�l uso u�d non•uniform covawnu with
<br /> ��� � IGnited varis�onc by judsdiction tv constitute�uniform secudty Instrunxnt covering rcat EwnQany.
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNANTS. L�ort+ower And Lender cove�tnt and agree as folbw�:
<br /> 1. P�,y�t of Principsl and Intere�t;Prep�yn�t�d L�te C6ar�es. Borrower shnll promptly pay when due the
<br /> principal of uid intenst on the debt evj&nced by the Note ac�d aty pttipRyment and l�te chuges due under the Note.
<br /> 2. �nds tor 71ucd aod In�unnce. SubJect to applicable law or ta a written w�iver by L.ender.Borrower�lu�11 pay to
<br /> I.tnde�on the d�y monthly payments ac�e duc under the Note,until tfie Note fs paid In full,a sum("Fl�rols'7 for.(a)yearly
<br /> uuces�and assessments whkh may attain pdoriry over this Secudry Instrumen[as a lien on the Property;(b)yeuly leasehotd
<br /> paymenta a ground renta on ihe Pcoperty. if any; (c) yeady h�zard or properry insurw�ce p�+em�ums; (d) yeuly flood
<br /> insurance pRmiums. if any: (e)ycruly mortgage insurance premiums, if my: nnd (fl any sums pAyAbk by Bomower w
<br /> l.ender,in accordance with the provlsions of parag�ph 8,in lieu of the payment of mwtgage insurance premiums. These
<br /> items are callcd"Escrow Itcros." I.ender may.�t any time,collect and hold Fi�nda in an arnaunt not to excad the maxlmum
<br /> — amount a lender for a federaUy nelated mortgAge loan may roquire for Barowerk escrow account under the federai Real
<br /> Eswte$ectlement.Pro�cedurcs Act of 1974 as amended from dme to time, l2 U.S.C.�Z601 et srq.("RFSPA").unless another
<br /> _T ___ faw ttwtapplies to the Ainds sets a lesser amount. If so.Lender may,at any dme,collect and hold Funds in an arnount not to
<br /> exceod thc lesser amount. Lender may esdmatc the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data Ynd reasoiwbk
<br />=— atirru�tes of expenditurcs of futun Escrow Items or otherwise!n accordance with applicable law.
<br /> - — The Funds shall be held in an Institution whose deposits are insured by A federal agency. inst:umentaliry,oc ent�ty
<br /> (including Lcnder,if l.cnder is sueh an Institution)or in any Fcderal Nome Loan Bank. l.ender shall apply the E�nds to pay
<br />- the Escrow I.ems. Lender may not chatge Borrower far holding and applying the Punds.annuully analyzin�the escrow
<br /> account,or verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest ott the Fnnds and applicable law permits
<br /> - I.ender to m�ice such A charge. Howaver,L.ender may require Bonower to pay a one-time charge for an independent rcal
<br /> estau tax rcpocting servlce useci by Lender in cc�nnectian with this loan,uniess appl3cable law provides otherwise. Unless an
<br /> :� agroement is made ar applicab(c law requires intercst to be paid,Leader shall not bc required to pay Bortowcr any fnterest a
<br /> eamings on the Por�ds. Bomnwer and Lender may agree in writing,however,that inte��est shall be paid on the FLnds. Lender
<br /> -- shall give to Bomower,without chsuge.an nnnual accounting of the f�nds,showing ct�edtts and debtts to the Funds and the
<br /> _ putpcue for which each debit to the Fl�nds was made. The FLnds ure pledged as additional securiry for all�ums cecured by
<br /> _ thjs Securfty Instrument.
<br /> If the hlinds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law. L.ender shall account to
<br /> Borrower for the exceas Funds in accordance wlth the requirements of applicable iaw. If the amount of the F�nds held by
<br /> Lender at au►y[ime is not sufficient ta pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in wriUng,and,in
<br /> such case Borrowar shall pay to I.,ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall nwke up the
<br /> 's e d's rction.
<br /> ' Jef►ciency jn no more than twotve rnonthly payments,ut Lender sal i c
<br />._ ,,c Upon payment In full af�ll sums r,ecured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund io Borrower any
<br /> �.�- � Funds heid Gy 1.e�iJe�. If,undcr par�graph 21.Lender shatl xquire or setl the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisition w
<br /> � sale of the Property,shall spply any Funds beld by l.ender at the time of acquiaition or sale as A credlt against the sumc
<br /> ���� securcd by this Security Instrument.
<br /> a < '-
<br /> 3. Applicadon of Payments, Unless uppticable luw provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under
<br />-��_� paragraphs l and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment churges due under the Notc;second.to amounts payaWc undor
<br /> para�raptt 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late chazges due under the Note.
<br /> • 4. Cb�es; Liens. Borcower a�hall pay all tnxes, assessments, chazges, fincs su►d impositions attributable to [he
<br /> • •• Property which may attain priority over this Security instrument,und leaschold payments or ground rcnts.if any. Bormwer
<br /> shall pay these obli�ations in thc manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thut manner,Bwmwer shall pay them on
<br /> ttme directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under
<br /> this paragraph. If Bortower mnkes these payments dircctly,Barrower shull promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing
<br />�. � y. •-':,�2 •
<br /> „�;�_� ; the payments.
<br /> Y"^•• Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees
<br /> ; iK......:'.
<br /> .�...a,.....
<br /> :,.y.a� in writing to the payment of the obtigation securcd by the lien in n munner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the
<br />� ''' lien by.or defends against enforccrnent of the lien in,Iegal proccedings which in the l.endcr's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> - y�� enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures frum the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien
<br /> to this Securi►y Instrument. If Lender detertnines that any part of the Property is subject to a licn which muy attaiu priority
<br /> -ry��— ---� over d�is Security Insuument.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying th�lien. Borrower shall aatisfy the lien or talce
<br /> _._�=-°''!'�'� ono or more of the actlons set forth abovc within 10 days of the giving of noticc.
<br /> "�'°`�-��� 5. Hnratrd or Property Insurance. Borcower shuil kecp the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the
<br />=;`s '',�4;� Propeny insured against loss by fire,hazArds included within the term"extended coverage"and�ny other hazards,fncluding
<br />.=�■�;..� floods or flooding. for which I.ender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and fot the
<br /> �:..�� --
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