<br /> � , , �: _.- . - _--
<br /> � ' • ' � r�,
<br /> r' r. � ��'�TR'Y•'.'f'e�. . .. �_.
<br /> - �r. ,.a. -' - - - - ------------
<br /> . .:r '`
<br /> ,�.w ___ -.,��� • Q°� —
<br /> —�- • A�i1GN�lENT OF IIENT� ii1D�A `�`�~ �0�1.
<br /> TH�6AS813NMENT OF RENTB RIDER li mad��nd�x�cut�d this_��._d�y of NOUE�IBER _,jp_93 ,and I�
<br /> incapotat�d Into�nd ah��i b�d�+m�d to am�nd and suppl�m�nt th�Mortpa�or Ged of Trust,h�nl�aftsr r�f�rnd to as th�
<br /> "9�ourlty In�trum�nt", oi en�sam� d�te piv�n by ti�w uno�rsipnu�f, h�ntn�tt��r�t�rr�d to as th� "8orrow�r", to s�cun
<br /> Barower'�Ind�bt�dn�ss,h�rdnatt�r r�f�rrW to rs th�"Not�",to HOME FEDERAL SAVINO8 ANO LOAN AS30CIATION OF
<br /> ORAND ISLAND,1Nnlnaft��nt�rr�d to as tM"I.�nd�r",of tM s�m�dat��ndcov�rinp th�prop�►ty d��arlb�d In tho S�ou�ity
<br /> - � -- In�trurrNnt and toaat�d at:
<br /> 1004 WEST 14TH ST. GRAND I5LAN0 NE 68801
<br /> ._� -`
<br /> _� tP�oaeny ndaceas�
<br /> :�
<br /> - �___�_— WHEREAS, Borrow��and lendsr h�ve apned that any rents and p►oflts ittributabl�to th� property shoutd constitut�
<br /> � �dditionai a�aurity ta th�L�nd�r for th�pay►n�nt of th�Note;
<br /> .ti�1
<br /> �� NOW,THEREFORE,ft is aqreed that th�8�curity Instrumsnt shall b�am�nd�d h�reby and d�sm�d to lnciudo tht foltowi�►p
<br /> _ ' _ _ –�°'°�°� provislons:
<br /> 1. Ass(�ment oi�tents and Lender Rontal Cotlent(Qp.Qj�j�J�,Sarower hereby absolutdy and unconditional�y aae!yns alt
<br /> ---= rsnts. iasuss and profita of the propsrty to 9eneifclary. Lander ahall have the ripht, power and authority durfnp th�
<br /> ��r,,��,dr� continuance of the S�curlty Inet�ument to colt�ct th�nnta,Iasues r�nd profltt ot the property a�d of any personal property
<br /> �oatsd th�rson with or withaut takinfl paaeaelon of the property alfected hereby.Lender,howsver, hereby coneents to
<br /> `-+ Borrov�nr's coil�ction and ret�ntion of auch ronts,isfues�nd prqtits Aa tMy aca�ue and bacoma psyabie,so fonp as Borrower
<br /> �,�-;T�;: Is oot,at suoh time,in defauit wtth ra�poat to payrtwnt ot any Indabtad�wss sacured h�r�by,or in ths perform�nce of any -
<br /> '°-= +�8 aQrMrtNnt hereunder.
<br /> ,.,,,.,__ 2. Aonointment of Receiver. if any event of default in rsapeat to the�ocurity Inst�ument shalt have xcurred and bs
<br /> '� ` continuin�� Lender.as a matter of�ipht and without notiaa to Bcrrower or anyone claiminp under Borrower, and without
<br /> _ •,.__ . ,.:. :
<br /> � � rapard to th�v�lue of th�truat estate or ttw Intanst of ths 8orrower thtnln.eh$II have tha rfyht to appty to any court havi�p
<br /> „t>;�': ,,• . .
<br /> Jurladlotion 20�ppoint a recelver of the property.
<br /> ��' 3. �ht to Poasassion. In oase of default In the payment of the aaid pri nclpai Note or Interest,or any pa�t thareot,as It °
<br /> , <x .a:i,�t�`� shaii maturs,or In tha caee of fatlure to keQp or perform pny of the coven�nts or apreame�ta contained In tho Security inatru•
<br /> � , �.�.l�'.
<br /> °���`�, . mmt. then the Lender, its auccessoro or assipns, shail be and ia hereby �uthorizod and empowered to take immediate _
<br /> _ ��3��'�"•�. passosslon oi the aafd premiias thar�in d�aarib�d and to colleat the rentatA�r�f�om,and to apply tha procaxfs thereof to the
<br />_ � '^ paym�nt of the Note.
<br /> •`�`� �' 4. AaaUa�tion of Ftenta, laauee and Profits.AO renta cotlected bY Lender or the receivar shall be�pplied tirat to paymant
<br /> �"�w`���^'°����• • of the costs of mana�ement of the property a�d collsction ot renta,includinp,but not Ilmitsd to,receiver's fees,premluma on
<br /> � �»`� � � recetver'a bonds and reasonabte attorney'e feea,and then to the aums secured by ttw Security inatrument.Lender and tha "
<br /> `u..��N.. .�.;
<br /> --� receivsr shpll be liable to acoa�:,:anly for those renta aotusiiy received.
<br /> _ 'e� �;�a4.y:�i�:j. ..
<br /> . ,j,�;;�,, , :t,� �,.:..,, 6. Canstructlon of Provisions.Each of the provislons contalned In thiaASalpnment oi Rents Rider and the Secu�ity inatru•
<br /> • ��'���;.';�:' meni ahall, unleaa otherwiae apeclflcaily requfred,be conatrued in accadance with Nebraska taw,and in the event any
<br /> . . . , p�ovi�sion herein or therein cantatnad�hal1 be determined by a court af compete�t Jurisdictfon to be unenforceable,ttie aame
<br /> ��q;;,�;•.�,,�;'::. . _. ' shnll ba construed as thouyh such uneniorceable provlsion wero not a pvt hereof or thereof.
<br /> ••"�� 1 � � ��--��• � 8. E�fect of Rider.Except as specificaily modiNed by or inconalatent with this Asstpnment of Rants Rider or by any other �
<br /> �!�:if'd�"�•� •ppllo�bls ridsr,all of the terms and provielona containad i�the S�curity i�4lrument ehAtl continue in fuli force and eftact.
<br /> ,.{�.,,...a_�,,.•�..sr,,.:
<br /> _ +�,�r a.:• n.: ..
<br /> – ,,�.,,�,,,,,��.;, ,., _ _ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has executed thi�ipnment of Flent�gider the date fir noted above.
<br /> �1
<br /> , •=iA:�i,�,`'Lr:`C� � /' �..`t'Q/ 7'
<br /> ���'::f� . G
<br /> .'Ymi��4;.:r�..«,,.• . LAWI���E�. JQ1QA�sorro r
<br /> ,.k,ti„ .�,., -
<br /> '+��'��_:. �
<br /> Y; . .�
<br /> ��„�x:.
<br /> , ,� 8orrower
<br /> ;';� � "
<br /> •� �,:_. : . STATE OF NEBRASKA?
<br /> '�: •:. (66:
<br /> T � "� ��«• COUNTY OF HALL 1
<br /> - �"�°�`-�' On thts ��TM day of NOUEmBER , 19 93 betore me,the u�dersi ned,a Notary Pubifc duly commisaloned and
<br /> .. .i.._��.� ...
<br /> .�ar«� ?�".."°,;" quaDENd icr said county,peraonally aame LAWRENCE F. JONAK, A S NGLE PERSON
<br /> '� ��'''��r�' ,t0 be the identical ptxson(S)whOSe name(S)isl8r@ subacfibed
<br /> ,.r.�.�,�
<br /> _��i�� ' + �K�•y
<br /> ��,,,�ti,;,�-:,.•� to tho foreyo�np Inatrum�nt.and haJshHth�y acknowlqdpe the execution thereof to be htslherltheir volu�tary act and deed.
<br /> �����*�-�� Wltness my hand and Notarial Saal at GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA
<br /> _�.u—
<br /> '.`�� + In county. the d�te atnresa
<br /> .
<br /> --- �lMW1►3YIItlW�11� �/ 'l 2 '
<br /> ���� o Pubtic
<br /> ly CO�a ExR 11111!l,11�
<br /> Nly Commiwion�xpir�s:
<br /> Ms a�o o+�q
<br />