- - - ��. � ._
<br /> � .. : , :.»...<...h.; �f.rz'' ` . _ �_
<br /> .:�,: - ---
<br /> — ____._. -=--�.�� �.149'7f 9
<br /> ��►a•�w�n.�..p.ow�.a��v�o�•w�a)�.�,.i�""i�:•o�vTwo�Mi:ora°'°0�`iw.a9 b�,�.iarao.��..ne.wre»..i.
<br /> _ .M�r�1 b NMMoi11 tor�o�w��IM P�oo�M
<br /> t�)��+�.na oow a ooll.owonc
<br /> , pq Cal d��Md�a�01 MIN P�ooi�nd Mt aar�oNon wllh woA aaN�nd al�np��r�quk�d b b�P�id� -
<br /> — (�AM abNpMan Nou�rO k�tni�i tu�i dwaic
<br /> (y ttM�iie�r,N��a tl�p�non WMM•rwtl�a a�n1o.
<br /> 7.Ad�k»�NraNAp MMNr�M�.T�wlor.�t IM�.wIM�x�ouM�nd tfWwr b tM�M�.promp�l�uPon dM+w�d�woh NarUy M�lnu�q
<br /> ri M�Y p�hqwf�d by OMM�Y•in tomt�nd wbMino��MNNob�!►lol�Aoi�ry,oo�«ww w+r a aN�oa�►oorw.�d e�rn�.o..a a T�„��w1Aoh NourkY
<br /> �.,. ww,�.Mwll b��ddlMo�wd MaKNy la Te�loPt NNhlul PKbrnwra d�N tlN Mrnwi,oov«wk/�nd oondMlont d thi�ONd af TniM,an ao�wo�y�+oM.
<br /> - ti — --— Noune h�ney�ana.nr aa�«arNV Mwa��.aA.a In aoMrabn w+w aA.a�w.owa+,9�a►N�Miwn«rs.n�M a�.00id.a«r.a�t Tn�MOr..■oNM..
<br /> ` �� a�{ppoMn�M a 3��oo.Nrr nu.M..e�iMlo�w nwy,lrom am.a am►.b!►.wdaM,h,MiwnMM�oc.ouMa.no aow+owNdp�d b�►9.r�lloi.n.rywi�a b `
<br /> _ � Tru�MOr�nd r�oord�d In tIN oowily a aowMf»In whbh tIM Pro��ety W bo�Md�nd b�r ot�wtN oanPM�O��P��N al ll��ppNoWN IMw of tFw
<br /> ' ''' WM al NM�t�iu wbrWuN�Mioowor or a�oowon b th�Tn�nrn�d hKMn a ao1Mq 1wM'�wid�►•
<br /> - - --—T.,.L�-,_ 9.M�oltona�oirY.ar Mt�p�nt��npn�MldNNS a wakn�.�aulhatrd t0�nt�r�t anf►�wo��bN tlm�upo�a In�u�r P�rl of tM Prop�rlY
<br /> '���� fot IM P�i�+a��tM��nd b►tM PwP�a P��nY al th�nb R a authai�d b p�lorm ir�d�r 1h�Mm�a1 th�DNd d T�wt.
<br /> �;°�"��'
<br /> --- — .....� �o.qodoR te r•onc�o...uWon�1+�ooaur«b.a.�r ar..on�na upon ai.a.c��aon a e.r.un h.iwnaK.eun.AG.n�h.w aw ovao�e -
<br /> .�•m�-���=„� a�i.a.e a Tru�t in th.nwM.r pakMd by�.w la uM ta.aaw.a ma+O.w•on n.�pop�+y.
<br />— ' ' 1 t.�a�bwr►a Dp Br+�N�duY or TruMN NoN WaMw.AnY knbMrana bY B�n�i�ry ar TrwtM in unr�cMkp+eY ripht a r�n�dY��•aW Mr-
<br /> wfM�MOrd�d o'Y�PP���•�h�N�ot b��wa1+Nr ot ot Pnciwl�tIM�clrals�of�nY woh r1pM or nr��N��.UkwnlM,th�wafwr by B�r�Mfei�rl►
<br /> •.�,. a T�uMM af�ny dNwk of TniMor undK thM DMd W Trwt NW!not b�dMrtNd to b�a�w�iwr of�nY ad�a�r d�iwla wbM4�N�0•
<br /> �:ii� r N
<br /> _ _ �.,;,��',�',�' 12 Tiwlor Not A�N�Md.ExMnNo�ol tM tlm�ta p�yn�nt a modNbatbn a MnordnUon ot tM wnw s�cund bY tl�DNd otTrwt Oant�d bY B�q► _
<br /> R+:• .., b�Y N�oo�or In kN�rMt M TniMa sh�M oot ap�nt�to nfwM�In�ny nwx»r.tM M�bWIY of tIN aipk�TruNo��nd Tn�Wr's suoo�or In NM�nat.B��rY
<br /> , rr'�,�:i� � .�,.w na b.nquk�d w oommmo.ao�inp�w��+��ooMw.ar�.to.zt�ne wn.tor paynwnc a an«wN.modfN.moni�e+on ath.sWns«cuna
<br /> �;..•,:�..•-�...':�.i�t ,.. _
<br /> �#+1�_..,, : '.:..: bY thla Owd af Trwt by rwon at my dMn�nd mad�bY th�alpinal TruMa and Taatar'a woo�a�on k�1►Nwwt. ot�ny obNp�tbn hKMn m�Mion�d� -
<br /> �,�A�. �{ 13.BM�Acii�rY�a Powws.Wflhouc afNctkq a►��p the W�WNty of tl�Tnutor or any aMr P��a►Wbb ia th�P�Y�
<br /> .•:. nat t M n o r 1 M n t o f a ro n I M M d u Mcu r i t y tor tIN fuH�mount
<br /> . . . � �n d w i l h a i t�M�C t l n p t M I M n a c h u p�o t t h l t D N d o f T n a t u p a�a n Y P�b^o f t M P ro p e A Y
<br /> :4'; ;: , , of aN unp�ld oWip�tbnt�B��Y may�itom tim�W thn�and wkhout natia at lM n4wst ot o�cr nan Trtalas(q rNMN ony p�r�on w M�bN,(i q u c b n d =-
<br /> . "� a rM»w th�nN�turftY at�K�r�ny of ths t�nni W ufY woh oWiG�tbns,(1199r�M oth�r induqK��(Iv)niws�a nconwY�a c�uM w bs nlw�d a noorn�y�d
<br /> _ . • .,�� �t any tkM It BM�flcinY�s optbns MY P���Pa'��a all ot tM Prop�Ay.(v)tak�or rN�w my adwr or�dditlon�l Mcurib b►�nY���^m�Mion�d, _
<br /> '�• ., M)m�k�oompo�itloe�s a othsr Wrmp�nts with d�bton In nt�tfon thKNO.Aq Tru�lai�hW W JokNly�nd s�wrallY obNON�d�nd bound by th�actbn�of
<br /> � '�y�a•_•.t.A:'.t✓�.�:.a.
<br /> .. q»g�Ci�ry a anY uuMa�s MrMo aat�d.
<br /> :..�., '
<br />- .t';'. 14.Afla►MY Fia.CoNs�nd Exp�n�s.If th�B�r�fleiary ot this ONd of T►utt Is a Wnk u d�flnW by N�b►aeks Iaw.any stat�nNnt oor►t�in�0 In any ochar
<br />- �.•.y 'y.� Mctlan af thb cpW nolwithatandinp�ttN 8�ffciaiY ahall not b��ntNMd to roaiw or t�k�u�d d�btor sh�U not b�abliy�hd to p�y or Oiw�+�nY ca+t�� _
<br /> ,-.�t.w;. -.-,�;;-•;�� ot JudpmwN,�a+d►«n.r so conas.p,d�nMn��Povw�ot�ttan�y to appwr tor a bor►orwr In a)udlcW proce�d�rW a a0�nt to p�ytAs cost�of coN�ction
<br /> _ ����_�.4t-?i,::::•::4 ���'{�.�,�th±IMwr.�t p�yabt�by th�brms of th�NoN niKnd to In thia dMd i�164f�psr annum or k�s,or th�nots nTerted to In thi�
<br /> � dNd is rpayobN in two or mon�quat or unpual Insullmsnri and awr a p�riod of mah th�n ons hunclnd foAyliw(748)montM.Provici�i.iw�wwi�it�at
<br /> thla Mcticn dos�not�pply to tha tnut��1N nf�rc�d to In Panpaph B.8(b). Providsd furtMr that thit Pwpraph 8.14 shall not apply to ifil�OMd W TtusR
<br /> , . ' � H tM B�nsliclxry hWNn Is not a b�nk.
<br /> . � tb.li�co+►wyMnas by TiasMe.Upon wripan nqueq of B�neHciary aating thet eil wm��eund har�by haw bs�n p�W.and upon wmndw of thi�DNd
<br />- af TruM�nd the Not�to Tniatea for ceraeltatlon end tNantion�nd upon payment by Trostor of Tnut�s't f�,TNStN�hall nconwy to Trwlor,or th�prnon
<br /> . . � pr pwpn�ip�lly�ntitNd thento,without wamnty,�ny portbn of th�Propwty thsn MW hsrwndsr.TM r�ltttlo In wch r�conwyanc�of any m�tt�rs or(aats
<br /> �1MM p�oonclusiw proof of tha truthfulnsu thsnot.Ttw 9rantM In any nconveyar�may b�d�scriD�d p"tM p�non or pMions Np�tiY�ntltMd tlMnto.,'
<br /> . 16.Nofkw.Excapt fa any notbM,demands,rpwstt or oth�r communications rpulnd und�r app�kuble Iaw to be yfven In andMr m�nn�r,wh�rwwr _
<br /> B�nNiciuy,Trwtor ot TrWtN yivK or f�nrot Rny rat��pncludinp.without timitatlort,not�a ot detauit and notir.e of als),demmds.rpuMts u oth�►oom�
<br /> o�: .. ' :��. •- munlcation with nsp�,i to ihis DNd of Trost,wch such rwtic�,demu�d.rpu�ft or olhar commuNGtbn ahall bs tn writfnp and�hati b��M�ctiw oniy If tM -
<br /> ' �.'I '� �u dNiwnd bY PewnN savke a Is mtllad by c�rtiH�d mall,Po�t�Pnpafd,addrNS�d to the addnef u sK torth at tM b�pinnlnp of this OMd of
<br />-` 4� ���t. Trurt.My pvty nwy at aoy tlm�ct�nps its�ddra�for wch notkys by dellvsriny a mailinp to the other p�ny twnto,as ator�id,a notic�ot tuch ctw�. _
<br /> . . , ° My noNc�hK�und�r Nwll b�dMm�d to haw be�n p►wn to Trusta or Bm�fiduY.�n 91wn!n th� mmn�r d�sipnabd h�rNn.
<br /> ,``:..�',,.,�` 17.R�qu�tt ta Notfcv.Trustw��d Bsne(�iary hereby reqwst a copy of any not�e ot delault.end a copy of��y nouce of t�lt th�rwnd�r,b�mvNd 10 -
<br />° c � � weh p�rson who is�p�Ay Mnto�t tha addroa e�t(oAh for weh person in tM flret parapnph ot thls Owd of Trwt.
<br /> ;. • � .:;.I.., ` _
<br /> , 19.Qovanlnp L�w.Thit DMd of Trutl sha11 be povarnd by ih�I�ws W tt�e Stata of N�bruka. _
<br /> ;''?~'`� ,
<br /> ty.Suoo�a�o►s and Aatlyna.Thls Oaed of Tru�t,and all terms,conditlons�nd oblly�tions hsreln,apply to and inure to the beMfit ot and binds all p�tNs
<br /> , � hetMO,thMr h�k�,Ny�tMS,d�vltMS.Pertonal raprasontadwt,wCCa�s�n and asslpnt.Ths term"B«wflGary"shall me�n the owMt md hoid�r of UN Nob, _
<br /> �-:_ � �: � � . . , whrtMr or not n�m�d as B�rNfleluy h�nin. �.w. •..w...�w. r...
<br /> � (;;c,;;:,... ' ' . lfN�i��liflw'ilAralw� .
<br /> •.� • . 20.JOkif�nd SwMa!l.I�t�tNty.All oowtnnts u�d prwm�nts of Ttwto(+
<br /> OY;��.
<br />- t•' 21.SwMabWly.In th�w�nt ar�y ont a rtars of the provlaloni eontelnW in thl��+�i t[uM,or tlw NoU w u►y other aacudty Instrum�nt�tven in oonrN�
<br />. `' .'� � tion wilh 1Ms tmNCtlon shW tu�ny n�wn b�hNd to be invtlid,Illpal a uYhnforce�bk In any ra�ct,wch Inv�lldlty.IIIepUlty.or urnnforaabit►ty shvl, _
<br /> �. �'�,; •• �� ,, �t tM optton ot B�nNfciary.not�M�ct any alMr provlNon of this Da�d d Trup,but this Mad of Trurt ahWl b�oonrirwd as if tuch Uwalld.IN�pN.or urnnfotcwbN _
<br /> �� '' ' provU{on had nw�r pwn contun�d h�nin a 1MrWn.It ihs Iian of thb D�sd of T�utt lt InvaSid nr un�nlacMbi�u to any part of tM d�bt,a It tM INn it InwMd -
<br /> �r.. • or wwnloteN6b s�to�ny pvt of tht Prop�rty.tM unsecund a partiaNy sseured portion of th�debt aha!!be comP�►�Y P�F'!^'to th�p�ymmt M th�nm�kdrq
<br /> 1�3"� �rx!Mcund qt p�rtiWy t«wrad patlon ot tM d�M,and NI paym�nit made on ihe debt.whstMr voiunt�uy or und�r tonelosun a oth�r�nlorcwn�nt actbn
<br /> �� . . .,..� _. a procadun��hW b�eonfid�nd W haw b�►Nnt p�ld on wid aPPiMd to Ihe fuU peyment ot that porUon of tM MGt whleh is not acund a not fuly Mcund -
<br /> , '- � by th�iNn of thi�DNd ot Trwt. --
<br /> �.�'�i..
<br /> , _,%, 'r',��'.,��_ ?2.Nurt�b�►�nd pM�dx.WhNNwr wW hsrNn,tM Wnpular numb�r�hali Includa ttw p�urat.�nd tho uw of�ny psnd�r sMll b�oppl�Wl�to N1 pMd�ri.
<br /> "•�`�� 23.Acoiphuk�by 7Ywtar.Ttwt«�capu thit TruN wtwn this ONd d Tru�t�duiy�xocut�d and acknowlodpad.u mad�a pub4c noord a povki�d DY I�w.
<br /> - uq
<br /> � r�(t��.3,2.,._: _
<br /> - ,t�,`, w�� 24.TruNOe CMbMMy.8o IonO a tM Tnwte�eh�N act In pood failh nnd in nlluna upon notk:es md dher Intorm�tian w1Wch It.in Rs�ole dl�cAtfon rtu�y =
<br /> - dMm to b���BWN.�nd so tonD�s T�u��haN�x�rcf»cNwnabt�Prud�na and can�n in�dministnUon Mr�w�.TruMM shW not W MWM for any
<br /> — - las a danp�wMain�d a Incwhd bY the Trwlon or any B�nsfidary a by�ny dh�r p�na�whom�ow�.R bNrp�xP►�N sGpuhqd tlwt th�TrwW _
<br /> d,.r b.ww.a�y kr fa own aas rnpllp�+w+d wlpw ddault�n ch.v�ert►a.s. '
<br /> �ti �.d.. r ��
<br />