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<br /> D�ED OF TRUST �-
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<br /> - TM18 DEEO OF TRU8T,maG�th�� _uLli uwy ui i1I4Y�Z - --- -- 1A 9� • ___
<br /> �.:
<br /> � b�sna.mo++a-- TerrY W�s.btraod aad MarY Ann West�aod. Husband and Wife, -- - ---.—.� =_
<br /> wnoa m�iunp aa�uNS i�_. 419.Ata�ah�e� Grand Islaqdr NE 6fl803 - -- - -•-- - ---------- •�-
<br /> Ihrroln 'Troslor"1:end__ . . , . . ..-_ --.- - --- ---
<br /> � ._. . _.Jerry J. Milller. . _ - ---_----- - - -— .wnoa ma�urq atJdras u •.._
<br /> � . P..fl, Bnu 1U6�....Grartd sslaud,. NB. �i8B�2_ -.—------- .—_— —_ �==-
<br /> . -- �.,,
<br /> tnermn�•r►uuQ:�i,�na .__�s9�iates Fin��cial. ----.. - - - .- --- -.- -- - "��
<br /> wno�a mwrn��aarnss�f . �Q19.�i..Ia�rrence iane,.Graad.lsland. 1�_-58��3----- - �,
<br /> !�'
<br /> , �_._._.__. . _ - --- - � - - --------- — Inorw,°6«wt+ciary.,� °
<br /> -•---. . _ - - - !._.
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CON9Hl�RATICN.Trusror irrevocabiy grants,translers,convays and aa4yn�to Trustes.IN TRU3T,WITH P01NER OF SJRL�,tor -
<br /> lhp ti�Itpiil�nd lYCUnty o18e�lt�par��.utN1Yt A1M RubJ�Ct to thY tetrtW 8r1d COtld�hons Of ih'is OMd Ot T►ui�,the foilOWi�1Q desCrib�d t�il pfopMlY�bCA�id `
<br /> m ___„_,__ Hpll Counry,Nabrasw: _
<br /> , .
<br /> , Lpts I3i.n,�t (9)� Bl.pck Twto (2), Dale Roush Second Subdivision, Hall County. Nebraska =�•
<br /> , � �
<br /> �:.
<br /> ' �i
<br /> � .
<br /> � TOOETHER WITH,WI nnta,proNts,royalties,incamo and other beneFita deriwd trom th�roai propsrty�ai�M�s�s or suW�YM eo�i^p ths rai
<br /> ' propsrty or any patbn thereof,now or hereaksr exlstinp or sntMSd into,and aH�ight,tltN and IM�rnt of Tnista therwndx:W Yq�tt,�N�N ar othK
<br /> cMimt.bolh in Iaw u�d In pully.whkh Truaor now has or mRY hen�Rar acquiro in tho►�I P►op�rtY W�wrrNe►tf��iphttoRw�rY.t�nM�M�,FMnditameme
<br /> and lippurtsnancea tharsof end thereto;aN oll and�s rights arW profiri,wat�r r{phts and walsr etock;all tipht,titM�nd YA�M�t ai�rlMlor,naw owrNd _
<br /> � or MrMfter acquired.in and to any land Iyfng within ths rfght�of•way of any slrast or hiqhw�Y ad}o1nMg 11M nal propKty:any�nd WI fiuildinp�.11xNnll. -`.
<br /> ' Im�ev�menn,nod aarwnenu,cse now or�re.ner ereccod tr,s��«bsrony�ng in.nco,(hsnin nhrt�d to as"knproweNnC'a"knprowmMKs'y:
<br /> � �nd any and atl avwuds m�ta the uking by eminent domWn,or by any proa,ediny a piuch�w in W�u tMnwR of tM whoN or�►y pwt�11 tiN�MI
<br /> P�Y.AN W ths foapWnq�st�te.P��rtY and int�nst aawrYb to Trwtes IwrNn oolN�tlrMY rMwr�d w�s tM"Prap«ty„
<br /> (a)The payrtNnt of Indebtsdnsas evkletxsd by Tru�ta's noa of even date herewlth In tM principN wm
<br /> 8�]C }•+tn(lra`i-�nPt�-nne t1Q11••«� •••••t forty_It�R� ^°IIt9 DONM'tK �i�l_40 1,
<br /> topNh�r wlth Intwe�t at ths rate or ratas provfded thwMn,a tM pNndpel and Inten�t on any futurY adwncN�itN+wwl by P►anN�o�y�wM�wIM�D
<br /> tMy�rs weund h�roby.tMrWn..Not�••a••Notea")and any�nd aII nnwinil��modlflcat{ons and�cbrwbrM of tueh Nolt.bqh P*�PM Md YMM�Mt
<br /> on iM Nat1 bNnp p�yabl�In accordanoi with the t�rms iYt foAh th�rNn,nf�t�to whieh It Mnby rtMid�.
<br /> , (b)Th�p�rfqmanc�of Mch apreement and cov�n�nt ot Trusta herNn oaKWNd:wf
<br /> � (c)Ttw paym�nt of aoy wm a sums of morwy with Intarat tMraa►whfch may b�h�r�attK paid a adv+��cvd und�tM t�of tMs OMd al TnNt.
<br /> 1.Payrr»nt o/A�hrclpat�nd fit�rast Trusta shall promplly pay wlwn dw tM pdnclpd ot and(nl�rNt on tM IrNl�bt�dr�s w�dMfC�d by tlM HoM.
<br /> � 1�nd alI otMr charpes and fNS as G�ovW�d In tha Not��and th�PrfnciPa a and ir►t�t on�ny Fwun Advarwys�ax�d M this D�W af TnMt.
<br /> 1 2.Wiun►iry d 7►W.7ro�ta Is�w(uNy wl:�d�nd poRS�swd of good and k�dMNNbN tdM and Mtat�a th�Fro�b Mr�b�r aaw�d�nd.h�
<br /> ths rlpht to qrant vid conv�Y tM Propwty;th�Prop�tY Is frN�nd cNar of NI li�ns and�axnb�ancM�xo�pt Nms now af nead�and T�wlor w�w�nrnt
<br /> , , aw dN�nd th�tp�a to tfw Propwty ap�kKt att ctslms and d�nyncM.
<br /> • � 3.M�ance+�nd CanpNma WYO►Lawi.Trufta sh�11 kwp th�Prap�rty In qood npafr ond condNlon�nd ahell�fof oamnll w�M�a pwmk NNp�k•
<br /> rtNnt or d�tNf WattOn of th�Prop�rty�nd thall tanply wilh tM provf�lw�s of 1u►y{NM If t11N DY�d Of Tnpt Is on 111Ni1M�Dld.NO MtIP�MrIt IIOw ot
<br /> Aene}IN�nct�d uP�+tht Prop�tty shall b�allMed,temoved or d�rtwIIN1W witlwut th�Prtor writbn oOnsMM o16M�MIci�rY.TnJMor NIM o0111p1p wNh
<br /> all larve,ordkiancM.npul�tlaa.cownanb.oonditloru�nd rptricMtans afl�ctkp 1M Frop�b�nd not canrtik.wfNr ot patnk�n!►�ol b b�don�In or
<br /> �i ' �. '�,� • uwo�r�km��nl R��ynnK�anY 1rPa�iv�ment owi�H�i�iPrap�typwhich mty b�tl�rtwp�d a wruoy+d and P�Y�wtMndu�,�CyMns br 11bor P�ol11Md M10 a�MM�MIs
<br /> . � � futtlishW thM�tore And br�ny alt�ratlons th�rwf.
<br /> !; �, ' �' ''� 4.Jnawancs,T�uato►.�t Ns�xp�nss,wiN maintain with Ineuroro spp�owd Dy HenNlciary.tnaxana wlth�b dM Impro�wmrM��nd pKaonM
<br /> �� ,, , ' J propefy�Cautftuttn�tM P►opsAy.aguin�t Iwa Dy firo.11phteing.Som�do.and OtMr p�riM�nd fiwtd�COVK�d by�hrld�rd�xla�d�d OOVMiIp�MldofM�
<br /> � •� rtwnt,In�r►artfouM sqwl to at bast or»hundrsd psro�nt Of tAS/ull r�ptaCertNnt v�Itw ttfMrof and kwu►anu�pNtNt such ap�K fw��rd�r1d b M�eh
<br /> � amounts u Is cwtomailY cam�d by own�rs and opKaton ot sNnila�p�opMf�s or as B�ICiry maY nquk�tor Nt Pr��+.Tru�or wfY Carnpy wNh `
<br /> weh otMr nqulnme�ts as B�NCw�Y may trom Ur►w to tlm�n4uest lor th�OroNCtlon bY kWUrand ol tM NM�nNS al tlM rNp�c�M P�rWs.AM N�ano�
<br /> ' poiicl��m�int�irnd punwnt to tM�Dwd of Tnut shW nam�Truata and BaMBcisry u tnwrWs.as th�k n�p�e1'iw NMKNes m�r�PD���0��
<br /> , that tMn sh�N b no eanoaitYtlan a modlication without no Iws than 15 Gays P�br writt�n notlNcatbn�o TruM»and B�NciMY.ln fM wMK MY P�Y
<br /> r Mrwr�M not nrww�d on or b�bn 15 dry�Prior to ite�xpk�tlm dat�,Trwtee a B�HCIUY�Y P��such hMir�na h aooad�ne�with th�
<br /> , jL_..._. provitiqts of p�rapraph A.8 t��of.Trwlor shul dMlwr to BMNfiClpry tM oripinal pdfClM of M�surano�and fMMwYs thM�of ot nMmo ooPiM ol M1Ch
<br /> __ - . �. _. _ _.-_- -� P��and nn�wW 1hK�of.Faitun to fumish weh Inwn�bY 7nutor.a r�w�l��t nq�+i�q Mr�nwK M�.a[aw apon a nww��.oa�iiiuw
<br /> � a dNault. -
<br /> �� 5.T�nt.As�s�rnnis�t►d CMrp�+.Trwta sh�ll pay all tax�t,asNtse'�nts afd atMt ch�r9M.k�ctudinD�vrNhout WnleMfon.inN uid Impo�Mions ^
<br /> � anrfb�,w�l.w u�.ProQ�rtr..ra NMMaa a•r�u or yra,nd r.rw.@.ny.b.rore n,.wn.woom.d.IkquM�.rn,.�or.h.r a��v�N�w e«�Mo�y
<br /> a�noe�c.s a rnoun�s du.u�a.r en�s p.raprapn.and In tM�wnl Tnuta�h W make paym�nt dkwtty,Trwcar sh�r a�v�h�����y� `
<br /> ► ��y wcA paycn�nts.Tru�ta fhall P�Y all wces and asfwaMnu whk��may b�IwI W uP��Y�inHnM Mnin a upon qYS O�W af Tnwt i
<br /> . wNlqut np�rd to u�y 1�w th�t may!M�n�cad�mP�^�P�Y�of th�w1aM or any part th�rrof upon tf�e BM�eiary. :
<br /> 3
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