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<br /> 17.Tnncfer of the Property or�Beneticiallnt�rest In lbrrower.lf ail or rny part af thc Property or wny intcrat in it
<br /> is sold or tr��sferrcd(or if a t�eneficial interezt in&�rrawer is rold or tntnsferred und Borrower is rx�t a tu►tural penon)without -
<br /> [.cixter's pdnr writtcn consent, Lender may, at its option, requirc immodiacc payn�ent in futt af �11 suma sxurcd by thia
<br /> — — - Security lnsttument.However,ihix upion aiwii�K,i i�cxa�ci.oJ ty��xie�if�xerc{sz iz pr�sMbitrd M;ta3eca! !=ti.ss of the datr
<br /> of thi�Security In�tn�ment.
<br /> If l.ender exercises thiti optiun,I.cnder stwll�ive�rrower nW icc of�rceler�tion.The�xuice tilwll pravide u perlcid of not
<br /> .i less than 30 days from the date the natice is Jelivered ar muiled wlthin which &+rrower must puy all sums securod by thix
<br /> Security lnstrume�tit.If&mower fails to puy ttie,c aums priur to the expiration of th�s perlod,I.ender muy invdce any remodieK
<br /> pennittod by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower,
<br /> '"� __—_ 18. Borrawcr's Right to Relnstate. lf Bormwcr mcets ccrtain conditions, Bnrrnwer �hnll hNVe thc righ� to liavr _—
<br /> enfor�enx:��t of this Secudty instrunxnt discantinucd at any time priar to thc eurlier of: (a) S days (ar such otbcr perind a..
<br /> �; applicuble !uw muy specify for rcinctatemc:nt)before salc of'thc Propcny punuant ta uny p��wer af salc containod in this
<br /> -- ---- - Security Insirument:or(b)entry af s judgment enforcing this Securiry In.r•trument.ThUSC cunditions ure that Borrower. (u)pays
<br /> --- l.ender all sums which then would be due under this Security instrument und the Note�.� if no ncceleration hacl occuRCd: (b)
<br /> �,�,�� cures any defeult of any other co�•enunts or agreen�ents; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Scxurity Instrument.
<br /> - — including. but not limited to,reawnnble attorneys' fces; urxi(d1 tak��s such uction as L.e�xlcr may reasonably reyuirc ta atisurc
<br /> ���°°�`� that the lien of this Security Instrument,Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligt+ti�n to p�y the surns secured by
<br /> �� this Security Instrument shall continue unchungal. Upon reinstateme�t by Borcower, this Security Instrument aixi the
<br /> � obligations secumci hereby rhall remain fully effective us if na acceleration had accurrc�d. Hawever,this right to rein�tute shall
<br /> � � �' not apply in thc casc of accclerutton undcr paragraph 17.
<br /> --- -------- 19. Sale oi Note; Chs�nge ot Loan Servtcer. The Nrne or a p:�rtial interest in thc Nate (tagether with �his Sucuriry
<br /> °"�"'"'�°'� lnstcument)mc►y be sold onc or morc times without prior nntice to Borrower. A sule may result in a chanbe in ihe cntity lknown
<br /> �"�"�'�°� w the'l.oun Servicer")that collects tm�nthly payments due under the Note unci this Security Instrument.There alsa m:+y be one
<br />=-� ar more changes af the l.oan Scrvtcer uarclated to a wle af the Note.If therc is a change oP the Loan Servicer. A��rrower will be
<br /> _.�_ A�
<br /> - �t;;;�,A�,._� given written notice of the ehnnge in accordance with parngraph 14 nbave and applicabtc law.Thc neotice will state the name and -
<br /> , address of the new l.aan Servicer and the uddress to which payments should be nwde.The natice will also contain any other
<br /> l t;J•.::�
<br /> - , ,f.,�";r.�::;;•:,' , jnforniation required by applicable law.
<br /> ' ' ' 20. Ha�urdous Substat�es. Borrower shall not cause ar permit the presence, utie, disposal, stor�.ge, or relcase of any
<br /> �� ,; �;'' �,..�� Hazardous Subrtunces on ur in the Property. Bo�rower shuU not da, nor Allow anyeme else to do, anything uffec[ing the
<br /> „�'`::'+,'.•: +•<�`.r Propeny that is in violation of uny Envimnmental [aw. The preceding two�entence�shull not apply to the presence, use, or
<br /> . ._ ,:,..cgu.. ,, .
<br /> ��- �'���` �,' storuge on thc Propcny of small quantiticti uf Ha�.urdous Substances that are gen�raUy recagnixed ta bc oppropriat�to normal
<br /> '� d�rr��:;�,�
<br /> 'U;��i,eF�5.,��� . residential uses und to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> �. � '•�"•�.~��;,�k;. Borrower shall prompNy give l.rnder written notice of any investisation,cluim, demanci, la�vsuit or other uction by any
<br /> �"�V;`�`'��w'`, v rmn ntal or rc ulato a enc or rivatc art involvin thc Pro n und an Huzardous Substuncc or Envircinrn�ntal L.aw
<br /> •• . ga e e S ry s Y P P Y F Pe Y Y
<br /> �;�M�w�.s����,, of which Borrower h:�.s actuul knowledge. If Borrower learns, ur is notified by any grnemnxntal ar regulutory autharity, that
<br /> _ ::,-y�'•;:,,�s,t;,; ;-�;: uny removal or other renxdiation of any Hvardous Substance affecting the Yropeny iti necessury. Borrawer shall prantiptly tuke
<br /> ;ti;•.• � y ' �y:�r all neces�ury remedial uctions in accordunce with Environmental Law.
<br /> r„" 'Y�,�_r'',�`- As us�i in this paragra�h 20, "[Iazardnac Substanccz" arc ti�cxc substanccti dcfincd as tozic or harardaus �ubstancr�by -
<br /> ,_.,,�,.. ,...�� .,�.:�:
<br /> �.�,,.;.,. ; ..:i •-, Environmentul Law und the fi�llowins substances: gusaline, kcrosenc, other flammuble or toxic petroleum pralucts, toxir
<br /> � pestirides snd hcrbicides,volatile solvcntti.mutcriuls containing asbestos ar f'ormaldchyde,und radioactivc matcrial..As uuxi in
<br /> �:�•(,:., , this paragraph 20, 'Environmentut Law" means Cederu! laws and laws of thc juriufictian wherc the Property iti Icx:atcd that
<br /> .� ��;�' ;;y,;:�� • relate tu health,sufcty orenvimnmcntal protecti�m.
<br /> '��1..;�� NON-UMFORM COVF.NANTS. Borrowcrund I.c�xler furthcrcavenant and agreeas followti:
<br /> � _ ._. 21. AccelerAtlon;Remrdies.I.e�der shs�ll fiive nuNee to Borrow•er prior to acc�ler�tton following Rorrower's breach
<br /> , of any c�venant or a�reement in this �ecurlty Instrument (but not prior to uccclerution u�der paraRraph 17 unl�c
<br /> upplicable Isw provid�othenvise).The notice tihall sp��cify: (a)the defuult; (b)the ection required to cure the defAUlt;
<br /> _ � (c)A date.not les.s than 30 duys fmm the date the notice is�iven to Borroa�cr, by whtch the�efault must be cured; and
<br /> , . (d) ttwt failure t�cure thc defiwlt on or txfom the date sperified in the notice mav resalt in accelersitinn of the sums
<br /> � f ;�ta.. ,• ��'.• secured by this Sccurity Intitrumcnt and�silc of thc I'roperty. The noticc shull furthcr intorm Eiorrow•cr oP thc right to _
<br /> �'�' � rctnStAte after ucccleration and the rlght to brin� u cnurt uction t� assert thc non-�xistence nf u default ar any other
<br /> - • defense of liorroM•er to acccicration and wle. If tfic dcfault is not curnd nn or before t6c datc speclticd in thc notice,
<br /> � � ' � Lender. at Its optlon, mav tryulre immcdiute puymrnt in full uf ull cmns x�rurrd by thts Securlty Instrument wtthaut _
<br /> � " turther demund and muy in�•oke the poK�cr of sulc and ati��other mmedics perntittcd 1»•applicuble laK.Lender shull be
<br /> = ` � . " entitled to collnt �II expenxw incurrrd in punuin�the remedies p�ovided in this parag�ph 21.includinR,but ru►t limited
<br /> .,• ' '"° "" to,rcasons�ble�ttorneys'fet�und catits of titic c�•idcncc.
<br /> ' If the pow•er nf wle is imok�d. Trustee shull record u notice of dePault in each county in w•hich uny purt uf the
<br /> �-i��'-� • , Property ix Ic►cuted and shull mail cupt��of such nnticr in the m�nner prescrilx�d N�•upplicable IaN•to Borrner�and to
<br /> ' � � � the��ther perso��c prrscrlbed by applicabte law.Aftcr the timc reyuircd b�•applicuble lue.'1'ru�t�Y shall�Ive publlc notice
<br /> � �� of sale to tbe penons and in the monner prescrib��d by applicablc lua.Truxt�ti. «�itt�out demand on[iorn►wer,tihall sell
<br /> • � �� the Property At pubNc auction to thc highest biddcr at thc timc�nd place and undcr thc tcrms dcxi�nated in thc notice of
<br />� `�+,'.;f1,.';;i • ,t rule in one or more pwrcels�nd in any�ordcr Truwte��dctermin�w.Tru.r•t�r ma� �stp�ne.ule of�11 or um� p�rccl of the
<br />_i��;_. � � • Property by public Announcement at the time s�nd plare of any previousl�• sch��lulcd wte. I.ender nr its desi�nee may
<br /> ,;;,'' .�'�;�. ;.; purcMnse the Property�t vny wle.
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