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4c x - ' � ;�<"'°�.- <br /> � _ �, a - � _- <br /> . ' �-,�_ <br /> . ,., . <br /> • ` _. <br /> '� c. 5 . __ . ` ; s.` ' , - . . - . <br /> ^ , c - . . � :' . _-.:. .:.� . _ . <br /> . t. y., - '-- ' ---- . _. ._._._ . _-..� <br /> :k - . U " .-—�_- ___- _ _ - <br /> - � - � � . : � _ . . . _ � . ,.�� <br /> - 'E.: r�`i, . . ' . , . .. i .. � , . . . <br /> -- � . . ` ' .. ' � � ... . .. " �i�� . �V�'i��_ . , ` . <br /> — , <br /> _ . ' plff0at thi[��GO�G�ZCQYI[C�t �1C i113Y[i11CC.C�[[�Gf(�OYlditl��G IdSIM�CE s���1E C�f09GA�t BOR�OMItt Sil�fJ�Ct t0�RA�CF S,,. <br /> �(O�Y��Y�1ICf)S���Ot�1C WIfdSOf1�J►�Y11�1Cb: �$0[PO1M![fi�3(Q�Y�IR WY��CSCfI��OYG.�.Qf��ali�{,7� ,. . . <br /> I.lI�iSS Op[IOI1.Obti�1!COY�ftgl.'1��[OkC�l.Cfll�S fl�t llt 1bC PICQlRy III iQCO[�K''C Wl�l�f7�f�I1�I. � . <br /> ' AI{OlSt4'�iCi j�O�ClGS 311�2laWiL4 SjWI I1t��CQf�fIG LO��S�II I[ICILI�C a�il�[�[I10li$3&C CI�IfSC. LCOdCf�_ . <br /> ' < stnU have the ri�ta MW the pdicies�nd rene�vals. If L,ender�equuns.Bamwer shati P�P�Y S�ve to Lender ali rpceiRt�i.,, ' <br /> • o�paid pernriums�nd ienewal not�es. [n the eveot of toss,Ba�c�awer sha1I give prompt iwd�ce to the inssuancc casier�od';�,;. <br /> � l,endet t�erder ma}mate praof�of toss if�c m�de ptomptty 6y Burrowa. . .� , <br /> , ` � U11�CSS�:lOdCl 911�BOfiOWR OtI1CIWl5�G 3gICG til WIltl�g.1�SU�81kC j1[OCCl,�S S�1 I1t�IICO[Q iG�OCdIIOQ OE RQ6t1�Q�, . <br /> d�t PtopectX Q�ged.if the testcx�uion a€rep�ir is ecoFKxn�caitg fe�'bltand.f.erjdcr's sect�ritq is aot�se.'u;; -; - <br /> iestor�tio�or oepair�s not ecaeomicauy fsas�Ie oc l.ender's•secvr;ty woutd be Icssened,the�n��*a�.pmceeds:sQaIR.,.. - ` <br /> ' appiiqd w fhe sums securod�by this Socurity Insaumau,wtKther or aat thei�due,.with any eacess paid to Bwraixef:,�,��� . <br /> _ Bon�orver a6aodons t6r Propaty or docs not aaswer within 30 days a r►otic�e frQ�ri Le��der that the inswance cai�ier�,: <br /> , ` offeee�W seWe a claim.thea I.ear�er ma}�eo}kct the iawiance p�oceeds. l,.ender may use the pfveeeds Eo repair or testQts,..; <br /> . tT�e Ptapeny a to pay sums secwec�by this Secariry Insaument�whetl�er or nat tt�i due. The 30day period wiQ 6�egin wti�t1,��.:. <br /> the aotice is giveit. � - � • . �-_. <br /> --- Unkss Lrnder and Bomwer athetrvise-a�ree in writing,any application o€pmceeds to Qrincip�l sBall npc eu�o,� <br /> - . postpax tbe dua date af t6e inonthIy,.payujeiits i+efeaed to in paragraphs t and 2 or change the.amapnt of the.AaY!��r;�� <br />_ w�dec p�agsaph 21 the Propeny is acquired by Lender.Ba�mwer's right to any jnsuranee policies and p�oceeds�it� <br /> - 6om d�ge to tl�e Ptvpett�priar m tbe acqaisition sdall pass to Lender to`the eatent of itte smns se�cured 1�this;$ect�njy , <br /> =� � L�stnunent imme�liately prior to d�e acquisition. • • . <br /> �v'� f. '�pa1�cR Pe+eserratiou, Mai�tewace aud Pratection of ti�e Praperty; BaRO�rer's� App�ion; <br />-___ l�ea�eMi�ia. Boaower sha!!occupy,establish.and use the Ptoperty as 8orrower�pnncipal,�esidence witLin�NttY,._�., � <br /> = the eaecurioa of tdis Security Inst�umeat and shali contiaue to occupy t1�e.Frol�e.rtY as 8on+awer's Principa!ns. �`ix a� ' � = <br /> ° least one year after the date of occupaacy, unless Lender otiier�wise agrees in wdtuig. which ca�sent ���jat be - - <br /> -_=� wueasor�ably nnless exteauaiiri$ci�tances eaist which are 6eyond Boriawet's conu+pl- �orrpyvt��Sa!!not <br /> ':3 i;� desuvy,damn�ge arimPair tbe Prop�errty,altaw ti�e Prageiey to deteriorate,or commit wa�te on the Property< Bolsuvfrer shali <br />'; ��' '� 6e ia defa�lt ff any forfeiture a�ction or prnc�g,whether civil or begun ihat in I:ender s good,faitli�,�d�ent <br /> : . cauid resule in forfeinue of the Ptnperty or oUierwise materiaUy impair the lien created by 'this Security, �qsj, ,'�nt or _ <br /> Leader's security interes�. Bomower may cure such a default aqd� provided in paragraph t 8,by causi� . �cuon. � <br />. arpmc,eeding dismissed with a ruling that,in Lend�'s gaod faith deter�►ination,preclt�ea forfeituc�pf t1�e:.;c�mwer's <br /> �-�, <br /> . T . interest in the Pt+uperty or other materia}impairmeri[of the lien created by tb�s Secuntji Instiumen��p��e°�, security ��.,.�,...� <br /> � inu�st. Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower. during the Inan application.process. gav�c�ai y;false or `;�=� <br /> �.,.- `�i"" , �_�o:�=_ <br /> _ inaccurate informa6bn or statemencs to Lender(or faited[o provide Lender with any material informatc�bn)ia cantyre��on with ���- -�- <br /> �;- , the loan evidenced by the IVot� including, but not limited to. repn�sentations wtrc:eming $oirorr's►:a acci�p��� ofthe I+l��,.`�>_- <br />. - ; Pivperty as a principal residettc�.ff this 5ecurity instrument is on a leasehold 8anawer5lraii campiy y�+Ith��i,dy�e� �rovisions �a� <br /> : ; . � of the lease: If,Boerower acquaes fee titIe to the Property.the Ieasehold and the fee title shali nct s,ne�ee:upl����,en�er agrees . �=� <br /> . to tAe merger in avrima�. < : <br /> 7. Nrot�ot Lender's Rigbts ia tbe Property. If Borrower fails to perforjn the Favenant.s�pd,agreemenis ��:�s-�� <br /> - - contained in this Securiry Instnrmen�or them is a Iegal proceeding that may significaqtly,affeG;Ler.i��righ.ts in the - ---- - <br /> -� Pnipe�y(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy.probate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforcc tasug vr cegala�iyas),then �i�:� <br /> �; , '� '�.,�.:•.._..�o <br /> - Ler�der may do and pay for w#ratever is irecessary to pr+ovec�thevatae�f the Propeny,?trd i.t.mder y righ�i��!tt�e Prcsi�nY• —� <br /> + e <br /> -� Ler�der's actions ma include a n an sums secured b a lien which has aari over this,Securi ;�s}}v�en�a n '.��:���"'- <br /> Y PY� 8 Y• Y P� tY � ,. <br /> in coun.paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repaits.Aithoq�h I,er.�i�,ma�y take�� "' ��.��>; <br /> � under this paragraph 7.Lender daes not have to do so. � �: . -'�_ <br /> *'� Any amounu disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additiqn�l dgbt,pf Borr,}yer secnred by this .. ._�'�� <br /> ' Securiry lnsuument Unless Borrowrr and Lender agrec to other terms of payment,thei;g.aptou+7t,4,s�iai#� as interest from the _ -_— <br /> ;��:� date of disbursement at 1he Note rate and shali be payable,with interes�.upon notice,from.�.ende�',jq orrower requesting - �,r�i <br /> . r payment. <br /> _ �_. , 8. Mortg7�ge lnsuraace. If l.ender cec{uired moRgage insurance a5 a wndition,oi'ma14i�►g;Rt�e�j,oan secured by this � _ _ _ _- <br /> Security instrument.Borrower shaU pay the premiums required to maintain ihe mor[r�ge�psc{�j►c. ��n effect. lf.for any � � <br /> � °� " � reason, the mortgage insurance coverage reyuired by Lender lapses or ceases ta hc in ff4� �orrower the � -�"�'-� <br /> - �� • premiums required to obtain coverage�ub+lantialty eyuivalent to the martgagc insuS�c��reviously in effcct, at a cost :;. K j�� <br /> , substantiaUy equivalent to the'cost to Barrower af the mortgage insurance previouyty;�in g�fe�,ftom an altemate martgage � . . ;>:„� �=='-' <br /> ai..�arer approveA by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage,r�qpt,�y��(ryq{e,,$orrower shall pay to � "% � <br /> E,�nder each month a sum equal to one-swelfth of the yesuly mortgage insurance prei�iu�;�i,gi�►g;p�ic�¢y 9orrawer when the ' � �'_� <br /> "; "'��- � �nsurance cove�age lapsed orceased to be ia effect. Lender wiq accept,use and ret:�jq,tJ�e�paySnep{s asa loss reserve in lieu � ; � `�� �`�`� <br /> - �� � of mor.gage insuranre. Lass reservc payments may no�onger he reyuired,at t e, h ender.if mort a e insurance � r <br /> fi---.::�:: �l RP�yI!�R14, 8 8 ; ,7` '���~_ <br /> _ :t:�„;,.� , , coverage 4in the amount and for the perioc!that Lender requires)provided by an i�,sy�S��,�pprqved by Lender again beeomes f , • <br /> . � "�''`"' ' avaitable and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premiumti reyuired to maintain�ort���e�r��qEance in effect.or to provide a , <br /> • . - _ loss teserve,until the reyuirement for mortga�C insurance ends in acrordance witb, nu reement between Bonower � � . � . <br /> . ' and Lender or applicabte law. .�ny �� ��� j � . ' . <br /> • .'� . ., • 9. lnspection Lender ar its agent may make reasonable rntries upon and j�.��?t:c.tionti of the Property. Lender shall �. <br /> ` give�oaower netic.:at the time of or prior ta an inspection spccifying re:�,anat�le��{ity�c,�f��r thr inypection. <br /> . ;`.,;%x�`�:•:+• .' . � tU Candeqtnstivn. The procerdy oi'any:�war d nr claim for dam�,,e�,direhjpr contiFyuential,in connection wlth any � � <br /> . ��', ' ' , Singtc Family--iannk�1ae/tYMdk�tx L�(EpR�f f�ti?RC�1F,�T"4'r,,:orm Cuvcnann 9l90 �pu�e 3�Jb�x�grsi j � . <br /> '�•, , i <br /> �•`� � � cres latea Bustnes F'arm�.tec.�� ! ' " <br /> . :_t�' ' � ' ' TnlRdrrf,ilkl�N00�.10SYJXi:]YA1t81679t•1131 - <br /> - �� . � � <br /> �' ,i!j'• " � ' • <br /> ' � ' -- -.. . . . <br /> a:�; �. _ ._ . . . . .. - . .- .. , , . <br /> . • ' -.1' _ . ' . _ . . . . "- � .. . . <br /> . ' - � . _... .. - _.- . . . . . . , ' •. _._._ . <br /> -..-�...-..� ; , �. . _ . . ' ' ` , • ' . . . � . <br /> k , ' . ' . <br /> , � , . .. <br /> ' ! • " . . , ' <br /> - . ' .-a`. . . '��� •�' .. . . . � . . . ... .. . �. . � . � - � -- -�-� ' ' <br /> . �.. . � _ . . . . . ' . . � . . - i <br /> .. . . . . . <br /> . <br /> � ., 'e :' ' . r _. ' ' , . � ' . . 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