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<br /> Upon remeipt ot payment o[ tho pria bid� Trwtae �haU deliv�r to th� purchaa�r Tru�t�e'� d�
<br /> coaveyin=t6e Ptopsety.The roattali 1n the Trwtee'�Aood sball be prima facle evidence ot t6�trut�oi t6�
<br /> --- �teter�M!s�:d.s��f�.'!'r��-:�s a�sa!!arF!y!h0�l�R��1�QI��Q lll�fAIIAM�Af Of�G 4i�t0�II OO�t/
<br /> �ad esp�n�ea ot �:droi�isz th� power ot ale� aad the wle. i�oludin� th� p�yrrNnt ot t1N TrwtM'� tew
<br /> �ctwlly ioourrod,aot to e=oeed '1'i� P�IC�RP '� ot tha principd�mount ot the nota at t6e tim�d
<br /> tse declaatioo ot detault,and rawaable attaney�'t�e�u permltted by I�w;(b�w dl�ums�eaund by tLi�
<br /> S�arrity Instcumeat;and(c)aoy e:oew w the person or perwn�le=ally entitled w it.
<br /> 22. lteconveyana. Upon p�yment ot all sum��eoured by this Seau�tty inKrument.Lender�hall reque�t Trwtee
<br /> _-------_ = w roamvey the Propaty u►d�hall wrra�der thir Sa;utity Itu�trument�u►d all noteo avldnncin�debt�ecurod by thta
<br /> - Seaudty I�ment to Tru�tee.Tnxtee ehall reoonvey the Property Mlthout Mamnty and without ch�r�e to the penon
<br /> _ _ _ or pasons le�lly entttled to tt.Such perwe or pa�ans shall pay any rocordation costa.
<br /> 23. Substitute Truslee. Lender.at ita option,may irom tfine to time nmova Ttueteo and appoint�suooeMOr
<br /> —�""'� tcustee to�ny Truetee appointed hereunder by�n inatrument rocorded in the wunty In whiah thia Securtty Iruuument ia
<br /> � _ � recorded. Without convey�nco ot the Property� the aucca�or trustee shall �ucceed to all the t�tle�po�or�nd dutiao
<br /> -- --— c�tcrred upon Truetee hrnin and by applicable lsw.
<br /> • 24. Aequest for Notioa. Borrowec roquests that oopiee of the rwtica ot detault and eale bo eont w BorroNer'�
<br /> addneas whiah ia tho Property Addreea.
<br />--- -_ 25. Rider=to this Security In�trume�nt. If one or more riders are eYxuted by Bormwer and reoorded to�etha
<br /> _ ���— Mith this Secudty Inattument,the coven�nts�nd s�raemcnts of cach such rider shsll be incorporated into and e1u11
<br /> __ ,,,�� amend and supplement the vavenants and aRreemento of this Security Iflstrument as if the rider(s� wa�e a prt of thie �
<br />-='`;�"���a6 Secwity Instrument.[Check appl�c�ble bo:(es)I
<br />� '�'�'� Adjuat�ble Rate Rider Condominium Rider 1-4 Family Ridor
<br /> C3rtdwted Payment Rtder Planned Unit Development Rider Biweeldy Psyment Rider
<br /> - ;,• i.::..� B�lloon Rider Rate Improvement Rider Sxond Homa Rider
<br /> � `- V.A.Rider Other(s)[specifyl
<br /> . .R. ���
<br /> _. �
<br /> . ��
<br /> . :��.i...�
<br /> _ - �" • ' $Y SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepts and t�ras w tha terms md covenanta contained in this Security
<br /> __, �:�:�. : Inatrument and in�ny rider(s)oxocuted by Bonower snd recorded with It.
<br /> � ,F
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<br /> '�`"'"�"`��`��� `'�-� STATE OF NEBRASKA, County ss:�DlT,L
<br /> oti. ,.;�;_,,. .._ 1993 ,
<br /> =;�n,.::�..: � '� The foreQoinQ instrurnent was�cknowledged before me this 5'IIi day of I�DV�� . _
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<br /> -"i''.;�.�,: . . • Witnese my hand�nd notarial seal at in s�id County,the date afores�id. �
<br /> . ''"� AGEMEA.1:q�11AY•St�tt ot R'P�ttsk� J 1 � ,j�,�d
<br /> --- .r.. . . My Commission Bxpins: Pf! CONSTAt�Lt It.SLOAN ��1 J��Lr:
<br /> T�Q :Y..v,_ �� Aly Ccm11,Exp.J7u.i4.19?. Notarp Pubtic --
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