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__..�..;T � . �- <br /> .�� -ti'. . - " - <br /> .._.Y,'� � A•• 1 •`� _"-. <br /> - �� • __ _ _. .__, - <br /> .' <br /> ..�at �J I <br /> �.:.� �_ _ � " ._J <br /> �93�o�ras <br /> TO PHOTECT THE SECURITY OF THIS TRUST DEED,TRUBTOR HEFiEBV COVENANT$AND At3REE8 A8 R01.1.OWS: <br /> 1.►AYMENT O��llltiCl'AL.ANO INTENEiT.Truuor rhall pramptly p�Y wh�n dw th�pru�c�pal of uM Int�r�l on th�indWbdnas�Wd�nad bY <br /> tIN Woa.�nd all Whu clyrpN�nd!�aa provWxd�n tiw Not�.and th�principat of�nd inle�st on�ny Fulur�Adv�ncM Mcw�d by thl�Trust DMd. <br /> 2.WAlIRANTY OR TITLE.Tru�ta U lawlul�y Nlz�d and paau�d of pood and�nai��ui�.and�an�io ih�wop.rry h�rwY conv�y�d u�d <br /> —�__-, ___ _-�_.� h�t th�ripht to pr�nl�nd conwly th�Raputy;th�Prap�rty b IrN�nd cNar ol all N�f�Und�ncumbuncu�xe�pt INn�nqw ol ncord;�nd TruNOr wll� <br /> ---- warnnt�na dN�nd Ih�tltM b tM Prap�rty ayalnst aU clauns and d�n+and�. <br /> 3.MAI!lTENANCE AND COMPLIANCE WITH LAiM:.Ttuttot�h�lt kNp ih�Propwty In yood replUr��b Conditlon and ah1111 no1 Commit w�st�a p�rmit <br /> fmpWrm�nl o►d�t�rloratlon of th�Prop�rty and ehal!comply wfth fhs proviMons ot�ny Nitsa If thi�Tnnl DMCI It on a InNlw�d•No Improwm�nt now <br /> or h�rwRe�rectW upon ths Waparty�hall bo allerod,r�movM or d�motlstNd with0ut th6 ptkx writt�n conNnt Of BM�tiol�ry.Truttu�h�ll Comply wfth <br /> all law�,ordlnanc�s,rput�tlons,cov�nant�,conditiom and rasirlclions aHactlny chr Propsrry�nd not commll,wffe a p�rmlt�ny act to b�clont 1n a <br /> — � upon th�Prop�rry in vidatbn of any Irw,ordinence,reputatlon,cov�nant,conditlon a re�victlon.,Tro�tor shall compl�t�a r�sta�promP�ly�nd In pood <br /> -- - workm�nllk�mmMr�ny Improv�mu�t on th�Prop�rry which may h�damq�d ot datroy�d�ndplY,wlwn dw��II WMn�far I�bcx p�rlam�d and matwUls <br /> fumlaMd th�rNpr and lor any altaatlons ther�of. <br /> 4.INSURANCE.Trustsx,at rts�xpensa,wili maintain with fnsurors approve0 by Benofwiary,in�u�nnae wlth respect to the improvemente and pena►a� <br /> prppwly,aonstitutlnp the FRopMy,aQalnit lac hy iKe,liphtning,tornedo,and otMr p�rfls and hatardF covered by standard extar►ded coverape lndor�rn�nt, <br /> In�n amount pual to at I�ast ono hundr�d parcent(1009b)af thr tu11 repiecement value thpreaf and In�uranca aqalnat auch othsr hazarde and In wch <br /> r_ amounts u is cu�tomarity carrlW by owners and operator6 of aimflar propertiea or as Brnafida�y mPy rsqulre for ita protectiqn.Trusta wiu Comply with <br /> ,�:: such oth�r nqukemmts as B�nelicfary may trom tims to Ums raqusat for the protection by fnguranc�a0f tha Intorist�of the roepective partlas.All InBUnnce <br /> - pol�i�a maintaln�d pursuant to this Truet D�ed shali nome Trustor and Banelkisry as inwred,as thplr nspectiva Int�rastt may app�ar,and provide that <br /> -, th�n b�n0 CanCSllatbn a moditication withaut at kWW t 5 days pr'ar wrltten notificatwn to TrusUe artd fl�n�lary may prauro tWCh Ineu►��ce In aeeorduice <br />, with tlw ptovislons ot paraqraph 8 hereot.Trustor ahall deliver to 8eneficiary the oriqinal palicW�s of Insurance and renewals thxsof or msmo copla of <br /> tuch polkks and renwralt thareot Fatlurq tq turnish iuch incuranCO by Truator,a ronewAlt a�s required henund�r thAll,at tiN option of BN��fIclWy. <br /> ' •- •�,� •��• •i = cpn�qluM a d�fauit. <br /> 5.TAXES.ASSESSMEMTS AND CHAR(i�S.Trustor sFwp pay ali taxes.assessments and oU+er a+ur9es,includinp,wilhout Imitation.Nn�s ar�J im�weilbns <br /> '�»'.-�: �` aQributab��to ths Property and teasehold payments ar ground rents,if any,betore th�eame becomt��lslinquent.Trustor shall promptly furnlsh to bsneficluy <br /> .t aIl nollc��of amount4 due under thl�paragnph,artd m the ovent Trustar shall maka payment dlraGtly.Trustor shall promptlyturniah to Beneticlary recelpb <br /> � �vld�nelnp auch payments.Trustor ehall pay ull texass And assnssments which may be Ievied uppn Benellciary's Intenst Iwr�in o►upon thls Trust DNd <br /> �+� wlthout rpard to any law thet may be enacted imposing payment of the whole a any pa�t thareof upon the B�naf�ctAry. <br /> 8.ADDITIONAL UENS AND PROTECTION OF BEN�FICIARY'S SECURITY.Trustor shau milke alI paymantn ot intenst and princlpat md paymsnts = <br /> ' ot�ny oth�r charps�.foes and expenses contracted to be pald to any existing or aubsequent lienhGlder a beneficlary,und�r any exlatlny a tubspusnt <br /> mortyap�or trutt d�ad belore the date they are dellnquent or in detault,and promptly pay and d�tGharpe any and all other Ilens,clalma or charyes which <br /> —° 'M,,,;Y:�, u�.;�,;, may jropardiza tha xcnrkly granttd heretn.!t Truslnr tells te meke a�y A��r.h payment a tai��to n�xlorm any of the covanents and aproemmts contelned <br /> '�'i '•k�'.�:�t,F',' In lhlt Trust Oaed,or the Note relarred to herein,or in any prbr or subsequent trust deed,or il any action ar proceeding If commencad whlch mat�rlYlly <br /> •.=Y t M:r+.;.•. :;•:�"': YH�Cb BMBHCIery's interest In the Property,includfng,but nol limrted to,eminent doma�n praceacS�ngs,proceedinps invo�ving a decedent,notice of wIe <br /> .` ,� ;f:�.:.;rt: by Trustee,not�ce otdefaull by Trustee,morlgage loroclasu�e act�on,a if Trusta fads to pay Tru6�o+'s debls generally aS thgy become dus,then ssneflGory. <br /> -, , �t. at 8sneficlary's optfon and without notice to a demend upon Trustor and wllhoui releas�ng Trusta frum a�ny aWigalbn hereunqer,may make wch appearAnces. <br /> ,,�, � dl�bwea wch wms and toke such actbn as 1s necessary to protect Benef�Ciary's�nterest,inttuding,4ut not limrted to,disbursement ot roasona6W attuney'8 <br /> •, ,,_..,;��`,: ; fNS,payment,purchase,contest or compromir,e ot any encumbrance,charge o►lien.entry uppn the Property to make npairo,a cNclanUon of d�fwlt <br /> �.�,, . ,;.�;•�;:�. under thls Trust Deed.In the event that Trustor shAll fad to procure insurance a io pay taYts.+aeasmanta,or eny other cheryec or to maka�ny paym�nta <br /> ;.;:�•,,,. ; , to any axlatlng or subsequent Uenholders a ex�sting or eubsequent benehcianes.Beneliciary mAY prceure auch Insurance and make such paymsnt,but <br /> - � ` •• � �• � ahall not be obligated to do so.Any amount&d�sbursed by Benehc�ary pursuant to this Paragraph 4 9ha11 become additbnal Indebtsdne6a ot Trustor secured <br /> '�i.,,%'..•r�,,;..;,,.,.� '! .• by thls Ttust Deed.Such amouMS shall be payable upon not�ce from Beneticiary to Trustor requdstinp payment thersof,and ahalt bear Inter�st trom the <br /> �sC..., �; t,.� •'.,;,..,ai.,,'° <br /> _ ,�,_. . - ,.•r�s'tu�f. d�ta of dlabursomanl 8t the rate payable from time to time on outslanding pnncipal under the N�>te vnleu payment of Interebt at such tatt wou ton rary <br /> "��•f�� ';:•a., •�� . � •.�i;''!�•, to oppllcab�e Iaw,in whlch event such amounta shall bear mterest at the highest rate perm�ssibkundor pppliCable law.Nothlnp contotnW in thts Parapraph <br /> 'i:�- .�. _ , !:�. <br /> a ,t „_�, •���; 8 shAll require 8e�ehCiary to inCUt any expense or take any ection hereunder. <br /> 7.ASSIGHMENT OF RENTS.Benef�c�ary sha11 have the nght,power and authonty dunng thE�qcx�pnuenca of this Trust IHed to CWIeCt tha ronte,f6iues <br /> � ' and profrts ot the Property and of any personat property Iocated thereon w�th or wdhout tak�nq possession of the property atfacted hereby,and Truator <br />'. . `•��N hsreby absolutely and unconditwnally ossgns all Such rents,�ssues and p►olds to Bene�K�ary.Benehc�ary,hqwever,heraby consents to ihp Trustor's <br /> � °�� col�ectlon and retentlon ot such rents.�ssues antl prqf�ts as they accrue and become payabla so�on��s Truetor�s no�.at euch tlme,m detault w�th reapeCt <br /> "' ' 1''•' to payment of any iMebted�ess secured herehy,or m the perlormance ot any agreement hereun�a�.Upan any such dafault,BeneGClary may at any tlme, <br /> . elther in psrson,by agen!,or by a receiver to be appainted by a court,w�thout not�ce and w�thput rspfvd to the adequacy ot any security tor the indebtednes� <br /> , here6y secured,(a)e�ter upon and take possess�on of the Property or any part thereo�.and m�IS own name sua tor or otherw�se collect such ront6.issues <br /> '.!`< r end protits.including those past due and unpa�d,and apply the same,less costs and oxpe�sec o►ccm�atan and collechon,including reasonabls attorney's <br /> � ''� faes,upon any inde6tedness secured hereby,and in such order as Beneficiary may dete�mm4� (b1 perfqrm such aCt9 of repau or proteCtwn as may be <br /> '�'•--�•` ° , � n9C6a88ry or proper to conserve Ihe value of the Property.(c)Iease the same or any part thEweal IOr suCh rBntal,term,end upon such condrtions�a ite <br /> '�A` �� ! Judyment may dlctate,or term�nate or atl�ust tho terms and cond�bons of e,nstmg leases.Untess T�ustor And Benehciary thereof apree otherwvise fn wntmg, <br /> � ' ���"��" any appl�atlon of rents.�ssues or profls to any mdebrednoss secured hereby shall not e:tend cv postpone the due aate Of the��stallment payment6 as <br /> L�� ��,� � provlded in said promisswy note or change the umount ot such mstauments-The enl�mg uF�n nnd takmg possessian ot the Praperty,the coll�Ctlon <br /> �.. 9 as:t4:r• . <br /> .;(�':" ''" of such rents,i8sues a�d proHts,and the app��calion thnroot as a�oresaid.sha11 not warve w r.wo any default or nut�ca ol default hereunder or invelWate <br /> ��, -. s r�- • • any eet done pursuant to such noUCe.Tn�slor also assigns to Benu(�c� further secunty!�•Ihe pe��ormance of tho obligaUOns secured hereby.aIl . <br /> ` �' prepald rents and all mornes whiCh may havo been or may hereatter be deposded wdh ia�d T�u6tor by any lessee of tho Property,to seCUre the payment <br /> �� ��• - of eny rent or dama9es.or upon dafaull�n the perlo�mance o►any of the prows�on�hereof.Truc�o�agrees to del�ver such rents and daposits to Beneficiary. <br /> =4' �,;^ , Oativsry ot wniten noUCe ot BenefKiary's ezurc�se of the nghts granted herem,to any te�ant.otcupy�ng said premisea shall be sufflc�ent to requlro iAld <br /> �c:-,.. - UnAnt to pay rent to the Benehc�8ry undl lurthur nutico <br />'- 'I T. <br /> � ��„E; ' . B.CONDEMNATION.It tdle ro a�y par�uf tho Property shall Ue tatien in tondemnahon,rp�� rght of eminent domam or e�m0ar aCtiOn,or <br /> �� �,.. ShYll be sotd under threat of condemnat�on,aIl awards. damt�ges and proccc�ls are hereby assigned and shnl�be paid to Beneticiary who shall opply <br /> _, �t+g;:.,y.•.',,;+_ suCh awards,damagas and proceeds to the sum secwetl by thi6 Trust Deed.wdh the rxcess.�f nny,paid to Trustor. 11 Trustor reCeives any notice or <br /> _ '�� � � Wh�r informAtan regarding such actlons a proceedmgs.7rustor shall yive prompt wntt�n nouce thereof to Bonehc�ary.Benel�Ciary shall be entitled,at <br /> -- Ite aption�to commence,appeer in and proseCUte m its own name eny euch acdon Or proCelGngs ond shall be entitled t0 mak9 any COmprom�se or 6ettlentent <br /> �':� k1 Conn�ctbn wlth Yny such action or proceedings : <br /> �a�� 9.FUTURE ADVANCES.Upon request of Trustor,Benef�ciary at Benehqary's opt�on.p�ar to reconveyance of the Prop�rty lo Trustw. may make <br />. . 1U�Uf0 YOVaOCfi TO IfUStIX.JUGn fylUf9 dOVUnGtlO,wilit initltdbi iitoioO�i,n,inii`vo woeu7w`vj K'�:�o.�..`.,"�.������»«::=��.."•'"°'^�re.w nnfa�auffn� . <br /> • ��.._....�_. <br /> that s�ld not�s ue secured hereby,provi0ed that at no t�me shall the secured pnncipal and future advances,not�naludin�eums advanced to probct <br /> ih�s�curlty,excaod Iwo hundred percent(200om)of the onginal pnncipal amounts secured hereby. <br /> — 10.REYEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE.Trustee and Benel�iary,and each of tham,ehall be entrtled to enlorce paymont and performance of any mdebtedness <br /> or obllyatlona�eCUr�d hrreby and to exerc�se ali nghts and powers under th�s Trust Deed or under any other agreement executed m connectio�herewith <br /> a any laws now a hereaRer in lorce,nolwuhst�nding some or aIl of lhe such mdebtednesa and obligalfons s�cured hYreby may now or hereafler be <br /> dhKwfM ssCUrod,whelher by matgage.lrust deed.pledge.lien,assignment or otherw�ae.Neither the aCCeptance of thib TruSt O�ed nw�IS�nforcement <br /> whslhK by Court actlon or pursuanl to th�power of sal�or other powers here�n contained,shall pre�ud�ce or In any mannet atfeCt Trustee'a or Benetic�ary's <br /> rlpht to nalt=�upot�or onfuce pny otha ser,unly now or hereafter held by Trustw a Beneticiary.It b�mp apreed that Truatee and Banehc�ary.and each <br />