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<br /> 17.TraaJa'oT the PropeMy or�Ha�elklal Ista�at la Burt�ower. If all ur any piut uf tha PrupenY or any inter+ect in it
<br /> i:�uuld or tran�ferrod(or lf a baxflci�l intet�est in Bomower is�nld or�nn�.fcmaf uxl&�rrower i�ncR a natural per�nl withnut
<br /> I.eoder'a prior wrltcm conrent. Lender m�y. M i1s option, uirc immodiuc prymer�t in full uf sll rurr� �avred by thi�
<br /> - Savrity In�trutnent. Haweva. !h!s�l40!:�!�h. �i.�d�lr�er(f exenise fc Qtobihitat by f«feral law ar of thc dwe
<br /> of thia Security Insirument.
<br /> If Lender exercises this c►ption. I.endcr xhwll Qivc Borrower notire af accrlerWirni.'Ilin ncNi�c nh�ll pruvick A peric�d of not
<br /> �ess th�r+ 30 di►ys from thc datr the rwNia is deliverod or rtuiilod within which &�m►wer musa pry rll wms �ocura! by thi►
<br /> _ _ Securlty Iiutrument. If 8armwcr fiilx t��pry tl�re aums prlor t��thn cxpirxticm cif this p�ricKf,l.anJnr nwy inv��ke�►ny rcmodia
<br /> permittod by this Security lnurumrnt witlxwt funher ncwfoe c►r dcm�tK1 ai Bomiwer.
<br /> - s ---�, 1R. Borrower'R Rlghl to Rdw�GNa if &�rn�wer nxxt► cerwin ��nixiitions, B<irt��wxr shwll Iwvc thc ri�ht tu have _
<br /> � enforreme�t af this Security In�itument di�xmtinucd a any tinw prior tu ihe eulicr uL• (ul S days (��r +uch c�thcr pericxi as
<br /> applicable I�w muy specify for rcinrtrtemenq before sulo of the Prupeny pu�uxnt tcr i�ty pawer c►f s�le ranwinod in thia
<br /> Security Instrumeru:or(b)cniry uf u judgnxnt rnfarcing thi�:Secu�ity li�.titrumcnt.Th���mnditic�ns�rc thut&►rmwcr:(y)pxys
<br /> Lender all sumx which thon wauld be due under thia Socurlty Inurument :uxl the Nuta xs if n� �ecelnration h:�i xcurt�cl: (b)
<br /> curcs any defauft of any other covenants or agrcements; (c) puyc all expen.u� Incurred in cnf��rcing this Sxurity Instrument,
<br /> — including.but not limited to,rcasurwble attarnc�rs' foes: and ld)tukes xurh action a�l.emicn mAy resisonably roqulrc ta wsurc
<br /> - - that the lie�af this Sxurity Instrument. Lcnder s rightc in tho Pn�cny and BormW�er'� nhligwicx►u�pay the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instcument sh:ll mntinue unchangod. Upa► rein�tatement by &�rroa•er. this Socu�ity Instrumc:nt and the
<br /> o'�ligations secured hercby shall remain fally effective ac if no aooelarwion fwd occurrod.Huwcvcr. this r��ht to reinstste shall
<br /> qoe�pply in tRx case of xceleration under paragcaph 17.
<br /> 19. Sak ot Note;Ciwn�e of I,oan Setvker. The Noto ar a puni�l inlereu in thn Nota ltogcthcr with this Security
<br /> Instrument)may bo so�d one or more times without prior notice to Borro:ver.A sale may rewlt in a chunge in the entiry(known
<br /> �s t}K•L.oan Servicer")that collocts manthly paymeM�due under tho Nate and this Sc�cudni Inutliment.There also may be ane
<br /> or more changa of the Loan Servicer unrelatod to A sale of the Noto.If there is a change ot[ho L��an Servicer.8arrower will6e
<br /> - given written notice ot the change In accordaex:e with paragraph 14 aM�ve and applicahlu law.Tha�notice will state the ruune and
<br /> _ .��,(r�� address of the new L.oan Servicer and the addrcss to which pnymenta should be nude. Tha nntice will also rnntain yr►y other
<br /> , } informltion requircd by applicatsle law.
<br /> � ' 2p, Ha�rdous Subst�nces. Botrower stwll ►xK cause or permit the presence, u�.c,di��sad, swrage, ar release of xny
<br /> ' I I Ha7ardoac Substances on or in the Pmpeny. Borrower shull �x�t do, nor alluw inyone cl!+e m do, anything affecting the
<br /> ' Property that is in violation of any Envimnmental Luw. Thc preceding twu senteixrs snwll nnt �pply to the presence. use, or
<br /> storage on the Property of smalt quantities of H:uardous Substances ttwt am generully incugniPxd ro be appropri�tte to normal
<br /> - residential uses and to maintenance aF�hc Propcny.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give l.cnder written noticc of any investigation,claim,demt�nd, [aw�uit or other action by any
<br />:;�;� govemmental or regulatory agency ar private party involving tho Propeny and suiy H:uardnus�Sisintancc or Environmentnl Law
<br /> .:� of which Horrower has actud knowlcdge. If Bormwer leams,or is notified b�•nny go��emmentul or regularory authority, that
<br /> , , any removal or other nemadiation of any H�zardous Stibstance affecting thi:Proprrty is na�.-ssuy,Barmwer shall promptly take
<br /> •- .�� all necessary rcmodial actions m acco�darwe with Environmentul Lnw.
<br /> -- ��:�- As �c3 in this Faragsaph 24. 'Hazanlcws �ubs*_an�" am tht,��n�ta�ce.def inexl as u�xic or hazanlous subst:utcts by ,
<br /> • ;�.��. ,,�'•�.r'-��, Environmental Law and the following substances: gwoline, kcrosene, other flstmit�wblu or tuxic petrolcum products, toxic
<br /> ;"1c,! + ri�:+; pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,matcrials contain�ng a�bc�to�or f�im�atdehyde,and rs�diwrtivc matenalti.As uscd in
<br /> �.a�. a <.,d'�f;
<br /> . .,���, this paragraph 20. "Em•ironmental Law" meanc feder�l laws and laws of"the jurisdictian e�hem tho Pr+openy is locatod ttwt
<br /> � • �"��`� rclate to health,safety or environmental prwection.
<br /> • ,:���..�,r�;.,1s,,w NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8orrowcr and Lcndcr furthcr covcnunt uixl ugnr a�fi�lluws:
<br /> ��.3:+.,_; �,•;��+�m
<br /> �"' 21. Ac�celeration;Remedies. I.ende�tif�ll�i�•e �wtice to Bormwer prior tu aocel��tGm followinu Bormwer's breach
<br /> . `=f��.�:•:•� of any eovens�nt or agree^�ent in !h!� �dl�� In:�rument (but �x►t prior tu acerhrarth�n ander parARr�ph 17 unlix.c
<br />- '+ �'jt+�'�!'�"�"t''"' ppplkabk Ixw pmvides otherw•ise).The nc►Nce�ha�l specify: (A)t6e def�ult;lh) thu wcltan required to cure the default;
<br /> �'"�'' ''.r`� � (c)st date,not less ths�n 30 days from the date the ootice iti�ivrn tn Born��rer.bv Mhich Ihe default must be cured;and _
<br /> r:.....
<br /> - �'a��;�+rt�i�t (d) that failure!a cure ttu defAUlt on or before the dute spoclf7ed in the nntia muy rtwtt in �ccele�tion of the sums
<br /> . �, .,.>,� ..,.•�.�, ,
<br /> - .•;�.-�:,: `�� . securcd by this Security Inctrumcnt und sale of ihe Property. Th�tN►tice shwll furthcr iu�i�rm Borrow•er of ttic r�g t to
<br /> .�r j� � �� refnst�te xfiter accele�tion And the right to bring a�y►urt action to x.cert the non�e�ialence of a defYUlt o�pny other =
<br /> JI =�• .
<br /> . T�?r�,-��:* . , � defense oP Borrow•er to�cceleration�nd sAle. If the defoult !y not cured on��r beture the dute spucified in the natice, �
<br /> „ �^'�'z'�"�''� I.ender, at its option, may require immedintc payrnent in full of s�ll sumti xrurcd hy thlK Secu�tty lnurument w�lthout
<br /> ;;n�'�"'"'�°:��• futtMer detnAnd and may invoke ttie power of salc ynd�m otMrr rrnxYlieti pern�itted by�pplicYblc luw. [.cnder stwl1 5e _
<br /> . �'�'r entitled to collect A!1 expences incurred in purcuing thr rcmedf��s pruvided in this pwrnuraph 21.includinK.but �wt litaited
<br /> ' '��_�_��= to,reaso�wble attorneys' fees s�nd n�sts ot title e�•idrnce.
<br /> - "� If the poM•er o[ �le is im•oked. Trustm tihail rccurd a ►uHkr of dei'smit in c�ch cuunt�� in which s�ny part af vhe
<br /> "'��'��` Property is located�nd slwll mail rnpies of such notice in tiK munner prc�uribrd Fi��ypplic�ble I�w•to&►rmNer and to
<br /> '•"�^"� the other persons pr�cribed by applicable laµ•.ARer tbe tinte reyuired b�•ap�alit�hl n luu'.Troui�sFwl1 Ri�•e public notice
<br /> -�- t� of s�le to the penons nnd in the mam�er prescribed by�ppliu�t►Ic laa•. Tru�t��. N}tMnut denwnd on &►rrow•cr�stwll sell
<br />_��=• �,��"' • tfrc Propaty at public Auctton to the highest bidder�t thc time�nd place s�nd under thc hrms dc.�ignated in ttm notice oP
<br /> �''�' • .;:'.. sale in one or more ps�rcels s�nd ia any ordcr Trustee d�termfncw. Tro�tEr may pn�tp��au wlc of all or nm• p�rcei of tMe
<br /> — �l�-� property by pubik annauncrment at tiK time And plW��r of uny prrci�w�lr �chtdul�d vk�. IAnder �N itx d4�cignee myy
<br /> � --.?� ;�,� purchasr ihe Propc�ty at any salc.
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