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<br /> ��o��um�uo�� ��3- i4�'?''�i 2
<br /> THI�ASSIGNMENT OF FiENTB RIDER Io m�dx and�x�cut�d thl�_�—daY oi �VE(�ER _.�p 93 ,����
<br /> Inparpa�l�d Inlo�nd�I!br dMnNd to am�nd rnd�uppl�nt th�1Aatpp�or D�td of Ttu�t.hrnlnaft�r nhrnd to ss tM
<br /> _ "�outii�i iirsii-ii1TIr11Y',i�i iiiG «�iiii L'i.i��i�GPi�'iji iii�ifi'w'w�iyiiw�.f{i+r�ii:lt:.�t:�Y••tr'...� !Q�.:!!s3°.�...'YtC�:".!o r!CUt�
<br /> OortowK'�i�d�bt�dnNS�Mnlnathr rN�rc�d to a�thR��Not�",to H1�1A8 REDERAL SAVINOS AND lOAN A980CIA710N OF
<br /> dRAN018LAND.h�rNnaPtK niwnd to a thn•'l�nd�r",of th�s�m�d�t�and cow►Inp fM prop�rtY d�sarlb�d In thw 3�ou►Ity
<br /> InNrum�nt and looat�d at:
<br /> 910 S. GUNBARREL R4�, GRA(� ISLAf�, N�QFtA81(A 6Q901
<br /> �--�_— fProP�ny AddrntJ -
<br /> WITNE88ETH:
<br /> ' WHEREA8,8orcow�r and L�nd�r hav��pnaad that a�y nnts and,ptafits attr{buhbl�to th�prop�rty should constitut�
<br /> addltio�al wcuiity to ih�L�nd�r for th�payment of th�Nat�;
<br /> NOW,THEREFORE,tt is apreod that tha Saourity Inatrum�nt shall tis amarxNd hK�by�nd dMm�d to fnclud�th�tollowlnp
<br /> ptovliloor.
<br /> 1. ��nmant of R�nts and Lander Rantat�ol►ectlon Rlphts.Borrower hereby absolut�ly and unconditionalyr aslipns�11
<br /> nnts, issu�s and protits of the proparty to Benetklary. Lsnder ahstl h�vs the �ipbt, pow�r and authaity d�ulnq ths
<br /> contlnuanc�of th�S�auHty instrument,to coilect the��nts,issues�nd profits oi ths prop�rty and of any psraanal prop�rty
<br /> "- tocat�d tM►wn with or without taking poaassalon of the props►ty �ltected twreby. Lsndu, however. twrsby conMnb to
<br />--- 8orrow�r'�colt�ction and nUntion ot,suab r�nts,isaues and profits as they accruoandbrcom�payabi�.ao Iony�s 8or�owK
<br />"; {s rwt,at wcA tirt�,in dofault with rqspaat to paymsnt ot any indabtodnoss sscurod here�y,or in the perfamana ot�M► -
<br /> - aprwme�t h�nund�r.
<br /> k' 2. A000tntmsnt of Rsceiver.If any e�ent oi dehult in reapsct to the Socurity Instrum�nt�halt hav�occuR�d and be
<br /> continutnp, L�nd��.as a matter ot rtQht and without notice to Borrower or anyone claiminp under Borrowsr,ar►si wfih0ut
<br /> ' npard to th�value of tM trust e�tata or the Int�nst of tbt Bonower,ttwroln,shall h�v�tht�ipht to apply to any court h�viop
<br /> Jurtsdlction to appoint a rsc�tvsr of�tha propeNy.
<br /> � 3. Rlaht to Possasalon.ln c�se of defautt fn the paymsnt of tha asid princlpAl Nots or intsnet,or any part th�r�of,as it
<br />. shall matun.or in tht�aas�of faliurn to keep or pe�form any of the co+ronanto or apreem�nts contained In th�Sacurity Instru-
<br /> rn�nt,th�n th�Lender,ite aucceaecxs or aeslans, �hatl be and la hereby authorized and smpowered to t�ke Immediate
<br /> posNSSion of ths said prsmtsos thenirt deaaribsd and to coll�Ct ths reots therefrom,and to apply th�procNds th�r�of to th�
<br />- paym�r►t of ths Not�.
<br />-`."° 4. Acplicatlon of Rents,Issuea end Proffte.AII renta cotlsctad by l.ender or th�rsceiver shall be applisd firat to ptym�nt
<br /> � �`�-'�'' ��•'•` ot ths costs of man� ament ot the rt and coilectio�oi rents,inoludin but r�ot ilmited to.receiver's feea,premlums on
<br /> ��..:'`�.�e��., � � P� Y 0�
<br /> a.::-. .. .� -.,,, reoeivur s bonds and rpsonabl�attorney's feea,and then to the suma seaured by th�3eaurity Instrum�nt.taends►�nd th�
<br /> �;''»:��:�`-w.•�: ''•'` • nalver ahall be Iiabte to account aniy for those renta actually recetved.
<br /> ' �'�, ' ;`# 5. Conatr��tlon of Provisiona.�AOh ot the provislons contained ln tMa Aasiqnment o!Rents Rider and the Security Inst►u-
<br /> ,,. : ...�:._c. _
<br /> •��•'•�•�•''����•��' ment shall, untsaa otherwtse epeolflceliy requfred, be conatroed 1�aoaordaoce with NebrAaka�aw,and in the ewnt any
<br /> . � •- , provision hsraln or therein aontofned sheli be determined by a court oi competent Jurisdlction to bo unonforceable,ths sama
<br /> ,_;�. .�.;; ,... .. shall bs construed as thouyh suoh unenfaraeabta provision were not a part hereof orthereof.
<br /> . •� . •� r 6, Effect of Rider.Except as speaificelly modified by or inconststent with this Assipnment ot Rents Ridor o�by any other
<br /> _ ���:"_;�_� applicabit rid�r,alt of the terme end prqv{aions contained in tlw Security InstrumRnt shalt continuo In fu�t torG and�ffeCt.
<br /> ='t �;°'�� � • '�'!'s�- IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrcwe�has exeauted this As Iynment f Ri�et on e date flrBt noted above. L
<br /> . � -. .•'*�� • .
<br /> , .� . +"`. ' RDNA J. EIYI��rrower ,
<br /> � . , � ,' '
<br /> ��,�=.. : -- . _
<br /> ,,�.��: .
<br /> SHIRLEY J. ..IE d�W
<br /> ' �� STATE OF N�BRASKA)
<br /> _ ' ` � .'' (ss:
<br /> .;e.�:,�; _A •.;s::�!::', �
<br /> � ";�,,,:. ,�: COUNTYOF HALL
<br /> � .�• ss,s..:�.:.:� 3RD NOUE(�16ER 93 p�b d �y ���i
<br /> — '"`" �� ' On thla day ot 19 before me the under i a No tia c m d
<br /> '�%' �tONALD �. ZIEmBA ANp SN�I�C�� J. �I�'18R, N�USBA� AND�
<br /> :,� �� '1,;;r , qwlifi�d for safd county,personaliy came
<br /> -. . 4'� �... .. _
<br />�,,:.. . i. .-:,- .to be the Identical person(s)whose�eme(s�idare subsc►ibed
<br /> -� . to th�forpoinp instrument,and helshelthey acknowtedye the execution thereof to M hlsfheNtheir voluntary act and deed.
<br /> �' ''`• GRAND ISLAND NEdRASKA
<br /> r`"t�''� ��,�;:•-'�-� F Witneae my hand and Notariai Seai at ' _
<br /> � -
<br />_ ,.. l;::.`.
<br /> �,��•�``�+4� '';'� .. aid county,the date aforesaid.
<br /> r '+,.'�.`.i:��,.;tiY(rr%` ,J�,
<br /> --- �llr`'_,"4�? �AL��AA1�•,�iMM N� (��������[GlLC��f-r-'�'
<br /> -- a�i;� � pElQqAyLKM11B1,E Nptary Publlc
<br /> �,� My Commiss �x������'��
<br /> _ —
<br /> ��000��
<br />