;.,--- •
<br /> : 'i • - . , _
<br /> �` . `"«'-- °
<br /> - • �rc__.—.s_.
<br /> �.'• 'h}'<5�1. ) .- — _
<br /> •� J _— ..
<br /> _ _.. _-. � lt��awee�Fund:to Leoda�.tha Fund��ll b�hsW ia an iu�titutba the depo�oe i��ii�ot��rlfich ara �
<br /> inµir.�l At�t}It+#�by a F�derd or�t�te a�ency(iacludiaR�if ieadsr i�wch�n isatitution).Vad�r�dl sppiy /
<br /> - ��r�!"!�`�'�'r�'td t•:..t a.�wsw�.�ts.i�sueauoe awNiuws ud poud r�ats.[�d�r�ar wt cbu�s fot w UoldiRt �
<br /> uld,�4pq}�nlf,�,h�Nb.andnio�..id accouae or writyrin�ud compuiu��aid aawnencs sad M1M.unl.�t�wMe
<br /> Payt�,&►ISP�9!��.�n�}�t Au the Fuads ud�pplic�bk law p�naitt Und�c to make wcb a chtrOs.9orcower and Ltad�
<br /> m�y a�C�p�r�tipS�tt the time of e�ncutiou of thl�Deed of Trutt that iatersst oa the Pwd��ball b psid b BoccowK.
<br /> -.= -- u�.qn��su�h A�e�eemeat ls mde a�ppllc�bk law requtcd wch intera�t to be p�W.Ltnder shall not be nquind
<br /> to p�y $a17�ower any interat a esrnln�oa the Fund:.Lead�r shsil�ive to Boerower.without ch�r�e.an saawl f
<br /> -- acc.c►unttag,ntth�e Funds shawia�credtts�nQ debhs to the Fun4s aeA the purpore tor which ea�ch d�Mt w tb�Fwidc wn �
<br /> m�is,7'hq.�'uAds�n pted�ad u�dditbnal�ecurity for the swas ucured bY this Deed of Tnut.
<br /> !f tlwq�►mount of the Funds hold by I.eeder.to�etliee with the fhtuoe monthly in�tdlments af Funds payabb peior W
<br /> °-'— tha dua d;��t of tu�a.astettments,in:urana premiwat�nd�uu�nd irents�sh�ll o:cad tho�rnouc�t required to pay s�id
<br /> --�-�_���+� uaca.�s�essrt}Rrtts.iruuraace premium:wd jrow�d nnu as thay fall due,such excac sh�ll be.at Barower':option.
<br /> —._--���.,�.� eitb�as pratitpll,y tepaid to Sortower cn coedit�d to Batower on rnonthly instdlmentR of Funds. If the�mount of the
<br /> __=�-�,..,��,� Fund�hqld bN���r��l aot be sut�icknt to pay ta:a.astessments,[ruur�nce premiums�nd ground rents as thry fall
<br /> '"'��r"^���="�' dua,Bor�ow�ef�tll p�y to Lender any amount c�ece:sary to m�ica up the deficiency ta oae ar mwe psymana u l.ander
<br /> ---_=•�z�1��.�
<br />_-- - m�4Y�lul�!i•
<br /> Upun payment ia full of ali sumt secured by this Deed of Trust.Lender shsll promp�ly nfued to Horrower any
<br /> ._.,. _ �„�:_,.,�,��.- Fund� hu1Q.Du Lender. If under puagraph 17 hereof the Propecty is sold ot the Peoperty it otberwlse ac9uired by
<br /> _ - --'- LQnda�,LarKlar shsll apply.no later than immediately prioc to the cala of We Property a ih acquisition by I.eader.aay
<br />_ --��•�5�'?�' � FundS�qld t�y Lender at the time of apptication as a credit�alnst the sum:securrd by thie Deed of Tnut.
<br /> � f.;±,: �
<br /> . 3..A�pitc�tiw�of Py.rb. Unless�ppiicAWi law provides othonvise.all payments receired by Leader under
<br /> th�a NW,e and pangraphs 1 and 2 here�f�ha11 be sppliecl by Lender fint in ptymertt of unouatt psyable to Leader by
<br /> �4�!``•�'i'����"�` Bo�RpMCx v�der p�ra�rapfi 2 hercof,then to intetat payAble on the Note,aod thon to the principal of the Note.
<br />_ . �i,�`�t,'i'•.'.'•:� • ;
<br /> : '+'y j����;•�y�• ;. peMr Moet=�es a� D»d��t Trirq Char�;I3em.Borrower:hdl perform all of Barower's obli�ations
<br /> :::`I,,,::
<br /> >,�i.:�� .,y;'•�'"•h`•� undat�ny mortgage.deed of trust a other secucity a�rament with a lien whtch h�s prloclty over thk Dxd of Trust,
<br /> �jf� ;�.�:,�;�
<br /> � '»;��� :.•.•.„•,. inF{ud�g Borrower's covenants to make paym�ents when due. Borrower sh�ll pay or cause to be paid ail taxa,
<br /> ;.���i:":'�'r``'�rf 1;�. '} ast�ssmRnts u�d other charges,fiaes and impositions atttibuhWe to t1�e�roperty ahich mty tttain a prlorlty over this
<br /> 'y�;.• ��-•, �. • • Do�d niTrust.and leasehold ptymenu or ground nnts,if any.
<br /> 0
<br />, ,� .��:���� s, Has�rd la�ar�sc�.Borrower shall kap the improvements now existing or heastRecerectad on the Property
<br /> �Cs;'������• •r� inFUntd ag�inst las by fire,h��rds included within the term"extended coverage".and such other hazards�Lender
<br /> _ . ;.:,.� � . .
<br /> -" � '��"'��``''"'�i�'i" ' mlty:tequire�nd in such amounts and for such pedods as Lender mty requice.
<br /> �:•,�:;#�i�::c;.,,. . -- 'Y3st�n.ur�ce rssr�tr pernt�issn tht insur�nce sha!!be c�!�en by R�xmwer sub�ect to wppmval by Lender,provided.
<br /> � ' ' that xuch Approvtl shall not be unreasonably withheid.All insurance poHcies and anawak thct+tof sfudl!�e in a fam
<br /> . Act:+�table to Lender and sMall include a standard mortgage clause in favor of and in s form acceptable to Lendes.
<br /> ��.,,;,�,•� lnnder shall have the right to hotd the policta.nd renewals thereof.subject to the terms ot�ay mort�aQe,deed of trust
<br /> • , ot othet secudty�gceement with a tien which has priocity over this Deod of Trust.
<br /> . la the event of loas.8onower shall gtve pcompt notice to the insursnce canier and Lender.Lender msy make pmc►f
<br />- o�lass iinot made promptly by Barrowcr.
<br /> ' lf the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if Bonower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days from the dnte
<br /> nrrt�ce is mailed by Lender to Bonower that the insurw�ce catrier offers to settle�cisim for inaurance beneflts,[.ender is
<br /> ;;� , aur.horized to collect and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's option either to restoration or cepnir of the
<br /> ' ` • P�tiYoerty or to the snms secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> f i. Praerv,�iva .ad Ma1.�eawce ot Propee�y; Leue�o�f�;Condomtdnn�; Waaaed Udc Derdopwna. Bor-
<br /> , � ' rcw�cr shall keep the Property ie good repair and shall not commit waste or permit impaitment or detedaatlon of the
<br /> ; � Pnnperty and shall comply with the provisions of any lease if this�Deed of Trust is on a leasehold.lf this Dad of Trust is
<br /> ' ar�a unit in A condominium or a pfanned unit development, Borrower shaU perform all of Bonower's obligations under
<br /> . . tE�declaration or covenants crcating or governing the condaninium oc planned unit development. the bylaws�nd -
<br /> re{rilations of the rnndominium o�pianned unit dcvelopment,and constituent documents.
<br /> � 7. Pmteetioi ot I,ender•s SbcuritY.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agrnments contatned in this
<br /> . l.7eed of Trust,or if any action or pra�ecding is commenced which materially affects I.ender's interest in the PropeKy,
<br /> F`�� � tl�sn Lender,at Lender's option.upon notice to Hortower,may make such appearances,disburse such sums.including
<br /> � � _ �, reASOnable attorneys'fees.and take such actian u is necessary to protect Lender's intetest.If Lender requirtd mortgage
<br /> . ittsurance ss a conditio�of making the loan secured by this Deed oE Trust,Borrower shall pay the premfums required to
<br />� �W T �J. maintain such insurance in effect until such time as the rcquirement for such insurance terminata in accordance with
<br />_ ' �'�- Borrower's and Ler�der's written agreement or applicable law.
<br />_�.; Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, at the Note rate, shall
<br />� I� , become additional indebtedness of Borrower secured by this [ked of T�ust. Unless Barower and Lender agrce to
<br /> • ntl�er tecros of payment, such amounts shall be payable upon notice from i.ender to Borrower requesting payment
<br />--� � ' �. thereof.Nothing rnntained in this puagr�ph 7 shall cequire Lendcr to incur any expense or take any action hereunda.
<br /> ._ ;� 1-`'� b. I�apectiw.Lender may make or cause to be made re�sonable entria upon and inspections of the Property,
<br />-- ' ^' ' provided that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reawnabte cause theafor
<br /> ' Y;� _ , reJated to Lender's interest in the Propc�ty.
<br /> ' " 9. Cwdewtiw.The pr�cecds of any award or clairn fa damages,direct or consequential,in cortnxtion with
<br /> �F���.. . .
<br /> .�x any condemnation oc other talcing of the Property,or part thereof, a for come�anee in lieu of condemnation, sre
<br /> �4� •'"""``•-" bereby assi�ned and shall be p�id to Lender.subject to ttrc terms of any mort�age,deed of tr:ut or other security agcee•
<br /> .Y....i
<br /> ataat with a lien which hu priodty orer this Doed of Trust.
<br /> �_�— �y� � IQ D�er�wrr P1at R�{w�di F�eb�a�ce By Iw�d�r Not• Wairer. Ertension of the time foc payment or
<br /> ;.�`� �+: m�dification of amatiution of the wms securod by this Deed of Trust gnnted by Lender to any successa in interest of
<br /> � Buccow�shalt not opeate to rekase,in any msnner,the liability of the ociginal Barorver and Borrower's succcssas in
<br /> '� �`� intae�ett.Leader shaA aot be nquirod to commence proaedings agafnst such successor or nfuse to e:tend time fa pay
<br /> mont or otl�se modifp amatiution of the sums secured by this Dea1 of Tnut by ceason uf any demand made by the
<br /> pi�ina!Boctower and Bor�nwa's sucassoes in interest.Any faebeuance by Lendet in exer+cising any riQht or cemedy
<br /> hereunder.or otl�erwiie afTadcd by�pQlicsbk I�w.shali not be a walver of or preclude the exercise of arty such ri�ttt or
<br /> �r•
<br /> li. Sreaw�a a�i A�tps Bw�i; J�W ri Sae�d I.6Lflttj; Gii�a. The covenants and agreements
<br /> heeda conWoed shall biad.aad the ei�hht hereuader shsil inure to.the rapeceive successors�nd aui�s of Leader and
<br /> __: Bo�rower.wbject Lo the pcorisions of ptra�taph 16 hereof:All aorenants wd n�nemcnts of Boerower s�all be joint and
<br /> �- - stveral.Any Baerowa who casi�ns thts Doed of T�ust.but doa not e:ecute the Note,la)is co•signing this Deed of Trust
<br /> _._ - aaly to�rant aad cvarey that Borrower't interest in the P�operty to Tcustee under the tctms af this Deed of T�ust,lbI is
<br />