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<br /> ��.�._..� 93,.� �09��� �
<br /> TOOE7'1iBR WITH ali the impravemer►u now or lxratter arectal on the property, nd dl aremenu. �i�bu�
<br /> appurten�r�ees,roau.roydtla.mineral.o!I�nd�u ri�hu md pmAts.w�ter ri�hu�nd uock�nd di Axtur+a now or bera�ltar•
<br /> - _ — p�tt of the ptnperty. Aii repi�cdnents�nd ddicians�ii�iw oo covaeo by ibi�Sarwiiy L.t��;:,�. �.it at i!�t�l�.�
<br /> rotemed to in this Security Inuunrent��he"Pcaperty..•
<br /> BORROWEB COVBNANTS thAt Borrower Ir l�wfutly�ei�ed of the euate hereby conveyed r�rd har the riQht w�nnt�nd
<br /> convey the Prnperty and duu the Propetty i� une�:umberod, exapl for encumbnnca of roccNd. Borrower w�rratM� Mtd wfU
<br /> �-°- -- defend�eoeral{y the tiUe t�thc Prope►ty++�uiiut�II clalms atid dcnunds.subject to ttny eneumbrance�of necc�d.
<br /> 1.P�ymeat of Prlacipd, Iaterat wd I.�te Char�e.Borrawer sh�ll pay when due tha principd of.�rd interat on.tbe
<br /> debt evidenced by the Nate and fu�chu�ea duo w�der the Note.
<br /> 2. Moathly Payroents ot Taxer, IaiwrAnce snd Ot6e� Cl�r�er. Borrower shali include in each monthly paymer�t.
<br /> together with th.;principul �nd intcrcst a.c su forth in the Note and any late chargcs.en installment of any(A)taxes and spocf�l
<br /> asscssments levfod or to be levied against the Property. (b) leacelwW peyments or ground rcnts on thc Property. and (c)
<br /> — prcmiurt�s for insurance roquirod by par�raph 4.
<br /> �� Fa�:h monthly installmcnt for itcros(4).(b),and(c)shall equal orx-twelfth of the annual amounts,as reasonably estimoted
<br /> by L.ender.plus an�mount sufftcicnt to muintain an additionul balance of not more than one-slxth of the estimated amounts.The
<br /> - ---.._...
<br /> =z�.
<br /> full anwul amount for each item shall be accumulated by I.ender within a perfod endiny one month before at� item would
<br /> __- became delinquent. Lender shaU hald the iurwunu coll�xted in trust to pay items (a), (b). a�W (�) before �hey me
<br /> ,_.;
<br /> _-`� delinyuent.
<br /> - "=��;n�� If At any time the total af the payments hald by l.ender for items (a), (b). and (c), together with thc future monthly
<br /> _�°'°�i- � payments for such ltems payable to Lender priar to the due dutes of such items,exceeds by more than one-sixth the e.gtimatod
<br /> -��r"�:Y.��: amount of payment�required ta pay such items when due,and if paymenta on the Note are current, then I.ender shail either
<br /> �:���I refund the excess over one-sixth af the estlmated paymants or credit the excess over one-sixth of the estimatod payments to
<br /> — subsequcnt payment�by Borrowcr,at the optian of Borrowcr. If thc total of the pnyments made by Bonower for item(a),(b).
<br /> - � or (c) is inr�ufficient to pay the Item when duc, then Bottower shall pay to i.ender any anwunt necessary to make up the
<br /> deficiency on or before tho date tba item becomes daB.
<br /> ---- As usad in thid Security instrumenc, "Secrcwry.. mexiw ti�c Sccrcta►y uf ti�x►aing en�i ilrban [kvciapracnt or�fv an c�r �
<br /> —�— _— desigrx+e. In any year in which the L.eadcr must pay u mongagc insurunce premium to the Secretary, each monthly pKyment
<br /> �iF��`�-� .hull atM►inrludc cithcr,(i>un inxtullnxm af thc unnuul mongagc inxur.►nrc prcmium to be paid by Lendcr to the Secrctary,or
<br /> ;���cw�afvrr'w
<br /> - --- 1ii► u mnnthly rhurge in�tcuJ of u nwngage insurance premium U' [hix Security Instrument is held by the Secretary. Eac
<br /> nxmihly Instullmcnt��f tlk nwngugc in.rureixc prcmium shull hc in an unxwnt sufficicnt to accumulatc thc full annuul mortgage
<br /> ''�� °�' insuru�ke premium with L.encler onc month prior to the dute the full unnual nxMguge insurance prcmium is due to the Secrctxry,
<br /> '1�',
<br /> � ' a ur il'thiti S�xurity Instrument is held by thc Sccrcwry, cach mnnthly charge shall be in an amount equnl to one-twelfth of
<br /> ,,,�'�p,'.
<br /> ; �,;��:�'�.:�•.;,�.: onc-huH'perccnt af thc cwtstunding principal bulunre duc�m thc Notc.
<br /> ��r•� . � If Borrower tenden t�i Lender the full puyment of all sums securecl by thi,Srcurity Instrument.Borrower's account shull
<br /> �, ... .,a .: .. :p�.-
<br /> .`1JLtuA1_a:r:.n
<br /> bc cr��litcd with the bulunre remaining for all inrtallmcnts for itcmti(a). (b), •rnd Ic) m�f any mortguge in�urance prcmium
<br /> ��'h�-- '�• installment thut L.endcr huti nnt bccnme obligated to pay to the Secretary,and Lender�hall pr��mptly refund any excess funds to
<br /> r. ,�_
<br /> `. . Borrower. Immcdiutely prior to a forcclo�ure sule of thc Prc�prny or ity acquisition by l.ender, Borcower's account shall be
<br /> �.. .f. .; ��i. .� credited with uny balunce remaining for all insta�iments for items(u), tb),aiul(c).
<br /> ,. , ... .:,�,,,. .:
<br /> �;�,:.'��i•'.s?�:',,.., r., .
<br /> �y �� � ' 3. Applicution of Payments.Ali paymcntti m�der paragraphs I anJ 2 shutl be applicd by I.ender as follows:
<br /> .4:!t'..•�.r�� r'F"� r�
<br /> ��`�'= •.�. "�-: - Fir�t,tci thc mort�a�c in,w�anrr remiuni tu lk uid b lw�nJcr to thc Scrnt� or to thc monthl char�c b the Sccmt
<br /> ::;nr�rw A: b b N P Y r5' Y b Y �Y
<br /> `- •-���-�-4:.« inxtead of the monthly mortgage intiurancc premium:
<br /> -�;."�;_�.`�", . ' Second,to uny taxcs,speriul a+sc��ments,Icasehold payments or graund renta,and tire, flcxid and othcr h•rrurd insurance
<br /> �� � premium�,u�required:
<br /> ""`�''"' � Third,to inrcrcst Juc undcr thc N�nr:
<br /> � ''� Fourth,to;�nxirtiiatiun af'th�prinripal��f thc Notr:
<br /> �;�<<�: Fifth,t�i latc churgcs duc undcr thc Notr.
<br /> ��,�..;i f.�:�.
<br /> �3 w.l....'.r,...' � P� 7 016
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