,-.�r �,� T. , rt�'-"
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<br /> f��r�ns•r_r�e�i � • •
<br /> --- Nn�flal��r at te� aOt1a� Nth�r to th� n4rotla� of th� Ie4Mt�diws h�nby�eund or to tM . S� � �.. �
<br /> -- - , n�tK�tfoe o� �'�p+i� o/ tIN proarty dwi�d. in tM w�Mt M� inKtM'� Ni�er �tMr eran�f�r
<br /> ;�,i .r e�tw to ..�e �rw��er �n •xc����c .t eM ��a.r�w:n. ..w��r�i� �•4.e�w ..��oe �
<br /> - - -- ------ � Md i��t N th� TnMter ie �ni f� wi inir::;.�: wiiti:: .l�.t 4n�M�! !w! !'�
<br /> ' - � �t tM M�Mfat�ry q tIM NK��N'' K MMf�N�ry.
<br /> . - -- '„; . 9. Ib �ill kw tM u1d pr«alws 1n as yood ord���nd�adltioR �o th�y�n���d Mtil eot
<br /> . •: Q" , ea�lt K aewlt anr w�t� tMnof. n+ton�bia �a�Md twr �rCpt�d. a�d te th�wMt ot tM
<br /> ,+. �' � � t�lluh �f th� Twstor to kNp thr butid�nps on sNd p+�ts� +�+d tho�to a �►�tb a" N/d
<br /> � "' t� thrr+on. tn 4000 rep+t�. the I�ttobry�y rk�wd�nW1rs�s tn t1r
<br /> p►MifN. e� M���
<br /> , � � /�Ifol�ryi'• di�cnNon 1t �y dN� n�c��r�ry for th�prapr ��Lttht rat�+P���n1n M
<br />- _ .. "� � p1A fo�' woh .�Wt�� ah�ll b�ar Int�n�t Ira�th� diH of a�wn
<br /> _�,.��. �, �ot�. N+�11 b�dw�nd osy.bl.a►d�n�d.nd sn.it O� t�lly uw►�d ay tM� OMd of Tnist.
<br />____�°'��. � �+:�i.v,inc. •�_ �
<br /> J�;�•,�•,:�^���,r� Q': 0. !M Mill Mt U1thDYt thf pr4qr M�ttt�n tonwnt of tlx larieflaUry w1u�Uri ly crMte or pf�it
<br />- � � � ..�.��.:�a��-:�?�r,�, � to b� cn�t�d p�1mt tM Orop�r'ty�++b�Kt to Mts OMd of Tn�st any it�ns fnf�rlor or supe��or to
<br /> � • . ,t.�:,s.a:�• th� 11�n ot tbts OMd of Truft �nd furth�r that M�fll k�ep aed Mint�tn tht wit trM fraa�the
<br /> �a�����b!�' el�f� ot all p�nont wpplytnp l�bor or Mteri�is tihfch wtil �nt�r /nto the consttuatton of any�nd
<br /> _ —° `;:w'�-':��'��. �il bulldtnos nor b�tep er�ct�d or to bt tnct�d on s�id prw�is��.
<br /> u,�.,��:" � y�:.
<br /> ��. � � h. li� rlll �t hnt or as�lpu any oart of th� �t of w1d proprty x droli�h. nwove. or
<br /> :': ;•,:': �'` '.�".
<br /> "r��`•�"'�'�" tub�tantltlly�1tK any butldinp wlthout tM«rttt�n cont�nt oY tht l�ti�l�ry.
<br /> .%�;=r-�.
<br /> �. ," ��
<br /> y, in tht av�nt tM Tru�tor t�ils to p�y sey f�dsral. statt, or loul t�x asaswnt. Inco�t t�x°�
<br /> ;.. , to th� r rt hnteabovt drurtb�d, th� MnefictarY
<br /> otl�r tax lt�n. etrr0�. fM. or oth�r �■p�nw ��*9� O °a Y
<br /> ' ,' tt h�nby �uthoNt�d to oaY tM sw ud�^y�s°P+id by the Mn�Hclary �11 b�add�d to�nd bcae a
<br /> • � :' _. .. � p�rt ot tht prinetpal a�o�nt of th� Ind�bt�ss wfd�nad by wid pe�+issory not�. It th�Tru�tor shall pay
<br /> • �,�: ., . . � and d1�ch�ry� th� led�bttl»ss wtd�nc�d by afd pra�lswrr rote. �nd sh�ll pq such sw and sh�ll di�ch�rqe
<br /> � � all tax�s �nd it�ns�nd tht easts. f�ss. �nd�xPMSes of rktnp. �nforeinp �nd�x�cutln0 thfs Oa�d ot Trust.
<br /> th�n� upon �ritt�n �puest af the &nefleUrr+nd t�r surnnd�r ot tlr ONd ot lewst � Q�rLy to the
<br /> �-;. ::. • , Twst�e, the lrutt�e sh�ll, after paywent by T�ustor of ths Trust�e's fees. reconwy
<br />- :�`}�-.�;��-r�w �r f��� legally�ntftl�d thereto.
<br /> ----� {- irvsior. or ta ttso p�rsass �e
<br /> 10. Tlr Trustor covenant� tNt he 1t 1wf�11y seti:�d�nd Dosse::ed of and has the rtyht to se11 �nd
<br /> � �;�::tK�°a_ , canvey s�id property: ttrt tM sMie ts t��e tra��il encu�brant�s except N�ns �e d ancu�brances ^a' of
<br /> � nco�d; �nd tMt At henby binds ht�self �nd his successors fn fet�rest to wrr�nt �nd defend the ttt le
<br /> sfonHid thento�nd werY part th�r�of �gatest tht larful cl�fws of atl perwns whaosawr.
<br />�:.����`�
<br /> "�- ll. For bstt�� s�curlty of th� �ndebt�dntss her�by s�cured th� T�uttor. upa+th�r+9wst of the
<br /> � MnetfN�ry. Its su�c+ssors or �sstpna. shatl execut� �nd dettr�r a supplwental �ortqap� or wortq�Ws
<br />_ � "��°� corerinp �ny �ddlttans. Mp�ov�enta. or b�tten�enti .rde to t!»prop�rty Oeretn�bove dnc►tOd �nd�11
<br /> "`�,. p r o p�r t Y a c q ulnd �ft�r the date Mr�of (alt in ton�attsf�ctory to Bnnt�t�. Furth�r ���� b y t h f s
<br /> ' � f�11 t0 Cu���fly d��iYlt 1� th� p�yM�t O� • p�f0� 0� Inferl0r f�Ct�6��11C!OR th! prOp� y
<br /> inst�u�ot. Trustor henby ayrMS tu p�rM�ft 6entftctary to cur� such d�fautt. but btnsffcf+ry is not
<br /> • ' �.�` ob{iqat�d to do so: �nd such �dwnaa fhall Mcae p+rt of the 1rd�bt�dn�ss s�eun4 by thls tn�trvaent,
<br /> -,.y r. �IIb��Ct to tIM fM�t tt��fl� cOflditlons.
<br /> . 12. Th�t �11 awrds of dw�es in eo�nection rith my condunatfon tor publte us�of or in�wy to�ny of
<br />'i: wtd propt�ty �r� IMrtby�aslyMd�nd ffiall b pafd to Benetfct�ry. �Aw rr�PPIy the srM to paYMnt ot tM
<br />�{.,:s..�' ',�.:�33w�" . in�t�lirnts latt due unde� tald note. and the &nef ticury Is hereby wthorts�d. tn the nw ot the Truftor
<br /> . ,`C"'°"'' to��ucute and d�lfw� valid�equtttane�s thtr�of �nd to�ppai f�a��ny such wwrd.
<br /> � , ,,.n
<br /> % .��� 13. Th� /r�sraubl�rlyht to appoint a substitute Trust�e or T�uat�es ts h�rsby ucpns�ly 9�ant�d to the
<br />_ . �
<br /> `� ` ��t'•`�.` • ^ � Ome9ttiur. ht• suceatw�s or �ssiqni. to M �xerctsed at �ny tl�e Ir►�ait�r Mfthout speclfy�wp��y nason
<br /> � ' � •�, ,,, th�►sfor, py f11/np tor ercord 1n the ofitce rhere tMs testnwent is recorded a wbstltutton of Irustae.
<br /> �>� ' �rfo� to ncoMfnp tM wbatltutlon ot TrustK. � �opy ot the /�stru�ent ot tht substttutton of tiit wcces3o�
<br /> � � 1wslM sh�ll bit �il�d to tAs Trustor �ed�it persa+s rho Mve �eqwste0 nottice of def�utt and not�« ot
<br /> � � -. , .
<br /> r.'�. ,�.r...�.s�x,..:-, : ql�by f/liny such rpwst wlth tM otitce uf nyttter ot dNds vherM thts O�ed ot itwst it r�co*ded•
<br /> ' ��,: ::c.,;; �...
<br /> ;41-qfJ?;:,:, -�-
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