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<br /> ��-14J�i9i ' • • � '
<br /> Tht� �tw 1��4 uoon�nd M�}�t to th� trrtirr tnrst tNt!Ir w1r ir�st��Nrl l ►wf� i�
<br /> ---- ------ ���{, �'��.•�� M��+iw� iri N�t�ilw�Y�M�i1Fi N�i liqirir�r1711iMt MV i�itt ii� pPoi iii :rr� :C -
<br /> _ A1s �rn w rnt11 tb drtwk et aWM In a�y Ml�"t O��11 111iL��Irllt AIM M MI�M�M 1�tM prt�nr�w
<br /> �1 My N tM ao+�n�ts er eo�ditfons �Mb/n�0 tMn/e�� t� thts OMO�f it�t; �d. •11a to I�tun tlr
<br /> ti1�MMS�nt N !A� iwfloluy o� sny otiw hoid��of afd eot�. tlr Tw�tN K My wMt�tYtt trustN of
<br /> � Mqr Md •11 ewt�Md�xpn�a 1�eu�hd. IKlyd�p rwson�elt�tton»r'� iMS. �n Keew+t ot �nr l�t�atton
<br /> •m' � NAfd� �r �rl� MItA hsaet to tbi• i►wt K ritb nspet to tM 1ed�bt�0eea wld�ne�d�y tNd�ot�. tM
<br /> .;, � KotKtta Md MMtMMw M tlr poprty A�niMb�w�d�ieriad o� 1�obU1�iM pNnHon H w1d ora/�rty =--
<br /> . �fh►an�r taie �Atah�ry M w�d�as twerinafeK�td�d.
<br /> -- �,�Q��;,;f,� !. {�o� t!N tul) /r�nt ot the ted�bt�6�ss� wid�nad ay a1d�ot��nd 2h� tnt�►Ytt tMnen. tht
<br /> `' p�nt et •11 �tlwr wa Mntn �ovid�d tor. tM norywnt of�il �{u��d or�x�nd�d punw�t to
<br /> �atd not� ar tMtw 1Mtr�t. �nd upon tM pfwcnt o1�11 oth�� y�op�r owtf. elrry�s. eo�is�loN. Md
<br /> -- �� ��;;r�a� t�q�s. tM�bow i���p.d prop�rtr �h+il M�eb+s�d and titaiw�rrd to Md at tM cost ot tht T�wte►.
<br /> .�e�.
<br /> ]. Ipon dttwlt iN �uy of tM toiw�ett or caditfau of tAit instrwnt or ot tht�ot�or 1a11
<br /> s
<br /> - pn.•nt s�wnd h�r�b�r. she M.ife�ary or Ms •:sMs ..r �feha+e�oe�a.nd w�e�c np+ro eo eM
<br /> _ _ '}I +�.+i�'. -
<br /> y,�t �d�qwcy of ww�{ty tor tM i�wYbt�dn�s� sKrnd.NtMr ptrswillr or Ur�ttorney or spent wfthout brtnOttp
<br /> .l� �! , �ny aation a� oroeMdf�. K ey� trutver to 0��ppol�t�d by th court. wW rOon�nd takt ps�asiwi et
<br /> .,�,;'`:.�:t:L,-•::,:.. �s1d prop�rty or twr /ut tMr�of. �nd dQ Wi�ets rhfeh�ntitel�ry�wt�r to Orot�et the s�ewfiy _-
<br /> «;«;:x�:'a�`.-,,r�t� ' I�nof. nd Nth� vitb or �tthout t�lctp posusslon o9 a/d Prooerty. wll�ct �nd nc�iw tM rents.
<br /> •. � .d_...4:=..
<br /> t;ri:::�:•:,�;.,;,,• :, royaltNs. t�aws. a�d polts thrnot. 1�clYdip nnts�eerwd and w�ptd. Md aply th�s�. wss eosts of
<br /> ` . • aqK�tlon �nd wll�etlo�. �on the t�d�bbdn�s�s�cund py thts OMd at Tnpt. satd ne�ts. roy�ltt�s. lswes.
<br /> �`,.:","''»'�',';�tR ?` Md K+otlta. MiM �y �ist�d to tM� /wf�eUry �s t�vth�r MeY►ity for tM p��t ot wcb —
<br /> t: �.x-. _.:...::.•..
<br /> �:�,r.t���.,,,,.,,ti���,.. t�d�bt�dnns. E�arciM ot �fpht� wid�r thls arprspA st�il �ot a�s a wtw anr d�tauit or eotta ot �
<br /> arartc n.r.una.T e� �Mra�id�t..�r aot doe.p�au�e u a+on �a�fo.an .h.it r ewtacfw eo.N► Hp�e aea
<br /> ,�C�aa-:i,:>..�.:x�1Sr1:' '�r
<br /> ;..�.'•' :.��..- � to d�ekn a d�fault and to ca�n� notic�oi d�twit to b�nco�d�d a MniMtt�r �rovld�d. �nd
<br /> �;'` � ;�. •': wulatiw to �ny otbtr�1pkt and/or rwdy I�nwnMr.or provid�d br lw. �nd�y M wre�ud concurr�tty —
<br /> nA�1t�r:tA:'.�:;..��;�r.�
<br />. _ ,�:�;;;.,_ y.�....;.r,,_� or i�id�ntir. E�n� incYrnd by d�fieNrr Iwreunder iatludfp tNSOn�EIe�ttonNy'• tMS�11 0�
<br /> �,`Jt'Y.�t.��;::; �cund Mnby-
<br /> .._ �;,c----•,,.=. - •.
<br /> � � . �� `�.�,�� t. TIw Twstor cov�nants aad �ynes that it I� �h�lt fat 1 to p�y satd ted�et�drass.or�ny art —
<br /> ,�:i:� :'"',���''' ththof. �Aw� �. o► sNll fatl to perforw a�y Covenant or�qrewient ot thSs {nstruient ar ot tht pro�tssory -
<br /> . '�. � �;,•a'�.����• eote sswnd IMe+1by. tAe entirt fndebt�st htr�br sacur�d sh�il tw�distely O�eo� due. p+y�Dls. snd
<br />. :�ti' " �. wll�ctibl� �t th� aptton of tht Beneflciary or �sstynt. rp�rdltss o!�turity. and ths ee�ettctiaTr or
<br /> � �tstyn� ry�nt�r upoa afd property u�d colbct tM r�nts aad praltts th�noi. lbon sueh def�ult in pay�ent _
<br /> or pe�to�e. �nd b�for*or after such entry, tM Tructk, aeti�g ta tir e,ncutlon ot thts Truft after the _
<br /> - lqtip Of drfaYlt ha� bMn r�cord�d, shall rfl •CopY oT th� detault to Mth prson rho ts � p�ty to this
<br /> t�st��nt, �t ti��ddnss a�t wt tn this I�st�wnt. a wli a� to My�:w� �his rsqucsLb any nottc�
<br /> �F' - ' - '-''° of dlfault �nd �otle�W tal� by ncordtny ufd npw�t fw notiu Ktth the hqister of d�ads t� tbt ewntr _-
<br /> I. � ' . in rhtch tMs irotnAent /s ►ecord�d. and�ft�� the lapse oi t W .�hfch Is rputnd by Uw �ft����ifrg the °
<br /> ' ; . notfu, the irust�t sA�11 hwe iM pore� to �e11 s�td praperty. �nd tt sh�ll be the Twst�e's duty to aetl
<br /> pid property (aed 1n as� of �ny def�ult of +ny purch�x�r, to res�ll) �t puEltc �uct�on, to the hfphest �'
<br /> . �� •• btdd�r. ftnt yirfp!tw wM�s' nottu of the tioc,t�nK, �nd plse� of sueA sak, Oy�dr��tliwnt eot t�ss n�-
<br /> t';
<br />_'��, � ;, thu► onc� dw�lap weh of satd ttw wNes U��sp�pr publlshed o� distribui�d in tht eounty or polftiui �_t.:,
<br /> typdivfslan 1n M�1di tatd Wroperty 1i sttwtad. ub�r itteo nottoe ot s�t� th�il 0��rtkd to wch parson rhp �?��-_-
<br /> .. i1 a piKr Lo tM� fnttnw�ni �t th� �ddhtf Kt torth hen9n. (and tht laneficl�rY or my pnan an 4rbill °-
<br />:. �}F� ot tUt Mneflclaryr w�y bid and purch���t sah s�1e�. iueh sale �I11 be hlld�t a suttabb Olace to et j.=�-
<br /> = ��rw"-. - �tl�ot�d by tht Mn�lfef��y wtthin wid wut+ty or polttital wbd{vlsion. TM TwttM 1• h�r'�by�uthortHd to t��.
<br /> .� • ,�;,.r� . �r�t� and d�HvK to th� purch�wr at sucA sal��s�iffelMt conwYanct ot ptd prop�rty. rhteh conwya+rs �.
<br /> h
<br /> �..'__ , fh�il eontN� netqlt a to tNe hrppentny of def�u it upon whiCh tht�wCUtbn oi ths power oi ult h�r�fp � �`
<br /> �wC
<br /> ,.-�. . '• � 9rant�d d�p�nds; �nd tM wid Trusto� Irreby con�t�tutes �nd �ppotnts the Twst� �s hfs �q�nt �nd�ttonwr �''''`
<br /> ,�,:- '!.'.,I� in iret to �k� wcA ncttats 1nd to ex�cate :,�a eo�wey.�ce .�d��y�o,�.�.�c:.�d �qnts th�t the �
<br /> ��;^-�
<br /> �,.. !',',':`
<br /> � '`.�A;�: . nelU�s so yde Mrll b btndtnp anQ conclut�ve upon the Trostor, and s+�d convtyance shall be a�actwl to ,
<br /> � ';.. O�r �1) pufty o� •IOAt of �ed�pt�on. Aowestt�Q. do�sr. rtqht of �pp»t�went. �nd �11 other Nqhts �ed �;��`-
<br /> •� � .^r w . . _ -
<br /> .r-. �,;k�'���,.�..v.. - rZ� �r
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