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�i:t`: .- . . . ,J'CL-� <br /> ��.•` • '.i '- <br /> .. I x. t •k <br /> -' ______,.._,.,�h:..,� I1�iGNM�MT OF RI�N[�81DER ��" �tI' q(71�� <br /> — THt8 ASSIaNMENT OF RENTS RIDER t�m�d�and�x�aut�d lhls �n day ot NOVE�BER_ _�19 93 ,�nd Is <br /> - - Inaapaatb into�nd�hdl b�dNm�d to u�nd a�d suppN+Mnt ItN Iriorlp�a Dwd af Tru�t,h�nin�lt�r nt�rnd lo�ihr► <br /> "S�OUflly 1M1�UIIM11l"� O� ��M�a1M�1� Q�U�11 b�l«M U11{�f��IMd��Nf��llA���f(��Kf��O�S 1�M ��BOfIOWa�"� �O i�CUf� <br /> — `�- Bo«or►w's Ind�W�flrMS��fN►Mn�fiK nfKati in�w ti�"idal�"�iu ii3�i�s PECc�.+t w:`t!l:r=!.�!9!.nl►N AAItOC1AT10N OF _ <br /> QRANO ISLAND�h�nin�ft�r nfWnd to w!h�"LMKM�",ol ih�t�dN��nd oovwinO tM p►apKtY d�sodbrd���h�Mou�ih► <br /> • Instrwmnt and laaabd�t: <br /> -_���; 3024 W 15TH ST.� GRANA ISLAND. NE BRASKA 68803 _ <br /> - —�� ' I�tr nadrMN <br /> � wirNESaErH: �- <br /> . � � <br /> a�_� WHHRE/►g,Burrow�r�rnd L�nd�r haw �prMd fhRt�ny r�n1*�nd p�ollt�altributabN to th� prop�ny shoutd 000stltut� <br /> -----��� �dditlon�l Nau�ity to th�I.�ndK ta tM paym�nt a!th�Not� <br /> - ------�"'`+s� <br /> ---_ - - NOW�THEFiEFORE,it Is��rNd thN tM B�awltY In�t�um�nt sh�li b��nwnd�d INnby�nd dNnMd to Inctud�th�tollowln� <br /> -."`"'�:'� provlslons: <br /> � -°'�.� <br />��4��' 1, esiqnroant of Reeta�nd L�nder Rentat Coll�ctlon Ftlnhts.Bo�row�r hereby�btolutNy�nd unconditlonaliy asti4n��t) _ <br /> � , �!_ �snt�, i�sues and profits ot thR prop�ny to BenpflGt�ry. Lender �h�ll havq ihs rlpM, pow�r �nd authorlty durin� th� <br /> -- aontinu�nce of ths S�cur{ty Instrument to collect ihw nnt�,Issues and protits of th�property�nd of any pasonN prop�►tY <br /> ,�.x-;��;:;�;. �� � locat�d th�reon with or without takinp po�s�tslan af thp prop�rty aifeot�d hs��by. L�ndsr,howw���b�rpby conants to <br /> •°.� � ,. ,., Botrow�Ps coli�otlon and nt�ntion of suoh nnta�iuue��nd prolits a�th�y�ccrw�nd b�aan�paYabl�,so lonp as Borrow�� <br /> ,,�,,�i.,�F Is not,�t�uch tim�.In dN�ult whh nspsot!o paym�nt af any IndAbt�dn�u s�cund h�r�by.or In th�p�rformana�of��Y <br /> ':.�-;;'.;.��„_:�.,,{ �prNmmt h�nund�r. <br />' p}�;ty;�. <br /> .t.��i(9.;�i:�:'::. . <br /> ��',�. � ����„� _}x���; , 2, A000intmant of R�calvar. If any event of detauii In r�epeot to th�S�aurity Instrum�nt sh�ll have xaurnd�nd b� <br /> : ' �'�� ..• contlnulnp, L�nd�r,�e �mait�r ot ripht �nd withaut notla�to sw�ow�r w�nyon�olalml�p und�r Borrovrsr,�nd withaut <br /> � �• ..�:;�-�.::. rsptrd to th�vaiw of th�iruat sat�t�or th�intsra�l at th�Ba�ow��th�nin,sh�ll h�v�th�ripht to apply to�ny oourt bavinp <br /> ��'��"''��f'`��';�:::'�j'`z jufitdlatton to appotnt a receivsr of ihs p�operty. <br /> �,�~�` `'•� �- 3. Rtaht to cu�of defautt In the p�ymoM of the sald prinolpat Note or Interest,or�ny part thersot,�s ft <br /> . � ;.:.���j;i�s',.; <br /> sh�il m�ture,or in!he c�ss of tatlurs to k��p or pe�ta�m�ny oi the covenAnts or apre�m�nts aontaln�d in tt�6�ou�ity In�ttu� <br /> � •�" � � ' ment, th�n th� L�ndK� its tuac�ssa�or�ssiqn�.�h�li be end Is henby�uthoriz�d and�mpow�r�d to tak� Imm�dtab <br /> . ,'�t,'� pones�ton ot th�4�Id pr�miws th�aln de�cribad�od to aolt�ot th�r�nts thsretram,and to apply th�ptoaNds th�nof to th� <br /> �t, �..•� - ,r. ., paymont ot th�Nots. <br />. .,-. , .. ;it;<.,,r� <br /> ' '�"''���� 4. Aoolicatfon of Rants.lasues a�P�oftt�.All�enta coll�cted by Lender or the�ocaivK ahotl bt app�t�d flnt to puylrMnt <br /> - �"j'``��°"��`r of ihe cosis of tn�n�{wniini oi ii�w�r��ii ty�iiti to�t�:.t{psi o!ss:�ia,lttCludlis��!su!tto!!!s!tltes�!4,taCelY�!'e!!�le,�+t_M�M�� - <br /> � �eceiver's bonds and reasonable�ttomey'a teea.and ihen to tha eums s�oured by ths 9�curity Instrumsnt.L.��r aqd th� <br /> � recdv�r sh�ll be Oable to account onty for thnee�tente aotudly received. <br />�� 5. Conatruation af Provlsiong,Ea�ah of ihe provtalons aontained In this Aeslpnment ot Rente Rider and tM Sreurity In�tru• <br /> • ment sh�ll, unlese othervvlee apecltiaaity requfred, be aonstrued �n��cordanao with Nebraska law. �nd In It+��w�t�ny <br /> � ' provision herain or the�eln contained ahaN be determioad by�court of competent jurisdlotlon to bs un�nfac�sbl�,th�am� <br /> shall be construed as thouyh suoh unentorce�blp pravlulon were not a part hereof or thereof. <br /> 8. Eliect of Rider.Except aa�pecifloaily modllled by or inconsistent with thla Assipnrt►�nt of R�nts Rld�r ot by any oth�r <br /> '� appilaabt�rid�r�ail of ttw tarms and provislona aontalMd t�tt»8ecu►ity Instrurn�nt shtll con*Inu�in luil twot�nd Nf�at. <br /> "' . ;,'. -�. <br />_-�, ',.:,;� IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,Bo�rower has exscutad this A�sipn �nt of Rsnts Rldsr on th�d�t�tirat notod abov�. <br /> �. . <br /> i�. M <br /> ; � � OHN J. MUEL $R��rowar <br /> , ��:,��; � � <br /> , . <br />' ' AR$ARA J. MUEL w�r <br /> _ ��,� STATE OF NE8RA8KA) <br /> . . . (sr. <br /> �``' COUNTY OF NALL ) - <br /> �•� . _, <br /> � � On this zND day of NOVFl�lBER �f9 93 �p�toro me,the undersipn�d,a Not�ry Pubilo duly aommissioned and � <br /> . , qa�iiti�d for sNd County.peraondly came i01�'V t 1FT 1.F.R AND oADe�u� o� ot o�,u, <br /> �4 ,to bs the identical psraon(s)whoao�ame(i)idaro subscribsd _ <br /> `� to th�tonpoinp Instrumsnt,and Mlstwlth�y�aknowtedp�ths�xeautton the►eot to be hlslh�rlthelr voluntuy aat and dNd. = <br /> :, ,--.. :' �`.f' ..r. <br /> : GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> ' s:�o;,?�r;,,,:: Witms:my hand�nd Notarlal Seal�t = <br /> -^' y; r;��i;::�;:�;"• . <br /> .�r%�:.�;«,:�;•,; in ssid county,ths dateatonfold. - <br /> - "r��.y��.�,;> �t iau�r�ar�r wraa ����M,c...� �• r � <br /> - ���:`''''= �=�.- o��iu►«oE � <br /> - �,�:��,��. �,• � ��� NW�ry Publia <br /> _ .,� ����;x:.� D�. z°►. ,��( 4 <br /> -- irty Conwnt�slon�xpi�a: <br /> — _�T <br /> ww»p� <br /> �:� - <br /> __ � <br /> � �� <br />